The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, November 02, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Kent & Garrabrant
Confectionery, Cigars
Fishing Tackle
Spaulding's Sporting Goods
All Kinds of Soft Drinks
Ck Street, opposite Smith Block. Hood River.
Something ElectrLal
For All
is just what you will find in our
superb showing of things elec
trical. You would be surpris
ed to view many of the little
articles in every day use, that
can be attached to the current.
Electricity Saves Time
in every one of these specialties,
and decreases the cost. It's
time you considered purchas
ing. Perhaps an iron, heater,
drop light, or chafing dish is
what you need at any rate,
come to our store and look
Office Phone 3
Residence 272M
The Old Reliable
Can be purchased
while the supply lasts
This is your opportunity to
purchase a SAD IRON AT COST
Only 20 Irons at the
low price quoted
ood River Light
and Power Company
I2J0 While Salmon
in on ui
12.20 Underwood
Tickets sold Nov. 13th to
14th. Return limit Nov.
21th, for the
National Apple Show
The greatest Horticultural
pokane, Portland
& Seattle Ry.
"The North Bank Road"j
run-hue Ticket and Request Details '
Agent White Salmon, Wash, d
W. E. COM AN, Oen'1. Kit. and rasa, Agt.
For Null1 A onc-lii rnt owr t'lw.
trie motor, nlinont new. l'.iMtilre nt
Nrw olllte.
Ki-v. T. S. HandHrtker in to Walla
Walla tlilx wwk preparing to wove
his family here.
The twenty per cent off sale of un
trlmmei hats In tlii continued at
the Stjle Shop.
Buy your butter, milk and cream
from the Purity Dairy Co. Phone
68-L. Davidson Building.
D.K Miller, who hiiM lwn a sufferer
from rheumatlHin for Home time,
went to Hot Lake Sunday ulght In
hope of iH'tcig benefitted.
Mrn. W, H. Staatu and daughter,
Kuly Slimher, of Dufur are vIhIIIiik
at the home of Mrn. I'haH. N. Clarke.
Mth. Clarke In Mw. Staat'H daugter.
The wwkly nieetlrmof the Mimical
cluli will lie held thin week at the
home of Mrx, (jeo. Wilbur on the
height, Thursday nfternoon at 2M0.
Mm. W. II. KcileH, after a vlnlt of
several dayi here, left for Onden
Mi unlit' evening aeeonipanl'l li.v her
niece who had been vIhIHuk with her
Kilmer Sewing Machine Company
New Hood Klver HiileHroom opponlte
Flint National hank. MiicIiIiihm Hld,
rented, exchanged, repaired. Needle
and KiipplleM.
A new rcHtaurant him been opened
lu I'.lchurd'a & Co.'h etaliliHhment by
A. M. Hoyee, who In making a speci
alty of quick lunchen. Mr. Uoyce has
named his eating place the White
I. unch Counter and In receiving a lib
eral patronage.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. P.lauchar re
turned last week from a. visit In the
Wenatchee and Yakima valleys. Mr.
Kliuichar brought back with him
Biimples of apples which, although
fine specimens, do not favorably
compare with the fruit here.
I). E. Miller, of Parkdale, has sus
pended operations In his orchard for
the winter, and came to town Fri
day. Mr. Miller Is still allilcted with
rheumatism and expects to go to
Collins Springs for treatment shortly.
lie gathered 1200 boxes of fine apples
from his young'orchard this year.
Win. Duhlller, president of the
Commercial Wireless Manufacturing
Company spent Sunday here. Mr.
Duhlller Is located at Seattle where
the company he Is associated with Is
erecting a factory for manufacturing
wireless telephone apparatus. The
company recently established wire
less telephone connection lietwecu
Tacomii and Seattle, a distance of
fifty miles, ami proved Its practica
bility. A number of steamships are
also being equipped with It.
Fred Shoemaker, now located at
Seattle, came here Sunday anil joined
Mrs. Shoemaker who has is-en the
guest at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Mae (illbert, for some time.
Mrs. Shoemaker made a tour of Eng
land and Europe this summer, occu
plng several weeks, In company
with Miss Schwartr. of White Sal
mon. Mr. Shoemaker met his wife
In New York and they have but re
cently returned to the roast. While
In tlie metropolis Mr. Shoemaker
was attacked with appendicitis and
successfully oK'rated upon.
C. (!. Wllmeroth, manager of the
Kogue Klver Valley Fruit (irowers'
Futon, accompanied by A. C. Man
nlng, a prominent Chicago business
man and the traveling freight ngrnt
for the Chicago & Northwestern rail
road came here Saturday and took a
ride over the valley, afterwards visit
ing the warehouse of the Apple
Growers' Fnlon to get posted on
Hood Hlver's pack. Mr. Wllmeroth
said he came here to see how we did
It and to show his companions the
packing methods employed here.
Miss Fitch, a resident of (Julva, 111.,
and a friend of Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Deem, made a short visit here Mon
day. Miss Fitch Is a newspaper
woman and the editor of a weekly
paper at CJalva. She conies of a
Journalistic family, her father having
been an editor and her brother now
being In charge of the Journal at IV
orln. 111. As (Jeorge Fitch he Is well
known us a short story writer, his
work having gained a wide reputa
tion through the Saturday Evening
Post. Miss Fitch was on the coast
to Install a fraternity order at Eu
gene. Afterwards she spent several
days at Seattle and came to Hood
Hlver from Portland by the Colum
bia river route.
A Naw Region.
Annette, nged three, has two very
tnlkntlve little sisters, nnd sometimes
she Amis It dllllcult to make herself
taenrd nt the tnlile. One dny when the
others hud been monopolizing the con
versation lunger thnn she liked An
nette raised her finder with a warning
gesture and whispered half aloud:
"Every hotly keep still. My foot'
asleep."-1 el Inea tor.
"Advertising brings success" If
what . von advertise bears out your
ft lvertlsetnent,
Con u re Rational Church Notes
The pastor was elected chairman
of the state committee ou foreign
missionary affairs at the state con
ference last week.
Last Sunday our Sunday school
set a uew high wuter mark, the at
tendance being 1:19.
The usual preparatory service and
business meeting preceedlng the com
munion will lie held Wednesday
evening at 7:30. All are Invited.
Sunday morning the Lord's Supper
will be celebrated.
Sunday evening the pastor will
address himself to the voters aud all
Interested In civic Improvement.
A receptlou will be tendered the
pastor and his family by the tueni
of the church and congregation at
the Commerclnl Club apartments
next Friday evening. All the citizens
of Hood Itlver are Invited to come
and Join In the welcome.
My '
A. W. Lafferty Republican
candidate for Congress from the
Second Oregon District will be
here to say a last word to voters
this week.
It is expected that Mr. Laffer
ty whose election Is now conced
ed will be here to-day and also
Friday evening when a bg Re
publican rally will be held in the
Odd Fellows Hall. Lafferty has
just returned from Eastern Ore
gon where he received an ova
tion all along the line and will
wind up his campaign in Port
I oat-Umbrella, on Neil Creek road, marked
licker. t inder plea leave at New otfioa,
Republican Candidate for Judge
Seventh Judicial District
To the voters of Hood Klver county:
I wish to say lu regard to a rumor
set afloat by someone who Is op
posing my election, that I Intend to
move to Portland, that this state
ment Is being given out to Injure my
candidacy and should be disregarded.
I lieenme a candidate for the office
of county Judge at the request of a
numlH-r of taxpayers and citizens of
the county, who believe that It
would be best for the county that
someone Ik- elected to the office who
Is familiar with its affairs, and who
should, on this account, give the
people a better administration than
a stranger. In tills respect, I quote
a few lines from the letter of a Re
publican on the subject.
(J. D. Culbertson, Esq.
Dear Sir:
Although a Republican. I
desire to tender my support to you
as a candidate for county judge, lie
lieving that the office requires a man
of mature years and experience to
administer Its affairs properly, and
also one familiar with the affairs of
county. 1 believe partisan politics
should be dropped In the matter of
county otllces, and that the voters
should elect men qualilled fur the
positions, among tlieni yourself.
Yours truly,
The local boys played their first
game of football Sunday when
the met the McLaughlins of Port
land and were defeated by a
score of 5 to 0.
A big crowd was in attendance
and the game was watched with
interest. The Hood River team
was much heavier than their op
ponents, but the latter having
had more practice excelled in
team work.
C. B. McCan was captain of
the home team and Murray Kay,
referee. Several of the players
were laid out during the game.
A big Republican rally will be
held at Odd Fellows, Hall Friday
evening when Judge R. R. But
ler of Gilliam county and a num
ber of local speakers will discuss
the issues of the campaign. The
meeting is expected to be the
most interesting during the cam
paign and it is expected that sev
eral out of town speakers in ad
dition to Mr. Butler will be present
Lost A Snitz Hop hplnncrincr
to Mrst Bert Stranahan. Re
ward of $5 will be paid for its re
Adrlltmenti tor Insertion under this heading
lll be charged tor at the rate ol 25c per month tor
lutuallt) three llnet-no display. Cash should
accompany copy, otherwise payable by the I Oth ot
the month. As medium tor reaching the people
The Mews stands alone and uneicelled.
T-Jood River Valley Hdmsne Society-Phone 186.
AiE. H. Hartwig. president; Harold Herahner,
secretary ;Leslie JlutleJtreasurer.
As a candidate for county Judge,
should the people of the county see
tit to elect me, 1 shall endeavor to
give them an administration tli.U
will further the liest lutereets of the
county and at the same time be con
ducted as economically as good gov
ernment will allow.
Asking for your support on the
conditions outlined, 1 am
Very respectfully,
An English Sanctuary.
Beverley miuster. ISO miles north of
London. Is the shrine of St. Joba of
Beverley, who died in the year 721. In
038 Atheist an. king of England, gave
several privileges to the moDnstery,
one being the privilege of sanctuary.
This was not merely for man slaying;
It was opeu to nil wrongdoers except
those who hud been guilty of treason.
For ordinary offenses, such as home
stealing, cattle steallDg, being back
ward In accounts or being In receipt of
suspected goods, a man came Into
auctuary about a mile from the mon
astery or church. There used to be
four cvosses on the main roada leading
to Beverley marking the limit of the
area. In cases of manslaughter and
murder It was not suftlcient'to be with
in one of these crosses. Before the
fugitive could claim sanctuary he must
enter the church and seat himself In
a atone chair known as the "frld
stool" or "freed rhalr." To this place
many fled for refuge from all parts of
the country.
The worshipers In a certain chapel
had some trouble to keep their faces
straight a short time ago. During the
service some commotion was caused
by a gentleman who accidentally Ig
nited a box of wax matches In his
pocket and was trying to put them
out, while his alarmed neighbors strug
gled equally hard to help him. The
minister, being shortsighted, could not
make out the reason of the disturb
ance, and. thinking to diplomatically
cover the Incident, he Innocently said:
"Brethren, there Is a little noise go
ing on. t'ntll It Is over let us sing
'Sometimes a Light Surprises.' "Lon
don Answers.
anted -To trade a two seated hack for a top
buggy PhoneJ113L. 2-4S-e
'anted Use of a horse and buggy one month
for ita keep. J. R. Shelton. Oregon Hotel.
'anted Second-hand Faultless No. 2 stump
puller. C. E. tiove. K. F. D. No. L Phone
320 K. 42-iSc
anted To buy a good driving horse. Weight
IM) pounds. Phone 43-tt.p
'To let for the winter for his keep Young. Igentle
A horse; will drive double or single; weight 900
lbs. Address Mrs. L. Hoyden. R. F. D. No. 8. 44-47
("Jillette Rasor Blades Don't throw away old
Gillette blades. Will re-sharpen them at 2 l-2c
each. Mail to Semmer Specialty Co.. Room B.
4'iaJefferson St.. Portland. Oregon. 43-46
T oan Agency Loans offered. JfVOO. $700. Loans
wanted-HOO. $600, $1000. $1200. $1600. $2001).
t2.r00. Apply to A. W. Onthank. 305 Oak St. 40-tf
linger Sewing Machine Co. New Hood River
salesroom opposite 1st Nat Bank. Machides
sold, rented, exchanged, repaired. Needles and
Mppliee. 44-47
TTound Pocketbook containing sum of money.
Owner may have same by proving property
ana paying lorafl. w. J. Maker. 43-4e
T ost-A string of coral beads. Tuesday evening.
1JOct. 18. Finder please return to the office of
John Leland Anderson, Inc. and receive reward.
T out Automobile tire chains, soma place in
JJWood River Valley. Suitable reward for their
return to Dr. M. F. Shaw, Wood Riverpre. 44-47c
anted Japanese wants days work at cooking
and housecleanimr. Address H. Yama. 14
Oak or Phone 160. 43-46p
YrantedBoy between 15 and 20 years of age to
' help on milk wagon from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m.
evrry afternoon. Apply at Milk Depot, Davidson
building. 43-46C
VTanted At once, a girl for general housework.
" Small family Hood wages; 106-L. 43-46
l,r Sale Five or ten acres choice apple land
near Barret school house. Will take work as
part pay.G. M. F-ddie. Telephone 1S23M. 42-45p
Two Furnished Rooms for Rent. Call at W.
1 Powell. 13th and Columbus or Phone 317 M.
Lr Rent Ten room house, partly furnished: hot
1 and cold water: electric lights; will be vacant
slxut November 1st. J. F. Batchelder. Phone 56.
4;-4h i
Tor Sale-Rhode Island Red PulletsT Phone
1 3CWL. 41-44-c I
t,r Sale Good cow, gives shout two gallons of
1 milk a day. Will be fresh in May. John
Stephenson, R, D. 3. near Belmont, south of Rut- i
den place. Cash or bankable note. 41-44-p
IAr Sale-Gentle mar, weight 900 lbs. F.xrel- l
lent farm, saddle and road horse. New harness
and light buggy Phone 214 K. 41-44-c
Vor Sale Cheap Handsome bay driving mare I
1 I speedy trotter) weight lOSOto 1100. 8 years old. I
vrjf easy keeper. Safe for lady or child to drive.
Ilargam ifjaken at onee.JTelephone 201 K. 44-47p
tVr Sale A small horse weighing about 650 or
700 pounds. Phone 2172-K. 44-47 I
LW Sale-A few fine R. I. Red Cockerels fori
breeding purposes. Bred from heavy winter i
laying strain. K. F. Batten. Phone 2012M 44-47p
1 have for sale good shoat pigs. First call, first
supplied, as they won't last long. Phone 1932
I., or Adell 91. 44-47p i
LVr Kale or Rent Typewriters, new or second
hand, on easy terms. A. W. Onthank. 40-tfc
1,r Sale One Faultless No. 2 stump puller,
nearly new. Call llklM. 41-44-c
Lor Sate Fully equipped grubbing marhine,
1 with 150 feet of rable. price 11(10. Phone tXiell
2X5, or address M. H. Allen, Parkdale. 42-45-c
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed by the County Court of the State
ot Oregon, for Hood River County, to be adminis
tratrix of tha eatata of Stephen R Reed. deceased,
and all persona having claims againat said aetata
are hereby notilied to present the same to me,
duly verilied, at the office of J syne aV Watson, in
tha city of Hood River. Oregon, within six months
from tha data of tha first publication of thia
notice. Data of first publication. October 12. IS) 10.
41-46c Dkxla Younu. Administratrix.
Notice is hereby given thst the undersigned
has been, by the County Court of tha State
of Oregon fur the County of Hood River, ap
pointed administrator of the estata of John
McNaughton. deceased, and all Demons havinir
claima against tha said eatata are hereby notified
and required to present the same to the under
signed, duly verified according to law, at the office
of Butler Banking Company in Hood River. Coun
ty of Hood River, State of Oregon, on or before
six months from the date of tha first nublicatum
of thia notice.
Date of first publication October 26. 1910.
Administrator of the Estate of
43-4Hc John McNaughton. Deceased.
Republican Nominee
Division Superintendent of
Water Division Number Two
Experienced in Practical Ap
plication of Irrigation Law. Will
promptly perform official duties"
Third Annual
National Apple Show
November 14 to 19, 1910
$20,000 in PREMIUMS
The greatest variety of prizes, cups and trophies ever
offered. Prizes for single apples, boxes and every
thing up to full carloads will be awarded
$1,000 Championship Carload Prize
For the best carload of 630 boxes or bushels. A floor
space of three and one-half acres required to house
this great show. Besides the exhibit of apples,
apple growers, packers and cookers will learn and
gain valuable information.
Ample hotel accommodation without raise in price
will be provided.
The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Go.
We have in effect low Round-trip Fares from all
Points on its Lines
For further information apply to any O. R. & N. Agent or to
WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent
Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer
We now have for Sale PARADISE
FARM. It consists of some of the
most desirable land in Hood River
Valley. We can sell you a large
or small tract. Call and see us.
Phone 142
We Say Positively
that nur fining arp ahso-
POSITJVELVf lutely pure and unadul
w terated. Our reputation
ftre V as reliable drueeista has
teen earned by putting
tT: .... 1 .1 1 1
up oniy me Desc ana
purest medicines in the
right manner. Our bus
iness has increased so
rapidly of late we are
positive many are fully
convinced they can rely on us to the last notch. Let
us convince you.
Keir & Cass
: 1
-Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon