The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, November 02, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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S,M Iftf l Jv
f T
x - a m sr m
(ft Working every day to make the service seem better to yon. To have the best goods in
style and quality. To make every man, woman and child feel they are getting the best at
all times. It has ever been our custom to call a spade a spade, and we have found by
adhering strictly to this plan, we have made ours a "winning shop."
Ladies' extreme man A big shipment of the Men's winter Over- "Frosty Morn" Caps,
tailored Tweed Suits, new Presto Collar, coats and Raincoats Gloves, Mittens and
The craze in New York Ladies Cloaks, (blacks Presto Collars, Silk Sweater Coats. The
Prices less. and fancies) Lining world's best
Ederheimer, Stein Sc Co,
ry7 v sr
-7 V V
-7 v in
"Wanted A Man!" At the Meth
odist chureli next Sunday evening.
D. L. McMillan, a newspaper man,
has started a paper at (.'arson, Wash.
J. .1. Margullis, after a week spent
on his place, returned to Portland
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Henderson
were here Saturday on a business
and pleasure visit.
Kev. J. W. Rlgby conducted the
services at the Methodist church at
White Salmon Sunday.
Coarse ground and rock salt at
Whitehead 8.
Bulk oysters, Olymplu or Kasteru,
for sale at White Lunch Counter,
Richards & Co. store.
Buy your butter, milk and cream
from the Purity Dairy Co. Phone
68-L. Davidson Building.
Croup Is most prevalent during the
dry, cold weather of the early winter
months. Parents of young children
should be prepared for It. All that
Is needed Is a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Many mothers are
never without It in their homes and
It has never dlsapdolnted them. Sold
by all dealers.
1 an Acre a Month. Ne later eat.
Perpetual water right. First-class
land. Perfect climate. Tracts ten
acres and up. "o residence re
quirement. Want salesmen in every
town in Oregon and Washington.
m acaia
T Wells Fare FartUal. Oreaaa
Francis Sealy of Portland was a
Sunday visitor here as were also
several other Portland owners of
Hood IMver real estate.
Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Ilornor, who
have moved to Lents, near Portland,
were here lust week and shipped
thetr household goods to that place.
Mrs. Fording, Mrs. II. F. David
son. Miss Mae Davidson and Mrs, A.
A. .fayue were among the delegates
who attended the convention of the
federation of woman's clubs at The
Dalles last week.
J. F. Slade, well kuowu here, Is
clearing 23 acres adjoining his or
chard at Husum. When the addi
tional acreage Is set, Mr. Slade will
have one of the largest orchards In
Klickitat county.
C. S. Connor, formerly of Cascade
Locks, has purchased the Hotel
Washington at White Salmon and,
with the assistance of his wife, will
conduct that well-known hostelry In
the future. The Stabler Pros., who
have been running the hotel will
leave the White Salmon country.
Lieut. I'llo, engaged In securing
data for the I'nlted States army
along the Columbia was here Satur
day. Lieut. Clio has about com
pleted his work on this side of the
river and will shortly take up the
work along the Washington side
from White Salmon down. He said
Saturday U-fore leaving for Portland
that he believed he had counted every
rallroid tie from here to Portland.
For the Ambitions
r nail for tboaa who cunot attend la
aaraoa. All lAatratu.D. iacJaoibf Boai
lamination. U FRKE. For (Mrkm
tuaaat preparing for collef or anivarai-
ty. gan dab, grmar . anfoaara aaa
boaia aar o prailalnary aiamlaa.
boa la ranmred. Tat auil ouoraa Baaa
opportaaltT for Too.
Boad lor a aoflpHT Milaua M im
Can n,ponlaaoa tud y fiaparteaaart
Ualvaraltr ! Ortiaa
Kaxaa Ori
Remember you can get a good cup
of coffee at the White Lunch Counter
In lUchards & Co. store.
Notice Subscriptions for the Sat
urday Evening Post and Ladles'
Home .Journal may be left at Kelr &
Cass Drug Store. I'.enJ. i. l'.reed,
I have a client who wants to bor
row $:i(M) for two years. Will pay H
per cent and secure note with first
mortgage on Improved real estate
valued at 1M0. Phone :0S-M. S.W,
Stark, Fllot Hldg.
The old, old story, told times with
out numlKT, and repeated over and
over again for the last ." years, but
It is always a welcome story to
those In search of health. There Is
nothing In the world that cures
coughs and colds as iilckly as
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold
by all dealers.
C. (i. Bogert of New York was here
Sunday visiting his son and was
taken out Into the valley by W. F.
S. Smith. Miss Smart of Portland
was also a guest of Mr. Smith Sun
Harris, the man who killed St
Martin, the proprietor of the St
Martin's Springs Hotel, Is being tried
at Stevenson, the county seat
Skamania couuty, Wash., where the
murder was committed.
W . . Cotton, who has been or
derly at the Cottage Hospital for
some time, has bought the draynge
business of Harry Johnston and will
conduct It In the future. He can Im?
communicated with by phoning V4
or 11.1 L.
F. P. Mlchell, of the News, who
has been seriously afflicted with
rheumatism and has been at Collins
Springs for several weeks taking
treatment, returned to Hood River
Thursday. Mr. Mlcbell Is able to be
about, and Is Improving.
A brother of Roswell Shelley, who
lives at Fugene, was In attendance
at the smoker given at the Cummer
clal CItb last week. Mr. Shelley Is as
enthusiastic about Fugene as Ros
well used to be about Hood Hlver,
and Is of the same optimistic teni
pern men t.
C. 1). Nickelseu Is having his house
corner of Ninth and Park streets, en
larged ami remodeled. The building
Is being raised and a concrete foun
dation placed under It. Several
rooms will le added and the style of
architecture changed to that of
The team on the White Salmon
Snowden stage ran away last week.
The stage struck a tree and the neck
of one of the horses was broken and
the vehicle smashed up. This Is said
to Imj the fourth horse that has been
killed In a runaway at Snowden
during the past few months.
A. W. M oiler, who has spent the
greater part of the past two years
here with his brother, F. W. Moller,
returned to his home In New York
last week. Mr. Moller Is associated
with his father In the sugar refining
business and will not return to Hood
Klver other than as a casual visitor
F. W. Kothe and Dr. Schumann of
Portland, interested In a map which
will shortly be Issued, after spending
the week here returner! to Portland
Sunday. The mat) will be the most
complete that has ever been compiled
of the county In one sheet and will
be controlled here by A. T. Allen of
the firm of Wyeth & Allen.
Livery, Feed and Draying
Horses Bought, Sold or Exchanged. Pleasure
parties can secure first class rigs. Special at
tention given to moving furniture and pi
anos. Everything done that horses can do
Hood River
Yucco Tree Protectors at White
A full line of poultry supplies at
Clover pasture for horses ami cut
tie. C. It. Maslker, Phone M X Udell'
The White Lunch Counter Is a new
business Just opened to the public In
Richards & Co. store.
Buy your butter, milk and cream
from the Purity Dairy Co. Phone
68-L. Davidson Building.
Now Is the time to get your pick of
choice resilience building lots In IMv
ervlew Park. .1. F. P.atchelder,
phone .".
Many school children suffer from
constipation, which Is often the
cause of seeming stupidity at lensons.
Chnmls-rlaln's Stomach and Liver
j Tablets are an Ideal medic Ine to give
a child, for they are mild and gentle
In their effect, and will cure even
chronic constipation. Hold by all
The second dance held by the As
sembly took place In the Commercial
Club Saturday evening nnd was even
a bigger success than the tirst one
About fifty couples were present and
danced to the music of Newman's
orchestra until midnight.
ieo. T. Cochran, Republican can
didate for Supt. of Division No.
was one of the Interested guests at
the smoker of the Hood River Com
merclal Club last Tuesday night.
Mr. Cochran, who Is now a prnctle
I ng lawyer at La Grande, has many
friends at Hood River, his father
having lived here for several years
W. H. Fccles, who It us been abroad
for three months, returned to Hood
River Thursday evening, accompan
led by his son Roland. Mr. Fccles
was accompanied on his tour of Fng
land and the continent by Mrs.
Fccles, her two daughters and the
son just mentioned. He took his big
White Steamer with him and drove
It, on arriving on the other side,
from Southampton to London and
from there through other parts of
Fngland and Scotland. Afterward
the party crossed the channel and
motored through France nnd Jer-
tnany. The party arrived In New
Yopk Septenitter 1st nnd came west
by easy stages, stopping In a num
Iter of the large cities In the east and
middle west.
I c
H Hood River
i Orchard
E 1
Don't let the rabbits eat your trees
Buy your tree protectors at White
For Sale Spltzenburg, Baldwin,
Vandlvere, Salome nnd Ben Davis
high class seconds at Mlc per box de
livered. Oakhurst Fruit Farm, Phone
214-K. R. F. D. No. 2.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lu
cas county, ss. Frank J. Cheney
makes onth that he Is senior part
ner of the firm of F. J. Cneney & Co.,
doing business In the City of Toledo,
County and State aforesaid, and
that said firm will pay the sum of
One Hundred Dollars for each and
every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to
before me and subscrllted In my pres
ence, thisfitb day of December, A. D.
180. A. W. Cleason, Notary Public.
Seal. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tuken
Internally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold
by all druggists, Take Hall's
Family Pills for constipation.
M Icro kills the Dandruff para
site, loothes the Itchinff scalp,
fives lustre to the hair and
Stimulates Its growth. A
single application gives relief
nd proves Its worth. Do not
be bald. Save your hair be
fore too late. Micro Is
delightful d reusing for the
hair, free from grease and
sticky oils. Booklet free.
osTLana, eataoaj
Improved or Unimproved
in Large or Small Tracts
Can Save
You Money
Devlin & Firebaugh
IPHONli 14 1
Hood River, Oregon
Hotel Oregon Building