The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 19, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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You may think you don't WANT a
Motor Car, but there isn't any question about
you NEEDING one.
There is a difference between wanting a thing and needing it.
If you need a car you are paying for it. Paying in the time you lose that a car would save you. In
the opportunities that get away. In the fresh air and recreation a car would give, but which now you do
not get.
Whatever we really need we pay for, whether we actually own it or not. You might get along
without an overcoat this winter, but you would pay for one just the same. You would pay with discom
fort and bad colds.
If you use telephones, telegraph, electric lights, adding machines, typewriters and labor saving machin
ery, then you need an automobile.
For the amtomobile has been developed to keep pace with the age that utilizes these other things
the age of speed the age of efficiency. The motor car didn't create its demand after it arrived. The
demand was waiting. It had been waiting for forty centuries.
The great obstacle to progress is distance. Civilization consists of doing away with the space that
lies between man and man, city and city, country and country, between products of all kinds and the people
who use them. When the steamboat, the railroad and trolley came to take care of the problem of com
munity or public transportation, the world took a long step ahead. When the automobile came to take
care of the problem of individual transportation, the world took another long step ahead. If you haven't
realized it, then the world has stepped past you.
The man with a motor car lives a fuller life than if he didn't have one. He has more expe
riencesmore sensations. He does more things. He has a wider circle of interest and influence.
He lives twice as long in the same length of time as the man who hasn't a car. Long life is not
a question of years so much as it is of experiences and accomplishments. Vet motor cars will be
factors in increasing the average span of man's years because they promote health through out
door life.
There are many good cars made novadays, and any good
car is a good investment. Yet we honestly believe that the
Chalmers or Cadillac offer the best values for the money of any
on the market. We ask you to see them before you buy.
Comparison has sold more of these cars than all their adver
If you can possibly afford a motor car, don't put it off any longer but go and buy one. We
hope it will be a Chalmers or a Cadillac; but whether it is or not, don't deprive yourself and fam
ily of the pleasure that by right is yours and theirs. There is nothing that you could invest the
money in that will pay you such a big dividend in the saving of your time in business and the
saving of your health for years, as the purchase of a motor car. A good thing is a better thing
the sooner you get it. Now please don't put it oif any longer. Make your family happy tonight
by going home and telling them that you have made up your mind to get that motor car that
you have been talking so much aboutthe Chalmers or the Cadillac.