THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1910 7 DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon Kaauiane. Oak and Park. Offlca. Omk'and Second Offlca boura. 10 to 11 a. m., t toS and 7U8 p. m. Room i, 4 and 5, Broalua Block. Hood Rivar. Ora. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calla promptly anawarad in town or country, day or'nicht. Talaphonaa-Raaidraea 611. Offlca tit Offlca In tha Broalua Building'. DR. E. 0. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Offlca ovar Firat National Bank Uoma'phona, Kaa.71BjOffica phona 71 Hood Rivar, Orason SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phona M Hood River, Orwn J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Offlca. Home phone 30, Raidence. SUB Hood RiTer, Oregon Or. If. H. Sharp Ir. Edna B. Sharp DKS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians (iraduatea of the American School of Oeteopathjr, Kirkaville. Mo. Office in Klkrt Building Phone-OUice H'i. Reeidenre 102-B. Huod Kiver. Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Offlca, Hall Building, over Butler Banking Co Offlca phone 28. Reaidence phone 28-B Hood River. Oregon H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Offlca over First National Bank Office -Home phone 131. Residence-Home 131-B Hood River. Oregon DR. E. L. SCOBEE Dentist Open evenings by appointment Rooms 6 and 7. Brosiua Building. Phone 3"0 Hood River, Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Oreffoo DERBY & WILBUR Lawyers Rooms 3 and 4. First National Bank Buikling Hood River, Oregon E. H. HARTWIG Attorney at Law Smith Block, over First National Bank Phona 188 Hood Rivar. Oregon John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood River, Oregon JAYNE & WATSON Lawyers Hall Buikling Hood River, Oregon MURRAY KAY CIVIL liNGINELR AND SURVEYOR Phoni 32 BMoaiua Building Hood Rivra HOCKENBERRY & BARTLETT ARCHITECTS Davidson Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phona 61 ALBERT SUTTON Hrcbitcct Hall Builoino Hood River, Oreoon A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Brosiua Block Hood River, Oregon Japanese JVovelties Kutane and Tokyo Dishes. Bamboo Furniture. M. NIGUMA Oak Street, Corner 1st Phone 160 PHONC 30-L s. MIURA, P0". LINCOLN CLEANIN6 & PRESSING CO. Ladies' and (ientlemen's Clothing Made to Look Like New. CLUB WORK A SPECIALTY 27 Oak Ntrtft I'. O. iiox Hood River, Ore. Big Bargain Ttoenly-lkzto Acres choice apple land at Willow Mat. rour acres in trees, volcanic ash soil. Must sell quick. J. 3. Inderson. NEWTOWN, P. 0. PHONE, ODELL 96 ITEMS OF INTEREST THROUGHOUT OREGON Chronicle of Important Events of Interest to Our Readers. Wade It Capturad. Salem, Ore. After eluding the Ore Con .uthorltlea (or many weeks, Frnk Wade, one of the moat des perate men who has ever escaped from the criminal insane ward at tie etate asylum, has been placed under arrest at Willows, Calif. Wade was one of the Sve convicts who made a break from the criminal Insane ward several weeks ago. Three of them were immediately recaptured, and the fifth man is atlll at large. Wade was sent to the penitentiary lor commit ting a murder in Jackson County, his brother being sentenced at the same tine for the same offense. Both re ceived life sentences, but the brother was pardoned a number of years ago. NEWS PARAGRAPHS FROM OTHER CITIES IN OREOON 10-ACRE TRACTS FOR SALE I have the disposal of sev eral desirable 10-acre tracts in various stages of develop ment. Some very cheap. All on West side and within easy distance of town. ROUTE 3. PHONE 3253-L. S. G. Oxborrow, Hood River J. W. MORTON Lawyer Room ft, Kliot Buikling Hood Kiver. Oregon ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER Rooms U and 15. Hall Ruikling Hood Rivrr, Oregon SAMUEL W. STARK Attorney at Law Eliot Building. Phona 30RM Hood River, Oregon P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor MANAUta NcwaLL, Gomirtt A Wiui Davidson Building Hond River, Oregon POLK'S GAZETTEER A nnsineas iniwinrr a imrn t r, Towa and Vlllsse la Oregon and I Ha" Hhl Waahlniloa, giving leerlpllv Hkelrll or earn piare, iiraim, Mhlpplng Farllltlee and a laael fled Hlreetorf at each lluslaeaa sad I'roreasloa. B U roi.R CO., laa. Hmiiia, wasn. Taft Transfer Co. Draying. . . Wood Yard HAY, PL0UR and PEED For Sale Office fhone 2 Residence 232-M PLUR-DE-LIS -MILLINERY- All the Latest Fall AnJ Winter Shapes Moderate Prices Bartmess Building 20 Acres OF Fine Red Shot Soil Hood River Apple Land In the Famous Oak Grove District Ten miles out in tha southwest part of tha Hood Kiver Valley, Hood Hiver, Oregon. "The tract is partly improved with 5 acres in younj? com mercial orchard, has fairly good house, barns, etc., and a fine spring well which is capable of being developed sufficiently to irrigate 40 or more acres. This tract is in the best apple section in the valley composed of all red shot soil. The surrounding country is being rapidly de veloped and growing into big money. FRANK E. I OkSIU Rd, Owner Mood Kiver, Oregon Mining Congress Meets. Sumpter The first annual miodnc oongreM convened hr Thursday. The primary object of the oongress Is to take up for dlsousaion and orfaa lied action matters of Importance to tha mining Industry In the northwest, or of national Import to mining for that matter. Mn of reputation In the mining world were here from distant point to talk on the mining toplos. The great scope of the district will also be made evident. Ideas of treat In ore were advanced, and In this It was) shown what will be the best for future treatment of the vast amount of ledge matter that lies within the mountains of eastern Oregon. H Athena Millers Strike. Athena A strike occurred here. anong mill hands of Preston-Parton Milling Company ,the object of the strike being to gain higher wages. The wages paid by the mill here are 12.25 a day. Manager M. L. Watts absolutely refused to take the men back to work for any wage and he says that" If hands cannot be found to do the work, the mill can well af ford to close down for a while, as there Is no rushing orders on hand at present. McMahan to Enter Race. Salem Leonard H. McMahan will enter the race for state senator from Marlon, running as an independent. The law allows Individuals to file as independent candidates any time af ter the primaries and up to the fif teenth day before the general elec tion. Mr. McMahan therefore has un til Monday, October 24, to file his petitions. OWYHEE IRRIGATION PRO JECT IS GIVEN NEW LIFE Salem That the Owyhee reclama tion project In Malheur county, one of the largest of the reclamation pro jects) in Oreguu, may come under the 120,000,000 appropriation to supple ment the Irrigation fund and that the com pen y which has been promoting she Owyhee has abandoned the pro ject owing to financial difficulties, keoame known here. State Engineer John II. Lewie is now starting to attempt to place the fro J wet under the arm of the reclam ation service and give the Federal utimritles a chance to develop it through their priority claims against j uhsequsnt small filings, wihich. If , they become valid, will work to defeat any comprehensive development. j The Owyhee is situated in Malheur 1 eeunty and includes nearly 150,000 ' acres. The Owyhee and Malheur pro- i jecte were begun prior to the act ad- 1 Tanolng 120,000,000 to supplement the : reclamation fuad, approved June 25, i 1910, and the water rights were Init iated long prior. If the private en- I terprlse fails to begin conartrurtion in tae oear future, and the government tolls to protect Its advantageous po sition ae to water filings, the project j may be so complicated by smaller subsequent filings as to defeat any oemprehenslve development. Big Qsme November 12 at O. A, C. OorvaJlls The football contest be tween Oregon Agricultural college and University of Oregon, will be layed on the local campus on No vember 12. This Is the biggest game f the eeason and tbe students are pleased that It will be played here Inr stead of Portland. Five thouvand peo ple are expected and arrangomenta are being made to accommodate them. Auto Thief Convicted. Roseburg "Chick" Wright, who re oeatly stole an automobile from the W. C. Harding Land eompany in this olty and was later arrested at Marsh field in company with Ralph Casey, at oat tiabe a student In the University f Washington, was convicted of lar Deny is the circuit court Mount Tabor church In Portland, Oregon, is to be the place for the next annual meeting of the Presby twUn synod of Oregon. Beginning at 10 o'clock Wednesday niorning the Oregon Congress of Mothers met in fifth annual confer- ace at Portland. The next annual meeting of the na tional eonventlon of Christian ohurch w will be held at Portland, In Octo ber, 1911. Portland lumber manufacturers have gone on record as strongly In fa vor of the proposed Panama cnal ex position in 1915 being held at San Francisco The lll session of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua assembly will open at Gladstone July 4, with a great celebration, closing July 16. Statistics for September compiled by Dr. Calvin S. White, secretary ct the state board of health, show that there were 34 violent deaths in the state outside of Portland in that month. H. W. Treinbatn, of Oregon City, representing the department of fish eries, has left for Alaska to secure the first shipment of 1,600,000 sock eye salmon eggs from the government hatchery on Yes Bay in Alaska. Multnomah county property will be assessed for approximately 145,000, 000 more thla year than a year ago, according to incomplete figures pre pared by County Assessor Slgler. It is estimated that of this amount the city alone will show an increaee of ,35,000,000. Saturday tihe new rates of the Wells-Fargo Express oompany for 200 points in Oregon became effective. The last tariff and schedule was checked by the state railroad com mission and Its order will now stand. The new rates enow them to be 84 per cent of the former rates. Prizes aggregating ,640 were award ed 23 students of Oregon high schools and colleges for eseays on conserva tion subjeots at a meeting of the Ore gon State Conservation Commission in Portland. Most of the successful contestants were from Portland high butiools and the girl student made by far the best showing. The decision of John B. Horner, professor of English literature at Ore gon Agricultural College, to withdraw his acceptance of the nomination of superintendent of public instruction on the democratic ticket, leaves Prof. L. R. Alderman of the state university the sole nominee In the field. After re-electing Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, of Portland, president, and namir.j the other general officers as taey were for the past year, the 27th annual convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Ore gon closed at Salem. For the purpose of organizing the fruitgrowers of tie Pacific northwest Into a united body in order to stimu late fruit production, and to create a world-wide market, the Northwestern Fruit Exchange has been formed. The promoters of the organization are composed of practical fruit growers of Oregon, Washington and Iduiio. A movement is on foot by tlie hunt ers and fishermen of Klamath coun ty to meet and consider proposed changes in the game and flab, laws to be placed before the legislature. One change suggested Is to have the deer and duck shooting seasons conform In Klamath county, Oregon and Sis kiyou and Modoc counties, California. The state of Oregon and Washing ton contain one-third of the available water power energy In the United States and between six and seven mil lion horsepower can be generated in the two states, according to Fred H. Kenshaw, hydrographer of the United States geological survey, who has had charge of measuring the flow vt the Pacific northwest rivers during the past two years. Theodore Opstind, office deputy to the masiter fish warden, is attempting to unravel a mystery in connection with a figure 7 plainly marked on the cheek of a silverside salmon, found by some fishermen at Astoria. The same make, it is said, was found by some fishermen on the cheek of a Chinook salmon captured near As toria kmt iring It Is believed if these markings could be traced that come Interesting Information might be learned as to the migration of these fish. Oregon youths who are dewirou of entering the United States naval I academy at Annapolis will be given aa j Opportunity to compste for the au- I pointraent which United States ten- l tor Jonathan Houme hae been auth orized to make for 1911. Senator Bourne has left the natter of the ei amlnatlotm In the hands of Professors J. B. Horner, of the Oregon Agricul tural college, Pixfe-r Hopkln Jen klns of the Jefferson high school, and Professor James It. Bach, of Colum bia university. AU cuidMaies to the academy are te be examined either the third Tuesday In April, 1911, at An tori Baker City, Eugene or Port land, or third Tuesday la June, 1111, at the naval academy. IMPORTANT NOTICE On and after October 20th all prices on lots and Industrial Sites in 'Ri-Ver-xJiebet VarK. Addition to Hood PixJer tuill be advanced Uen (10) per cent. Hood RiOer Development Co. J. F. Haicheldcr, Pres. Fancy Apples in Fancy Packages Our Specialty Fancy Packages, containing one to 112 Extra Fancy Hoocf River Apples. Send a Sample to Eastern Friends Express prepaid anywhere in United States or Canada. :::::: ROBINSON, DeREDING & CROCKER Commercial Club Booth Hood River, Oregon Well Drilling; Quick Successful Satisfactory DONE WITH A STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON OWct, No. Oik Strati NICHOL & HADLOCK ORCHARD LANDS AND 1 CITY REALTY Brosius Building, Corner Second and Oak Hood River, Oregon CIRCULATING LIBRARY You can read all the late and popular fiction for two cents a day, minimum charge of five cents for a book - - - - Pller book and stationery Store Hotel Oregon Building John Leland Henderson, Inc. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, President, Attorney at Law, County Surteror HARRY A. HACKETT, Vice President, Manager Real Estate Oepartnent HENRY N. HACKETT, Sec'y-Treas., Notary Public, Deputy County Sunrtyor headquarters for Law, Real Estate, Loans, Con veyancing and Surveying List Your Property With Us Correspondence Solicited Phone 41 Have Line the Stakes for Your New Orchard