The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 19, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Hood Rivsa, Oregon
E. P. MK'HEl.L Vk'i Prkswrnt
W. H. WALTON Editor
C. P. 80SSICHSEN Manages
Subscription, $1.50 a Year in Advance
Enterad u rcond-clAu matter. Feb. 10, 190$. at
th poet office at Hood River. Oregon,
under the Act of March S. 187
Seattle. Portland, Aberdeen,
Tacoma and Boise Are
Wsshlnffion St;igg.'rd by the
enormous growth shown by the re
turns of tlie now census for a number
of western r'ties. Director Durand, of
of the Census D ireaii. ordered an In-Testig-ation.
the result of which ap
peared in the announcement that
gross frauds had been perpetrated.
Mr. Durand also gave out a letter
from President Tit. directing that
persons implicated In the alleged
frauds be prosecuted.
Cities specifically mentioned as be
ing affected by the frauds are Taco
ma, Seattle and Aberdeen, Wash.;
Portland, Ore., MinneaiKdls, Minn.;
Boise, Idaio, and Fort Smith, Ark. It
Is said that there are many other
cities involved.
Corrected returns and reports on al
leged padding in Portland have not
yet been received. Recount and re
adjustment has been completed at Se
attle and Boise, and announcement
of those two cities will be made soon
with a full statement of the fraud.
Taeoma'a Padding Big.
The result ot a second enumeration
of Tacoma, Wash., shows a popula
tion of 82,972, n Increase of 45,238, or
120 per cent over the population of
1900. The first figures turned in for
Tacoma were 116,243. In other words,
the actual population was padded to
the extent trf 33,296, w hich would have
meant a further addition of 40 per
Director Durand soys that the sus
picions with regard to the census of
Tacoma, were aroused, when on care
ful examination of the schedules in
Washington, it wag found that there
was an absurdly ' large number of
families reporting great numbers of
"roomers" and "kdgers."
Tacoma Angry at Charge.
Tacoma Announcement of the cen
sus bureau's estimate of Tacoma's
population brought forth a storm .of
protests from city officmls, commer
cial organizations and scores of prom
inent business men.
Springfield, Mo Stanley Ketchel,
ctiampion middleweight pug lis-t of the
world, died as the result of a wound
by a bullet fired from a rifle in the
Lands of Walter A. Hurtz, a laborer
on the ranch of K. P. Ditkersnn, mil
lionaire ranchman and sportsman,
near Conway, Mo.
Hurtz was later captured at the
borne of Thomas Haggard, one mile
from Nlangua, Mo, and was taken to
the Webster County Jail at Marsh
flelo, where he is being guarded.
After being placed In his cell the
prisoner made a confession in which
be declared he siiot Ketchel in self
defend. He paid he ordered the
prizefighter to throw up his hands and
flrsd when Ketf hel refused to obey.
Conscious until ne?r the end, Ket:h
1 refust-d to makf any statement re
tarding the shooting
The part played by the "woman in
the case, Fennie Hurtz, who claims
Ketshel's murderer as hsr husband,
la not clear. From statement made
7 officers at Conway, it is believed
he is suspected of luring Ketchel to
a chair which she oad placed in such
position that the occupant could
not perceicve anyone who left the
front door of the house. It was while
sitting in Urn oh air that the cham
pion was shot.
The next aimual meeting of the
National conventi.-n of Christian
churches, will be held at Portland,
Oregon, in October, 1911.
The house of deputies at the an
nual convention of the Protestant
Episcoptl church, in Cincinnati, de
feated the proposal to change the
name of the church to "The
Holy Catholic churcii," by a single
vote. J. Pierpont Morgan, a delegate
to the convention, was against the
The supreme court of Illinois up
held the constitutionality of the di
rect primary law. In a period of four
years two other primary laws have
been dtx-'.ared unconstitutional.
Both houses of the Colorado legis
lature passed the direct primary bill
as amended in committee. The bill
carries a modified convention or "as
sembly" clause, all candidates in the
"assembly" receiving 10 per cent of
the vote to have their names go on
the tickets.
Information has been received by
railroad officials in Chicago from the
Interstate Commerce Commission that
the enforcement of a plan for a uni
form method of handling and issuing
passes has been postponed indefin
itely. The I'nited States, the greatest
cotton producing country of the world,
imported in the fiscal year 1909 86,
037,691 pounds of raw cotton valued
at fl5.S16.138.
Fashionable New York women will
carry doJls about with them this win
ter. The fad Is an importation from
Paris, where for a month women
have been carrying large bisque dolls
in the salons, also on special occas
slons and on the streets and in auto
mobiles. Armour & Co., packers of pork, soap
and a great many other culinary ne
cessities, are preparing to invade the
canned fruit industry on the Pacific
The efforts of Wllkesbarre, Pa., to
have its name copyrighted has failed
owing to the decision of the registrar
of copyrig-hts in Washington that a
city has no legal right to the sole and
exclusive publication of its name.
The British government has finally
agreed to give Canada full control
over foreign copyright regulation in
the Dominion. Heretofore a British
copyright was effective in Canada
and tin American publisher obtaining
a British copyright was also protected
in the Dominion.
The directors of the French rail
roads -involved in te strike agreed
to grant a minimum wage of $1 a day
to the employes of all lines running
out of Paris. The new scale will go
into effect January 1, and constitutes
the chief concession demanded by the
The Canadian Northern railroad has
purchased for $1,000,000 the entire
holdings of the Pacifio Whaling Com
pany and will form a new organiza
tion and will also engage In shark
and halibut fishing.
A powerful bomb was discovered by
the police in Paris near the American
embassy. The officers attribute the
attempted outrage to anarchists who
sought to put new ginger Into the
railroad strike.
President te Ask Cabinet Officers te
Aid Roosevelt's Campaign.
Beverly, Mase President Taft is
going to do all he can to help Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt win rlrtory for
t"h Republican state ticket In New
York. This faot was evidenced here
when it became known the president
would ask two or three of his cabinet
members to go to New York and as
sist la the rampa gn there.
President Taft will sail for the Isth
mus of Panama November 10, from
Charleston, S. C, on the cruiser North
Carolina. The president will be gone
about twelve days.
Claude Graham White, the English
aviator, stopped at the white house
door in Washington in his aeroplane
after a flight of about six miles. An
hour later White ascended from the
spot where he bad landed and re
turned to his starting point, the Ben
nlngs race track, without a mishap.
"General" Jacob S. Coxey, of Ohio,
who led a famous maroh of the unem
ployed on Washington in the spring
of 1894, has been in New York for a
week or so looking over the political
situation from a $25 a day suite In a
fashionable hotel. He now announces
that he intends to buckle down to
hard campaign work for the defeat
of the republican ticket in the state.
Colonel Roosevelt will make 23
speeches in New York between this
and election day. He will also make
several s-peeches in New Hampshire,
responding to earnest requests from
the republican managers In that state
to t'ike part in their campaign.
Mrs. Virginia Harned Sothern has
secured her much-coveted divorce de
cree at Reno, Nevada, from the well
known actor, E. H. Sothern.
Championship Series Open.
Philadelphia The climax of the
professional baseball season is at
hand. Th series for the world's
championship between the Chlcagos,
the premier club of the National
league, and Philadelphia, winners of
this year's pennant in the American
league, bejrun Monday afternoon li
this city. The gume will be dlrlded
equally bet a-sen this city and Chicago.
500 Pounds of Explosive Dis
covered in Vacant Bay
City House.
San Francisco. The discovery of
600 pounds of dynamite hidden in an
untenanted house near the bay in
South San Francisco threw the de
tectives, working on the Los Angeles
Times explosion case, into new spasms
of excitement and cast an inky dark
ness over clews hitherto considered
of promise.
The dynamite was contained in ten
boxes of 50 pounds each, addressed
to J. B. Bryson, and is supposed to
be the same lot purchased by three
men from the Giant Powder Works,
September 20.
Upon examination, the boxes were
found to hold approximately 80 sticks
each of seven-eights dynamite of 80
per cent gelatin. The order placed
by Bryson at the Giant works called
for this type of explosivs.
Captain Byan, of fie detective de
partment, found that the dynamite
was of the type which was placed
near the residence of F. J. Zeeuande
laar, secretary of the Merchants and
Manufacturers' Association, In Los
Angeles, the day after the Times' ex
plosion. The box that was open held dyna
mite manufactured by the Hercules
Powder Company, which is situated in
Contra Costa County near the giant
works. This Hercules powder was
of 40 per cent gelatin and opens up
a new clew for investigation.
New York. Swept onward by a
sturdy westerly breeze, Walter Well
man's great dirigible balloon America,
first of air craft to hazard trans-Atlantic
passage, was found in the
steamship lanes up the Atlantic Coast
at midnight Sunday, out of wireless)
range from shore points, but presum
ably continuing her unbroken course,
with all well on board.
In all the other messages there was
no hint of the airship's location, but
a signalled good-bye indicated that
Wellman, whose dream is to be the
Columbus of the air, on passing the
Nuntucket, turned the note of his
craft In a more northerly direction
with the British IaJea as his goal.
Weather Bureau officials at Wash
ington have asked every wireless sta
tion and ship equipped with wireless
to notify Wellman that the hurricane
reported off the Florida coast has
blown itself out and will not in any
way endanger the ship.
French Dirigible Files Channel.
London. Another chapter was add
ed to the history of aviation when the
French dirigible balloon Clement
Bayard, made the voyage from Com
picne to London in the remarkable
time of six hours, a Journey requir
ing seven hours by the fastest ex
press trains and boats. Compiegne
is 45 miles northeast of Parts and
a Unit 195 miles by air route to Lon
don. It was the first occasion on
which a dirigible balloon has crossed
the English channel. The over-watsr
trip occupied 45 minutes.
Ottawa, Ont. Canadian officials are
lot king for a large number of Chinese
who have recently been smuggled into
Canada. At the Labor Convention,
hold at Fort William, Ont., the sensa
tional statement was made that thou
sands of Chinese are annually being
smuggled into thVs country. The traf
fic is said to be most profitable, and
as high' as $300 each is beind paid
for successful entry into the Domin
ion. Since the automobile has come
Into almost general use, it Is authori
tatively stated that the Celestials are
dressed up as women, and under the
guise cf "Joy riders" are successfully
shot across the international boun
dary at many points.
Fair Trial Asked.
Milwaukee, Wis. In a speech in
which, it wias said that the struggles
of John Dietz were only a part ol
the fight against the corporations, and
urging that resolutions be passed de
manding that John Dietz be given a
fair trial, Mayor Emil Seidel was one
of the seakers at the two mass meet
ings of the Dietz defense committee.
Cobb Gets Automobile.
Chicago In an official statement.
President Jc'hnson, of the American
League, soys the plays at St. Louis
when Lajole was at bat were legiti
mate. He awarded the automobile U.
Tyrus Cobb as leading batter. The
percentages were: Cobb, .384944;
Lajole, .34084.
Don't Read This
if you are looking for cheap property. But if
you want something good, that is, property that
will double in value within a few years, call and
see us. We have some bearing orchards that
are among the leading producers in the valley
on our list. : : : : :
About 25 Acres of Land
This property has a Railroad Station on it,
water power, developed, besides plenty for irriga
tion. It would be a fine place to start a wood
business, a store and warehouse, besides making
a beautiful place for a home.
$2500 will buy It.
tm thoijt chi:i:k station
Wants the Money-
not very much, but tuants it.
80 acres near Valley Crest school;
large clearing; good house. $55
per acre. Good terms.
The Best Ranch in Gilliam County
to exchange fbr Hood River land.
4G2 acres; well watered; fair build
ings; good fence.
Hood River District Land Go,
Block, Corner Third and Oak Phone 1 75
H. H. W. E.
Electric Wiring and Fixtures $
1 All 1 J Tnix 1
" , h k ii iiv ill r. wi ru"i
Sal St Sunnlips at Mod prat p Prirps
Office and Display Room at 117 State Street
Shop Phone 2::-K
Rcudcnct Phone 261-
t5r "frfo 5 'Ififo
Capital $100,000.00
Surplus and Pro r its S2S.0O0.00
The Road to
means self-denial and economy, but it
leads to the goal of success, which will
amply repay one for all sacrifices made.
Save a little each day, each week, each
month, and in a few years you will have
a bank account which will give you
We want to help you. It will be to our
mutual advantage if you become one of
our customers, and learn by actual expe
rience Just how we can help you.
Deposit your money with us. We pay
3 per cent interest on savings deposits,
A per cent on twelve months certificates
and give you free use of home savings
If you want your horses properly
SHOD come to
ffejet to Snobo f&L Upson
We Say Positively -
that our drugs are abso-
P OS IT I VELY f lutey pure and unadul
jSjfcv. terated. Our reputation
as reliable druggists has
been earned by putting
up only the best and
purest medicines in the
right manner. Our bus
iness has increased so
rapidly of late we are
positive manv are fullv
convinced they can rely on us to the last notch. Let
us convince you.
Keir & Cass
Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon