The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 19, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Grand Opportunities Are Not Frequent
But we are pleased to have a grand opportunity to offer you in Furs, Mitchel L. Conn, one of the
Best Fur Houses of New York, sent us a sample line of 50 different styles of Furs, only one piece of
a kind as a sample to take orders from. We have no money invested in them and can sell tnem for
much Less than if we had bought them outright. We will keep them here for about two weeks and
take orders. Parties making their selections first have the privilege of the samples after the sale is
over. We require 25 per cent, of the purchase price when order is given. This is a good oppor
tunity to get your Furs for about one' third less than they could be sold for otherwise. : : : :
Another shipment of Ladies Suits just come in. We are offering great values
in Suits and Coats. :::::::::::::::::::::
Julte a number of Mosierltes vis
ited t he circus and carnival at Hood
River Saturday.
l'.d. Kruger, of Portland, stopped
off for the day, 1 uesday, on business.
He was on his way to The Dalles.
Mrs. J. E. Hlghley went to Port
land Friday evening to visit over
Sunday with her brother and family.
Miss Alice Davenport visited her
brother, John Davenport, and wife
on Monday, returnlug to The Dalles
In the evening.
Mrs. Jeo. 1'arrlsh and son, Alfred,
who have been visiting at the home
of D J. Copplefor several days, took
their departure Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 1'. M. Hunter, of
Alsea, came up Thursday and are
going to spend some time visiting
with relatives aud friends here.
Mrs. Wledrlck came up from Hood
River Friday aud stayed over night,
calling ou friends. While here she
was the guest of Mrs. Wni. Johnson.
News fruin Hobble Ross, who was
bo seriously hurt u few weeks ago, Is
not very encouraging, but his many
playmates and friends are hoping for
hi recovery.
Miss Anule Robiusou, sister of Dr,
Robinson, who left here a year ago,
arrived Saturday evening aud spent
Sunday with her brother and wife
Is-fore leaving for China.
A good many of the apple growers
will liulsh picking their crop this
week. The weather Is Ideal and the
crop good. No wonder the farmers
are wearing a smile.
Another accident happened Friday
evening. Shelly Hudson, while try
ing to "see the wheels go around" In
a new elder mill standing in front of
V. E. Chown's store, got the fingers
on- one of his hands caught lu the
cogs, and the Mesh was torn away
from the bone on three of them,
while the nail was taken off the
other one. He was taken to Dr.
Koblnsou's office, where his hand
was dressed. Shelly Is getting along
nicely at present.
Almlua fruit farm, and will put some
specimens on exhibition at Hood
lUver to show the public what kind
of fruit can be grown at a higher
altitude than J.iHH) feet.
Miss Josephine Rruue has been
following her vocation as a nurse lu
Southern California for the past two
years. She was a graduate In the
same class as Mrs. Rawson, at the
(iood Samaritan hospital In Port
land. AT THE A
Mr. Da vies left for Portland Sun
day. Murk Wleganot was up on the top
of Mt. Hood Thursday.
Mr. ( lark, the agent at Parkdale's
new depot, has moved In.
The (jordon Hros. have the masons
building a stone wall for their barn.
Miss Anderson, of The Dalles, came
up last Sunday on a visit to her
brother, A. M. Anderson.
I red Dresw r and the Wascher
Pros, came up to visit Messrs. Dres
ser and O Itellly Weduesday.
Mrs. Haw sou and Miss Prune
drove up from Hood Plver Monday,
Oct. 10, on their return from The
Dalles fair.
Dresser Pros., Waschcr Pros, and
P. P. O'Reilly walked up to cloud
Cap Inn Thursday. They say the
view was grand.
The Mt. Hood Hallway onipniiy
has a flue train schedule now. The
train leaves Parkdale at l .'i'i p. in. j
and arrives at Hood River at 1 p. m.
Mr. Thompson report a grand
crop off of the small orchard on the .
Hev. Parsons will preach at the
Columbia school house Sunday after
noon. A Junior League was organized
at the M. E. church last Sunday
afternoon and promises to be largely
The subject for the sermon at the
Methodist church next Sunday morn
ing will be "The Responsibility of
Christian Science services are held
lu Heading Hoom, No. , Davidson
building, Sunday at 11 n. tn. ami
Wednesday at p. in. Sunday school
at 10 a. in.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
I'ulted Hrethren church will meet
with Mrs. Charles Jones Friday after
noon to complete arrangements for
an apron sale to be held October IN
at the home of Mrs. j. P. Wood
worth. At the liaptlst church last Sunday
evening Mr. Hargreaves took for his
subject, "The Two Sides of the Tern
erance Question." On next Sunday
ulght the sermon subject will lx, "A
Citizen's Measure of Responsibility."
Voters are again cordially Invited.
l.'nlted Hrethren church. Sixth and
Oak streets, Hev. J. H. Parsons, min
ister. Sunday school at 10 n. in
Discourse at 11 a. in. on "From
Other Things to Our Thing." Jun
iors at 2:W p. in. Christian Endea
vor at i:4") p. in. Sermon subject at
7:.'50, "Haltlngat the Halfway Place."
Special music at both the preaching
services by the young people of the
New Pastor for Christian Church
The Christian church has called T.
S. Handsaker ol walla alia, who
will at once take charge of the work.
Mr. Handsaker held a meeting here
a- few years ago and made many
friends who welcome his return. He
will preach next Sunday, Oetolicr 21,
at 11 a. in. ami i :'( p. m. aud at the
Odell church at :i p. in.
Plble school Is at 10 a. m. Ashley
Cash Is again at the helm, with a
new slogan: "All the church and as
many more. In the bible school."
Those who have and will assist
with the music are asked to meet at
Miss Nettle Peugh's, Friday evening
at 7:.'W.
The next national convention of;
the Christian church will be lie). I In i
Portland, probably during October, j
l.ill. Hood River Is asking for thej
last day of the convention, or for a
"day-after" with addresses by some!
of the principal speakers. This will,
bring "smmi speakers to the valley. I
Lisbon. Decrees hive been issued
abolishing the Hoi.-e of Peers, the
Council of Siate and the titles of
nobility, banishing the Braganza dy
nasty and secularizing charitable institutions.
poll was taken of the legislative com
mittee, which show that a majority
favored both tin initiation and referendum.
Gibraltar. The members of the
Portuguese royal family left Gibraltar,
King Manuel, the Queen Mother, Ame
lie, and the Duke of Oporto embarked
on the British royal yacht Victoria
and Albert, while the Queen Dowager,
Maria Pia, went aboard the Italian
warship Regina Elena.
The departure of the royal exiles
was marked by the thundering of sa
lutes and the playing of the Portu
guese National anthem. The British
authorities accorded to the King and
his party all honors !ue their rank.
j Fort Dodge, la. Jonathan P. Pol
i liver, United States senator from
Iowa, died at his home here Saturday
: night, while a physician stood over
him making an examination of his
j heart with stethoscope.
Death came without a moment's
warning and Dr. E. M. Van Vatten,
i who was making the examination
when the Instrument stopped, thought
J that the stethoscope had broken. He
, looked up Into the face of the sena-
tor to find that silently and with
k - ivf. ; -
UM, by Aracrlc&ji Pran Anorlaf to.
tragic suddenness the dn.itli mesnen
frr had called the soul of the great
His death followed an acute attack
f stomfloh trouble, which affects! his
heart. His physician announced that
death was directly due to dilution of
the heart.
Mr. Dolliver had so far rerovered
his strength as to he able to walk
about h1 lawn. He had been up all
day and entered 'his sltHng room for
the daily oonmiltatlon with hit physician.
Phoenix, Ariz. The Arizona consti
tutional convention got down to actual
business and received ttiree pro)K)P
tlons, of which the third, providing
for religious toltcratl'm, but prohibit
ing polygamy, was Introduced by tha
njy Mormon ubr, L..L. Webb. A
Thirty Bodies Recovered.
Starkville. Colo. Thirty bodiet
have now been removed from the
Starkville mine. Many now being
.a i:
properties of
the Grape are
brought out are in such an advanced
stage of decomposition that they can
never be identified. Twenty-five
bodies are still in the mine, and ac
cording to the rescuers have not yet
been liccattd.
In Memoriam
No man can foretell the mysterious
Issues of life and death. How uncer
tain Is the future. Who would have
thought thnt death would so soon
cast Its pale shadow on our friend,
Frederick De Forest Isham, of Park
dale, Oregon.
To Fred, the journey Is done. He
Is resting; he Is sleeping the sleep
that knows no waking.
Therefore, lu view of our loss occa
sloned by the death of our friend,
Frederick De Forest Isham, Sept. Z,
1910, we, the members of the Fpper
Hood River Valley Progressive Asso
ciation, take this means of express-
tug our sorrow and regret to his
relatives and friends.
Resolved, That a copy of this pre
amble aud resolution, under seal of
this nssoclatlon, lie sent to the fam
ily of Mr. Isham. and that a copy be
attached to the minutes of this asso
ciation. I'itku Hood Rivkk Pko
liiiKssivK Association.
Hy ('. D. Moody,
S. R. McDonald,
(). M. Parker,
A meeting of the Associated Cham
bers of Commerce of Oregon, Wash
ington and California will tie held at
San Francisco In Novemls'r to ad
vance the movement for a battleship
fleet'for the Pacific const. It Is ex
pected that Rear Admiral Robley D.
Evans will attend the meeting and
will nsslst In determining the U'st
method of presenting the subject to
congress at Us next session.
ff Absolutely
to the food.
The food is
made more
m tasty and
Ti 1 . ! I
Friday Evening, Oct. 21, 1910
Consomme with Quenelle de Brochet
Little Neck Clam Chowder
Ripe or Stuffed Olives
Celery en Branch
Sliced Tomatoes
Combination Salad
Salad a la Oregon
if I
Fried Oysters
Fried Columbia River Smelt
Fried Razor Clams
Fillet of Sole
Chicken Fricassee with Green Peas
Pickled Pigs Feet, Potato Salad
Individual Meat Pie
Potatoes au gratin
Strawberry Tarts
Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus
Leg of Mutton and Jelly
Mashed and Boiled Potatoes
Lima Beans Fried Egg Plant
Browned Sweet Potatoes
Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie
Hot Mince Pie Prune Whip
Charlotte Russe
Fresh Pears, Apples and Grapes
Sliced Pine Apple withCream Puffs
Fresh Newtown Cider Grape Juice
See A irr for Salunlay I'toiinm