The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 19, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Contractor for Grading, Exca
vating and Teaming
Both Phones
Trio Orchestra
Instrumentation from three piece to any num-
i . j i
AdUnis or phona
64-X or 269-L Hood River. Oregon
Legal Papers carefully drawn.
Money loaned on First Mortgages
Fire Insurance in best Companies.
Surety Bonds of all kinds.
Stenography and Typewriting.
Business promptly attended to.
SU6 Oak Street Huud River
Real Estate
Correspondence Solicited
Kent & Garrabrant
Confectionery, Cigars
Fishing Tackle
Spaulding's Sporting Goods
All Kinds of Soft Drinks
Oak Street, opposite Smith Block. Hood River.
I2J0 White Salmon
in on Mi
12.20 Underwood
Tickets sold Nov. 11th to
18th. Return limit Nov.
21th, for the
National Apple Show
The greatest Horticultural
pokane, Portland
& Seattle Ry,
"The North Bank Road"
Purchauw Tickets and Kequeat Details
Agent White Salmon, Wash.
W. K. COMAN. Uen'l. Frt. and rasa. At.
New Fall Goods
such as RAISINS, CUR
all kinds of Canned Goods
are arriving daily here.
New Eastern Buckwheat
Flour and Pure Maple Syrup
are in now and go mighty
good these cold mornings.
The Star Grocery
Tcrigo (El Ton
Information Regarding Why
Many of Them Are Caused.
If Car It Properly Cared For After
Each Run Motorist Will Experience
Little Trouble Examine Your Motor
Before Run.
Aside from tire trouble any of the
follow lug may occur on the road: The
motor may misfire, or It may overheat
ur limy stop and start, or one or more
if the cylinders may be missing, or
there may be hissing sounds, knock
lug or founding or pulling noises.
When the motor misfires very badly
It may be due to any of the following:
Spark plug needs cleaning or the
points may be too far apart; weak
batteries cause misfiring; a broken
wire or a loose connection or poor
contact will also cause misfiring.
When the motor overheats any of
the following may be the cau. Poor
water circulation caused by obstruc
tion In pipes or a broken or worn
pump; a shortage of lubricating oil
or a poor grade; too rich a mixture
with a retarded spark will cause over-
beating; the spark bears a Died re-
lution to the mixture, which Is best
learned by experience. When the mo
tor stops and suddenly starts It may
be due to any of the following: Gaso
line almost exhausted or the cock In
the pipe leading from the tank to the
carburetor may be only partly open
or there may be dirt In the pipe, which
affects the flow of gas. There may be
a leak around some of the Joints
about the carburetor, allowing the air
to enter, thus affecting the mixture.
A hissing sound Is caused by a leak
In the compression, which may be
found around any of the following:
Spark plug, valves, rings or a gasket
may be blown out Knocking Is some
times an Indication that the piston Is
about to seize from a lack of lubrica
tion, or advancing the Ignition too far
will cause a heavy knock, especially
on a bflrd pull. A broken valve stem,
valve spring or a loose or worn crank
pin will cause knocking or pounding.
If a pufflng noise Is beard which
keeps time with the exhaust of the
motor and still does not affect the run
ning of the motor it will be found to
be either a cracked exhaust pipe or the
connection leading from the cylinder
to It has worked loose, allowing a part
of the outgoing charge to escape from
the pipe.
Road troubles will be of little Impor
tance If the car Is cared for after each
run as It should be. It Is very seldom
a well kept car needs any great amount
of adjustments made on the road, for
the little things are cared for and
looked up by the wise owner of the
car before they have developed so far
as to give road troubles.
The Use of Spring Washers.
There are a number of places on a
car where It is desirable that while
being properly secured the parts may
bo taken down readily. As Is well
known, the ordinary nut has a tend
ency to shake off on the smallest
provocation and possibly allow some
part to come adrift when least expect
ed. On the covers of gear boxes, en
gine crank case covers and any Inspec
tion boles or greuse plates It Is neces
sary perhaps every two weeks or
monthly to remove these for an In
spection of the parts or for placing
therein grease or oil. In such case
the type of split spring washer placed
under the nut, which can then be fair
ly tightly screwed up. Is the most satis
factory method, and furthermore there
are then no small spilt pins to take
out, and on cleaning the car the ends
of the split plus are not there to cause
scratching of hntuls, this being a com
mon experience where split pins are
largely used In these places. The
usual split pin fitted to the car Is
chronic offender In this respect, bow
ever carefully turned over and unob
trusive It is made.
Good Tsst of an Engine.
A good test of the condition of a mo
tor Is to run It slowly as possible, ob
serving whether Its action Is perfectly
even or not. In many cases where
motor runs to all Intents and pur
poses well at a good speed It will be
found to perform haltingly at alow
speed. The missing that will be some
times noticed when an engine runs at
low speed is usually due to bad car
buret Ion or some derangement of the
Ignition. An engine that runs well at
slow speed will usually do good work
at high. Examinations of the carbu
retor and Ignition departments will
how tlio cause.
When Turning Corner.
If the clutch Is released when the
car Is turning a corner It relieves the
differential gearing and also relieve
the tires of the driving strain. Fur
thermore, the slipping of the clutch In
letting It In again would relieve the
motor of much of the strain of picking
up speed on the high gear. v
Testing the Accumulator.
A simple test for ascertaining wheth
er an accumulator contains current Is
In place the tongue on the terminals,
when a pricking sensation, but no
shock, will be felt If electricity Is
huinpter is irettlnir together a
splendid mineral exhibit from all
eastern Oregon districts for the mln
Ing congress that meets there Oct a
ler 20 and 21.
Hazing has been abolished at Ore
gon Agricultural College and In place
of the horrors awaiting the timid
freshman he Is welcomed with oien
arms and protected and guided by
the upper clussmeu.
With the flnul approval by Presi
dent Tuft of the plans for raising the
battleship Maine, It is expected work
on the sunken warship will soon be
completed and the memorable hulk
will be taken out to sea nnd given a
deep sea burial forever.
Portland has accomplished more
hard-surface paving since the first of
Jauuury tbun any other city of like
population la the United States,
fifty miles of Hard surface streets
having been laid since that date, and
ten or fifteen additional mllees will
tie completed before winter seta In
In earnest. This, has lieen a record
yeur for Portland In street paving,
and fifty additional tulles are al
ready contracted for next year.
Oregon's apple crop Is receiving
very wide attention. Louis W. Hill,
preMdent of the Great Northern Rall
wny. Is taking lnteref-t In the coming
exhibit and offers a cash prize of
$250 for the best exhibit of apples
from any district tributary to the
Great Northern. Two cash prizes of
$250 each will lie presented for the
best exhibit of apples. Frnlt growers
of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
Montana will lie eligible in these two
When the doors of the Portland
Hunt club horse show were thrown
open Thursday the ring was circled
with as handsomely gowned women
as have ever graced the boxes and
added the charm of their presence
toward the success of any show.
Delicate colors prevailed, with here
and there a gown of brighter hue,
lending a touch of brilliance to the
scene. It was a great show and
terminated successfully to all con
The eyes of the fruit raising com
munities of the northwest will be
centered from now until Novemlier
14 on the preparations for the Third
National Apple Show In Spokane,
which will lie followed this year by
au exhibition In Chicago under the
auspices of Chicago Association of
Commerce. About two million ap
ples will be exhibited this year, ex
hibits ranging from single apples to
car load lots. The cash prizes aggre
gate $20,000 and every apple growing
district In the I'nlted States will be
represented. Kntrles close November
except for the car load prizes,
which close three days earlier. The
show Itself, opening November 11,
will draw thousands of visitors to
Seattle's graft Investigation, be
gun by Acting Mayor Wardall and
now In the bauds of a committee of
the city council. Is not. making much
progress, but Is serving to advertise
Seattle as the wickedest city In tin-
country, a reputation which is being
spread more by the reformers than
by the present administration, which
was going along pencenbly nnd
keeping quiet. Seattle may not be a
model city, but she Is probably not
half so black as she Is living painted.
The charge of graft against the po
lice force has not ye Imtii substanti
ated. An effort Is lietng made to use
the "recall" provision of the city
charter on Mayor III Gill. The "re
call" has never been used In Seattle,
or in fact anywhere in the North
west, nnd the result of this effort
will lie Interesting. Friends of the
mayor declare that he lias broken no
promises and violated no statutes, I
and that bis enemies nre simply try-1
lug to revive the Issues of the cam-j
pnlgn, which were settled by his
election last spring.
How to Enter the Office.
Advance to the Inner door and give
three raps. The devil will attend to
the alarm. You will give your name,
postolllce address and number of years
you owe for the paper. You will be
admitted Into the sanctum and will ad
Vance to the center of the room, where
mil n'lll ftrlilrAHS fhA nrtltstp n-lth Ihn
followlnsr countcrslRn: Hold the rlpht ,
band abou I wo feot from the body.
with the thumb and fingers clasping a
ten dollar bill, which you will drop
Into the editor's hand. Baying. "Were
you waltluic for me?" The editor will
RTaap your hand and the bill, pressing
it. and will aay, "You bet!" Thayer
(Mo.) District
It pays to advertise.
Oakdale Greenhouse
(let In yiur onlerts now for Tulip.
NhiyImnI. PaffodllH, ll acini tin, etc.
IVonilN nliould lie planted In October.
iiIho Hohch nnil hrutM, If bloom 1h
wanted In l'.HI. Oooil Htipply on
hunt) n ml coining. Try n few Milieu.
I I.KTrilKU & KLKTt'll KK
Ailortittmanti for Intsrtlon undsr this hssdlni
III b. charges tor at the rata of 26c pt month tor
(utuill,) ihrta linss-a Sitpla,. Cats should
accompany copy, tthsrwiss eayabla by ths tilth at
ha month. At a mtdlum lor raachlng ths etopls
Ins Stmt Hinds slons snd unsicsllsd.
J-J'i Kiver Vallify Hjmana Sotiety-Phuna 1K6.
H. Jiartwitf. praaulent; Harold Her.hner.
cr-try; Lefthe hutler treaurer.
VVar,ui to Hurrha
' ' M'paratur; must
823L. sj-ul,
-No, 1 Sharplea cream
in guud order. Phone
T-Tq "ly in timber land to exchange fur auto. Box
Newl Ottice. eU-ta-p
A Vri,tl To trade a two seated hack for a top
" buuity. Phone Ci-44-c
a horse and buttxy one month
J. K. Shelton. Oregon Hotel.
' ' for iu keep.
Second-hand Faultless No. 2 stump
C. E. Govs. R. K. O. No. L Phona
" I'Uller.
320 K
I nan Agency -Loans offered, IViO, tM. f 1000.
i jh;,i wanted.
Kiwi. Hull. inuu. t'juu. SlSOu.
Apfrly to A. W. Onthank. 40tf
Tn and wife would like to take charge of fruit
A' ranch, any time after Not. 1. Address Box
25. B.ngen. Waah. 3-ip
"To at Once-All or part of 25 acres of
A stumping and grubbing. Call on C. H. Carter
at the Oak Grove Store. 3-Cic
Vyantl-A position on farm. Can fumUh good
references. Address H. O. Outro. M. U.
Phone 71. 40-43-p
Japanese boy wants s position as school boy in
"city or country, phone 343-L. P. O. box 2K2.
Rent A nicely furnished front room with
Drmlwe of bath. Centrally located. Phone
84-K. 7ir Cascade Ave. 3ti-4c
UW Sale Five or ten acre choice apple land
nvAX Barret school houae. Will take work aa
part pay. G. M. fcddie. Telephone MlM. 4-45p
TVo Furnished Rooms for Rent. Call at W.
Powell, and Columbia or Phone 317 M.
Tor Sale Untrained Shepherd dug 8 montha old.
f PhoneJSX3 Odell.Ji!M2c
"EVr Rale Eighty acres beat apple land in Upper
A Valley, located at Wood worth tat ion. Will be
old at bargain by owner. Add roan A. W. Stone,
Box fj7. Dee, OreKon. 40-43-p
"For Sale-Rhode Island Red" Pulleta. Phone
p;r Sale Good cow. ffivea about two fra lions of
A milk a day. vVtll be fresh in May. John
Stephenson, R. D. 3. near Belmont, south of Km
den place. Ca&h or bankable note. 4 1-44-p
L"Vr Sale Gentle mare, weitrht 900 lbs, Excel
lent farm, saddle and road horse. New harne&s
and litfru bugtjy. Phone 214K. 41-44-c
Lr Sale or Rent Typewriters, new or second
Ahand, on easy terms. A. W. Onthank. 40-tfc
Por Sale 10 shares of stock in the Hood River
A Apple Growers Union. Apply at office of the
company at the warehouse, or address the owner.
rrans fc,. rorsberg. Hood River. 3-42c
tr Sale A New Home sewing machine in first
A class condition. Enquired Montello avenue.
or phone 270M. 3SM2p
HAY AND OATS-Kelly Bros, Phone 1H12L.
ay- 42c
For Sale
-A one-horse Mitchell wairon, second
Enuuire J. W. Hinricha. Route No. 3.
Cr Sale-One Faultless
No. 2 stump puller.
nearly new. Call 163M. 41-44-c
Er Sale Fully equipped grubbinir machine.
A with 150 feet of cable, price 1100. Phone Odell
2X5, or addresOIHAIlen,Parkdale. 42-45-c
ost One box weighing about lr0 pounds,
'marked W. C. Rowe. Disappeared from stable
or warehouse of Transfer A Livery Co. -4c
I ost-UmbrelU, on Neil Creek road, marked
Finder pleatte leave at News
Notice is hereby (riven that the undersigned has
been appointed by the County Court of the State
of Oretron, for Hood River County, to be adminis
tratrix of the estate of Stephen K. Red.deceafHd.
and all persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same to me.
duly verified, at the office of Javne & Watson, in
the city of Huod River. Oregon, within six months
from the date of the first publication of this
notice. Date of first publication. October 12. li10.
41-46c Della Yormi. Administratrix.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by the county c urt of the
tate of Oregon, for Hood River county, to be ad
ministrator of the estate of Clyde O. Richards,
deceased, and all persons having claims againat
said estate are hereby notified to present the same
to me, duly verified, at the office of Jayne &
Watson, in the city of Hood River. Oregon, within
six months from the date of the first publication
of this notice. Date of first publication. Septem
ber 14. 1910. Charles J. Calkins.
37 - 42c Administrator.
Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at
The Dalles, Oregon. September 15, 1H10.
Notice is hereby given that Judson T. Moody, of
Mt. Hood, Oregon, who, on June 3. made
homestead entry No l;tf?2, Senal No. Wi21fi for
E 1-2 N W 1-4 and E 1-2 SW 1-4. Sec. 31. township
1 south, range 10 east, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make final fiive year
proof, to establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before F. A. Bishop, a U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office in Hood River, Oregon, on the
22d day of October, liOO.
Claimant names as witnesses: Jacob T. Lentz,
Joseph Dimmick. Wallace Moody and Paty
Stark, all of Mt. Hood, Oregon.
38- 42 Register.
-C,V4 artrf
Something Electrical
For All
is just what you will find in our
superb showing of things elec
trical. You would be surpris
ed to view many of the little
articles in every day use, that
can be attached to the current.
Electricity Saves Time
in every one of these specialties.
1 and decreases the cost. It's
j time you considered purchas-
ing. Ferhaps an iron, heater,
I drop light, or chafing dish is
; what you need - at any rate,
come to our store and look
I around.
I Office Phone 3
Residence 272M
j Copy for advertisement- MUST be
! In the office by Monday NOON.
iT '. 77, Tt
Micro kOU the Dandruff para
site, soothes the itching scalp,
fives lustre to the hair and
stimulates Its growth. A
single application gives relief
and proves Its worth. Do not
be bald. Save your hair be
fore too late. Micro Is a
delightful dressing for the
bair, free from grease and
sticky oils. Booklet free.
Portland, osteon
The Town of Winans is the logical location
for the County Seat of Hood River County,
being the physical, geographical, central,
most practical, as well as the easiest point of
access. 1 The county can buy a block in the
town of Winans for One Dollar and the nec
essary buildings for One Dollar and a Half.
This block can be approached on all sides
with teams and autos. Other forceful rea
sons later. ::::::
Successors to JACKSON & JACKSON
We have just put on our shelves complete
new stocks of
Canned and Bottled Goods,
Teas and Coffees
and are prepared to give
Livery, Feed and Draying
Horses Bought, Sold or Exchanged. Pleasure
parties can secure first class rigs. Special at
tention given to moving furniture and pi
anos. Everything done that horsas can do
Hood River
We now have for Sale PARADISE
FARM. It consists of some of the
most desirable land in Hood River
Valley. We can sell you a large
or small tract. Call and see us.
Phone 142
Real Estate Bulletin
$G000. 5 acres, three miles from
town, house, barn and good well,
2. inches water for irrigating.
3 J acres, 4 year old Ttitz and
Newtons, balance 3 year old Spitz
andNewtons. Terms $3000 down
balance 7 per cent.
$7500 15 acres in Oak Grove dis
trict, close to store, 1 acre of 6
year old Spitz and Gewtons, 1 acre
1 year old, 5i acres, 3 and 4 years
pld, 1 acre berries. Balance
slashed. Good house, barn and
well. Fxtra good soil, and no
rock, terms $3000 down, balance
at 7 per cent
Office Oregon Hotel Building
raoNi Z2g
prompt attention to orders.