The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 19, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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NOTHING so far, in the history of humanity, has been discovered as an acceptable substitute for honesty. The man who lies down and
the man who lies up and down eventually stays dotun the cne won't deliver what's expected of him the other can't. There's
just one safe road the hard straight tvay. The little short cuts, the smooth twisting side paths, only seem safe; they're not
meant to be walked on. Ever since human folk began to reason, a certain percentage of idiots have tried to get ahead by cutting over the quick
sands, slighting their future for temporary gain. Many a man has lost out just because he wasn't patient enough to travel the road of honesty in
his business. Money is desirable if fairly gained, but after all, it will only purchase food, clothes and excitement Peace, Security and Happiness
aren't found in the shops. The cheat can buy a few temporary luxuries, but he cannot buy the confidence of the community, or his own self respect.
For Reliable Wearing Apparel Our Stock Will Meet Your Highest Expectations
Men, women and children can come here safely for any item of wear, and depart with satisfaction to themselves and credit to
the store. We believe in the safe roads and have built up a splendid business, which has withstood every test, without faltering,
and bids fair to proceed along the highway of success, gaining in strength and ever holding the confidence of the people of
Hood TU-Ver dearer than any mere matter of dollars and cents which might accrue, by handling other than the best merchandise
which money can buy, w hether its a safety pin or an overceat. Sincerely yours,
Doll Contest
Waists 222
n 7 if k 7 v t n -. s i : 7 L t i n
Lw f T 4 T t ' - -v " I
1. I). Hall, real estate dealer of
M osier, was here on business Wed
nesday. Kditor H. G. Kll)!ee of the M osier
Bulletin was here Thursday evening
on a business errand, returning the
same night.
The next meeting of the School
and Home Association will be held
In the Park street school building on
Monday, Nov. 7.
J. K. Forden, manager of the Hood
Ulver Spray Manufacturing Com
pany, with offices at Portland,
transacted business here during the
Mrs. Lizzie Smith, department
president of the Woman's Hi lief
Corps, will meet with Cuuby Corps
No. 1G, Saturday, Oct. at 2 p. m.,
and will Inspect the work.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter Powell,
the newly wedded couple whose
marriage was mentioned a few weeks
ago, have gone to keeping house in
the Snydercottage off Purhani street.
A. C. Patten, witn the Heed-French
Piano Manufacturing Co. of Port
land, was here the past week. It is
probable that another music store is
umong the new enterprises for this
T. Mower Martin, New Church
missionary, Is staying at the Hotel
Oregon and will be glad to meet
with residents of Hood Kiver who
are Interested In the writings of Swe
deuberg. The registration books closed Mon
day. Voters who are not registered
and who want to vote at the com
ing election will now have to under
go the Inconvenience of swearing In
their votes at the polls if they vote
at all.
The News enjoyed a visit this week
from Klroer Keeves. a nursery and
fruit man of Waverly, la. Mr.
Heeves came here to take charge of
Mrs. Marlou MacKae's splendid tract
of land south west of tcwn, consist
ing of about 10W acres, of which 400
acres are to lie improved and set
to trees In the most approved man
ner under the skill of Mr. Keeves. Iu
the short time he has been here
studying conditions and getting ac
quainted Mr. Keeves has become
much attached to the place.
Oeorge Smith, a promiueut real
estate dealer of White Salmon, spent
several days In the city the latter part
of the week.
Miss Helen Stafford of Vancouver,
Wash., Is here visiting friends. She
formerly was a resident of this place
and has a number of acquaintances
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ullery, of Cen-
terburg, Ohio, arrived Saturday and
will make their home in the Mt.
Hood district. Mrs. Tilery Is a
daughter of Jesse Davidson.
Kev. and Mrs. A. H. Lathrop de
parted Sunday afternoon for Port
land to be In time for the train to
Eugene early Monday morning.
where they will spend a week vlslt-
lting with Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Kd-
Richards & Co. have moved Into
elegant quarters In the new Fergu
son building where they have a large
room for the sale of fruits, confec
tions and cigars. In the rear Is the
pool and billiard hall, spacious, com
modious and up to date.
Owing to the way prices for icllk
are soaring In the distributing points
It is understood that It will not be
long until a raise In the price of the
lacteal nuld will take place In our
city. Milk Is said to be a very scarce
commodity and It Is almost Impossi
ble for dealers to obtain It In suffici
ent quantities to supply their cus
tomers. The price of milk by the
gallon has already been raised to the
hotels and the rest of the patrons
may expect to come next If they
want to continue using It.
and rock salt at
Vucco Tree Protectors at White
heads. Clover pasture for horses and cat
tle. C. It. Maslker, Phone 10-X Odn
Buy your butter, milk and cream
from the Purity Dairy Co. Phone
68-L. Davidson Building.
For Sale Splt7.Tiburg, lialdwln,
Vaudivere, Salome and Hyde King
high class seconds at .Vic mt box de
livered. Oakhurst Fruit Farm, I'hone
1'14 K. K. F. D No. 1'.
hamlsTlalu's Cough liemedy has
liccome famous for Its cure of
roughs, colds, croup, and Influenza.
Try It when In need. It contains no
harmful substance and always given
prompt relief. Sold by all dealers.
Miss L. Mue Weeks, of Style Shop,
Is In Lurope now , and if any of
the ladles desire special orders she
will lie glad to attend to tlietn while
there. fave your orders at Style
Shop and they will receive attention.
Coarse ground
For Sale A one-horse power elec
tric motor, almost new. Knquire at
News office.
What have you to exchange for a
good piano? Address A. C. I'attl
niore, Hood lUver, Ore.
For Sale Brand new visible type
writer, .-). Try it a week. A. Wil
son, Mount Hood depot.
A special dinner will le served at
the.Mt. Hood Hotel Sunday evening
from 0 to 7:.50. Table d'Hote, fifty
cents. Music by the Mandolin and
Guitar Club.
1 lie latest fall and winter crea
tions In ladles' hats can be had at
Style Shop, where the showing Is at
tractive and sure to win the ap
proval of the most exacting taste In
I have a client who watits to bor
row .'!oo for two years. Will pay 8
per cent ami secure note with first
mortgage oti Improved real estate
valued at fHXi. Phone WM-M. S.W.
Stark, Kllot Bldg.
The pleasant purgative effect ex
perienced by all who use Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets,
and the healthy condition of the
body mid mind which they create,
makes one feel Jo fill. Sold by all
Hoarseness In a child suhjeet to
croup Is a sure Indication of the ap
proach of the disease. If rhamlier
laln's Cough Keinedy Is given at
once, or even after the rroupy cough
has appeared, It will prevent the at
tack. Contains no poison. Sold by
all dealers.
Judge W. L. Itradshaw of The
Dalles spent several days In the city
the fore part of the week.
Attorney 15. S. Huntington, of The
Dalles, spent the fore part of the
week In Hood Klver attending to
official business.
A. B. Combs of the National Life
was in Hood Ulver city and valley a
goodly portion of the time during
t he week looking after the Interests
of his company.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith returned
home Sunday from a month's visit
at their former home in Ohio. They
report a very enjoyable visit, but are
glad to be back In Hood Ulver.
The dime social to be given by the
ladies of Canby Corps, W. H. ('., will
be held. at the home of Mrs. Harry
Bailey Friday afternoon, Oct. 21, the
proceeds to lie used to buy silver for
the corps. All are Invited.
Hood Ulver harbors an aching
voidance in her heart for as yet
there Is do definite movemeut on foot
for an up to date opera house, some
thing which it Is conceded is need
more than anything else as the
uext undertaking on the program
after the apple fair building.
An election to determine whethe
the sale of Intoxicating Honors shall
lie prohibited in Hood Ulver county
as u whole, and the subdivisions
thereof, will be held at the usual
polling places on Tuesday, Nov. Nth
beglnulug at 7 o'clock In the morn
Ing and continuing until o'clock In
the eveulng,
F. C. House, a rancher residing less
than a mile from the city, brought In
six boxes of fresh picked strawberries
Monday morning which were sold at
cents per box to the Oregon hotel
Mr. House was the first man to bring
In strawberries in the spring and
may also claim the distinction of
closing the season.
The first of a series of dances given
by the Social Dancing Club In Odd
Fellows hall Friday night was such
an enjoyable affair that the members
of the club are highly elated over its
success and want those who were
not there to know that they missed
u rare treat, ine garnering was
fairly large, the music good and
throughout the evening a feeling of
real sociability relgne(J everybody
got acquainted, mingled together hs
with one accord and felt that It was
nn event that will foreshadow many
more happy times In the weeks that
are to come. The Social Untieing
Club is exclusive and Issues Its Invi
tations to niemliers only.
A full line of poultry supplies at
Piano almost new for sale cheap.
terms If desired. Address A. C. I'attl
more, Hood Ulver, Ore.
Buy your butter, milk and cream
from the Purity Dairy Co. Phone
68-L. Davidson Building.
Your cough annoys you. Keep on
hacking and tearing the delicate
membranes of your throat If you
want to lie annoyed. But if you
want relief, want to be cured, take
Chntntierlaln's Cough Hemedy. Sold
by all dealers. '
Kunnliig time of Mt. Hood trains
very materially changed Sunday last.
All trains now leave Hood Ulver for
Parkdale at H a. in. Ix-ave Parkdale
at 1:.'W p. in., arriving at Hood Ulver
at 4 p. m., which Includes a .'10 minute
stop at Dee. This will enable patrons
of the line to make connections with
either of the afternoon trains, and
give fun pie time for shopping In
Hood Ulver.
The San Soucl Club will meet
Thursday, October 20th, at the home
of Mrs. Chas. Hathbun on Oak street.
Hood Kiver presents a busy ap
pearance now-a days. Long lines of
apple laden wagons are seen every
day at the warehouses.
The Woman's National Foreign
Missionary jubilee was celebrated In
Portland Monday and Tuesday when
missionaries from nearly every for
eign couutry were present.
Miss Mabel Young entertained for
Miss Adah Hicks last Wednesday
evening, when the following young
Indies were present: Adah Hicks,
I. villa Johnson, Freda Johnson,
Hope Shelley, loula McGrath, Hulda
Webber. Cora Webber. Uuth 1111
strom, Hazel Smith, Lulu Hicks aud
Jessie Reynolds. The evening was
pleasantly spent in games, and re
freshments were served.
The regular meeting of the Wo
man's Club will be held at the Com
mercial Club rooms this afternoon,
October l!Hh. A large attendance Is
especially desired on account of the
federation meeting which Is to lie
held at The Dalles Oct. 2ith. Topics
to come before the club will be the
sale of Red Cross stamps and the
districting of the state of Oregon In
to three district federations.
Commission dealers In fat poultry
at Portland in their endeavors to
procure the necessary fowls to supply
the trade were forced to adopt in
genious Ideas, which might be a les
son to ranchers here who want to
earn automobile money while the
youug trees are growing. Here Is
the method: The chickens are fed
buttermilk, sand and gravel In addi
tion to wheat. The birds are stall
fed and the food and water Is always
before them. The coops are sanitary,
betngmost easily cleaned, with plenty
of light and ventilation. Forty
dozen chickens can be fed at one
Don't let the rabbltseatyour trees.
Buy your tree protectors at Whitehead's.
It Is In the time of sudden mishap
or accident that Chamlierlaln's Linl
meat can be relied upon to take the
place of the family doctor, who can
not always be found at the moment.
Then It Is that Chamberlain's Lln-
ment Is never found wanting. In
cases ol sprains, cuts, woumis and
bruises, Chamberlain's Liniment
takes out the soreness and drives
away the pain. Mold by all dealers.
for samples of our "Diamond
Farm and Field Seeds,
Grasses, Clovers, Vetches,
Alfalfa and Grains for
We have Special Mixtures for
Special Purposes
Dry Land Pasture Mixture, Wet
Land Puture Miature, Special
Mlature for Burnod-ovor Land,
Cover Crop for Orchard.
Toll o the nature of your soil and yonr
local eouditions. Over 20 year' experi
ence right bsrn
la the Paolfio
Northwest qual
ifies a to advise
AUtarCtUUf B. 10
35 Acres highly improved with 27 acres in
apples, mostly Newtown and Spitzenburgs, 3, 6, 7
and 15 years old ; 5 acres ready for trees. Good
barn, 6 room house, apple house, tool and wagon
shed, machinery of all kinds, including wagon, hack
buggy, harrow, plows, new gasoline spraying outfit,
good team, colt, registered cow and chickens.
There are 20 inches of water on the place and 11
shares of stock in the Hood River Apple Growers'
Union go with the place. Located a mile from the
city limits; is a good buy at pricer of $40,000. Easy
35 Acres of best red hot soil, 25 acres of which
are under cultivation and 23 acres in orchard as fol
lows: 203 Spitzenburgs and Newtowns 10 years old;
51 trees of home orchard; 412 Newtowns and Spitz
enburgs 4 and 5 years old; 450 Newtowns and Spitz
enburgs set out last Spring; about 2 acres in alfalfa;
balance of 10 acres in light clearing. Big spring on
place with water piped to barn and house. It is all
A-l apple land, located 1 and one half miles from
Oak Grove. Good buy at $20,000. Half cash; bal
ance on or before three years with 7 per cent inter
est. With the place goes good team, harrow, culti
vator, wagon, spraying outfit; in fact, everything on
ranch excepting a hack.
DcTltn & f ircbaugh
PMONU 14 1
Swetland Building Hotel Oregon Building