The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 05, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Ederheimer, Stein & Co.
Begins Thursday, the 6th, and ends Christmas Eve, DeC. 24th,
All past efforts laid in the shade by the splendor and magnificence of the First Prize, which will be a
Grand French Doll worth $50.00 which goes to the little girl who holds on
X-mas Eve the largest amount of our cash sale checks which will be issued with each cash sale from Oct. 6
to X-mas eve.
The Second Prize will be a $30.00 Qermail Doll given to the little girl who has
next largest amount of checks. Ask your friends to save the cash checks for you and soon
At 6
we will display the beautiful doll in our windows which are from the world famous Mar
shall Field & Co. importations. They have shipped the dolls to us and on arrival we will
show them to you in our windows.
Watch for the blue cash register checks. Some one will win these beautiful
dolls. Go in to the race the field is open and there's lots of time. Ask
your friends to help you. A check goes with each sale whether its 5c or
$50.00. SAVE EACH ONE.
Live Local Copies
Born To Mr. and .Mr. Miles Car
ter, Sept. 22, a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. (.'has. Hall were l'ort
land visitors during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Stockholm ar
rived last week from Cleveland, Ohio,
and will make their home at Mood
A new sign placed over Morlun &
Lathrop's store announces to the
trade their new place of business In
an attractive manner.
"Invitations are being received an
nouncing that Mrs. A. J. Derby and
Mrs. Burnett buncan will entertain
their friends at Odd Fellowa hall
Wednesday, October 12th.
The foundation for the new garage
wnicn icnoi l-isco are con
structing Is rapidly lielug completed
and If the weather permits the walls
will le commenced shortly.
O. W. Butts of Omaha, Interested
In Hood River property and In the
commission business In Nebraska's
metropolis, Is here looking after his
Interests and buying apples.
The quick work which lias so far
been done on the Hellbronner build
ing Insures Its rapid completion. The
brick work on the outnlde walls has
leeu completed and It Is expected to
get the building under cover In a few
Tucco Tree Protectors at White
beads. Clover pasture for horses and cat
tle. C. R. Masiker, Phone 1D-X Odell
Buy your butter, milk and cream
from the Purity Dairy Co. Phone
68-L. Davidson Building.
Some fine sightly residence lots. In
nice location, for sale very cheap for
next 30 days. Phone 142. Geo. D.
Culbertson & Co.
The Spirit of Idaho, by Arthur W.
North, Greater Than Gold, (the har
nessing of western rivers) by Clayton
M. Jones, In October Sunset Maga-
ilne, now on sale at all news stands,
15 cents.
Chatnberlulti's Cough Remedy has
become famous for Its cures of
coughs, colds, croup, and Influenza.
Try It when In need. It contains no
harmful substance and always gives
prompt relief. Sold by all dealers.
$.V per acre, part cash, will buy
five acre of fine orchard land three
miles from town; LiiO trees hearing
age, some fruit this year; nearly all
planted; three room house; fine well;
horse and farm tools to go with the
place. Telephone '!''.)
Miss Nellie Mtchell left Friday for
I'ulon, Oregon, to visit her sister,
Mrs. C. V. Krwln.
Mr. aud Mrs. C. A. Bell, who have
been absent from the city for several
weeks, returned to Hood River Friday.
Derby & Wilson have taken quar
ters In the First National bank build-
log and will occupy rooms 3 and 4
with an entrance on Third street.
J. W, Goldsbury, of Parkdale,
spent a day or two In Portland last
week In connection with affairs per
tabling to the L'pper Valley.
The recent Improvement In the
front of Cram's store, due to a judi
cious application of paint. Is com
men ted on as showlug what a little
of this material rightly applied will
L. N. Armstrong, president of the
Toledo. Peoria & Western, and father
of L. K. Armstrong, who has a place
In the valley, arrived here Friday in
his private car and s making a stay
with his son.
Dr. Henry Jones, one of Portland's
pioneer physicians, and a prominent
citizen of that metropolis, was here
last week visiting his son-in-law, S
M. Mears, one of the owners of the
Maxwelton orchards.
R. W. Stebblns, former owuer of
Marshallbrook fruit farm, now
Maxwelton, was here last week
spending a few days. Mr. Stebblns
Is connected with the firm of Stel
blns. Walker & Spinner, extensive
Coarse ground nnd rock salt at
Money to loan. Apply to Geo. D.
Culbertsou & Co.
(ieo. D. Culbertson & Co. write all
kinds of Insurance. Fire, life, acci
dent, plate glass and bonds.
The pleasant purgative effect ex
perienced by all who use Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets,
and the healthy condition of the
body" and mind which they create,
makes one feel Jojful. Sold by all
f'-VMi per acre for this fine twenty
acre place In the l'pper valley; five
acres of four-year-old Spitz and New
town trees; seven acres below the
ditch If water Is wanted; line spring
with six Inches water (lowing; two
room house, sheds, etc.; whole tract
suitable for orchard; light clearing
on the unimproved portion; a genu
ine bargain. Phone l'."i!.
J. M. 8CHMELTZER, Saoretary
Abstracts, Insurance, Convcganclag and Surctg Bonds
We have the only complete set of Abstract Hooks in Hood
River County ami are in jwsition to execute all work with
promptness and accuracy.
M 'e represent some of the heal old line Fire Insurance Com
panics doing business in Oregon, and can give the fire insurance
obtainable for the money.
Our reputation as conveyancers is knoim to all. ,111 of our
work is guaranteed.
Come to us when you irant Surety Jlonds of any description.
0c la th DAVIDSON BUILDING. H. E. C.rnar Caicata nu an Third Strut
Homm Phono
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wentz came up
i from Portland Saturday to spend
! Sunday with friends.
I ICInuev X' LTInnnlrd h n va t Ii.i1 1 fitul'
and fixtures lu shape and now have
a neat aud attractive store.
J. W. Morton has opened law of
fices In the Fliot building aud will
again take up the practice of his pro
fession here.
Burton Jayue. sou of Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Jayne, Is living In Portland,
where he Is attending the Washing
ton high school for the winter term.
Jos. Wilson, who has been attend
ing the recent games of the Pacific
Coast league In Portland, returned
Saturday still boosting for Portland.
Christian Science services are held
In Refilling Room, No. , Davidson
building, Sunday at 11 n. m. and
Wednesday at K p. in. Sunday school
at 10 a. in.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler got
away Friday for California. They
will first go to San Francisco and
then to Los Angeles, where Mr. But
ler will attend the convention of the
National Bankers' Association.
Rev. Dr.Sklpworth announces that
he will hold quarterly conference at
the Methodist church Friday evening
at 7 o'clock and asks members of the
church to lie present promptly at
that time. On Sunday evening he
will hold quarterly communion ser
The garage of the Hood Klver I'.n
glneerlng company Is about finished
and the machine shop Is now being
fitted up. When completed the es
tablishment will have all the facilities
for repairing automobiles as well as
doing all kinds of machine shop
John Iceland Henderson, who
went to Portland the day after the
primary election, came up Saturday
aud Is receiving the congratulations
of his friends on getting the nomina
tion for joint representative. It
was reported that Mr. Henderson
had lost out, but the report proved
power ele
Enquire at
A full line of poultry supplies at
For Sale A one-horse
trie motor, almost new.
News office.
For Sale Brand new visible type
writer, $.". Try It a week. A. Wll
son. Mount Hood depot."
Buy your butter, milk and cream
from the Purity Dairy Co. Phone
68-L. Davidson Building.
I have a client who wants to lior
row f WW for two years. III tmvN
per cent and secure note with lirst
mortgage on Improved real estate
valued at 9100. Phone IIOH-M. S.W.
Stark, Kllot Bldg.
For Sale or Exchange Fight room
house, desirable location, three lots
with property and small barn, Will
sell or exchange for valley property.
Enquire of Mrs. Flora Hartley.
Phone U'J-L.
Your cough annoys you. Keep on
hacking and tearing the delicate
membranes of your throat If you
want to be annoyed. But If you
want relief, want to be cured, take
Chamlsrlaln's Cough Remedy. Sold
by all dealer.
Red Clover Italian (Jueeli Bees at
reduced price during August. Yon
cannot afford to le without them for
they will double the value of your
colonics. Send In your orders now
by mall or call and get the Ihi-m at
1205 Seventh street. W. W. Dakln,
Hood River Height.
Geo. R. Wilbur will address the
meeting at the I'nltarian church at
."i o'clock next Sunday.
Mrs. Arthur Pender of Vancouver,
Wash., visited relatives here last
week, returning home Friday.
The ladles of the F. B. Aid Society
will hold an all day meeting at the
church Friday for tacking comforts.
E, H. Hartwlg has recently made
an addition to his law library by In
stalling the Pacific States Supreme
Court Reports.
X. W. Powell, who has Iteen spend
ing a few days with E. D. Home
wood, returned to his home In Van
couver Monday.
Otis Patterson, at one time regis
ter of The Dalles Land Ollice. was
here Saturday visiting former friends
and acquaintances.
The Ladle' Aid of Oak Grove will
be entertained by Mrs. Wlckhain and
Mrs.'Audrews nt u dime social at the
home of Mrs. Andrews Thursday af
ternoon, to which all ladies are most
cordially invited. Come and bring
your babies, is the order of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Lathrop of
Crestou, Iowa, parents of Albert
Lnthrop and Mrs. E. O. Hall, arrived
here Tuesday for a visit with their
son and daughter. Mr. Lathrop Is
expected to preach at the morning
service at the Methodist church next
The Ladles' Guild of St. Marks will
give a ten cent parish tea at the resi
dence of Mr. "and Mrs. A. A. Jayne
Friday evening, Octolwr 7th. Re
freshments will be served anil an
Interesting program will be given.
These parish teas were very success
ful last year and the ladles of the
Guild will endeavor to make this one
more so.
Don't let the rabbits eat your trees.
Buy your tree protectors at White
head'. "Advertising brings success" If
what you advertise bears out your
advert lsement.
1 1 Is In the time of sudden mishap
or accident that Chamberlain's Lini
ment can be rolled upon to take the
place of the family doctor, who can
not always be found at the moment.
Then it Is that Chamberlain's I. lu
men t Is never found wanting. In
cases of sprains, cuts, wounds mid
bruises, lin in 1 mtI fi I ii "m Liniment
take out the sorenes and drives
away the pain. Sold by all dealers.
Do Kot Delay
Yci.r iVnU Planting
OUR AUTIT'H CATALOQ raady In Saamfcar
Mail!1 FrM tn Ifquaal
uW R03E3
v:iss:n plants
Our anaaal Importation bar ar.
fir from FflAHCI, HOLLAND,
tlPAR th. AJORM ami do.
iHtlo at. k ara fw rn.. Parly
OTO.ra ur a!"" r.rTatluiia.
2,000 Boxes
Go with this property if sold
during the next ten days
21 1-2 ACRES on main county road in Oak Grove district, all
red shot soil with perfect drainage, making" an ideal orchard
land. 17 acres in commercial orchard, as follows: 7 acres
or 518 trees 7 to 10 years old, principally Spitzenburgs and
Newtowns, there being 40 Jonathans, 50 Ben Davis and a
few Winesaps and Wagners; also a liearing family orchard
of 12 apple trees, leing Gravensteins, Yellow Transparent
and Snow apples; 8 prunes and peach plums; 11 cherries,
Bing, Lamberts, Royal Ann, Black Republican and Yellow
Spanish; 9 pear trees, Bartlett, Flemish Beauty and Winter
Nellis; enough peaches, grapes and strawberries for family
use; 4 acres in brush and stumps. 5 room frame house,
barn and outbuildings. 7 1-2 miles from town. Price
$13,500.00. $7,050.00 cash; balance on or before 3 years.
20 ACRES red shot soil, good drainage, 4 acres in 1 year old
Newtowns and Spitzenburgs, 12 acres slashed and burned.
Spring water. Price $5,000.00. .$2,000.00 cash.
20 ACRES G 1-2 miles south of Hood River, 3 acres under
cultivation, 10 acres slashed and burned, good drainage; on
main county road. This piece of property is better than
many smaller tracts that have sold for $300 per acre and it
can lie purchased during the next two weeks for 11,000.00.
Easy terms.
Devlin & f trebaugb
l II O N Ii 14 1
S wet land Building Hotel Oregon Building