THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1910 11 . K : :.- . ........... .,,. ' ' i'- ' ' " , ' ' ' .' ' ';' 11 VOTE FOR COiASo No CLAIRIKE FOR COUNTY JUDGE Mr. Clarke has been a resident of Hood River for over twelve years and has always helped in any movement to further the interests of the community. He has always been an enthusiastic booster for pood roads, and is well known as a business man and would make a conscientious and capable officer. Adv. LIVE LOCAL TOPICS The San Soticl Clult will TliurMilny nftt'rnoon with Mrn. striinahaii. UltTt Itert At tlit? Ciiltarlan clinrvh next Nun ila.v Kev. Thorium L. Kllot of Port land will preach In exchange with Kev. MacDoiiiilil. Mr. Htirrln will preach Ills accept ance sermon on "The fall and the Answer." Sunday morning nt the Congregational church. In the even- CLASSIFIED COLUMN AdvtrtUtmanU for Insertion under this heading III be charged for at the rata ot 25c par month for twlually) three Mnet-no tfitplay. Cash should accompany copy, otherwlaa payable by the 10th ot the month. At a medium for reaching the people Ihe Noe stands alone and unetcelled. Want! Small family, rood wajre. Girl or woman for general housework. Mr. E. A. Haker. SOCIETIES tlood Rivrr Valley Humane Society-Phone 186. A1K. H. Hartwir, fireaiiient; Harold Ilershner, aecretary; Ienhe Hutler, treawurvr. SPECIAL NOTICES T'w KateCxMiper. practical nun, lTn4erwoid. "Wwh. Olmtetrica a apecialty. I'hone Under wood Hotel. -3'.p Lan Anency-IiOana offore.1. $:t0. pM, $MW0. Imixb wanted. tM. U"0, S'AiU. fl.r00. tXHO. Apply to A. W. Unthank. 2tf fPhfiae interested in Voice or 1'iano instruction nigimug nhnne or call at reMHlence No. TZ' Sherman Ave. Alberta Jack mm. a recent student at the New Knirland (Vtnaervatory. 3.r-3Hp Wanted To buy a $10 ffhare of stock of the or iginal umue in the Apple Growers Union. Phone I. T. H-al. f-.l:tp Wanteil-Home for yountr girl to work for board while 'inr to sthuol; country pre ferred. Phone :E!.'..iM. .17-4c Wanted A place partly improved to bearm applea, from ID to 20 acres, in Hood Ktver valley or vicinity. Can pay part cash with trade creaire near Portland Will deal with owners nly. Address "A" Hood Kiver News, Hood Kiver, Oregon. .T7-40p Lor Sale-10 shares of stock in the Homl Kiver Apple (Irowera Union. Apply at oltice of the company at the warehouse. ttM-41-c VTanted-One or two b'jr. heavy teams to work 'at Bonelwro. C. R. bona. 3h-41c Vfanted Single man to do grneral work on f farm. A. W. Peters. Phone 2013M.3M-41-p REAlT"E8tATE'ANOREnlTAL8 1 Xor Kent or Iease One mile from Dee, about 8 acres in young orchard, part of it will bear I some next year. around between trees may be ud i for potatoes or berries, abundance of water for : irrigation; fine place for chickens; six room house. Will rent house and barn or will lease to respon sible man who will take care of trees as part pay ' ment for use of land. For particulars address the j owner. K. J. Ms pie. Mulino, Oregon. p Pnr Sale Five room house, two lots; cheap; , 11H Montella avenue. Phone 277X. S7-40p ! tr Kent Two lanre rooms for housekeeping. I A near corner 12th street and Stranahan avenue. , Mrs. K C. Willis.37-44'p EMPLOYMENT Wanted A girl to do housework in small fam ily. Apply to F. 1 4. Hreed. 41H State Rtreet. .lft-3ic Wanted A woman or girl for general house work. Phone (Mell 17X or address Mrs. A. L. tmviea, Odell. S-VIiKc Wantetl Position on ranch by young married couple. Also caps hie of doing first class car penter work. F. J. Wilson. Address News olltce, 3H-41-P HOR8E8, COW8, PIQ8, CHICKENS, ETC. TAr Sale-Team, aga 9 and 10; weight about iJnO; A guaranteed sound and true. Price $0. Ad dress "Y." News Office. SS-3p Jr Sale Cow that gives 4 gallons per day. P. O. box 112 Uscade Locks. Oregon. 3.v:tp tlore For Sale Work or driving mare, weight AA about lirno pounds. Enquire at Dviti Photo Studio. S-Vftxp Lr Sale Horse, work or driving mare, cheap; 1 weight 1100 pounds. Phone 2I3X. 3S-41- Ft Kent Good furnished room with furnace heat to rent. Phone 273-K. 3f-41p Tor Sale Modem H room house; full basement; near high school; four lots. Would exchange for property in western part of city. Address Lock Box 122. Hood Kiver. 38-41p FOR SALE tVr Sale or Rent Typewriters, new or second hand, on easy terms. A. W. Onthank. 26-tfc Jor Sale Second hand sewing machine tf; needs repairing. Phone 14K. 36-3p Lor Sale Five foot glasa show case, cheap. Suitable for cigars or candies, Enquire at Style Shop. 3fi-3Sc 1,r Sale Sideboard, hall tree, China closet. Telephone &UX. 3H-J.t-p etc pr Sale A large quantity of fine grapes cheap. A J. A. Epping. 3Uc ppor Sale Team of horses, harnesa and hack for 20?:J.A. Epping. 3H-41c Trunes and Pears Italian and petite prunes and A five kinds of pears for sale cheap by P. I Hinrichs. phone 3ttL. 37-40p Ctrawberry Plants For Sale I am in a position to till large or small oniers for Anumber straw, berry plants, all of which were grown from mother plants that never produced a crop of berries. Nothing; but the beet class of plants handled. When so desired I will take a contract for setting plants that are purchased from me. Phone) IK1 K. F. L. Kelso. 3T-40c TAw Sale Good carriage to sell or trade for fir wood. Phone 273-K. 3K-41p TJW Sale Tomatoes, best 2 cents a pound, field picked 1 1-2 cents, seconds and green, 1 cent. C. E. Miller. Phone 2112M. -41c LEGAL AND OTHER NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Hood River county, to be ad ministrator of the estate of Clyde O. Richard, deceased, and all persons having claims acaint satd estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, duly verified, at the office of J syne Watson, in theity of Hood River. Oregon, within six months from the dste of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication. Septem ber 14, 1110. CllARLKS J. CAI.KINH. 37-4Uc Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tVprtmrnt of the Interior, II. S. Ijtnd OHIrf ' The llle. Oreiron. Sciit.niher in. 110. Notice ia hereby given that Ju(iwn T. Mto(1v. of Mc HooH. (reiron. who, on June 3, l!4. homemead entry No IX?2, (Serial No. (ttlliil for E 1-2 N W 1-4 and K 1-2 SW 1-4. Sec. SI, tnwnilii' 1 aouth. ran ire 10 eant. Willamett Meridian, nan filed notice of intention to make final tiive year proof, to eatahliah claim to the land above dr acrihed, before K. A. Biahop, a II. s. (ommi--aioner, at hia office in Hood Kiver, Oreiron, on the 22d day of October. 1!10. Claimant namea aa witnenaea: Jacob T. I-eiit. Joaeph Oimmick, Wallace Moody and l'ats Stark, all of Mt. Hood, Orea-on. C. W. MOORE. Kcii.lcr. For Ten-Acre Improved Orchard Tracts PHONE 1913-K W. G. E. SMITH Inir IiIh will le "The Cont of a Mhii." J. I.. Sweeney, fRiKlldatP for Mlierlff of Skiinuiiilti county and A. I.. loun Ihh ii Mt-veiiHon, Waxh , were lit-re MoiKiny lHitlnj IrleudH ami taking In tlie town. Mr. ami Mr. K. A. Ilrowti of Itli-f-vlllf.In., urn here vlHltlii"; the fftmlllfH of I'. W. Uuilfonl anil A. L. l'aun. Mrn. lirown In a nlnter of Mr. Kail, fori iiml ,Irn. I'nife. The Muelcal Clul) will meet TIiiith day iiflernoon of thin week with Mr. A. N. Kelr. Next week the rhoruit of the Hub will meet with Mm. H. L. Ilimlile ami all thoHe taklmr tuirt are i'Bieclally requeHtei to Im prewnt. J. M. iiilifitsim and K. A. Kuker went to (ireehnm, Ore. Saturday for ine purpoHe or hiiyliijf the town, but later i liHiied their mimlx ami bought l'ortla;nl, ini'ludliiif an option on St. JohiiH. Mr. Cullertnon and Mr. linker later returned, however, and will Invent tlie rest of their Burplun at Mood Kiver. Lawrence (ierdett, Ron of John Jerden, who han Iwen eiuloyed In Clarke'! tlriiaT xtore for two yearn, left Monday for (.'orvallU where he will enter the Oregon Agricultural College ami take the pharmaceutical conrxe. Voung ierden In a Mood Kiver boy who Imh won hln own way ami IiIm dewire to acquire a higher education In bin clioneu voca tlon denerveM recognition. Hurlburt Makes Statement to Public Owing to a iiilNiinderMtniiillnir ua to the date of filing my petition for me inure of county surveyor my name will not apiear on the" Kepuli llcan primary nominating ballot at the election Saturday. I want to t all miMaiitirehf nHlon and riiniiirx to the contrary at rent by ntating that I inn Mill a candidate for thin odice and ask my friends and the votern to write mv name on tlie bal lot. Hot foriri't tlnir to lilnce h itiwh In frout of It uh provided by the pri mary election lawn. H.V exiierlence 1 have no heHltnnrv 111 Haying that I am fully titted to IKTforin the ilutleH of the olllce and will do ho faithfully and accurately. My chargex will 1 liiHt and enul't- able. I auk tlie HUpport of all Kepub llcanx, but If not nominated I will Mupport the candidate who In. aov :. M. Mrm.iiritT. Music With Meals Popular That a table d'hote dinner with muHlc In podular at Mood Kiver wan evidenced Sunday night when the Mt. Mood hotel Herved a meal of thin character, with a program rendered I by the Mood Kiver Mandolin and fJultir Club. The dinner wan nerved from fl to x, and during that time the tablet were filled with guentn who not only complimented the new pro prletorn on the excellence and nerving of the the menu, but alno enjoyed the munlc. In another column the Motel Ore gon announces i npeclal dinner Fri day evening, with a menu long and varied enough to unit the mont epi curean tante. The dinner will lie nerved en courne from 5 to 7::K. School and Home Association At the reception to the teachers of the public school held Monday, Sept. 5th, an nnnntx-latlou was proponed. to be called 1 he Hood Kiver School and Home Association, and a com mittee appointed to consider the for mation of plans. The committee has drawn up a constitution which It will submit to a public meeting to lie held at the Unitarian church on Monday evening. Oct. !l, at s o'clock. A literary and musical program Is lielns; arranged and will be an nounced later. All who are Inter ested In the school are Invited to be present. Japanese Will Build Brick Block Here M. Furuya, the wealthy Japanese merchant of Seattle who ownn large ntores In Tacoma, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Spokane, an well aa the first mentioned city, and who recently bought the prop erty at the southwest corner of Cas cade avenue and Fifth street, will build a three story business block on If. The contract for the building han leen let and work will commence on It soon. It Is the Intention of Mr. Furuya to have the building modern In every respect. Picnic and Camp Fire Friday The Urand Army veterans, ladies nf the Women's Belief Corps nnd sons and daughters of veterans are Invited to a picnic nnd camp lire at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Blythe nt Twin Oaks Farm Friday, Septs IN!, and are requested to bring their lunch and a cup, knife and fork, and camp for the day. The Invitation Is Issued by Col. Blythe and hln family In tichalf of all old sol diers, their wives, sons aed daugh ters, who are cordially Invited to 1m? present. Mr. and Mrs. Stranahan Lose Son Mr. and Mm. ( has. Stranahan are the recipients of the sympathy of their friend, occasioned by the death nf I heir eight months old son, who died suddenly Sept. l-'lth. Funeral services were held from the house Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 14th, nt '.'o'clock, conducted by Kev. Wood of the Belmont Methodist church. Burial was In Idlewlld cemetery. LOST AND FOUND T oat On t recta of Hood River, an abstract of title to land. Finder pleane notify owner. Phone 187M. I'aul R. Hughea. 8.S-38C Real Estate Buiieim $75.00 Per acre 80 acres on the east side, 7 miles out, uncleared, two miles from shippinc" point, school and C i AlVa Vnfltl y an- ,- fiuiti lutiay ivi ma, $125.00 PER ACRE 40 acres red shot soil, no waste land, mostly covered with brush. No rock, 3 1-2 miles to railway station. Easy terms. $7500.00 Ten acres 1 mile from town, 8 acres trees, 2 acres jrood pasture, with running water; several acres will be in bearing next year; 1 acre berries between trees; barn, tools, house; 5 inches' water. Lasy terms. G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office Oregon Hotel Building rHONB 223 Another Warehouse for Hood River Arthur P. Tift, the well known attorney and owner of several pieces of Mood Kiver property, among which are several lota along the rail road track, will build a warehouse, between the flouring mill And Bridal Veil Lumbering Company' lumber yards. FORTUNES I If M M o M M Go to Applegrowers. The crops go with these places, if sold this week. : : : : 31 1-3 Acres, 4 miles from town, 350 bearing apple trees, 2 acres 5 year old apple trees, 14 acres 1, 2 and 3 year old apple trees, all in good condition. Good 4-room house, good barn. Apple crop this year, $3000. goes with the place. Fine location, west side. $20,000. Terms. 20 Acres, Willow Flat. 6 acres 1 year old apple trees, balance light clearing. Uncleared land ad joining being sold for more than is asked for this. This la a Real Bargain at, per acre, $300. Easy Terms. 10 Acres, 4 miles from town, 4 acres 5 year old Spitzenberg and Newtowns; 5i acres 1 year old Spitzenberg and Newtowns. Crop and tools go with place. Good buildings. io,ooo. Half Cash. 25 Acres. Good location. 3 acres 1 year old apples, 3 acres strawberries, 7 acres partly cleared, balance easily cleared. Good 6 room house; spring water piped to house. Good "yt $7500. Terms easy. 10 1-2 Acres. Good location. 8 acres bearing 1000 boxes apples go with place; 10 room house, hot and cold water, fine spring piped to buildings. This property is a money maker at 10.000. $3000 Cash. 25 Acres, 4J miles from town. Fine location, west side. 1700 apple trees in good condition; 200 full bearing; 400 5 years old; 300 4 years old; 800 1 and 2 years old. Good buildings. Spring water piped, hot water and bath in house. Team, wagon and implements go with place. This should be a big money producer in a short time. S8,ooo. $7000 Cash. 10 Acres, Willow Flat. 6 acres 1 year old apples; 4 acres strawberries between trees, balance easily cleared. Small house and barn. 5000- 10 Acres, Willow Flat. 3 acres cleared, balance easily cleared. All tillable and best of fruit land. $3500. f 1500 Cash. Balance easy. Epping. Brydlo Land! Co. PHONE 56 Ground Floor FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TO IMPROVE YOUR SERVICE CALL BY NUMBER HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY S. E. BART MESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS MOOD RIVER, OREGON PORLANDS' NEWEST HOTEL JUST OPENED 190 Modern Rooms HOTEL FOSTER Third and Davis Sts. Hot and Cold Running Water in Every Room Porcelain Baths, Tiled Toilets. Large Lobby Rates 75c to $1,00 FREE BUS Meets Trains LESLIE PrTI.FR. Pufsipfnt Y Mi-KEKOHKK. Vuk-I'rfsipknT TRl'MAN BL'TLF.R. Cajhikr E-stablished 1900 BUTLER BANKING COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $45,000. COMMERCIAL BANKING MODERN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Am. Bankers' Assn. Travelers Checks