' DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon Rsaialonea, Oa k and Park . Offlca. Oak and Second Onto hour. 10 to 11a.m.,: to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m. Rooma a, 4 and 5. Braaiua Block, Hood River. Or. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon ' Calla promptly answered In town or country, day or night. Tclephofiaa-Keaidenca611. Oirira 613. Offica In tha Braaiua Building. DR. E O. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Ollica over Firat National Bank Hmna phona. Rca.71B;;oinca phona 71 Hood Rivar. Oregon SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block I'hone 34 Hood River. Oreg-on J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office. Home phone 30. Raaidence. SOB Hood River. Oregon Dr. U. H. Sharp IH-. Edna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Uraduatea of the American S hool of Osteopathy, Kirkuvllle. Mo. Office in Kliot Iluildirur Fhona-CMre lei KraHlenr 102-R. lloud Kiver. Oroffon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Office. Hall Building-, over Butler Banking Co Office phona 28. Reaidcncv phone 28-B Hood River. Oregon II. Dudley W. Pinco, D. D. S. Dentist Office over Firat National Bank Office-Home phone 131. Reaidence-Home 131-B Hood River. Oreg-on DR. E. L. SCOBEE Dentist Open evening's by appointment Rooma 6 and 7, Broeiua Building-. I'hone 3"0 Hood River. Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood Rirer. Oregon DERBY & WILBUR Lawyer Smith block Hood River. Oregon E. H. HARTWIC Attorney at Law Smith Block, over Firat National Bank Phone 168 Hood River, Oregon John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood River, Oregon JAYNE & WATSON Lawyers Hall Building Hood River, Oregon ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER Rooma U and IS. Hall Building Hood River. Oregon SAMUEL W. STARK Attorney at Law F.liot Building. Phone 30KM Hood River. Oregon MOCKENBLRRY A HARILIH ARCHITECTS Davidson Building HOOD RIVER. ORKC.ON Phone 61 ALBERT SUTTON Hrchitcct Hall Bim.niNn Hoon Rtvc. Orkiom P. M. MORSE Jity Engineer and Surveyor MANAI.K NltwKLL, GomitTT Wal Davidson Building Hood River. Oregon "The News Leads" You read it in the News first Subscribe for the News THE MURRAY KAY CIVIL t-NUINIiER AND SURVEYOR I'lioNl 32 BROBlUg BUILIIINU Hood Rivua A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12, Braaiua Block Hood River, Oregon Trio Orchestra ' Manic furninhtxl for all orraxiona. ln.t ru m-n inn f mm thpm. nu. in .nu - b-r dtimi. I Addrur or phone c o. tsi Eiwrvi Arsi 64-X or 26-L Hood River. Oreon ! 'Japancec JVovcltks Kutane and Tokyo Diehes. Bamboo Furniture. M. NIGUMA , Oak Street, Corner 1st Phone 100 W. O ALDRED Contractor for Grading, Exca vating and Teaming Both Phones A. W. ONTHANK NOTARY PUBLIC Dealer in CITY PROPERTY Legal Papers carefully drawn. Money loaned on First Mortgages Fire Insurance in best Companies. Surety Bonds of all kinds. Stenography and Typewriting. Business promptly attended to. 9u5 Oak Street Hood River Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Street, opposite Smith Block, Hood River. VV. J. AKE R Real Estate ' Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited r,. u OOaJ p IS A LUXURY with the proper surroundings. I can refit your whole bath room for a mod erate sum, or supply you with fixtures and trimmings that are marvels of beauty and usefulness. Mckle Towel Bars, Sponge Holders, Soap Dishes, etc. All Plumbing Work Promptly At tended to. R. D. GOULD IHMI Oak St. I'hone 2." Simplicity and Durability is the basis which the WNITI- SEW INO MACHINi: Is built on. We are unprejudiced In our claim that the W ill 1 1-. Is the best sew ing machine in the WORLD. We are only too glad to show you that the range of work Is unlimited We make the Vibrator and Rotary machines, the latter being equipped with the Lock and Chain stitch, making two machines in one and possesses other desirable features too numerous to mention. See STIIWART HARDWARE & I DRM IURI: CO., local dealer. Hood River, Ore., before you buy. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. ITiai ' 1 1 (fl BATH why ' ' HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER AT THE A CHURCHES Kev. K. A. Harris, who will supply the iullt of Riverside Congrega tlnniil church during the rest of the month arrived here Saturday from Streator, 111., ami Sunday held wr vices in or ii 1 1 1 and evening. Large congregations were present to greet Mr. Harris, thp audience In the morn lag crowding the chinch to It h doors. The vlni tlntr pastor created a very favorable impression on members of r liKV. K. A. HA KICIH the church and other who heart liliu ant Is rapidly making muny friends. Mr. Harris Is iinassuiulug, takes IiIh profeHxiou lu a broad Henne and Ih mu(-h pleaHed with the west and its breezy, enterprising spirit. During the mouth Sunday evening services will be held at the church and his subject for next Sunday evening will be "The various atti tudes of men toward the church; considering the church as n deposi tory for the treasures of life and In fluence." The evangelistic ser vices which are be ing held nightly at thel'hrlstlau churc h started with an en couraging attend ance.. Mr. Lord's attitude toward the church and Its neigh bors, and toward j.A.LORD.Evaniteiit life and Its meaning and opportunities, as set forth In his sermons, are attracting much atten tion and meeting with approval. His subject tonight Is, "The State Treasurer's Religion:" Thursday, Sep. S p. tn., "How One Woman (lot What She Wanted;" Friday, 'Turning Water Into Wine;" Satur day, "Helps and Handicaps;" Sun day, "Building the One Church on the One Foundation." A special service will be held at the Valley Christian Church next Sunday evening with Kev. Isaac Peart, min ister lu charge. In addition to the sermon there will be a niusicel pro. gram. The text chosen by Kev. Peart for the occasion Is "Does the Christ fit Into the prophecies of the Old Testament that refer to Him." All classes are cordially Invited to attend. I'nlted Brethren church. Oak and Sixth streets, llev. J. B. Parsons, pastor. Sunday school at M a. in (iospel sermon by the pastor at 11 a. in. and 7::i0 p. in. Juniors at . in., Senior C. K. at ti:-T. Special music Is assured by the men of the congregation for both preaching ser vices. Everybody welcome. A rally dnj Is planned for the Bap tist church on Sept. is. A day of particular Interest is anticipated, the particulars of which will be an nounced when perfected. Mr. and Mrs. Ilargreaves tender a reception to men at the Baptist par sonags Wednesday evening. There is thought of organizing a men's club on the heights. Tint ftlrlu' r.;i it I ii .r lril.i uriili'l the direction of Miss Hill will liohl Its first session In the ladies' room at the Baptist church I-rlday evening. Wants Newspapers Punished A Portland reader of the News sends us a clipping from its columns tn regard to habitual criminals. At tached to It Is one taken from the Spectator, which says In regard to punishing criminals: But If we are to fittingly punish one whose Intent to murder w.is armed witli cartridge and weapon, what punishment shall we Inllirt on those who, by dally suggestion of Mayor tlaynor's unfitness and nn worth, planted the intent In ial lagher's weak mind? tiallagher car ried with him on his Journey of as sassination clippings from a notori ously jellow paper, the New York Journal, which day after day sneers at constituted authority and derides thos who represent It. It may be I IT) 'M M ZShursday, September 15th, 1910 All Latest Creations in Hillinery Will Be on Display We are also showing a few handsome Mexican Drawn Work Table Cloths THE STYLE SHOP Oak Street, Hood River, Oregon mentioned as a coincidence that C'xolglos, when he killed President MeKlnley, carried from the same paper clippings which were bitterly abusive of the executive. Those artl- les spurred Czolglos and tiallagher to their crimes. Czolglos found, and undoubtedly iallngher will learn, that while we permit some people to Incite to mur- ler, we seek to dissuade by deten tion, suspension and electrocution others from committing murder. Probably some day we shall become wise and brave euough to fix and In-, diet a punishment on those who kin- lie the desire for assassination In the weak minds of the Ignorant. In the mean time, the editor of the New Y'ork Journal, tiallaguer's "pal," ex presses t lie abhorrence which all de cent men feel at the attack on Mayor iaynor. Notice to Stockholders of the Farmers Irrigating Company The annual stockholders' meeting of the Farmers Irrigating Company will 1k held Saturday, Oct. 1, 1!10 at 10 o'clock a. m. at K. of P. hall for the purpose of electing seven direc tors to serve one year. The annual report from secretary and treasurer will be rend and such other business transacted as may properly come be- ore the meeting. Following resolu tions will be voted on to hold the annual meeting of stockholders the first Saturday in September Instead of October. Bv order of directors. M. H. Nii kki.skn, Sec Advertising brings success" If what you advertise bears out your advertisement. Opposite Butler Iank 7, 1910 IP MISS L. MAE Announces Fall Showing People of Oregon c IT IS NOW UP TO YOU The popular Colonist Fares will again be in effect between September 15th and October 15th, during which period tickets to Hood River will be on sale daily from CHICAGO... $33.00 ST. LOUIS 32.00 OMAHA 25.00 KANSAS CITY..... 25.00 ST. PAUL . 25.00 and from other cities correspondingly low. These are Westbound, one-way fares only, but anyone here can Prepay for relatives or friends in the East, if desired. Consult your local railroad agent Now is the Time to let the world know of our va st resources and splendid opportunities of Home Building. Write to everyone you know in the East. Send them good instructive printed matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here is but little more than half the usual cost, and to call on a representative of the O. R. & N. Co. for all desired informa tion, or address WM. Mc MURRAY GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT PORTLAND, - OREGON HEADLIGHTS c are worn by all men these days. Hut if you will come here we will show you the kind and quality of Jctoctry men Osgood fastc approve. HOOD RIVER'S JEWELER OPEN EVENINGS WEEKS, Prop. 3 In Brosius Block 1 7