r 41 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1910 TO THE APPLE GROWERS OF HOOD RIVER VALLEY This is the crucial year for growers of this and other North western Apple Producing Sections. It is to your interests to become associated with reputable, experienced and up-to-date dealers in Western Box Apples in Eastern Markets. We are the pioneer house in handling Western Box Apples in New York and European Markets. Occupying the strongest possible posi tion to realize best results covering any and all shipments en trusted to our care. Handling over 1100 cars of Pacific Coast Fruits in the Eastern Markets last year is a sufficient guar antee of our ability to conserve your interests in every way. IR A IE & Oi AT 0 0 IE 0 D 317 WASHINGTON STREET, NEW YORK DIMIGK AND LAFFERTY GIVE POLITICAL VIEWS Grant B. Dlmlck, of Oregon City, anti-assembly candidate tor the nom ination for governor, and A. V. Laf ferty, candidate for the nomination for congress from the Second Oregon district, also anti-assembly, spoke at the court bouse Wednesday night As tbe seating capacity of the build Ing Is not large and It was not filled the speakers did not have a very big audience. What was lacked In tiuru bers, however, was made up In en thuslasm by some of the Insurgents present. Tbe speakers were Introduced by A. I. Mason, who devoted a good part of bis Introduction to knocking the local papers because they do not happen to be his way of thinking His particular complaint was on ae count of a ' number of challenges which he bad sent to M. C. George and other prominent assembly sup porters to meet a number of antl assembly opponents In joint debate. Tbe papers had made no mention of the refusal of Mr. George and other members of tbe Republican party to engage In an Idle discussion, hence the hammer. Mr. Lafferty, who spoke first, ciitl clued W. R. Ellis, tbe present con gressman from this district, for not being, as Lafferty claimed, as active and zealous in tbe state's behalf as be would be. He spoke at length on the needs of tbe Columbia Klver basin, declaring that one of tbe first moves be would make, If elected to congress, would be tbe Improvement of tbe river as far us Nelson canyon, giving Eastern Washington country and Oregon a much-needed waterway route to tbe coast. He sold, If be was elected, the first thing he would do would lie tbe call ing together of tbe Idaho, Washing ton and Oregon congressional dele gates to lay plans for securing an appropriation for up-river improve ments. Mr. Dlmlck, who followed, severely clitlclied the business management of the governor's office, which, he claimed, bad been administered ex travagantly, and proml"ed, If be was elected, retrenchments along all lines. One of tbe most flagrant In stances of extravagance, he said, was In the disposition of tbe moneys of the state school lands, for which be again promised a remedy If he was elected. Iloth speakers vowed eternal alle lance to tbe direct primary and statement No. 1 and flayed Repub licans and Democrats of any other opinion loudly. Davidson Fruit Co. Ready for Apples The Davidson Fruit Co. has Just closed the strawberry season, hav Ing handled some 25,000 crates which netted here at Hood River f 2.33 per crate, giving their customers an In creased profit of 20c per crate, or about f r,000 over other shippers. This firm will be In the apple deal and expect to maintain their good reputation by giving their customers satisfaction. Those having crops of fancy apples will no doubt put money Into their pockets by arranging with the Da vidson Fruit Co. to handle the! fruit. Phone them at 65 or call at the office at the foot of Third street Hood River, Oregon. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chenpy At Co., Toledo Ohio, We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly hon orable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out auy obligations made by bis firm. Wal ding, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. .Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Fam lly Pills for constipation. Read September Sunset Read "Arizona, the 47tb Star," by Governor Richard E. Sloan, and "Fremont and the Bear Flag War," by William Simpson, In Sunset for September, now on sale at all news stands, fifteen cents. Try tbe Classified Column. Petition. Tn lk rMiit. fMirf n I Of... ft. --.. for Hood River County. In th matter of the application of August Wilson for a license to mil spirituous, vinous ana msU liquors. To th. Hon. County Court abov. namsd: We, th. under signed legal voter. In Kail, Precinct. In said Hood kiver County, hereby respectfully petition your honorable body and ask that a license to sell spir ituous, vinous and malt liquor, in lee. quantities than one gallon, in said Kails Precinct, in Hood Kiver County, Stateof Oreiron. for a period of one year, from the ith day of October, 1(110, being the first Wednesday of said month, be te;ued toAuffuet Wilson; and we do hereby certify that we ar. leral voter, and actual residents in and hav. been actual residents in said Kails Precinct for moro than thirty day. prior to the time of signing above petition. Dated this iesth day of July. 1910. A. C. Pestel Joseph Schmid. Br Krank Williams R. H Curtis Chas. Olen Otto Schmid Jack MrCory A. A. Mr ring Thad Glazier O. Syrina P. W.Mer C. Nelson John Hues C. Windward C. J. Neille ben Con Ion A. W. Meyer. Chas. Fitipstrick Chas. Gray E. Eriekson H. Glazier L. P. Day W. M. Ash L. E. Ostberg T. W. Badder Glen Gorton E. Nelson Tim Fitzpatrick James Stewart Frank Kenney H. W. Taylor Aug. Peterson A. B. Glazier Wm. Lahey Patrick McEllany R, Fetcher Pat Lahey C.H.Simpson Wm. Lange L. L. Collins Henry Goyette B. M. McKinnon L. G. Pierce L. Eetcher Jas. Swoboda Sam Woodward John Catee James Lahey A. F. Nelson Frank Rogers J. Cati. A. E. Kelly H. Hall C. A. Brolliar J. Schmid. Jr C. L. Gorton Frank Anderson C. Hagirbkwn Nicholas Stokoe E. Haggblnm Ben Johnson Ralph Keed W. O. MacKinnon Abe Brunbsuith R' N. Elliott Erick Granntrom Will H. Duncklee J. Gorton Frank Con km J. F. Hendrick E. A. Alwick Clark W. Thompson Wm. Krizzell H. C. Levy Notice is hereby Riven that I. the undersinimed, will on Monday, the 3d day of October, la 10, the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said dav. or soon thereafter as the same can be heard, present the foregoing petition for liquor license to th. Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County, at th. Court House in th. city of Hood River, and apply to said court for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors, in quantities less than one gallon, in Falls Pre cinct, in said Hood River County, for a period of one year irom saiq 010 aay of October, 1910, prayed in said petition. Mated this Z'th day of July, 1910. Petition. Tn the County Court of the State of Oreiron, for - noun itiver lounty. in tne matter of the ap plication of E. Nelson for a license to sell spiri tuous, vinous ana malt liquors, jo the Hon, County Court above named. We. the unrteraivned leiral voters in Kail. Precinct, in said Hood Kiver county, hereby respectfully petition your honor able body and ask that a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors, in less quantities than one gallon, in said Falls Precinct, in Hood River county. State of Oregon, 'or a period of on. year from the 4th day of October. 1910, bring the first Tuesdsy of said month, be issued to E. Nelson; and we do hereby certify that we are leiral voter, and actual resident, in and bave been actual resi dents in said Kali. Precinct for more thsn thirty aay. prior to the tim. or signing .the above peU tion. Dated this 6th day of August. 1910. E Ericsson pst Lahey James StewarV August Wilson J Schmid. Jr Krank Anderson Erick Granstrom Glen Gorton A A Syring W. O. MacKinnon J P Wilder C. L. Gorton F Hall A. Heal A W Meyers A. C. Peetel Otto Schmid Will H. Duncklee Krank Rogers Ben Johnson J V Hendrick Nicholas Stokoe W M Ash Geo. W. Stok G Syring Chas. Eltzpalrick Frank William. A. Keesea H Clay Levy J. Gorton A B Glazier Henry Goyette H Glszier Henry Knowles T W Badder John Catea EAAIwirk Wm. Krizzell Jack Mr-Cory L. L. Collins J 8 Whit. Charles Malley Aug Peterson Jacob Snyder H E Kelly P. H. Douglas Wm I hey James I.ahey Thad Glazier C. H. Simpson Patrick MrEllaney H. E. Hag Gust H Mattson Clark W. Thompson Krank Con km Abe Brunbaugh John Bus. H. W. Taylor Chas Grey Krank Kenney Tim Fitzpatrick Sam Woodward C Hags-Mom C. Nelson WTK.ng C. E. Swanson Wm Lang. A. F. Nelson L E Oslberg L G. Pierre Chas U Clem Woodward B M MacKinnon Jas. Swoboda L P Day Notice la hereby given that I. the undemiened. will, on Monday, the Sad dav of Ortoner I'tlft the hour of 10 o'ek-rk a. m. of said day, or ss soon thereafter aa the same ran be heard, present th. foregoing petition for liquor license to the Hw. County Court of the State of Oregon for Hood Kiver l-ounty, at the Court House in the City of Hood River, and apply to said court fs- s license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors, in quan tttiea less than one gallon. In Kails Precinct, its said HotmJ River County, for a persid of one year from said 4th day of October. 1910. as nravsri in said petition. Dated thisZSHh day of July. 1910. Campers Supplies and full line of Fishing TacHJe, Gunr9 Ammunition Blowers Brothers HA'RDWA'RE Phone 99 Cor. Oak and First ou'll never lnou? uliat Real Tailoring is until ?ou lnou? personally of Hlfred Benjamin Clothes -e are novo showing tlie 'Fall Styles ' j. a vogt J 1