The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, September 07, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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v f n-a 7& crrarr ttv tt .ftv
Orchard property took a urt last I
week and a numlier of good sales
are reported. Several o( the largest
were made through the agency of
IVvlln Jk Flrebaugh who Saturday I
old to Edward A. Z!rtl a salesman
with the Lowengart wholesale milll-,
Dery eftaMiiihiuent lu Portland. '-Vi
acre of the Marshall & Wallace j
tract for $ Mr. Zirlel will erect '
a tine residence on bis new property
and come here to live. Through the J
same agency Evan A. F.vans. a Chi-j
cago capitalist bought the A. T. Ful-;
ler place near town for which he
paid S.''O. Mr. Evans will take
possession the first of the year, the
crop being reserveil by Mr. Fuller.
Another sale by IVvlln - Firebaugh
wm :0 acres of their tine (ilenhurst
tract to O. R. Ball, muuager of the
American Type Founders Company's
branch house In Portland, for $4,500.
Mr. Bull also owns proerty In White
Salniou. The tract purchased by
him Is unimproved and he has let the
contract to clear and set It to trees
as soon as possible. The same firm
was also successful In Interesting an
Atlantic coast man In Hood River
by selling C. D. Hoyt, a resident of
Philadelphia, the Sarah E. Tousey
place for $1S,000. The purchase con
sists of 40 acres, IS of which are tn
six-year-old trees. Another sale was
20 acres of unimproved land belong
ing to J. C. Pattee. near Summit, to
Ralph HInrlchs for $3,500.
A bunch of sales of Interest are re
ported by G. Y. Edwards & Co. who
during the week disposed of 20 acres
of the W. B. Allen place In the Oak
district to Paul M. Collins of Peotone
111. Messrs. Winter & Duck wall, of
Indianapolis, Ind., were also sold 20
acres by the Ed wards company, the
purchase being situated on the east
side and formerly owned by Mrs.
Laura Crofut, of Portland. The
tract which Is situated near the
Tucker bridge will be cleared this
winter and set to trees and a log
bungalow built on It. Ten acres be
longing to Geo. J. Watson on the
west side about a mile from town
and purchased by him about a year
ago was sold to Mr. (Jones of Dan
ville, 111. The latter will not occupy
the place this winter, but will bring
his family here next spring.
A sale of city property of Interest
has been made to a wealthy .Seattle
bouse which has just purchased the
quarter block on Cascade avenue at
the northeast corner of fifth street,
where they lutend to erect a brick
building tn the near future. The sale
was made through the agency of A.
W. Onthank.
To Open Club Rooms
A meeting of the board of directors
of the Hood River Commercial Club
was hold Saturday to consider a for
mal opeulng of the club rooms. The
affair will take the form of a big re
ception which It Is expected will lie
largely attended by residents of the
city and valley and a number of out
of town guests from Portland and
other neighboring cities. Invitations
will be extended to members of the
Portland Commercial Club, railway
officials of the O. R. & X. and others
who will make the occasion a promi
nent and successful one.
To aid In preparing for the event
a committee on arrangements wns
appointed, consisting of Chas. Hall,
Truman Butler, C. I). Thompson. R.
H. Wallace and I). Currier, Jr. An
auxiliary committee of ladles was
also selected, Mrs. J. H. Hellbronner
lelng chairman with Mrs. P. S. Dav
idson, Mrs. X. W. Bone, Mrs. F. P.
Friday and Mrs K. H. Wallace as the
other members.
After a general discussion of a pro
gram the arrangements were left In
the bands of the committee which
will meet tonight to perfect its de
tails. Woodmen Gain Many New Members
The Modern Woodmen held an
other big membership rally Wednes
day evening at the K. of P. hall,
when sixteen candidates were Ini
tiated, followed by a banquet.
The work was put on by the offi
cers and class from the Dalles lodge,
who came down on a special train,
and the festivities were continued un
til long after midnight. Over 100
members of the Modern Woodmen
were present and the meeting was
one of the largest ever held in this
city. This Is the second class of can
didates that have been Initiated Into
membership In the local order this
month. The first class contained
eleven candidates. Twenty -seven
new members were added to the
lodge's roster during the month.
Copy for advertisements must be
In the office by Monday noon.
Colonist Rales to "Norm Banh" Points
Daily Sep. 15 to Oct. 15 from
St. Paul $25.00
Kansas City 25.00
Omaha 25.00
Indianapolis 33.65
Chicago $33.00
MUwaukee 31.50
St. Louis 32.00
New York 50.00
Other points in proportion.
Tell your friends in the east of this opportunity of moving west at low
rates via C. B. & Q., Nor. Pac, Gt. Nor., and "North Bank" lines. You can
deposit with me and tickets will be furnished people In the east. Details on
Astoria, Ore., Aug. 29, 30, 31
and sailing races. Marine illuminated parades. Battle ships and light ships,
I. L COIAR, General ft. and Pus. Agent
L A. GIBERT, Agent, White Salmon, Wash,
Nature will provide the beautiful hair
you have longed for. All you need to
do is simply to keep your scalp perfect
ly clean and healthy by using
Clarke9 s Shampoo Jelly
It means clean hair, a perfectly clean
and healthy scalp, and best of all a
chance for nature to work, so a strong
growth of manageable hair is the result
Uae CtarKe'j Shampoo Jetty, 25c
Hood River :: :: Oregon
There will be services at the church
next Sunday morning.
Mr. Roles Is building a residence on
his lot near the grange hall.
Ralph Jarvis spent a few days at
the hot springs, returning Tuesday
Mrs. K. E. Lage Is eutertalnlng her
mother and sister from Long Reach,
Mrs. Coyle and two children from
Portland are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Johu Mohr.
The W. C. T. l will meet with
Mrs. J. U. Jarvis Friday afternoon
of this week.
Mr. Manning's family and Mr. and
Mrs. Itlrger from the west side vis
ited 1'pper Hood R'ver valley Sun
day. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs.
A. I. Maosn, Mr. Stantou and family
aud several others went to the Piiiich
Row I Sunday,
Johnson Itrothers and Hale have
opened u meat market tn connection
with their store and no doubt will
be liberally patronlxed.
Our schools opened Monday with
following teachers: Mrs. McLaughlin,
principal; Mr. Long, grammar de
partment; Miss Ralley, Intermediate
and Miss Broom head, primary.
The grangers held their regular
meeting Saturday evening. At the
close of the business session a pleas
ing program was rendered by the
gentlemen and a good lunch was
Mr. aud Mrs. D. H. Thorn receded
ti visit last week from a lady who
comes Into the valley for the purpose
of arranging dates for Mrs. Sabldy,
a reader who will be In -Hood River
at the Commercial Club rooms, Sep
temler 14th.
No Local Travel on Limited
Owing to the large volume of
through travel, the Oregon Railw ay
& Xavlgatlon Co. has found tt neces
sary to discontinue carrying local
passengers on Its Oregon-Washington
Limited between Portland, Hood
River and The Dalles In either direc
tion. The order Is effective Thurs
day, September 1st, and continues In
force until further notice. The trains
affected are: Eastbound, from Port
land, 10:00 a. m.; westbound, from
The Dalles, ":00 p. m.; from Hood
River, 5:4." p. in., arrive Portland
:00 p. ui.
New Methodist Pastor
The Columbia River Conference of
the Methodist Church, which com
pleted Its work In Spokane alonday,
has assigned a new pastor to the
church In Hood River lu the person
of Rev. E. McOmber of Dayton, Ore.
Rev. T. B. Ford, the retiring pastor,
was not assigned at his request, and
was placed on the supernumerary
list for the present. He announces
that he will preach his farewell ser
mon next Sunday and arrangements
are being made by the members of
the church to attend In large num
bers. "Who's Who in the Northwest"
Frederick Conger, secretary-treasurer
of the Western Press associa
tion, was In town for several days
last week In connection with a book
which will soon be Issued by the as
sociation, entitled "Who's Who in
the Xorthwest." Mr. Conger was
here gathering data for the book,
which he says was first suggested by
the late Harvey W. Scott. The book
will contain the names and a short
biography of the business and pro
fessional men lu Idaho. Washington
and Oregon.
Meeting of Woman's League
A regular meeting of the American
Woman's league will le held at
their rooms Wednesday afternoon at
2:.T0 p. in., Sept. 7th. All members
are urged to l)e present and arrange
for qualifying for a chapter house.
Bring your friends along that they
may learn of the great licnetlts ac
cruing to league memlx-rs.
Mrs. J. W. Rkjhv, President.
Notice to Apple Packers
The Apple Growers Union requests
all pnekers who want to pack ap
ples this fall, to call at the office of
the union and register their names
and place of resilience. Good pay
and a long season of work guaran
teed all experienced packers.
C. H. Sl'HOAT,
Manager Hood River Apple (irotvers
Relay Cowboy Race
A relay race with cow ponies and
cowboy riders promises to be one of
the great attractions at the Western
Washington Fair which opens nt 40th
and Madison streets, Seattle, on Sep
tember l!)th, for one week. In this
race there will Is four ponies to each
rider, and ponies and saddles w ill Ite
exchanged each mile during the four-
mue race.
Qrsataat Battles of History.
Burke In his letter on "Natural So
ciety" says thai Sylla destroyed 300,
000 men In each of three battles, one
being at Cberonea. Tbs Persians art
said to have lost 230,000 men at Pla
taea. II Chronicles z 111. 17, records
600.000 slain on one side, which, how
ever, may not hare been In a single
battle. I Kings tl. 20. tells of 100,000
men being killed oo one side In a single
Copyright Hart Sihaffner Mirs
JrOCf see here a reproduction of Edward Penficld's
- beautiful poster, used to announce THE STTLE BOOK,
Hart SchafFner & Marx authoritative guide to correct style in
men's clothes. Whenever these best of clothes-makers do
anything posters or clothes they do it right.
This store is the home of Hart Schaffncr 5c Marx clothes
6 K
n RIENCE IN HANDLING THIS FRUIT. Our careful attention and
Sj experience shows in the promptness and amount of the returns.
sl Foot of Third Street Phone No. 65
Copy for advertisements must be in the
News office by flonday noon