The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, August 31, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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You certainly Need some School Shoes, and we certainly have the goods. We
can fit your boys and girls in Shoes that will bvear. XOe Guarantee every pair
we sell not to rip and to give Satisfaction. What "Sterling" is to sil-Ver,
"Goodyear bveli" is to our Shoes. You can trust us to fit your children; we
will be honest with them. :::::::::::::::::
FALL Shipments of ladies "Palmer Garments" are arriving: every
day. We can show you the netvest and latest creations of
Fall Styles a wonderful combination of Style, Quality, Variety
and Practicability. -
Yes, There's Something Doing
this week at Our Store an opportunity you don't get everywhere.
On Saturday, Sept. 3d, we will give away one yard of Dress
Goods absolutely free with every five yards you purchase. We
will give you the sixth yard free. This applies to all goods on our
shelves, from 15c per yard up to the highest priced.
Men's Shoes
You will find we have everything.
Ladies Shoes
(From th. Whit. Salmon Enterprue)
Miss Clapp, formerly of Minneapo
lis, liut the past four years In the
bookkeeping department of Tull &
(ilbbs, Fortland, was a recent visitor
at the home of C. C. Hutchlns. The
young lady wm ou her way to the
Coeur d'Alene reservation, where she
drew a claim.
In a abort time the other day Hood
KUer business men raised $5,()IM) for
the purpose of giving the apple
growers a building for permanent
and seelal show purposes. This la
au Indication of the progresslvespirlt
of that place and the general richness
of the valley. We'll get there bye
and bye.
The White Salmon Enterprise calls
attention to the fact that Minnesota
Is providing Columbia Klver towns
with newspapermen Moe of the
Hood lilver (ilucler, Sonnlchsen of
the Hood Klver News, Miller & Lltfln
of The Dalles Chronicle, Bnlrd of the
Vancouver Columbian, Dunnlcllff of
the Knterprlse and Cory of the Gold
endale Sentinel.
A movement has started at Hood
Klver to embrace all the fruit sec
tions of this end or part of Columbia
river valley and give It a special
name so that the section may be
come known to the world ns the
"Willamette Valley" and "Kogue
Klver," for Instance, are known.
Hood Klver, White Salmon, The
Dalles, Mosler, Underwood, Lyle.and
perhaps other points farther down
will te taken In. The White Salmon
Development league Is heartily In
favor of the movement.
Mr. and Mrs. Payne, M. J. Van
Vorst and the manager of bis or
chard tract, Mr. Vogt, made a trip
to Hood Klver Friday. They toured
the valley for three or four tulles out
and were much struck with the love
liness of things and the tenutlful
homes of that famous district. The
orchards are In fine condition. Mr.
Van Vorst was much plensed to
hear two or three say that the
White Salmon valley had them beat
In moisture of soil and was bound to
have a beautifully developed valley
In the years to come.
Read September Sunset
Head "Arizona, the 47th Star," by
Oovernor Klchard E. Sloan, and
"Fremont and the Hear Flag War,"
by William Simpson, In Sunset for
September, now on sale nt all news
stands, fifteen cents.
hood River Man Balances Things
The White Salmon correspondent
of the Journal says that U. W
Breedlove of that place was brought
Into town yesterday to receive treat
ment for Injuries received while fell
ing trees. A heavy Unit came down
aud struck him on the head. Itesldes
bad gashes on the face, one of his
eyelids was cut entirely out, and
that It did not Injure his eyesight Is
a marvel. Six weeks ago Cauary
Ureedlove, a son, split his knee cap
with an ax, and the first thing be
did after recovering, and again In
the tluter with an ax, was to lop
off three toes. One of the children
also sprained an ankle. The only
bright spot In the chapter of acci
dents was the marriage of Mr. Breed
love's daughter to a Hood Klver
Furnished Ly the Hood Klver Ab
stract Company.
John D Fletcher and wife to Henry
S Keed. ft.SS acres In North fine
(3 rove $.VX)
J H Devlin, W A Flrebaugh and
F S Stewart to Hood Klver Orchard
Land Company, lt0 acres southeast
of Fine (5 rove
J II Devlin et al to Hood Klver Or
chard Land Co liio acres southeast of
I'ine (irove
J M Devlin et al to Hood Klver Or
chard Land Co KM) acres southeast of
Fine (Srove
J H IVvlln et nl to Hood Klver Or
chard Land Co ltW) acres southeast of
Fine Orove
( has L Clapp and D C Clapp N 10
acres west of town.
Hood Klver Townslte Co to Jessie
It Watt lots 3 and :17 In Mock 211
Hood Klver pro(Hr
W S Nlchol to CO Nlcbol 1 acres
near Dee
Win Kccles to Frank Davenport
ltK) acres near Greenpolnt
Frank Davenport to Stanley Smith
Lumlter Co 1(!0 ncres near Oreenpolut
Helen O Bateham to J K Vance
(dated Feb 'M, l'HO) 1' acres south of
Noah W Hone to E CCbaplnlO
acres on Willow Flat
Sarah Tousey to C D Hoyt 40 acres
on Willow Flat
Not V.ry Many.
"How many servnnts have
asked the census taker.
"Well." replied Mrs. Crosslots. "two
hnve threatened to leave, one has
promised to come, nnd It's everybody's
afternoon off anyhow. You can figure
It out for yourself."-Washington Star.
$25,000,000 FOR
Judge Hubert S. Lovett, head of all
the Harrlman railway systems, who
has Just finished a thorough tour of
examination through Central Ore
gon, starting at Ontario, nnd taking
automobiles acrosscountry to Burns,
Lakevlew, Klamath, Bend, and 1
across the Cascades from near Bend
to Albany. Judge Lovett said this
tour was made to give him personal,
direct knowledge of conditions In the
vast region, on which a multitude 1
of reports had been made. When be
finished bis trip, he stated specifically j
that his company would build a
trans-state line across Eastern Ore
gon, In au east-west direction, but
the time when It would be done, and
the termini were not stated, lie
further said that all the available
acreage of the region would have to j
be brought up to a high state of cul
tivation before one line would pay.
This exhaustive Inspection by the
chief of the Harrlman Hues Is believed
to ante-date active construction by j
the great system on an extension of
the line new joining the Oregon
Short Line at Ontario, aud Intended
to tap the Natron-Klamnth line hear
Odell. A prominent official of this
system recently announced that the J
Oregon appropriation for work this I
year was $ L'fi.OOO.OM), which reveals
the tremendous program outlined to
offset the Hill construction. I
Time For Roofin
You have tried the kinds that looked as good
and feel softer but the demand for Reliable
Ml alt ho id and P. & B. Lining Papers forced us
to bring in a late carload on which we are in
structed to
that will enable you to use the best. Car arrival
August 22.
W. N. Morse recently sold bis place
and expects to leave here about Sept.
20. He will move to Euirene.
Kxcavatlon Is done for the new
school house. Work on the concrete
foundation will begin this week.
School will iM'gln next Monday,
Sept. ft, with the following teachers:
ILL. Murphy, prln.; Miss Florence
Buchanan. Intermediate: Mrs. Clara
Steele, primary; Allle Foray, Fast
Barret t.
Last Sunday evening at the Valley
church there were present a large
congregation of wealth and educa
tion. Kev, Feart snld he hail never
faced an audience where so many
rich people were present. At the
close of the service, Mrs. Auhagen
sang a solo, "The Holy City."
Ilonoy ia laxntlve and aedattve, and
In d I semes of the bladder and klducya
it Is an excellent remedy.
Copy for advertisements must be
tn the olllce by Monday noon.
but we received carload August 20 and it will pay
you to buy now for spring sowing.
A full line of the famous Bent Rung Steel Braced
Shasta Fruit Ladders just in and we will make
the price move this big stock.
Stewart Hardware & Furniture Co.