The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, August 31, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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This is the crucial year for growers of this and other North
western Apple Producing: Sections. It is to your interests to
become associated with reputable, experienced and up-to-date
dealers in Western Box Apples in Eastern Markets. We are the
pioneer house in handling Western Box Apples in New York
and European Markets. Occupying the strongest possible posi
tion to realize best results covering any and all shipments en
trusted to our care. Handling over 1100 cars of Pacific Coast
Fruits in the Eastern Markets last year is a sufficient guar
antee of our ability to conserve your interests in every way.
Now softened suns a mellow luster
The laden orchard glow with tempt
ing red;
On hazel boughs the clusters bang
And with the bunting horn the fields
Old Spencer Poem.
Well we should say so, and the
tnellow horn of Mr. Morgan will
awake the morn, bidding us garner
for the bins and cribs In which we
labor for bis royal nibs. The sum
mer ended and the blower on, the
respite over and the money gone, and
Kockefeller as we drill along, bowing
and hoping we are all well and
The seaside sojourner will quit the
shore, and the summer girl will line
up three or four conquest's In puppy
love she has around, and choose the
one that Is to go uudrowned. The
which selecttou from the litter
born of summer madness she will
then suborn with things sufticlent to
unlock Its eyes, and hurry homeward
with the gasping prize.
The bustling tourist will return
from France with hotel stickers stuck
upon his pants, and tarred and post
alcarded by his friends, will reap the
penalty of what he sends. They'll
waltx blrn up and down upon a, rail,
and alternately turn hi mi head and
tall, or howsoever they may lest en
joy the views In Venice or the site of
The festive calf will blithely sniff
and snort, and deftly tip up where
the balr Is short, and In the quiet
even after glow the quail will ple
bis dulcet piccolo. The bold Insur
gent will insurge the more, and fill
the planet with his dreadful roar,
and each one liettlng he will not le
last, the autumn candidates will gal
lop past. ,
The new progressive ami the iJem
ocrat, the tmlnsurglng that are
standing pat, and In the midst of
them, unfalnt of heart, our Mr.
Itryan on the Jwater cart. A maze
of Issue and a mass of men, and lo,
a gallus busting now and then, find
not esfxfclally alarmed by It, the
trusts desisting till the swartn bus
The man from Elba trying to come
And the poor consumer In his cul-de-sac
Unknowing If the quaking earth por
tends Death or the near approach, perhaps,
of friends.
But howsoever and be that as It
may, the dread mosquito will have
had Its day, and joining Satan In Its
spectral growth, have made It real
hell there for tbem both. The while
the earthly remnant of It swings
upon the window screen, and drying
clings to that post which, though
wanting mortal fire, It still holds
with Its face against the wire.
Milady Fashion In her new hobble
skirt will stride the pavement with
the men alert to M't her right side up
again In case she should in time turn
turtle any place. It does beat thun
der what the women wear, and how
they stick on- other people's hair,
constrict their middles and constrain
their toes and what Importance they
attach to clothes. I!ut bless us, are
they after all to blame, or had they
been In these things quite the same if
Mother Eve's first thought, as we
suppose, had not been unnecessarily
of clothes? Was It to be expected In
her case that with a man somewhere
upoa the place she ever thought of
anything at all but gowns, slipovers
or perhaps a shawl?
Hut anyhow, the crawfish will have
And the pumpkin shown the faintest
trace of goli.
The sassafras wllldon a redder dress,
And the gods will crowd around the
elder press.
Or prohibition or whatever will,
here Is a fountain that shall serve us
still, a place of resting and a stent
away out of the desert and the heat
of day. A place of quiet and the
shade of palms, of Irrigation and the
soothing balms that no reformer till
the poles embrace shall ever capture
for a bathing place.
The hosts of labor will parade the
street, which will remind us of a
happy feat In arbitration from the
olden days w lieu Julius Caesar was a
craze. It Is related of that ancient
time that sweet Septernler In the
Koinan clime was hot as blazes, and
the union file could only march about
half a mile.
It wasn't anything at all, they
say. to watch the mighty pageant
get away, the music playing and the
flags displayed, and s-e It suddenly
duck for the slnile. The gasping
drummer with his sounding drum,
the bronzed mechanics who perhaps
had come a dozen squares, and In
the frantic rout, age and apprentice
The opening up of thousands of
acres of new land In Southwestern
Washington by the new (irnys Har
bor branch of the Oregon and Wnsd
Ington Railroad will be effected when
the passenger service on the new line
Is started, about September!. The
Oregon and Washington has also
Inaugurated a month of hotneseek
ers' rates, which will be effective
from eastern points between Septeni
lier !." and October l.". In times, past
the railroads have allowed rates of
this sort In the spring, but not in
other seasons. The O. & W. has de
elded to distribute Its homeseeker
travel over various parts of the year,
and will bring as many new settlers
westward this fall as possible. In
order that residents In the North
west who want to send for their
friends may do so easily, the rail
road has a scheme of accepting de
posits for tickets at western otliees
and then ordering the ticket Issued
at any eastern office desired. It Is
anything to get the settler now, and
the O. Ac W. will bring a lot of good
competition Into the field of settling
up the country. The logged off lands
and rich valleys of the southwestern
part of the state offer many attrac
tions and homes for thousands of
new citizens.
with his tongue stuck out.
The faint Impression the procession
made on Kornan capital for long die
mayed the union leaders, when the
serried ranks at times not even
passed the Koman banks. And so It
was when mighty Caesar came, and
having found the populace aflame,
he shoved Septemls-r from the sev
enth place along to ninth, which has
remained the case. He merely Inter
changed It with July, but when he
asked them how was that for high,
they fairly Inundated him with
smiles, and have since Is-en doing
about twenty miles.
Notice to Apple Packers
The Apple (rowers I'nlon requests
all packers who want to park ap
ples this fall to call at the office of
the union and register th-tr names
and place of residence. Jood pay
and a long season of work gutran
teed all experienced packers.
Manager Hood Klver Apple Jroers
Copy for advertisements must la
in the ofllce by Monday noon.
Campers Supplies
and full line of Fishing
Tactje, Guns, Ammunition
Blowers Brothers
Phone 99
Cor. Oak and First
Vou'll never lnou? wa
Real Tailoring is until
l?ou lnou? personally of
Hlfrcd Benjamin
Iflje are now shoeing tfye
'Fall Styles
J. G. Vogt