The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, August 31, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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$64 Per Ctcre
for 100 acres of of first class Upper Valley Fruit
land, and take the other 60 acres of river and its
canyon for nothing. 300 Newtowns, Spitzen
bergs and Delicious trees set this spring; 70
acres under the ditch now in and with mainte
nance next to nothing; one million feet good
saw timber, and one million feet pole ana tie
timber; fine stock range. An excellent oppor
tunity for a young man especially.
Uhe L-V Land Co.
12 Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon
Telephone 250
Plumbing and Tinning
We install Heating Plants of all kinds
Hood River Heights
Manufacturing and Repair Work
We are prepared to do It in our large and well equipped Manufactur
ing and Repair Establishment.
We would be pleased to have you call on us.
Shops M.4J-M5-147 Fourth St.,Op. Gllbert-Vaughan, Hood Rlver.Or.
Horses Home Stables
Conducted is a
.. General Transfer, Feed and Sale Business ..
The way to drive out to Little White Salmon camping and fishing. The
shortest and best route to Trout Lake and all way points
Both local and Ions distance telephone. Call or write
Dabney's Furniture Si ore
You Can Get Anything
You Want Either
New or Second Hand
For Your Home Very Cheap
Agent for CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges
Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitters
Phone 1053
To the discriminating Housewife:
We have installed some new machinery and
will now make the tvhitest, tightest
bread of any flour on Hood River market
if handled rigntly. It does not require as
stiff working as others. Next time ask
your grocer for CUPID and if he will not
furnisn it, trade with someone who will.
A It is made in Hood 'Ri-Vcr J
Koofl Riser fTCiCfing Company
Apple and Pear Boxes
Stanley-Smith Lumber
W, M. CroRfiley, if I. 'rontiley &
Sonn, the conimlHHloti men of New
York and ItoHtun, clroiel In Thure
Iny. Am iikuiiI, Mr. Croimlfy waa
here looking for apple, nut vUlted
the local fruitinea to pout up on the
Arthur Krolin, pliynlcal dlncttrof
the I'ortland hcIiooIh, after several
dajM at hlx place, went to the big
city to open the Bchool year. Mr.
Krotin Iiuh under bin direction 26.000
puplU. Neturally they all know
him, while It In linpoxHllile fur him to
rememler them. Wherever he (jots
ttome child point him out to Its ad
miring parent, while Krohu I
valiily endeavoring to ran Hack bin
liraln to recall the name of the
youiiKMter. He lian In-en very buc
ceHtdtil In expanding the lungs and
tuUHtli'8 of the young hopefuls of
IVrtland, as was evidenced during
the vlxlt to that city of President
Taft. Krohn haa seventy acres of
fruit lund In the Lents dlntrk-t, which
he Is Improtlug, having forty acres
of It set to trees. One of thenedays
he will retire lu a green old age aud
let his apple trees erforiu the gym
nastic exercises while he takes the
Nick (iil)son, head of the tilbson
Fruit Co. of Chicago, and one of the
best known frultmen In thecouutry,
whs here last week for his first peep
at the valley. Mr. Gibson was ac
companied by YV. S. Michael, who
has represented the (ilbson Company
ou the coast for several years and
who is an old campaigner In the
fruit business. Gibson did not buy
any apples at Hood Klver, although
he Is anxious to get a slice of fbe fine
fruit that w 111 be shipped out of here
this fall. However, If there Is any to
be had that way, he wants It on
consignment. Last year the Gibson
company, which tins for a number of
years baud led the majority of the
Wenatchee product, did not have
any too profitable a season, and is
therefore somewhat wary about
placing coin In advance of the sea
son. The veteran fruit man was
taken about the valley by C. H.
Sproat, and also visited with the
Van Horn family, with whom he Is
well uctiuulu ted. .
Chas. M. Simons, a native of Glas
gow, Scotland, and menil)er of the
firm of .Simons, Shuttlewortb A
French, apple Importers, with
branch houses In New York, London.
Liverpool aud Glasgow, was here
for a day last week with W. M. 1
French, their New York representa
tive. Heretofore Mr. Shuttlewortb,
who Is quite well kuown here, has
covered the Amerlcnn territory for
the firm, but this year,- owing to
sickness, was unable to come. Being
his first trip In the laud of the free
and the home of the brave, Mr.
Simons wns very much Interested In
everything he saw. A tour of the
valley under the escort of J. H. Hell
brouner and Truman Butler pleased
him mightily, although the smoke
prevented htm from seeing thecouu
try to Its liest advantage. This, he
stated, was not only the case here,
but elsewhere In the Northwest
where the forest fires are raging.
Mr. Simons Is a keen observer ami
an Interesting talker. He has apent
several years of his life In the fruit
districts of Spain and France, and
also visited India. His business has
brought him Into contact with the
fruits of the world. America, he be
lieves. Is just In Its Infancy. He
marvels at what the I'nlted States
will lie a century hence, and has
nothing but admiration for tin
country and Its people. Mr. French,
who has lieen here several times, Is
acting as pilot, nnd before returning
to F.ngland he and Mr. Simons will
visit all the Northwest fruit sections
mercantile pursuits there until IVM,
when he was elected county auditor
and served in this capacity for six
years. At the end of his term of of
fice he removed to Crookston, Minn., j
where he lived until VM'2, when he!
went to Minneapolis to take a pos. j
tlon on the Board of Grain Apeals, I
to which he was appointed by the!
governor. After filling this office
for two years, he came to Hood
Biver, arriving here in V.M, and re-;
shied lu re until last May, when be j
sold his holdings aud moved to his
late home at Oak (Jrove. !
In addition to his wife ami sister, H
Mr. Glcasou Is survived by two
daughters, Mr. C. H. Sletton of this
city and Miss Nettle Gieason, residing
with her mother.
Mr. (ileasou was a man of more
than unusual abilities, a deep reader!
and a close student of national and
state affairs. During his life he was
identified with men of prominence
and wielded considerable Influence lu
the political and business affairs of
Minnesota. After successfully devel
oping an orchard here, h" sold It at
a profitable figure and had retired
from an active life.
Mason Fruit Jars
Economy Fruit Jars
Jelly Glasses
At Reduced Prices
Great Northern Fighting Fires
The tight against forest fires In the
Northwest goes forward steadily,
the latest forces added to those ready
to combat the ravages of flame Is?-
Ing those of the Great Northern rail
road. President Louis V. Hill has
Issued a general order that the rail
road section gangs and other em
ployes will be available at any time
for fighting fires, no matter what
the cause of their origin. This order
places at the assistance of the state
officers anil the Washington Forest
Fire association hundreds of fire
fighters, and will lie of great value In
the campaign to save the timber of
the Northwest during the present
season, which Is the driest In the his
tory of this section.
Shot line
ahd union Pacific
. Effective Sunday, AUg. 20th, trains
will arrive and depart at Hood River,
Oregon, on the following schedule:
No. . Fast Mail (no passengers) 4:50 A. M.
j No. 8. Portland Flyer S:55 "
No. 7. Portland Local 7:48 "
No. 5. Oregon A Washington Express 8:00 "
No. 1L Soo-Spokane-Portland 9:30 "
: No. L Portland Local 440 P. M.
No. 17. Chicago Limited 6:45 "
No. 2. Baker City Local 10:35 A. M.
No. 18. Chicago Limited 11:55 "
No. 8. The Dalles Local 6:20 P. M.
No. 4. Spokane Flyer 7:55 "
No. 10. Fast Mail 8:25 "
No. (. Oregon & Washington Expressl0:20 "
No. IX Soe-S pokane- Portland 12:56 A. M.
Train No. 7 and No. 8 have no coaches; passen
gers using this train will be required to pay pull
man fare in addition to railroad fare: these trains
make no stops between Hood River and Portland.
Train No. 7 stops only at The Dalles, Arlington.
Pendleton. Gibbons, LaGrande, Hot Lake. Union,
llaker City and Huntington.
Trains No. 1 and 2 stop at all stations between
liaker City and Portland.
Trains No. IS and 14 stop at all stations be
tween Portland and The Dalles.
J. H. FREDRICY, Agent.
Taft Transfer Co.
Draying. . .
Wood Yard
For Sale
Office Phone 2S Resilience 232- M
John (lleason
John (ilenson. u well known former
Hood Klver resident, was Instantly
killed Tuesday evening by an electric
car while tm the way to his home at
Oak (irove, lietween I'ortland and
Oregon City. Mr. Uleason was walk
ing on the track of the electric rail
road. The car was stopped ami the
body taken toOregon City, where 'in
Inquest was held Wednesday. I.nt r
It was prepared for burial and
funeral services held In Portland,
conducted by Kev. V,C. (iiliuore and
the U. A. K. The body wascremalcl.
Mr. (ilenson was about (M Vrai's
old and whs born lu Auburn, New
York. About t lie time he attained
hi majority he enlisted In the army
and served three years during the
civil wnr. In 1mm he was honorably
discharged and went to WlseoiiHiii,
where he remained until Inn). While
residing there he was married in ls7v
to Miss Jessie 11. Sprout, a sister of
('. II. Sproat, and also of Mrs. I', tl.
Kemovlng to Fisher's Landing,
Minnesota, lu lv0, he engaged In
L. E. Foust
Automobile and Bicycle
Gear Cutting and Fitting.
All kinds of Machine work
done. Prices rea-onable.
Sixth and Columbia Streets. Phone 109-x
Painters and
Tinting, Paper Hanging, Etc.
Country trade especially so
licited. All orders at
tended to promptly.
252 State St. Cor. 3d. Phone 1 6 1 -L
First Carload Just Arrived
Place Your Orders at
Our Low Figures
Rubberoid Roofing
The oldest and best roofing on the market.
You don't take any chances
with it.
Rubberoid Roof Paint
Right now is the time to look after old and leaky
roofs. One coat of paint
will do it.
For prompt service and full value
tor vour monev see
Franz Hardware Co.
fj P. C. YQUNG, Proprietor
Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters
Rhone Main 6 Hood River, Oregon n
For Lime, Cement and
House Plaster
Water Works on the Farm
Yes, that't Just what we meB-real water works: runnlsg water In the kitchen, the bathroom,
the laundrv. the barn in (act. all over the place. And it s :l done bv thst tank you are In me
lower left hsnd corner of this picture the Leader Svstem. It s vastly different
from the old-fashioned elevated tank which worked by gravity. For the
Leader Water Supply System is operated v compressed an -reliable, safe
and cleanly. Your windmill pumps water into the tank (which is already
full of air). The sir, being elastic, is compressed into upper part of the
tank, and forces the water out through the pipes.
This gives you a pressure, so that powerful stream of wster Is on
tap at every faucet, no matter where it is heated. AnJ this means aiio
luU fire-protection, for the pressure is aluayt t and six ays ready.
Now. the old style gravity tanks were either put in the attic or sit
aated on a high tower out of doors.
In the farmer ess, their weiirht when full, cracked the plastering; or
ho nmd.iM or leaked, floodm the rooms below.
In the case of the outside tanks, waver unm
frore solid In winter, necessitating eapensive piumo-
ing bills; or it became not and stsgnsnl curing
the summer and unlit lor use. 1 nc
I Atrial Woror
kcauGi nun. jua"
Supply System mm
II w
Si fL
! n t " T l-'t-j.
jsTl'ii i'-lL l Hi sft-a Vr 11
no repairs, ts suited to small ouuuinga w
large, and is moderate in price.
Let us send v.-mi our free beoklet. ''Hw
I N.lved the Water dupply l'r.blenl." th
rtry of s maa ! sucraafullv eUippe.l
his country borne with modsrn water
Write for It today, before you forget
Address or Enquire
avoids all this, because the sir-tight tank is S y I' Vl'v ' i
either in the rwsement or buncl under- tVI i-SVA' 1 "-I
& round below the frot line. Every outSl IV i -vU ,
i complete. Willi full directions, snd is Jtf V'
easily installed. The Leader System needs i -"Si,lTV arTil
Apple Land and Orchard Company
Office, No. 9 Oak Street. Phone 26 or 2002K, Hood Rfvor