THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1910 7 DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon MURRAY KAY CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR c Phonb 32 Bnoaiua Building Hood Rive Raaidanca. Oak and Park. Offlca. Oak and Second Offlca hour. 10 to 11 a. m.. X to land T to) p. i Room S. 4 and S. Broaiua Block. Hood Rlvar. On. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Call promptly anawarad In town or country, day or night. Telephone- Residence 611. Office (IS. Offlc In tha Braaiua Building. DR. E. 0. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Offlca ovar Firat National Bank Homa'phona, Rea.71B:!Otflca phona 71 Hood River. Oregon SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phone M Hood River, Oregon J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Offlca. Home phona 90. Residence, SOB Hood River, Oregon Dr. M. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville. Mo. Office In Eliot Building Phona-Omce lit Residence 102-B. Hood River. Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Offlca, Hall Building, over Butler Banking Co Offlca phona 28. Residence phona 28-B Hood River, Oregon H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. . Dentist Offlca over First National Bank Office-Home phone Ul. Residence-Home 131-B Hood River, Oregon DR. E. L. SCOBEE Dentist Open eveninfft by appointment Rooms 6 and 7, Braaiua Building;. Phone 300 Hood Rirer, Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Oregon DERBY & WILBUR Lawyer Smith block Hood River, Oregon E. H. HARTWIG Attorney at Law Smith Block, over First National Bank Phona 168 Hood River. Orea-on John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood River, Orea-on JAYNE & WATSON Lawyers Hall BuiMina- Hood River, Oregon ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER Rooms 14 and 15. Hall Building Hood River, Oregon SAMUEL W. STARK Attorney at Law Eliot Building, Phone 30PM Hood River, Oregon HOCKENBHRRY & BARTLCTT ARCHITECTS Davidson Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON rhone tl ALBERT SUTTON Hrcbitcct . II all. ntm.niNd IliKin River. Oriuon P. M, MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor MAMAOIR Nawaix. QoaMRTT A WauI Davidson Building Hood Riv ftragta "The News Leads" You read it in the News first Subscribe for the New3 A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Brosiua Block Hood River, Oregon Trio Orchestra Music furnished for all occaniona. Instrumentation from three pieces to any num ber desired. Addmrn or phona C?. O. INI EWMAN 64-X or 269-L Hood River. Oregon Kutane and Tokyo Dishes. Bamboo Furniture. M. NIGUMA Oak Street, Corner 1st Phone 160 A. VV. ONTHANK NOTARY PUBLIC Dealer in CITY PROPERTY Legal Papers carefully drawn. Money loaned on First Mortgages Fire Insurance In best Companies. Surety Bonds of all kinds. Stenography and Typewriting. Business promptly attended to. 305 Oak Street Hood River Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Street, opposite Smith Block. Hood River, W. J. BAKER Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited for 8alc One Horse, sound and weighing 1450 pounds. One 2,4 Wagon, nearly new. Enquire... S. B. WILFERT Mosier, Oregon 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anron (Mm din ftiikrtrh and rtfmntlnn ma qnlrkl? urerintn our opinion fre whthr mn Invftition la prohnhif patent bi. Cr tlonaatrictlrcmfl(titlal. HANDBOOK t tnimunlrn- on lattiiia Mtit frM. Oldest Siren cr for iHTuriiiaT DAinma. l'tent taken thmuirh Munn A Co receive fptrioi notice without cbunra, to tUe Scientific American. A hndomt?y l.htntmtM wwkly. nil ai inn of ariT dentiHo louniavl. : muntiu.fv BoiUbyaJl T)wa1wlem. & CO 36iBf.d.,. NfiW Ynrjr Brancb umoe, 636 W BU Washington. D. U Real Estate Bulletin $8500 -Nine acres of or chard one mile from city limits nearly all 5 and 6 year old trees; house, barn and all tools. This can be bought on very reasonable terms. $5500 Four and fraction acres one mile out all in Spitz and Newts 2 years old and about 1 acre of berries and 1J acres of peach trees now bearing. Terms $3500 down. This place is ideal for a home and there is no better small place in the valley for the price considering location. $3500 -Ten acres in Wil low Flat, four acres cleared and the balance slashed. Terms $1500 down. G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office Oregon Hotel Building PHonb 22S (if I; - t : I . v ' ft. if A ill n PASTOB EUSSELL IN CB AN IMPRESSIVE SCENE. Tribute of Pastor Russall at Albert Hall to Lata King Edward. From the Leeds Yorkshire Poat-J Pastor Russell of Brooklyn Taberna cle, the great American preaclier, who la now on a tour In this country, pref aced bia remarks to a huge audience In the Albert ball lust night with the following: 'In Germany I learned of the death of your esteemed monarch, Edward VII. I realized that not your nation only, but all Christendom, bad lost an unobtrusive but wise counselor, a power for peace and good will among men. I take tbla opportunity to ex press to this great audience my sym pathy, which. I assure you, Is shared by the great majority of my American countrymen. My first thought was that out of respect for the Illustrious dead, bis family and the nation this service should be postponed, but my second thought was to the contrary. Surely at no more fitting hour could we consider 'the great hereafter.' There Is, thank God, a hereafter for kings as well as peasants. Royal mourners and a mourning nation need a message from God's word particu larly now, and, since no more repre sentative audience will probably as semble In this capital of the empire, I have a suggestion to offer, which I trust will have your approval. It Is that before offering prayer we show our sympathy for the royal family In their bereavement by standing." After about a minute, while silent prayer was offered, Tastor Russoll of fered prayer generally and requested the great audience to sing one verse of "Nearer. My God, to Thee." The whole scene was very Impressive. IN SCOTLAND. The American Preacher's Address In City Hall, Glasgow. From 'the Glasgow Herald Pastor C. T. Russell of New York addressed a crowded meeting In the city hall, Glasgow, yesterday evening. As chairman of the International Dible Students' association he U at present engaged In a European tour for the purpose of explaining the doctrines of the Bible In a series of discourses which take the form of religious lec tures. Since leaving America he has conducted meetings in the Holy Land and the principal continental cities, nd In the course of his present visit to this country, which he has toured on four previous occasions, he has ad dressed two meetings In the Albert ball, London, where his eloquence and convincing style of preaching have at tracted large audiences. In the city hall last night Mr. Russell's subject was "The Overthrow of Satan's Em pire." This evening he will lecture In Dundee, and tomorrow he will appear In Edinburgh. On leaving Scotland ho will cross to Ireland, where he will visit Belfast and Dublin. YACHT FOR GOSPEL WORK. Pastor Russall to Work Among Sailors In tha Port. fFrom tha New Totk American, Juna 1 i9ta rastor Russell, president of the Peo ples Pulpit Association, was yesterday presented, for Christian mission work, the fully equipped and seaworthy Angel, a naphtha and sailing yacht. She Is about 123 feet over all, has seat ing capacity In dining saloon fur seven ty persons and Is prepared for main deck meetings in fair weather. As Indicated by Pastor Russell In his acceptance of the vessel, unlqtio work will be undertaken In New York har bor. It Is said the meetings on board the Angel will be advertised from day to day, stating her moorings as well as the language of the speaker. Thus all who desire may keep in touch with this witness of the "gospel of glad tid ings to nil nations." Fortunately, my friends, this gift Is not wholly a surprise to me," said ras tor Russell In accepting It. "I had Intimation and. was. la tguch with 1 I - A - j. -, , lis - e lis- ' -7 i W t I f f i ' III, (f 4 ' j a A It ACT E R I STI C ATTITLKE. some of yoti respecting the Angel Nevertheless I am at a loss for fitting words wherewith to express my appre ciation of your loving zeal In follow Irg a suggestion I dropped respecting the soul needs of the sailors of all nation alities visiting this great port. "Let me, then, briefly say 1 accept your gift, not In my own name, but In the name of the Peoples Pulpit Asso ciation as 'Its trustee. If you please. May the Angel always and In every language sound forth the praises of the God of all grace! BACK FROM PALESTINE. Pastor Rusaall's Rsturn From Visiting Holy Land and Egypt. I From N. I. Herald, Sunday, Juris 6. 1910. J Pastor Russell of the Brooklyn Tab ernacle has returned from a trip to the Holy Land and Egypt and will address the public today at the Brooklyn Acad emy of Music. Mr. Russell has cer tain interesting Ideas regarding the Great Pyramid and Its symbolic teach ing and believes the time is at band for the return of Israel to Palestine. He is a very pronounced believer In the Zlonlstic movement The present is the second visit to the Pyramid and to Palestine, the land once Israel's. In one of bis works pub lished more t"ian twenty years ago Mr. Russell applied certain measurements ef pyramid passages, an Inch for a year, as symbolically showing the length of divine favor upon the Jews from the time they became a nation down to the year A. D. 70, when Jeru salem was destroyed and the Jewish polity ended. In the same work he declared also that certain passageways symbolically indicated the length of time during which the nation of Israel would be cut off from any and all special mani festations of divine favor, and when .his would end the favor of God would tgalu return to them. A MISSIONARY SCHOONER. On Was Presented to Pastor Russall For Harbor Work. From tha New York Times, Juna 1 1910. The Rev. C. T. Russell of Brooklyn received a surprise on his arrival on the Cunard liner Lusitanla yesterday. Ills friends presented to blm a two masted schooner for missionary work In and about this port. They not only gave him the receipt for the craft, but she was waiting alongside the Cunard pier with many flags flying as a welcome to her new in ner. From one mast to another was strung a long canvas bearing the in scription "God Is Love" and the name f the schooner, the Angel. There were other inscriptions of a religious character waving In the wind. IT CAN'T BE DONE Yat you might as wall try t lift yourself by your boot straps as try te ksp up with tha timas without read ing your horns nawspapar. By the way, coma to think of it, wouldn't to day be a good time to subscriber I EXCURSION RATES TO THE EAST During 1910, from All PoInU on The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company TO RATES Chicago... $72.50 Council Bluffs Omaha Kansas City.. 60.00 St. Joseph . . . St. Paul..... St. Paul via Council Bluffs 63.90 Minneapolis direct 60.00 Minneapolis via Council Bluffs... 63.90 Duluth direct. 66.90 Duluth via Council Bluffs 67.50 St. Louis 67.50 Tickets will be on sale May 1 and ofJune 2, 17 and 24 July 5 and 22; August 3; beptember 8. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stopovers within limits in either direc tion. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than October 31st. One way through Cali fornia $15 additional. Inquire of any O. R. & N. tormation, or Wm. McMurray, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland, Ore. rv-v vyw WOOD & Fancy and Staple Groceries Preferred Stock, Heinz's 57 varieties Pickles, Krout, Mince Meat, Catsup, Apple Butter, Etc. Splendid m line of canned Tomatoes (j SOLE AGENTS FOR 9 M ...Your orders will receive onr best attention... We Say "D 0SITJVELY convinced they can rely us convince you. I L. Keir & Cass RELIABLE DRUGGISTS -Smith Block, Hood. River, Oregon- NORTH BEACH A QUEEN OF THE NORTHWEST RESORTS A Near the mouth of the Columbia River on the Washington Coast THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATIOiN Twenty-five Miles of .Magnificent Beach :: Level, Compact and Smooth :: Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cottagre, tent and camp life- All the comforts of home and the health ful, invigorating recreation of the seas:de surf bathing, fishing, clam digging, beach bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls and drives through picturesque wooded headlands. Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon & Washington via Oregon Railroad and navigation Company Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 Three Day-Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00 Purchase tickets and make reservations at City Ticket Office, 3rd and Washington Streets. Portland, or inquire of any O. H. &. N. agent elsewhere for information WM.McMURRAY, Gen'l Passenger Agt., Portland. Ore. Agent for more complete In- ' HUGGINS and Corn at IO cents PURE WHITE FLOUR Positively that our drugs are abso lutely pure and unadul terated. Our reputation as reliable druggists has been earned by putting up only the best and purest medicines in the f right manner. Our bus iness has increased so V rnniHlv nf Into wp srA positive many are fully on us to the last notch. Let