12 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1910 POLK'S GAZETTEER A RnlnM I1rrtry af Mrk City, 1wa aad tllaaa tm Ofvaoa and hiucloa, (Wins lerrtplit fckrtrh vf tu-h plar-. l.aralto-1, Milpplna; KartlUI-a aad lnl ftrd Hirrrlarjr at rach UiuIhm Mil I'rufraakm. R. U POI K CO., Ia. Noaltia, H ua. I i 4 mi BATH TOE) ? v.. I i 1 IS A LUXURY with the proper surroundings. I can refit your w hole bath room lor a mod erate gum, or supply you with fixtures and trimmings that, are marvels o( beauty and usefulness. !k Me Towel Bars, Sponge Holders, Soap Dishes, etc. All Plumbing Work Promptly At tended to. R. D. GOULD Si Oak St. Phone 'J." Bless Its Little Heart W e have every thing for baby but itsclothes. At this drug store there are the best of baby foods, nurs ing bottles.com bs brushes, powders etc. If there Is a baby at your house, get the things he needs here. Only the best is good enough for your baby .and the best is here. CARL A. PLATH PHARMACIST The Rexall Store J. F. WATT FOR REPRESENTATIVE lU'newed Intervttt In the eiinipfilKn for nomination for state, anil coun ty ollicerx develoiHH Saturday when the nnnouuoemeut wan made that Ir. J. F. Watt would become a can didate, for the KeputtlU-an nomina tion for joint repreneutatlve from Hood Itlver and Vnnco counties. Dr. Watt has become a candidate at the it'qut'Ht of his many frlendx both lu this and Waxco county and his candidacy in the cauHe of much con grit t illation on the part of local Ke pubilcana. The doctor has been a resident of Hood itlver for many years aud It Is believed, if elected. will represent the district Intelligent ly, fairly aud with ability, ills dcc- buatlon was filed Monday and petl tlons placing him before the voters are now U'liig circulated. Another candidate to enter the field after a long season of urging Is O. H. Hhoades who will go U'fore the primaries as a Republican candi date for county coiumisHioner. Mr. Iihoal "lias received asxurances of strong support from all sectione of tlit; couuty and his Interests In Its various sections are said to le caus ing him to be favored by the voters of the upper valley. New Pastor to Arrive l!ev. J. P. Parsons, the new pastor of the I'. 11. Church, Is expected to arrive the last of the week and will occupy the pulpit next Sunday morn ing ninl evening. Mr. Parsons comes from Munele, Indiana, where he has served for six years as pastor of our church In that city. It Is confidently hoped that under his pastorate In Hood Klver he may be as successful as he has been in his former pastor ate. The writer desires to express to the people of Hood Klver his appre ciation of many kindnesses shown himself and family, and feels sure the same will be accorded his successor. Everybody Invited to the regular services next Sunday. J. II. Pakkkk. Candidate for County Commissioner I hereby announce to the voters of Hood River couuty that I am a can didate for the nomination for county commissioner on the Republican ticket at the primaries Sept. 54th. If nominated and elected I will serve all the people of the county to the best of my ability. O. II. Khoadks. LIVE LOCAL TOPICS Lost A large back comb with rhlnestoue settings. !ave at of lice and get reward. Klshop Paddock arrived here Mod day from Eastern Oregou and Is the guest ut his sister at her country home In the Itarrett district.. A basket shadow social will Imj given by the Young People's Society at the liaptlst church Tuesday even ing, August 23. - All young people Invited. W. J. Kennedy, former owner of the east side ranch now In possession of A. 1'. Manning, was here Monday on a business visit. Mr. Kennedy Is dow working a large tract which he owns near Vancouver, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Perry, who have beeu attending the district con vention of the Missionary Alliance at Tacoma, Wash., are spending a few dajs In Seattle preparatory to re turning to Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Storms of Min neapolis are visiting In the valley. Mr. Storms Is secretary of the Ep-plng-Rrydle Company and Is Interest ed In lauds lu the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Laird friends of the Storms are also here. Hud Cashen Is agalu actlug as day clerk at the Mt. Hood Hotel during the absence of Charlie Lnrseu. Hud's smiling countenance behind thecoun ter of the Mt. Hood recalls old times and makes his many friends feel at home In Hood River's pioneer hos telry. Hon. W. R. Ellis of Pendleton, the present congressman from this dis trict, and Republican candidate agalu for the nomination, was here Monday meeting friends. Mr. Ellis has dispensed with his whiskers since his last visit here, and many who formerly knew him well were unable to recognize him until he In troduced himself. Tennis Club Entertains The occasion of the monthly meet ing of the Tenuis Club was made an enjoyable affair Friday, when each member was allowed to Invite a guest aud lunch was served at the court. After luncheon, the members and their friends were takeu around the valley In automobiles, Beven ma chines being necessary to transport the happy party, which, on Its re turn to town, repaired to the roof garden of the Hotel Oregon. This had been prettily decorated for the occasion, and refreshments were served aud the party entertained with music. piPEsr PIPES! PIPES! CALABASH MEERSCHAUM BRIAR ID FES We have the Largest Assortment of Fine Pipes ever shown in Hood River. Don't forget to see our line before you buy. :::::: EL Prices that are Right. Buy direct from the Factory. : : Ross, Richards & Co. FOURTH AND STATE STREETS WOMAN'S LEAGUE HAS BUSY SESSION The American Woman's league at their last meeting decided to change the day of meeting from Tuesday to the lirst and Third Wednesday after noons of each month, meeting at '.'::10 p. in. The tiext meeting will be Wednesday the 17tb. It Is very Im portant that each meinlter lie pres ent, as uecessary business must lie brought iK'fore this meeting lu re gard to the endowment of each mem ber, and the necessity of paying up promptly. As soon as we have the desired number of paid up inemliers, we can make application for our Chapter House. We ought, If each member do her part, be ablu to secure It this fall. How many members can secure one or two new members In the near future? Each one ought to take some responsibility In this work If we succeed In bringing to Hood River immediately one of the beauti ful Chapter Houses which are offered us through the league plan. Some of the members have secured their first lessons In their choice of studies, aud we desire to-form classes lu Musk China painting or whatever course of Instruction they desire to pursue. The first one hundred thousand members constitute the Founder's Chapter., This entitles the holder to special advantages, chief of whlcn Is to share In the benefits of all endow ments, which will lucrense from yeur to year. The form of the league's or ganization Is that of a trusteeship. Its reserve funds are administered by, and Its property Is vested In, the board of trustees as a perpetual trust of which the members are ejual life beneficiaries. Reside this, the leugue has behind It a purpose, an ideal aud a usefulness of the highest nature. It places within the reach of all ambitious men and women the widest possible opportunity for themselves and their children, giving them the assistance aud advantage of a mighty national organization, great educational Institutions and beautiful local club houses. All this has been accomplished by the united effort of a multitude, each member doltig a little part under a simple, well-organized business plan. The league rnukes no pretense of giving 'something for nothing." For every service rendered to Its members a corresponding service Is required of Its niemliers, which any one who Is not a laggard can perform In spare tune. 1 nts source ol-lncome lav ob tained through the co operation ol Its memlHTs with the magazine pub Ushers of the country, who pay Into the treasury of the league one-half of the total subscription Income, and. In addition, giving the league free advertising space. Any persons not members of the league are welcome to attend the tueetiugs of the league for the purpose of ascertaining Infor mation In regard to Its plan and courses of study and benefits derived from membership. We have still a few reservations for membership In the Founder's Chapter and would le glad to secure these, before It Is too late, for some of Hood River's men or womeu. If you desire a good thing, join the American Woman's league and help yourselves thereby to a higher plane of Intelligence and usefulness, as well as doing a part In bringing to the door of others that which uplifts and lenefits them. All available benefits of the league are free to memlsTS Immediately upon completion of. membership. Every niorsber should have The Woman's National Daily, 313 copies for one dollar. This will keep you In touch with the league work, also well posted In the news of the day. All members who desire to pay their weekly payments will lie sup plied with blanks If they attend the next meeting. All money can be sent to headquarters. The American Woman's League, I'nlverslty City, St. Ijouln, Mo. Mhs. Mahtma W. Riohv, President Local Chapter. . PINE QK0VE Ed. Hawkes Is building a fine barn, with the assistance of Will Sears. Rev. Hayes filled bis regular ap pointment at church Sunday morn ing. Miss Nina Itrown. from Portland. is a truest of Mrs. J. (1. Jarvls this i week. Kuv f. Ifmitu' will iirpfirh In 1 line Grove at the M. E. church next Sunday morning. E. E. Lage had the misfortune to uriritlri hi jinkh Ijiat. wnk find la confined to the house in consequence. E. E. Lage has lieen making good Improvements on his house with an external and Internal application of paint. Mr. and Mrs. Mark returned Sun day from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, who are living near Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Roltert Waugh re turned from Lost Lake the latter part of last week, having ss-nt sev eral days with others In an outing party. Mr. Van horn 'a iteople are enter taining friends from the east this u-.u.l fltlwira fL'lw, fi PA ti t ,pl 'I I n I ii tr are the Mason, Mohr and Vannier families. The Ladles' Aid Society will hold their business meeting at the homo of Mrs. E. E. lige Friday afternoon of this week. There will le ehrtlon of o Ulcers. . Thoe from this vicinity who are visiting Sensld are Mrs. ('has. Sproat and daughters, Misses Etta and Alletie Clark, ami Misses Pearl Weir and Maggie Ccxiiran. SPEC A ThD Week I) Waists and Suits Make your selections early and get your pick out of this special : : : : : Reduced Price Waist and Suit Sale for your 4 th of July requirements. BRAGG MERCANTILE CO. M TO IMPROVE YOUR SERVICE o CALL BY NUMBER jj 11 HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY J Sizxzxzxz in rzzzrxzxzzzxrrxxzzzzxxar if :zzzzz: M W. S. NICHOL ORCHARD LANDS AND CITY REALTY Nichol Building Hood River Heights zzzzzzzzzzz Davidson Bldg Pbone 98 John .eland Henderson, Inc. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, President, Attorney at Law, County Surveyor HARRY A. HACKETT, Vice President, Manager Real Estate Department HENRY N. HACKETT, Sec'y-Treas., Notary Public, Deputy County Surveyor Headquarters for Law, Real Estate, Loans, Con veyancing and Surveying list Your Property With Us Correspondence Solicited Phone 41 Have Us Line the Stakes for Your New Orchard J