12 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1910 POLK'S GAZETTEER m nauM inrMun ar tm lit?, Twa aa4 ia Orrcoa aa4 Kablaiut, tittac a iMwrriptlva Kkvtra af Mrt alar. Laralla-t. nklppiac FarUUtoa aad m rt4 IMrwtorr at aack Bmlim aa4 hWniln, B. L. roi.K CO, Ua. miim, naaa. ;m TOD IS A LUXURY with the proper surroundings. I can refit your whole bath room lor a mod erate sum, or supply you with fixtures and trimmings that are marvels 01 beauty and usefulness. Nkkle Towel Bars, Sponge Holders, Soap Dishes, etc. All Plumbing Work Promptly At tended to. R. D. GOULD 209 Oak St. Phone 2' Bless Its Little Heart We have every thing for baby but its clothes. At this drug store there are the best of baby foods, nurs ing bottles.combs brushes, powders etc. If there is a baby at your house, get the things he needs here. Only the best Is good enough for your baby, and the best is here. CARL A, PLATH PHARMACIST The Rexall Store CHURCH UNITY AROUSES INTEREST Lat Sunday evening a meeting of grvat value wan held at the Baptist church, when Rev. Mr. Hargreavea poke on the subject, "Too Many Churches In Hood Elver." Her. II. A. MacDonald, who heard Rev. H a rg reaves, uud Is Interested In the movement, says; "Mr. Hargreaves showed convinc ingly how the struggle to maintain the different organizations took all the time of the adherents and hin dered the real work for whldh the church of God should stand meeting the moral and spirit ual needs of men and women. The several denominations stand In a somewhat traditional hostility to one another, suspicious, working out their separate problems, hardly supporting themselves, and so en grossed In the struggle for existence as to have little money or strength, or even Inclination, to live out the great law of the beauty of service. "Mr. Hargreaves made an earnest appeal to the people of Hood River to get together and form some proj ect of amalgamation by which the number of churches may be reduced. It was a prophetic note, and a chal lenge to the laymen of Hood River. We need to awaken and consider this project, now Introduced In our midst, whoee future success Is not far away." PASTOR RUSSELL RETURNS. A Two Matd Schooner Praaantad to Him For Raligioua Work. From th Brooklyn Eagle, Juno t, 1210. Among the passengers who arrived on the Lusltanla this morning was the Rev. C. T. Russell, pastor of the Brook lyn Tabernacle. Ills arrival was await ed by a number of friends, who pre sented him with a two masted schoon er for missionary work about the harbor. The schooner that was given Pastor Russell was right on the Job as the Lusltanla began warping in. From one mast of the sailing vessel to the other was strung an enormous piece of bunting bearing the words "The Angel," that being the name of the craft Below was a sign reading "God Is Love." and a third sign with a re ligions admonition followed. Talking of his trip abroad. Pastor Russell said he expected that within Ave years Jews would begin returning to Palestine to make that country their home. The preacher visited Palestine during his trip and said he found erl- . dences constantly of a steady progress of the Zionist movement PINE GROVE Miss Olga Limits Is a guest of Miss Lulu Hunt this week. Mr. McLalu has commenced the erection of a new barn. Miss Lurana Vannler returned from Portland the Brut of last week. The V. CY T. I. will hold their business session Friday afternoon ol this week. The ladles' aid had a very pleasant social time with Mrs. Allen Friday afternoon of last week. Hans Lage and War re u Wells have been making marked Improvement on their premises In the past few days. Mrs. H. M. Vannler and son Frank left Wednesday for a visit to New York, expecting to be absent three weeks. Mrs. Shepard and daughter Violet, who have been visiting friends here soon leave for their home in North Yakima. Mr. Paascb, who has recently re turned from Minnesota, Is evidently more in love with Hood River than ever. He says it has been very hot and dry In the east. Several from the vicinity atteuded the Unitarian church In Hood River Sunday morning and listened to a very Interesting sermon delivered by Miss Buck from Cleveland, Ohio. Notice Teachers' examinations will be given In the following order: For state papers commencing Wednesday, August 10th, at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Saturday, August 13th at 4 o'clock p. ni. Wed nesday Penmanship,' blstory spelllng, physical geography, read Ing, psychology. Thursday Written Arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, composition, algebra, English litera ture, school law. Saturday Botany, plane geometry general history. For county papers commencing Wednesday, August 10, at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Friday, August 13, at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading, physical ge ography. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, physi ology. Friday Geography, school law, civil government, English literature. Erskst C. Smith, ' County Supt. PIPEST PIPESI PIPES! CALABASH MEERSCHAUM BRIAR ID FES We have the Largest Assortment of Fine Pipes ever shown in Hood River. Don't forget to see our line before you buy. :::::: MI Prices that are Right. Buy direct from the Factory. : : Ross, Richards & Co. FOURTH AND STATE STREETS 000400044040004C404 I Camp Perry's I lournament For Marksmen o o o i 1 3oooooo4o4o4o4o4c MARKSMEN th country over are now turning their atten- X A tloD t0 tb bl contests of the year, the national rifle aud revolver matches at Camp Perry, Ublo, Aug. 8 to 23, Inclusive, which promise to be the most Interesting ever beld, many new features having been added aud the competitors being great er In number than ever before. These tournaments are beld annually at Camp Perry or at some point where the range la aa large and well equlppedbe object being to encour age goou marksmanship. All the money the nation puts Into forts, mili tary equipment and naval armament Is entirely thrown away unless the men behind the guns know bow to shoot, and the military authorities, both state and federal, are devoting ever Increasing attention to tbia mat ter. These matches were established by congress, which provided the trophy, and are shot under the auspices of the national1 board for promotion of rifle practice and under the direction of the war department They draw together the 1.000 best marksmen In the Dnlted States; tbey require the services of 1,000 regular troops and 100 army offi cers; tbey set the high water mark In military rifle shooting. Therefore they are of considerable Importance to the country, and some facts In regard to them will be of Interest even to the citizens who never expect to shoot This Is the fourth year that Camp Perry has bees selected for the nation- l . ' pats- - I MA.RE8MEN OOMPrTINQ AT CAMP PEBBI. al shoot, where there are 236 rifle and revolver targets, all arranged to the north so that they can be shot upon from a common Bring line. The war department and the state of Ohio fur nish tents, cots, mattresses, tables, chairs and other camp furniture free to all competitors, while subsistence may be obtained from the various messes or at the large mess hall at reasonable rates. The spot Is delight' fully located aod has over a mile of the finest bntblcg beach In the world. A new and Interesting feature of .this meet will be the revolver matches for the police of the country. The na tional police team match will be shot for the first time on Aug. 11. Each team Is to consist of five police offi cers from the force of a single city, and no officers may shoot on more than one team. Tbey must have been In the same police force for at least three months prior to the date of the match and will wear the authorized uniform of their force. At fifteen yards each man will fire two scores of Ove shots each, rapid Ore, eight seconds to each score. At twenty-five yards each man will Ore two strings of Ove shots each, timed flre, fifteen seconds to each score, and at fifty yards each man will flre five shots, slow fire, twenty seconds for each shot. For this match there has been given a handsome silver trophy, which will remain In the custody of the police force winning It from year to year. The national police individual match will be open to any police officer In the country, and the prizes will be money and a number of beautiful prizes. In addition, the police will be eligible to compete In a number of other revolver matches at the tourna ment Besides these contests, the pro gram Includes the regular matches of " .1 " " '"' ' it. r-S i ' v ' 'K'pH IH TBI TABOn PITS. the Ohio State Rlflo association, the National Rifle association aud the national board for promotion of rifle practice. Among leading events of the meet are the famous Herrlck enp match, Catrow cup match, adjutant general's cup match, governor's match. marine corps match and president match. The first prize for the latter Is a gold medal, an autograji) letter from the president of the United o M I CD AD TIhD Week A 13 Waists and Suits Make your selections early and get your pick out of this special : : : : : Reduced Price Waisl and Suit Sale for your 4th of July requirements. BRAGG MERCANTILE GO. 3X TO IMPROVE YOUR SERVICE CALL. BY NUMBER HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY :itT: 3 W. S. NICHOL ORCHARD LANDS AND CITY REALTY Nichol Building Hood River Heights Z2ZZZ Davidson BIdg Phone 98 John Leland Henderson, Inc. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, President, Attorney at Law, County Surveyor HARRY A. HACKETT, Vice President, Manager Real Estate Department HENRY N. HACKETT, Sec'y-Treas., Notary Public, Deputy County Surveyor Headquarters for Law, Real Estate', Loans, Con veyancing and Surveying List Your Property With Us Correspondence Solicited Phone 41 Have Us Line the Stakes for Your New Orchard States and rash. e3