The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 20, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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nn re3 rfrn
THAT when the hotjpell
... .-uLVZD
that rrttfATS THE BAND
fin 1 s ir iit im - .7
APPAREL is BEConirfG it
tPv'Cin "?o6. er tc Bmrc- bown fo, fu.o.5J No. "4 .
Summer Goods
Desirable Goods are being daily offered
at prices that delightfully surprise you. We
always believe the "nimble six pence" beats
the "lazy shilling." We run our busi
ness accordingly.
Summer Goods Must Go
i 'm: r.nii
IDff. .VtU jI
Ocfc Lots of Suits
Just Half 'Price.
Strata Hats
Half Trice
Live Local optc8
D. D. Hall and J. K. McGregor of
Mosler were here Saturday on a busi
ness visit.
The Hood River Apple Vinegar Co.
In now ready to receive apple. Rrlng
them to us.
A. T. Loeffler, who has been on a
trip to Yellowstone Park, returned
home Friday.
Albert Lathrop left for the sea
shore this week where he will spend
bis vacation.
Ignite Butler 1 noted as one of the
guests at the Hotel Perking In Port
land Wednesday.
District Judge W. L. Rradshaw
has filed his petition at The Dalles as
a candidate for renomlnatlon.
Mrs. J. L. Whltcolrab and daugh
ter Ruby returned last week from
an extended sojourn In Seattle.
F. C. Thomsen returned to Hood
River Wednesday after a week's visit
at The Dalles, his former home.
Miss Myrta Hugging of this city
was a guest at the home of Mrs.
VanDellan at The Dalles last week.
An old time resident of Hood Klver
formerly Miss Josephine Driver, ar
rived here last week for a visit with
Miss Zen a Miller of Hood Klver has
accepted a position as teacher In
district 52, Wasco county, for the
coming terms.
The Gllbert-Vaughan Company re
ceived a new Cadillac Friday, mak
ing ten of these cars which have been
sold In the valley this year.
W. F. Chapman of Fresno, Califor
nia, was one of the visitors who was
here last week looking the valley
over with a view to Investing.
Harry Hackett, of the John In
land Henderson company, Is now
driving one of the Carter cars, the
only one In the valley, which is oper
ated by friction drive, and says It Is
a star hill climber.
W. A. Stark left Wednesday morn
ing for Hood Klver, where he will
reside this summer and fall and as
sist bis son, .Sam, In the Iatter's of
fice. Mrs Stark will follow him In
a few days. They will make their
home with their son, M osier Bulle
tin. At a dinner given Thursday even
ing at the Country Club Inn the en
gagement of Miss Irene Bancroft and
L. P. Armstrong was anuounced.
Covers were laid for a number of the
young friends of Miss Bancroft and
Mr. Armstrong, who heartily con
gratulated tbem.
Services at the Methodist church
next Sunday at 11 a. m. and H p. m.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Kpworth
League at 7 p. to. Subject of dis
course "Iessons from the prize ring-'
Preachers and church people us well
as business men and politicians run
learn something from promoters like
Klckard and CorlsHt and fighters
like Jeffries and Johnson.
If awl wood double Jersey butter
milk will be carrleJ In stock during
hot weather.
For Hale Seven room house, two
lots, small barn, corner Sixth and
Sherman. Will sell furnished or un
furnished. Batb with hot and cold
water. Apply at house. Mrs . C
J. H. Heilbronner spent Sunday
visiting relatives In Portland.
Geo. H. Lynn spent Sunday with
his daughter in St. Johns.
Mrs. Etta Bancroft. went to Port
land Monday for a few days In the
j Miss Bertha Lawreuce of Spokane
is a guest at the Pelronnet home
near Parkdale.
E. B. Clarke of Portland, a Hood
Klver property owner, was here Sat
urday on a business errand.
Dr. I. W. Ooldsbury of Boston,
brother of John Goldsbury, arrived
here Saturday for a visit.
The Cutler boys, accompanied by
Misg Cutler and their father went to
Cloud Cap Inn by auto Sunday.
The Methodist Sunday school pic
nic, which was to have been held this
week, has been postponed until next
Henry C. Clark and Vera O. Kelly,
who gave their residence as Hood
Klver, were married Monday by Jus
tice A. C. Buck.
Mrs. Jones, sister of Mrs. H. L.
Bumble, whose home Is In Portland,
Is a guest at the home of the latter
for a few days.
Burleigh Cash, who Is home from
the I'nlversity of Oregon on his va
cation, will preach at the Christian
church Sunday evening.
The Mount Hood hotel is Installing
a new heating plant which Is much
larger than the old one. The work
Is being done by K. D. Gould.
Miss Frances Gonia and Miss De
borah Miner of Chicago are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Davidson. The
latter Is a nkre of Mrs. Davidson.
Wanted A small home place with
bearing fruit trees, with or without
house, near school, oue to five acres,
cheap. Address P. O. box or call
Mrs. Marjorle Fouts, ufter a few
days' visit at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker, re
turned to her home In Portland Mon
day Humphrey Barton and family ar
rived Saturday from St. Paul to
make their home here. Mr. Barton
Is an extensive property owner at
Hood River.
('. B. Altchlsou, state railroad com
missioner, was here Saturday nnd
called at the News oflire. Mr. Altehl
son was accompanied by Mr. Bell,
one of the engineers connected with
the railroad commission.
G. B. I,anham, buyer for G. M. H.
Wagner & Sons, the Chicago com
mission house, was here Monday ac
companied by his wife. Mrs. I,nn
liam, who Is very much pleased with
Hood Klver, says she would like to
slay here.
First term prisoners In the Missouri
penitentiary and the state reform
school will be given an opportunity
to restore themselves to the good
graces of society If a plan for their
reformation which Gov. Hadley has
uuder consideration Is finally adopt
ed. He Is trying to arrange with
D. H. Deane of the state board of
agriculture to give the men and boys
whose records warrant It employ
ment on farms in various parts of
the state. The idea is to arrange
with farmers for giving the paroled
Individuals work on a wage basis
and ultimately to set them free If
they behave themselves. The gover
nor has asked the warden of the
penitentiary nnd the superintendent
of the training school at Boonville
to furnish him with u list of 2" or 'M
men and boys who are serving firs
terms and who can be trusteil on pa
Were Entertained Royally
C. 1). Thompson, Frank Stanton
and Chris Grelsen, who were In at
tendauce at the annual convention
of the Pacific Coast Nurserymen's as
soclatlon at Walla Walla last week
returned Thursday very much pleased
with the hospitality shown them
while In that city. While there they
were entertained at luncheon by the
Business Men's Association, glveu
access to the Y. M C. A. building and
Its conveniences, Including the baths
and swimming pool, and taken for
a street car and carriage ride by the
Commercial Club. On the latter trip
they were taken over Into the Mil ton
Free water district and on their re
turn to Walla Walla were dined by
the club.
The meeting is said to have been
largely attended, delegates from all
over the northwest nnd Pacific coast
states were present and some from
the middle west and east. The next
convention will le held In California,
but the exact spot has uot yet been
designated, although It Is expected
It will be San Jose.
A full line of poultry supplies at
Men's washing a ssilalty. Mrs.
Phoebe Collins. Phone H:i-X.
Hazelwood sweet cream and lie
cream can be obtained In ijunntltics
from now on at Boss & Richard's.
J have a client who wants to bor
row f.'IfKj for two years. Will pay H
vr cent and secure note with first
mortgage on Improved real estate
valued at tl. Phone .'Krt-M. S.W.
Stark, Eliot Bldg.
Will Remain at Hood River
Mr. anil Mrs. Win. Stnrrett, who
left Jersey City, N. J., fifteen days
ago, arrived at Hood River Wedues
day after making several stops en
route. They visited friends in Idaho,
Inspecting the mining district In the
Coeur d'Alene country and went
from there Into Portland over the
North Bank railroad. Mr. Starrett
says that nfter the ride over the
dreary stretches of sand and waste
land east of here Hood River looked
more like Paradise than ever. He
has severed his business connections
In New York and will make his home
In the valley at Ids ranch.
Yucco Tree Protectors at White
For Sale Brand new visible type
writer, ?:,. Try It a week. A. Wil
son, Mount Hood depot.
Geo. D. Culliertson & Co. write all
kinds of Insurance, Fire, life, acci
dent, plate glass and bonds.
Rex Brand Stock and Poultry
Food. Best In the world. The kind
that brings results. Whitehead's.
Have buyers for some Improved
and unimproved fruit farms. Call
and list your place with Geo. D. Cul-
bertson & Co.
C. W. Edmunds, M. D., eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases exclusively.
Office hours !:.'!) a. m. to 4 n. in.
Phone it, Res. 3.112-L.
Guests Flocking to Shlpherd Springs
Dr. M. F. Shaw, C. D. Nlckelsen,
Paul Hubbard and W. H. Walton
went to Shlpherd Springs Wednes
day on a business errand returning
Thursday. The greatest number of
visitors ever known at Shlpherd's
is now staying there and also at St.
Martin's. About 2(H) guests took
breakfast at the former place Thurs
day morning aud a number slept on
cots hi the dance hall Wednesday
night. At St. Martin the bus to the
station was discontinued for several
days In order to discourage guests
from going there on account of lack
of accommodations.
A new road has Just been con
structed by the Shlpherd hotel com
pany from the railroad station to
the hotel, a distance of about three
miles, aud will be put In use In a few
days. Guests will then be transport
ed by aut Jinoblle. Ralph Shelley
still has the contract for transport
ing guests and Is doing a land otlice
The hotel at Collins Springs is also
taxed to Its full capacity to provide
for the hundreds of visitors who are
arriving there.
Rebuilding Garage
The Hood River Manufacturing
and Engineering Company has com
menced the work of rehabilitating
their machinery that was Injured
In the recent fire, aud will shortly
start work on rebuilding the garage.
The repairs to the machinery, much
of which has been partially saved,
are being made uuder the supervision
of Ernest Bogges, who was so badly
burned while attempting to rescue
his companion, but who Is now fully
The garage, when rebuilt, will con
tain all the conveniences originally
planned and several others that have
since been decided upon. The build
ing will have room for l." cars on the
floor space aud a number more In a
storage loft to be constructed above.
Gospel Tabernacle
The meetings In the talxTiiaclu on
May street between 7th and sth have
begun In real earnest and will con
tinue each evening at 7:4."i. Next
Sunday, July 17th, there will be an
all day meeting. Morning 11 o'clock,
afternoon 2:.'H), and evening 7:4.1. If
you are a Christian, come. If you
are not a Christian, come. If you
are discouraged, come. If you want
to know how to be happy now and
always, come. There Is help for nil.
You are Invited. C. E. Perry, pastor.
Soreness of the muscles, whether
Induced by violent exercise or Injury,
Is quickly relieved by the free appli
cation of Chamberlain s Liniment.
This liniment Is equally valuable for
muscular rheumatism and always
affords quick relief. Sold by all
Apple Business
The production of apples in the United States has de
creased in the past 13 years 46,070,000 barrels. The Depart
ment of Agriculture publishes the following figures:
Apple crop in 1896 09,070,000 barrels
Apple crop in 1899 37,500,000 barrels
Apple crop in 1907 ....29.000,000 barrels
Apple crop in 1908 ...23,000,000 barrels
During this 13 years of decrease the population of the
United States has increased in excess of 12,000,000.
For every planted tree in Oregon 10 are abandoned, up
rooted or played out in the East.
Apples of the east are raised by farmers as a side issue.
Apples of the Hood River Valley are raised by social
ists as a business.
In the East the pest conquered the orchard.
In Hood River the orchardist conquered the pest.
Coarse ground and rock salt at
Money to loan. Apply to Geo. D.
Culliertson & Co.
Don't let the rabbits eat your trees.
Buy your tree protectors at White
Rooms and board can he had at
reasonable rates by applying at the
Kentucky Home. Phone sf-ViE.
The Ross & Richards Compnny
will nerve Hnwlwood special Ice,
cream Sundays at the same price as
other creams.
If your horse Is run down nnd out
of condition and you want to get
hi in In shape to do good strong
work buy a pall of Rex Stock Food
It will do the Job. Whitehead's.
Apple Land Bargains
20 ACRES, 9 acrea set to commercial orchard, mostly 3-ycar-old trees; 3 acrm of youn
strawberries; S acres partly cleared, balance in meadow. Water (tnck, small house. Near
achool. store and railroad station. Price $10,000. f 41100 cash.
21 1-2 ACRES, red ahot aoil. Oak Grova district, 17 acres in commercial alao bearing
family orchard; 5 room house; complete act of implements, at price of 313.600. Apple crop
of at leant laOO boxes goes with the place.
20 ACRES, in Willow Flat district, 10 acrea under cultivation; 6 acrea In 2 and 8 year old
Newtowna and Spitzenbenrs. 4 acrea youn strawberries; 5 acres nearly ready for the trees.
Completa act of implements, team, and 10 Inches of water stock, at the price of 3I0.0H!
Easy terms.
15 ACRES, all planted to Newtowns and SpiUenberirs, 1 to 4 years old. save one-half acre
that is in meadow, close to town. Red shot soil. Price til. 000 3vp00 cash.
10 ACRES, 3 1-2 milos from Hood River; volcanic ash soil, on main county road. All planted
to youn commercial orchard; beautiful buildin site. A harirain. 3.10(10 cash will handle.
Devlin & f ircbaugb
!' H O N li Ml
Swetland Mullding Hotel Oregon Building