The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 20, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Hood River Light &
Power Company
If you want quick returns on your wife's
lif. Insurance policy. juat furget all th.
Labor Savinif. Monty Having- and Tim
(Saving Electrical device on the market
at the present time.
With an El.ctric Chafing Di.h. a
Pmfolato9 mnd m Toattmr you can pre
fare good breakfast or midnight
lunch in 7 minutea to 10 minutes from
the time you enter the kitchen.
With an EUctric Wathing Machine
you can put clothe to suak at night, listen
to them being wattled while you eat
break fast, and watch an electric wriiwr
do them in a twinkling after breakfast.
Women in general understand the use
of and appreciate an EltclrU Cutting
Innumerable other devices of a service
able and inexpensive nature are on the
market, and anyone who stops to think
the matter over will appreciate the fact
that a shortening1 of the cordwood bill
will more than eiiual the lengthening of
Electric Light bill.
If you have a lighting service you will
note that you get the hiectrinty for op
erating these devices mostly on a very
low rate.
Resides this look at the difference in
temperature in the rooms.
Just take a minute some time and fig
ure the cost of the wood consumed fur
washing and ironing alone.
If the supply house don't carry a stork
of what you want, we will get it for you.
Legal Papers carefully drawn.
Money loaned on First Mortgages
Tire Insurance in best Companies.
Surety Bonds of all kinds.
Stenography and Typewriting.
Business promptly attended to.
S06 Oak Street Hood Kiver
Real Estate
Correspondence Solicited
Kent & Garrabrant
Confectionery, Cigars
Fishing Tackle
Spaulding's Sporting Goods
All Kinds of Soft Drinks
Oak Street, opposite Smith Block, Hood River,
More Insurance
in force in Oregon than
any other company
Uhc jSorthtttc s t c r n
Mutual Life
Phone 2X5 Odcll Hood River, Oregon
JVIodel Bakery
Fresh Bread, Pies and
Cakes Daily
Fancy and Wedding Cake
Made to Order
4th Street near State
Hood River, Oregon
Simplicity and Durability
the basin which the III 1 1- SLW
() MACHIMi is built on. We are
unprejudiced In our claim that the
W til I li I the best sewing machine In
the ORU. We are only too glnd
to show you that the range of work is
unlimited We make the Vibrator
and Notary machines, the latter being
equipped with the Lock and Chain
Mitch, making two machines in one
and possesses other desirable features
too numerous to mention.
l l'RNI I I'KI: CO. i local dealer, Hood
River, Ore., before you buy.
About 400 Different Spacict Are Known
to Naturalists.
One of (lie Brut imlurulisu who de
voted ttiRDiHelTea to watching- Bona.
wltb stit'b niliT08eoK aa were ibeo
avallutile. was I-ecuwetilioek, a Dutch
man, who lived at the end of theneverj-
teenlh century. Leeuwenhoelc dlsoov
ered thitt a small mite fed on the flea.
tnd It was this dlxcovery wblcb In
spired Swift's familiar lines:
Bo. naturalists observe, a flea
Hath smaller fleas that on him prey.
And these have smaller still to bit 'em.
And so proceed ad Infinitum.
The flea's parasite, however, to be
accurate, is not another flea or
even another Insect, but Is a mite
Classed anions the surcoptldne. Lin
nneus, wrltlnj; In 1758, described only
two species of flea. The first, wblcb
was the bumnn flea, be rightly named
Pulcx Irrltnns. The second was the
chigoe of hot countries. To this, on
account of its burrowing habit, be
gave the name of Pulex penetrans. At
the present day about 400 different
species of fleas have been described
and named by the small band of scien
tific men who bnve devoted themselves
to their study. Most of these have
been dlscovenxl within quite recent
years, so It Is probable that many new
forms arid vnrletles will be collected
and observed. -Harold Russell In Lon
don National Review.
Death Used to Ba the Penalty In Eng
land For Forging Them.
Hats have lu England been subject
to very severe protective enactments.
The blocked beuver hat, for Instance,
Imported by Sir Walter Raleigh from
the Low Countries, won its way so
rapidly that in 1571 Queen Elizabeth
passed an a t to protect the making
of "thrummed" caps, made from wool,
for the advantage of the landed pro
prietors. whoKe sheep furnished the
material. The statute provided that
every male person "shall on Sundays
and holidnvs wear on bis bead a cap
of velvet wool made In England, pen
alty, 3s. Cd. per day.
About a century later the law, for
which there Is nothing too blgb or too
low, having tnxed men's shoes, turned
Its attention once more to their bats
and soon put n check on all Improve
ments In the trade by requiring every
vender of hits to take out a license
under a heavy penalty. Subsequently
a stamp duty was Imposed on all bats.
which were ollicially marked inside
where the maker's name now appears.
The penalty for selling a bat without
a stamp, wits 10, ana the peuaity for
forging a hat stump was death,
whence, no doubt, the modern custom
of the man who goes to church, sits
down, looks into his hat to read bis
maker's name! London Chronicle.
The Sweat Taffy That Came After the
Cold Roast.
"Suy. Jen." said Kuile, the brunette,
wltb while side combs In her hair. "I
see Mamie bus bleached her bair again.
AJu't It terrible?'
"Yes. perfectly awful!" replied Jen
nie. "She asked me If 1 would do It
if I were she. and I said 'yes.' Don't
she look KTfectly dreadful and lt'
yetting streaked already. You could
tell in a minute It was bleached, tbe
roots are so dark."
"Sure. 1 noticed that!" responded
Katie. "And. say, did you see tbe rag
of a dress she bad on yesterday? And
It's fit gracious! Looked perfectly
dreadful, didn't It?"
Perfectly dreadful," echoed Jennie.
'Well, she wanted pattern, and I
gave her tbe one of that dark blue silk
bad three years ago," said Katie.
"You did?"
"Yes. I did."
"Ob!" ,
"And tbe bat she was wealing." con
tinued Katie. "Did you get your optics
on that?"
"Perfect sight, wasn't it?"
"Where did she get it?"
"Ob. down at the Moody's. I helped
ber pick It out." was Katie's renly.
Why, why. here comes Mamie now,"
she contlnix-d. "Hello. Mamie, you
dear, sweet thing! How nice you look
too darling for anything!"
'Y'es. Indeed." added Jennie. "You
do look perfectly charming. Say, let'
all go and get some soda."
And tbe tbree friends walked away
together. New York Times.
An English Sanctuary.
Beverley minster. INI miles north of
Loudon, is the shrine of St. John of
Beverley, who died iu the year 721. In
038 AtbelHtan. king of England, gave
several privileges to tbe monastery,
one being the privilege of sanctuary.
This was not merely for man slaying;
It was ommi to all wrongdoers except
those who had lieen guilty of treason.
For ordinary offenses, such as horse
stealing, cattle stealing, being back
ward In a otitits or liclng In receipt of
suspected goods, a man came Into
sanctuary nbont a mile from the mon
astery or church. There used to be
four crosses on tbe main roads lending
to Reverley marking the limit of the
ren. in cases of manslaughter and
murder It was not sulllcleut to be with
in one of these crosses. Before the
fugitive could claim sanctuary he must
enter ihe church and seat himself in
stone chair known as the "frld
stool" or "freed chair." To this place
many fled for refuge from all parts of
the country.
The worshipers In a certain cbnpel
hod some trouble to keep their faces
straight a short time ago. During tbe
service some commotion was caused
by a gentleman who accidentally Ig
nited a box of wax matches In bis
pocket and was trying to put them
out, while bis alarmed neighbors strug
gled equally hard to help him. Tbe
minister, being shortsighted, could not
make out the reason of the disturb
ance, nnd. thinking to diplomatically
cover the Incident, be Inuocently said:
"Brethren, there Is a little noise go
ing on. Until it Is over let us sing
Sometimes a Light Surprises." Lon
don Answers.
A Now Reason.
Annelte. nged ihree. tins two very
talkative little sisters, and sometimes
be Amis It dllllcult to make herself
heard at Ihe table. One day when the
others had been monopolizing the con
versation longer I linn she liked An
nette raised her finder with a warning
gesture and whispered half aloud:
Everybody keep still. My foot's
sleep."- Delineator.
True Charges.
Sho-PId you see where some man
declares that women nre not honest?
lie Well, he's right In saying so. She
(flerifly- When did you ever know me
o do n dlshonesi thing? He (tenderly)
When you robbed me of my peace of
mind nnd stole my heart, you dear lit
tle thlef!-Ncw York World.
Habit of Putting Off Doing
Serious Things of Life.
Much of tbe unbappiness and im
providence in life is caused by early
habits of procrastination habits con
tracted unconsciously perhaps when
character Is In Its formative stage and
at tbe very time when most attention
should be given to tbe untrained na
ture. It Is so easy to fall Into a happy-go-lucky
way of living, so easy to Jog
along unconcernedly, doing tbe things
wbicb suit us best and perhaps which
count for the least and leaving undone
all tbe acts and unspoken all tbe words
and unexpressed all tbe thoughts and
unused all tbe advantages which are
really so essenlial to a better under
standing of ourselves and tbe wonder
ful life being lived about us!
What a bright world of promise ful
filled this would be If responsibility
could only bo made half as attractive
as some of the minor diversions which
seem to furnish so much pleasure to
their partakers! If tbe bard places
could be made soft, tbe rocky roads
smooth and ditlicult undertakings easy,
tbefe would be small need for putting
off from day to day the task of fulfill
Ing any task whatever. As It Is, with
the certainty that happiness unalloyed
Is not within tbe grasp of man and
with tbe knowledge that sorrow and
trouble must come at some time Into
each of our lives, It seems strange
that for all our weak human nature
we cannot learn the lesson that pro
crastination teaches and benefit there
An Office Business Only.
A young man called at tbe office of
a Justice of the peace aud with some
hesitation made known his business,
which was to be married. The Jus
tice replied that be thought be could
perform tbe service and asked if tbe
young man bad his license.
Yes, sir," the youth replied.
"Well, where is the young lady?"
"She she's at ber father's.'
"Well, bring ber here."
"She'd rather be married a borne,
"And you -expect me to go there and
marry you?"
"Yes, sir. If you please."
"Young man." said tbe Justice, "this
office of mine Is like a department
store. We sell matches here, but wo
don't deliver them at the house."
Youth's Companion.
Cats and Dogs.
According to a Kreuch Investigator,
domestic animals have n certain
amount of reasoning power, often act
upon reflex notions and can associate
Ideos from which they draw Infer
ences. iHigs. and still more so cats, he
says, learn to imitate tbe voice and
movements of their masters or. mis
tresses. He has uoticed old watchdogs
which when they barked bad peculiar
intonations which resembled tbe voices
of their masters. Cats try by the woy
In which tbey cry to make their mis
tresses understand exactly what they
Appropriate Style.
'That elocutionist believes In dress
ing the part for any recitation."
"How do you mean?"
"Why. when she read the story about
the sailors deserted on the lonely Is
land she wore a costume of maroon,
and at her lecture on Celtic wit ber
dress was trimmed wltb Irish point."
The Language.
'This Is a pretty slate of affairs. Isn't
"Yes, It Is n very ugly matter, but
somebody will have to pnv handsomely
for it."- New York Journal.
A good way to be happy Is to try to
be useful aud lieinful.
Bad Combinations,
Rambo-I have a pair of glasses at
ho'iie that make me see double. Bald
win-Yes; I've seen you uslne them.
Oue is a beer mug and tbe other Is
whisky tnmbler.-Cblcago Tribune.
The Particular Sex.
A blind girl lately discorded her af
fianced lover because a confidential
friend Informed ber that the young
man squlirted.-Philadelphia Ledger.
Never quit when failure stares you In
the face. A little more energy often
changes a failure Into a great success.
$ Ship Your S
ft SS5WgiS
wrni f r i j
s MMk&i
ft WiST
frarjberries 1
RIENCE in handling this delicate fruit. Our careful attention and
experience snows in the promptness and amount of the returns.
Foot of Third Street Phone No. 65 J)
A Car Load of
Genasco Roofing
the best Roofing on the market at a reasonable price. This roofing is
now in use on the Nickelsen building and School House on the Heights
It is Not an Experiment
Blowers Brothers
Phone 99
Cor. Oak and First
Suits Like This
Hre to be 9ccn and judged
by all men of this town. It
19 one of tbe new patterns;
our first cbokc of alt
clotbes. It will be yours
too. wben you sec bow it
wears and proves its goodness.
Cluett Jbirtf are especially attractive in de
sign. No more expensive than the ordi
nary ones, $1.25 and $1.50
for Sale
One Morse, sound and
weighing 1450 pounds.
0ne24 Wagon, nearly
new. Enquire...
S. B. wTlfert
Mosier, Oregon
Taft Transfer Go.
Draying. . .
Wood Yard
l or Sale
Offi.- rh.n J.1 Rmlnirf ZV-M
L E. Foust
Automobile and Bicycle
Gear Cutting and Fitting.
All kind of Machine work
done. Trices reasonable.
Sixth anil Columbia Struts. 1iV-