The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 20, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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10 Acres, half cleared and nearly all in 2 year old
apple trees with peach fillers, potatoes between, black
berries, 4-room neat house, fine view, small barn. A
decided bargain at
3300. Terms
40 Acres uncleared brush land, fine soil, southerly
125 per Acre
the L-P Land Co.
Tel. 259
12 Smith Block
Hood River, Ore.
Plumbing and Tinning
We install Heating Plants of all kinds
Hood River Heights
Manufacturirig and Repair Work
We are prepared to do It In our large and well equipped Manufactur
ing and Repair Establishment.
We would be pleased to have you call on us.
Shops 14 1-M3-M5-H7 Fourth St., Op. Qilbert-Vaughan, Hood River.Or.
Horses Home Stables
Conducted as a
.. General Transfer, Feed and Sale Business ..
The way to drive out to Little White Salmon camping and fishing. The
shortest and best route to Trout Lake and all way points
Both local and lone distance telephones. Call or write
Dabney's Furniture Store
You Can Get Anything
You Want Either
New or Second Hand
For Your Home Very Cheap
Agent for CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges
Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitters
Phone 1053
To the discriminating Housewife:
We have installed some new machinery and
will now make the bo hit est, lightest
bread of any flour on Hood River market
if handled rightly. It does not require as
stiff working as others. Next time ask
your grocer for CUPID and if he will not
furnish it, trade with someone who will.
It is made in Hood KixJcr .
Hood Rier fHiCCing Company
Apple and Pear Boxes
Stanley-Smith Lumber
(Continued from Pure 1)
1 1 y anil checked Improper methods
on the purt of certain corporations,
tins upheld aud furthered the great
et Improvement of the aire In the
work In the Isthmus of I'anaina,
and In Increased facility of naviga
tion of our Inland waterways and
development of our harbors; and hag
worked for efficiency and honesty,
also looking toward the decrease of
the burden of taxation. We heartily
commend the administration of
President Tuft on account of the
postal savings bank, a measure
which the country bas long desired
and which we believe will prove u
great blessing.
We also express our satisfaction
with the services of our congressman
Hon. W. It. Ellls,who has endeavored
to protect the Interests of his con
stituents aud to obtain for them the
granting of advantages to which
they are entitled, when those who
were sent to represent this state In
the senate li'ive leen careless and
neglectful of the rights of Its people.
We likewise endorsed and heartily
approve of the work of our represen
tative, Hon. J. L. Carter, In the last
session of the Oregon legislature.
We believe In a representative form
of government; we believe that such
a government, in its best aud highest
form, can only be reached when It is
possible for those who believe In and
desire such a government to meet to
gether for the purpose of discussing
public matters aud affairs, principles
of legislation and of governmental
action; to choose from among their
number those whom they deem to be
fit representatives of the principles of
the party, thereby preserving to us
and to our posterity the political
rights and liberties secured to us by
the patriots of those notable assem
blies and conventions which gave to
us and the world the Declaration of
Independence and the federal consti
tution. Non-pnrtisau government, so-called
as we have seen It, has been effective
principally in favoring the schemes
of those Incompetent ones who will
trick aud plot by any means to se
cure to themselves position In public
ollice, without regard for, and In no
way representing, the choice of the
We are In favor of so amending the
constitution of the state of Oregon
as to permit counties to Issue long
term bonds to pay the expense of the
Immediate construction of modern
and permanent roads and highways.
The voters of this state have sufll
cleut cause to carefully scrultlulze
the uses to which the Initiative and
referendum has Iteen prostituted.
The purpose of the law was to en
able the people to cure defects In
legislative enactments, or to secure,
iK-tween sessions of the law-mr.klng
body, Immediate relief, when the
public welfare demanded; but tin
tlon of Mr. Costuer Mr. ( lark's nom
ination was declared unaulmous.
ror the office of commissioner
there were four candidates noinl
nated. O. A. McCurdy's nomination
waa put before the assembly by J
H. Shoemaker, II. S. tialllgaii named
by C. Dethtnan. O. H. Khodes by
Hans Lage and A. M. Kelly by U. W.
Dim nili k. It was decided to let the
commissioners who were nominated
decide who should run for the long
and short terms.
1 he vote was as follows: McCurdy
So, Ualllgan 38, II nodes 10, Kelly 24.
Mr. Ualllgan and Mr. Mct'urdy U-Ing
noulnnted the former asked Mr. Mc
Curdy to become the candidate for
the four year terra. The latter
stated be would consider the matter
as he might want to retire after two
years' service.
For office of sheriff O. W. Dlmmltk
wat nominated by E. C. Miller,
Frank ( handler by It. D. Smith and
O. It. Cnstner by W. II. Walton. The
ballot showed that Castner received
33 votes, Dlmmlck 21 and Chandler S.
Mr. Castner was declared elected,
having received a majority of all the
votes cast.
The candidates for county clerk
were F. H. Iseuberg and J. I. Lucas,
the former received 32 votes aud the
latter :t0, and Mr. Neuberg's election
wus made unanimous at the sugges
tion of Mr. Lucas.
Mr. Lucas was then declared the
unanimous choice of the assembly
for assessor and the secretary In
structed to enst a ballot declaring
him elected.
C. I. Thompson was also declared
the nominee of the assembly for
county school superintendent and J.
M. Schmeltzer for county treasurer.
C. M. Hurlbert was unanimously
elected as the nominee for county
surveyor. Dr. F. C. Broslus was
made the unanimous choice for cor
oner, A. C. Buck for Justice of the
peace and E. S. Ollnger for constable.
The precinct committeemen were
then named as follows: P. 8. David
son, west; S. G. Campbell, east; G. K,
Castner. center; Roy D. Smith, south;
A. M. Kelley, Baldwin; W. L. Carnes,
Odell; A. W. Meyers, Falls.
A number of enthusiastic speeches
followed, endorsing the county nom
inees and the assembly, among those
making addresses were E. L. Smith,
T. J. Cunning, J. G. Tate and J. I
Hershner. The candidates were also
called upon and pledged themselves
to adiululster the affairs of their sev
eral offices to the best of their ability
In cane they were elected.
Wingless Chickens
Chicken wings will disappear when
the new wingless chickens raised by
W. A. Bertram of Illinois become
common, lie has round tnat wings
decrease the value of chickens In the
cities and towns by making confine
ment In yards more difficult. He
conceived the Idea by crossing com
mon breeds with the Wyaudottes
and Barred Bocks, having wings
smaller In proportion to their weight
than of other chickens. After sev-
so that we have now upon our
statue books some laws which are
Ill-considered, and some which are
contradictory or conflicting. We W
lleve there Is grave danger In these
measures unless some limitation In'
placed upon their use.
law has teen used for selfish Interests ' "! seasons he has produced a funny
looking thing which has only a few
pin feathers where nature meant
wings to be and which can not Jump
a feuce higher thnn two feet. It will
le easier to fatten chickens which do
not reduce their weight by the exer
tion of fljlug. Tutting more flesh
Besolved, that we heartily endorse ; on the drumsticks and wishbones
the direct primary elections law, but
deny that this law was ever Intended 1
to take awny our constitutional :
right to assemble In a pencable man- j
tier to consult for our common good. 1
Besolved, that we appeal to nil
Republicans, to all who honor the
achievements of the Republican part j
In behalf of human lilerty, progress!
and the widest national prosperity j
and influence, to Join with us In sii -!
porting these principles and, so far
ns they mny be found worthy, tliej
candidates recommended bv this as-1
Respectfully submitted.
A. A. Jayxk.
Newton l'i ai;k,
.1. G. Tatk,
C. Dktiimax,
A motion to take a recess to al
low the various precincts to select
delegates to the state assembly was
carried and when chilled to order the
following were elected. A. M. Kelly,
G. W. Dlmmlck, A. R. Graham, W.
L. Carnes, C. Dethman, .1. L. Carter.
S. G. Campbell, J. G. late. C. 1.
Thompson, A. A. Jayne, C. T. Early,
D. McDonald, T. J. Cunning. George
Hascall, X. C. Evans. The delegates
to the state assembly were author
ized to attend the congressional dis
trict and Judicial assemblies.
In order to give Falls precinct a
Is-tter representation In the assem
bly a motion was unanimously car
ried to give .1. I. Lucas a seat In the
Falls precinct delegation.
Nominations for county officers
wero then put In motion. The tirst
office taken up was that of county
Judge. L. N. Blowers was placed in
nomination by S. (1. CampU'll, New
ton Clark wns nominated by Rev. .J
G. Tate and G. It. Castner by C. I
Thompson. Frank Chandler and
S. G. Campbell were appointed tel
lers. Blowers received 11 votes,
Clark 'M nnd Castner 14 and on m-
wlll compensate for the disappear
ance of the wings. Exchange.
Wheat Harvest On at Dufur
Harvesting Is now on In full blast
lu this community, there being but
few of the farmers that have not
commenced cutting. The yield this
year is the largest for many years
and with the large Dumber of acres
that were seeded both to fall and
spring grain the quantity that will
tie marketed here this fall will be
greatly In excess of any former year.
It seems that the weather condi
tions the past spring have lsHn Ideal
for the growth and development of
the different grains and the present
"bumper" crop Is the result. No es
timate has yet been made as to the
probable yield from this sccttou but
all claim It will be one of the largest
In history. Dufur dispatch.
W hite Estimates 2 1 ,000 Cars
Some time ago W. X. White made
the statement that the West would
produce l."OO0 enrs of apples this
season. Many have questioned this
shntement and when Mr. White was
seen regarding It, he said that next
week he would give the News a de
tailed statement of the various coun
ties In the Western states which will
produce apples and he now estimates
that lustead of 1S,"00 cnrloads, there
will l 21..VH) from a few sections In
the middle West Including Illinois,
Missouri and parts tf Kansas. The
western applo crop Is bountiful.
Canada and Nova Scot In also haw
large crops nnd the fruit Is growing
nicely In New York. Produce News.
The world's most successful tnedl
clue for bowel complaints Is Cham
Itcrlalu's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar
rhoea Remedy. It hns relieved more
pain nnd suffering and saved more
lives than any other medicine In use.
Invaluable for children nnd adults,
Sold by nil dealers.
Water Works on the Farm
Yea, that's Just what we mean real water worki; running water in the kitchen, the bathroom,
the laundry, the barn in fact, all over the place. And It all done be that tank yon are la the
eower kii nana corner of inn picture the Leader ftyetem. It a rawly diflrrent
from the old-fashioned elevated tank which worked by gravity. For the
Leader Water Supply System la operated by eompreutd sir reliable, aafc
and cleanly. Your windmill pump ater Into the tank (which la already
full of air). The air, being elastic, la compressed into upper part of the
tank, and force the water out through the pipe.
Thi give yon pressure, ao that a powerful stream of water la on
tap at every faucet, no matter where it is located. And this means miu
tut firt-proiiciuM, tor the pressure ia olurayi e aud alwaya ready.
Now, the old style gravity tanks were cither pat ia the attic or lit
ated on a high tower out of doors.
IS tbc former case, their weight when full, cracked the plastering; or
they overflowed or leaked, flooding the room below.
Ia the esse of the outside tanka, the water often
froze solid in winter, necessitating expenaive plumb
ing Dills; or it became hot and atagnant during
me summer ana unnt lor use. The
Leader Water
Supply System
avoids all this, because the air-tight tank la
either in the basement or buried under
ground below the frost line. Every outfit
complete, with full directions, and ia
easily installed. The Leader System needs
Bo repairs, ia suited to small buildings or
sarge, ana ia mooerai la price.
Let us aend yon our free booklet. "How
I Solved the Water Supply Problem," the
story of a man wlio successfully equipped
his country bom with, modern water
wurka. 9
Write for It today, before yon forget
I Vv
fl'-0 Vrn
u 1
WHsrmM Addr" r Enquire
Apple Land and Orchard Company
Of floe, Mo. O Oak Street. Phone 26 or 2002 K, Hood Rive
For Lime, Cement and
House Plaster
ST9 7y7Tyy7yyYy7ww7TTyyyov y fwwtM
P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor
Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters.
Phone Main 6 Hood River. Oregon
Zr7T7,y.nA.A.A. A A. X A. X. I.. JL X JT. JlX
Little White Salmon Valley
120 Icres on the White Salmon river, five
miles from the Columbia; 500 one-year-old trees, 40
acres improved, 12 acres under plow, 50 acres brush
land, fine stream of water through place, east side
of valley all good soil, no waste. Owner will sell
at a sacrifice if taken at once. See owner through
Van Vorst (EL Wells
White falmon. Wash.
When ordering your
Kinnaird & Kinsey
Have a Full and New Line
If you can't call, Telephone 78
Successors to CH APM AN, on 12th St.. on the Heights
320 Acres 260 acres in first class apple land.
200 acres cleared of jwhich 170 acres is planted
to apple trees. 50 acres 2-year-old, balance 1-year-old;
all standard varieties. 5 miles from
Hood River and all under ditch. Can be han
dled on easy terms. 6 on deferred payments