10 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1910 ODD SUITS AT HALF PRICE no (L (B r H if V I iV a Tff.'." W i v t ... i,l 1 jT .-XjiOV -a- o2 fe ' r V IaV v. "4 . - Lderheimer, Stein & Co. MS i t Summer Goods Must Matte Room for Our Immense Fall Shipments which Will Soon Be Enroute for Hood River Muslin Underwear, Hosiery, Underwear, Suits, Wash Dresses, Wash Goods and Men's and Boys' Clothing, Straw Hats, Underwear and hun dreds of items our limited space will not permit us to mention. Fimm AD (Cuba Live Local Copic3 j Iarn to say EL KAYO V. O. Smith went to Portland Saturday for a day lu the big city. Miss IJuth Armstrong of Salt Lake City spent last week here visiting her father Leroy Armstrong. A. A. Jayne and family were visit ors at Trout Lake Sunday. The trip was made In Mr. Jayne's car. Mrs. Savage had the misfortune last week to sprain one of her limbs quite badly and Is unable to use It. Kurnette Duncan, after an absence of some time, was at Mosier Friday luoklng after his property Interests there. I). LIttletield, engineer of the log ging engine at Dee, came here Satur day to meet his mother who has arrived on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. lilauchar have recently adopted a bright anil at tractive little girl who Is reported a lielng seriously sick. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Y. l'lneo were lu Portland several days last week, where the doctor attended the meet ings of the State Dental Society. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Manning are noted among the guests at the Hotel IftiDox In Portland Thursday. Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Cram were registered as guests at the )regon Thursday. Mrs. V. A. Carson, who has In-en visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Homewood, returned to her home in Vancouver, Wash., Monday. The Dayton, Wash., Dispatch says "Kev. V. C. Ollmore of Hood Kiver, Ore., has accepted the pastorate of the Congregational church In this city and with his family will move to Dayton about the first of Septem-l-r. Kev. llmore Is recommended as being a thorough student of the ology and an eloquent and forcible speaker. He has been pastor of the Congregational church at Hood P.lver for the past six years, where his efforts In building up a large con gregation have been most successful." Old stable manure Free for the hauling away. Paradise farm H axel wood double Jersey butter milk will ! carried In stock during hot weather For Sale Seven room house, two lots, small barn, corner Sixth ami Sherman. Will sell furnished or un furnished. I5ath with hot ami cold water. Apply at house. Mrs. Z. C. Phillips F. D. Currier was a week end vis itor In Portland last week. O. H. Rhodes was n business vis itor In The Dalles last week. P. F. Fonts of Cooks, Wash., ac companied by Mrs. Fouts, was here Monday on n business visit. Harry Perkins of La Orande, Ore., visited friends In Hood Kiver Sunday. Mr. Perkins Is In the freight department of the O. II. & N. Co. Mrs. A. C. Huhn and daughter of Minneapolis, who have leeu visiting their brother and uncle, E. S. Dobbin near Hood Kiver, returned Sunday. (ieo. Dimmick left Sunday for Star buck, Wash., where he is Interested In a wheat ranch in connection with his brother. He will return Satur day. Mrs. J. W. Sifton of Portland and Mrs. Jas. W. Neilsen of Valley City, North Dakota, were guests at the E. S. Dobbin home near Hood Kiver last week. Hood Kiver sent a ball team to Stevenson on the Fourth that trim med the ball players of the Washing ton city lu both games. Hart pitched for Hood Kiver. John Connell, who has been em ployed in a large automobile garage In Portland for some time, has re turned to Hood Kiver ami Is looking after the repairs on several cars here. Accompanied by his family nnd Claude Markliain W. L. Nichols took a motor trip twenty miles south of The Dalles Sunday, In Mr. Nicliol's four cylinder Kilo Keo. The Dalles was reached from Hood Kiver in one hour ami fifty-five minutes, Shively Ac' Mclilllvary have bought the horseshoeing and not the black smithing business of Snow A: I'pson as reported last week. The Snow Ac I'pson company retain the black smithing and iron working business which will be conducted us before. A full line of poultry supplies at Whitehead's Men's washing a specialty. Mrs. Phot-lie. Collins. Phone lW-X Hazclwood sweet cream and Ice cream can be obtained In quantities from now on at Koss Ac Kichard's I have a client who wants to bor row f.'MX) for two years. Will pay X per cent and secure note with first mortgage on Improved real estate valued at $Wmi. Phone .'Mix M. S.W. Stark, Eliot Kldg 5 ffebu VorK "Bond 0 A. T. Allen, alter a week's visit at Seattle, returned to Hood Kiver Sat urday. J. C. Skinner and Mrs. Skinner left on the local Saturday for n short visit In Portland. Kobert Husbands Is In California attending a family reunion and will be absent some time. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Young very pleasantly entertained a large party of friends Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Page came up Saturday evening and spent the Fourth at the homes of Mrs. C. M. Page and F. E. Dano. Optimist. The Pacific Coast Nurserymen's Association which will be held at Walla Walla the 12th, Kith aud llth of this month, will be attended by a number from here, among them E H. Sin-paid, of Ik-tter Fruit, F. H. Stan ton, C. D. Thompson and Chris, (irelsen. The Woman's League gave au Ice cream social at the residence of Mr. and Mr.J. T J. Cunning Friday. In teresting nddresr.es were made by Mrs, J. W. Klgby, Mrs. A. A. Jayne and W. F. Grimm. A short vocal and Instrumental program was also rendered. A cement sidewalk being laid In front of the addition to the Hotel Oregon on Second street Is an Im provement that Is being appreciated. Jack Morrison, who owns the ad joining buildings will soon lay a ce ment walk lu front of his proierty to connect with It. Professor M. S. Terry, D. D., L. L. D., of Evauston, 111., has been tour ing tlie northwest and lecturing on Kiblical subjects, having spoken at Spokane, Seattle, Tneoma and Port laud. He visited the vall.-y this week. While here he was the guest of Kev. H. I. Wood. L-tters In the pocketbook which was found on the Fourth and men tioned in last week's News, indicate that It iM-longs to Mrs. E. Fine, whose address Is given as 12." Sher man avenue. Anyone having any Information about Mrs. Fine can have the pocketbook returned to her by coining to the News ollii-e. That Hood Kiver residents have a tootli for icecreum was di-iuonstrit-ed on the Fourth when Koss, Rich ards Ac Company disposed of 210 gal lons of Hazel wood cream. The trade in this fine make of Ice cream has In creased wonderfully during the past few summers and the Koss-Kii-hnrds company are handling mora of It t his year than ever. Cent Ctgars Ire good ...At ALL DEALERS... Campbell & 6 Distributors Cigars Portland VANS Oregon Yucco Tree Protectors at Whiteheads W. Currier, expert piano tuner; rexiileut of valley. Phone 210-K For Sale I'.rand new visible type writer, ?;.". Try It a week. A.Wil son, Mount Hood depot (ieo. D. Ciilhcrtsoti Ac Co. write all kinds of Insurance. Fire, life, acci dent, plate glass and bonds Ki-x I'.rand Stock and Poultry Food. P.est In the world. The kind that brings results. Whitehead's Have buyers for some Improved and unimproved fruit farms. Call and list your place with fieo. D. Cul bertson Ac Co C. W. Edmunds, M. D., eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Ofllce hours Mi'M a. in. to 4 p. in. Phone 4:1, Kes. :CU2-L. Wanted 20 to K) acres of unim proved for cijstour-rs. Also 10 to 15 acres Improved on theeaHtHlde.fi. Y. Edwards Ac Co. Phone 22 L Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Alva Day, a boy. John A. Perl and Mrs. Perl of Med ford are guests at the Hotel Oregon. ('apt. A. Kriggs of Portland was a guest at the Mt. Hood Hotel Mon day. C. L. Wheeler returned Wednesday from a several days' visit at Van couver, 15. C. ('. D. Nlckelsen and Paul Hubbard spent Tuesday at Shiperd Springs on a business visit. A dance will be held at Oak Grove hall Friday evening to which every body Is Invited. County Commissioner K. J. Mc Isaac was here Monday from Park dale on a business visit. H. C. Peters arrived Friday from Cincinnati aud will spend the sum mer with his son at bis ranch. A. S. I'.lowers Is noted In the Port land papers as a delegate to thestate assembly from the 7th precinct In the Kose City. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Steiuhauser and S. (i. Kuhson were among the upper valley people who visited the city last week. Mrs. F. W. Eggert returned to Portland Monday accompanied by Miss Florence Avery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Went, accom panied by Mrs. Wentz's mother whose home Is In Omaha, are mak ing a two days' visit In Portland. Fordham Kimball, who recently bought the E. L. Klemtner place re turned from Iioston .Tuesday and will take up his residence at his new home. (.'has. N. Clarke left Monday for (iearhart beach where he will attend the meeting of the State Pharmaceu tical Association which will be held there this year. Miss Margaret Nlckelsen now a nurse in the North Pacific Sanitarium at Portland arrived here Monday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Nlckelsen. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Siinms of Color ado, related to Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Edwards, spent Sunday here. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Slmms took a trip to Portland Monday. Miss Editli Gill, now living in Spo kane, where she has a responsible position in one of the hospitals Is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Gill 011 the Helghts. Apply to (Jeo. D. Money to loan. Cullx-rtson Ac Co Don't let the rabbits eatyour trees. Buy your tree protectors at White head's Kooins and board can be had at reasonable rates by applying at the Kentucky Home. Phone 2."L The Koss Ac. Richards Company will seive Hazelwood special Ice cream Sundays at the same price as other creams If your horse Is run down and out of condition and you want to get him In shape to do good strong work buy a pall of Kex Stock Food It will do the Job. Whitehead's Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be con trolled by giving Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that Is necessary Is to give the pre- siTlled dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It Is safe and sure. Sold by all deal ers." APPLE LAND IMPROVED We have 80 ACHES 4 1-2 miles south of Hood River, all set to Newtowns and Spitz-enherps, 1 to 4 years old, A-l con dition, which is cut up and being- sold in ten acre tracts. Good soil, perfect drainage; beautiful view of lioth moun tains; on Mt. Hood road. This is a splendid buy and will double in value in three years' time. A purchaser of a sec tion of this property could pet it cared for by parties in the valley at a very reasonable figure, making it an A-l invest ment. Prices range from $1.(KK) to $9,K0 on these tracts. Easy terms. Write or inquire now if you wish one of these, as they are among the best bargains on the Hood River market. Easy terms. 10 ACKKS near school, stors and railway Htation, on main roa.il. wil. ffwd iirainair. All wt to two year old Newtownn and Spitzenl-rK. pxoi lli-nt condition. Hargain at T..MX. Eaay Termn. 35 ACHES in the Oak Grove district, red nhot a il. 2.1 acrea under cultivation and in orchard aa followa: 203 Newtowna and Spitrenberira 10 yeara old, 412 Newtowna and S.iUenlierg-a 2and3yeara old, 3ns Newtowna and SpitzenberKu 4 and 5 yeara old. 4.V0 Newtowna and Spitzenberira 1 year old and .11 treea family orchard; 2 acres alfalfa, balance liitht rlearinir. fine spring on place, water piped to houae and barn. At the price of I20,. included team and complete set of implement to run the ranch. Kajiy terma. 75 ACRES 3 1-2 milea out on went aide, lfi acrea in Newtowna and 8pitzenberg-; 8 acrea full bearing-, balance 2 to 5 year old; 14 acrea in meadow, balance litrht clearing-; all but a few acrea of thin place can be cultivated, best of orchard and berry land. Complete aet of build ings. Spring water piped to house, modern plumbinc Free water for irrigation. 1-ocatn) with an attractive view of ll.iod Kiver. Price :i.1.0nil, including team, cow, chickena. wagon, hack, harness, spray outfit, in fact a complete equipment for running the place. Terma. 20 ACRES. 6 milea from Hood River, set to commercial orchard aa followa: 4ln Newtowna and Spitzenherga 14 yeara old; HW Spitlenliergs. 213 Newtowna: 24 Ortleya. 7 yeara old; 76 Spitzenbcrgs. 4 yeara old. 5 acrea ready for fall planting. G-iod house and barn. County road on two sides. Price $24.000.. Terma. t, ACRES, in Willow Flat district. 10 acrea under cultivation; 6 acrea in one year old Newtowns and Spitzentierga. 4 acrea in potatoes; balance partially cleared. Four acrea in young atrawberriea between the treea. 10 inches of water atock; good team and complete aet of implements go wilh the place. 4 room house, small Urn and good spring on place. A bargain at flO.000. Terma. UNIMPROVED I 40 ACRES. 6 milea out on the Kaat aide, beat of orchard land. HooO; 11.100 cash. Iwlance three or five years. 20 ACRES, fl milea out on East aide, good drainage, good local ion, under the dilch. Al orchard land. Good buy at $.'1,100; $12.10 cash, balance 3 to 5 yeara. 20 ACRES, 12 1-2 slashed and burned, red shot soil, eloae in. $l"ri per acre, 20 ACRES high anil sightly. In best orchard district, prnrtically cleared, $TM per acre. 120 ACRES, on tipper Neal Crock, moatly tillable land; about 6 million feet of saw timber Price $.Viiio cash. 63 ACRES, near Summit, ahot anil; 60 acres good orchard land, few scattering fir and aome oak. Price $7000. $1700 cash, balance on or before seven yeara. DcTltn & f trcbaugb THE LEADING DEALERS I'll ONI; 14 1 Swot land Building Hotel Oregon Ruilding PORTLAND, OREGON HOOD RIVER, 0RK(;qn