THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1910 11 W. O. ALDRED Contractor for Grading, Exca vating and Teaming Both Phono Good Slab Wood For Tale Delivered to any part of the city Stewart & Blavlock Phone 1822L or 180T A. W. ONTHANK NOTARY PUBLIC Dealer in CITY PROPERTY Legal Paper carefully drawn. Money loaned on f irst Mortgages Fire Insurance In best Companies. Surety Bonds of all kinds. Stenography and Typewriting. Business promptly attended to. SU6 Oak Street Ima1 Hiver W. J. BAKER Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited The "Biggest Snap oft he fcajon 1G0 acres of fine fruit land, only $15 per acre, six miles southeast of Hood River. Rijrht in the apple belt. Six acres cleared and a cabin 11 by 16; balance 2 1-2 mi lion feet of timber. Iiunnin? water throuph the place. For further information write the owner, J. E. O'Donnel, 54 N. 16 th St.. Port Ian J. Ore. 2GJ acres, 25 acres in trees 2 years old, small house and barn. This place can be divided and sold on terms $500 Per Acre Call or phone G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office Oregon Hotel Building PHoNH 22H-L Bargain gle'll explain rbc Difference between the various blends of CofTee and Tea if you de sire, but people who come here regularly for their Gro ceries have come to rely on us when we say an article is "all right". We don't han dle the "near pure" kind of groceries. Try our COFFEE as a sample of our grocery service. Use Schram Fruit Jars The very best made. "Good Thligs lo at" The star Grocery PLRIGO & SON Phone 5 J SKEEING IN THE ALPS. Picturesque. Sport en the Order of "Follow Your Leader." Tlie ski'flnjj dubs form one of th nnMt )lctureMiiie Hlt;hin lo he Hei-n lu the Alps in winter. With their bright colored bliinket suits, tusxpleU enps or turn o'-shuiitcrs und huge white mitts, they go through the 'axow covered woodlumls aerou the while mountain lopes usuitliy in single file, perhaps fifty sliding along after the leader In true Norwegian fashion. Indeed, It Is a variety of the old game of "follow your lender," for what he does the others ure expected to do. So If he comes to a ledge and Jumps off all are supposed to leap. Hut Jumping with the skees Is not so easy as It looks, and the end is of ten burial lu the snow bank, for un less one is very sure of his footing the long, narrow wooden slats will twist or turn without warning, and over you go. With the skee one can go over hard Know at a very rapid rate, but when he strikes a patch of the newly fallen snow it Is a case of slow to be sure, for any minute the bottom may sink away with him. But It is healthful as well as In vigorating, and the women have found that they need not look awkward even in this form of outdoor dress, with a ribbon here and n tnRRel there and some even adorning their skees. St Nicholas. HE TOOK THE CASE. The Lawyer Said He Would Attend ta It, and He Did. ' A Washington attorney Is rather noted for the facility with which be forgets financial obligations. lie has owed a certain grocer $8 for a year or two. The other day the merchant con cluded to try a new course with him. Meeting him In his store, he said: "Juilo, I have a customer who owes me a small bill and has owed it for a long time. He makes plenty of money, but won't pay. What would you do?" "I'd sue hi m," said the lawyer em phatically. "Well, I will put the account In your hands." And the merchant presented a statement of the account against the lawyer himself. "All right. I will attend to It." said the disciple of Iilackstoue. A few days later the merchant re ceived the following note from the lawyer: "in the rase of versus , I took judgment for the full amount o' your claim. Kxecutlon was Issued an returned 'no property found.' My fee for obtaining Judgment is $10, for which amount please send check. Will be glad to serve you In any other mat ters lu n li it-ti you may need an attor neys'Washington Star. It pays to advertise. CLASSIFIED COLUMN advertisements tor Insertion under this heading oill be charqed lor at the rate ol 25c per month tor luiualltl three lints -no display. Cash should accompany copy, otherwise payable by the 10th of the month. As medium tor reaching the people the Html stands alone and uneicelled. SOCIETIES Hol Kiver Valley Hjmane Society Phone lHfi. K. If. Iluiiwiir. prwNlcnt; Harold Hershner, noeri'tary; l'ulie Butler, tn'aaurg r. SPECIAL NOTICES lraniHl-Tci rent a iiano for a short time. Kx- ceilent care iwurH. Enquire tj. M. Coleman 1 12.1 l.tth t. l'hone ivi-K 2A-LVp VenteI-To leajwv rrnt or handle on shares, five ' ' or ten acres of land near railroad station to trmw celery and lettuce, and strictly hiirh priced crt'i'S. Tarty expert in this line. Would care for orchard interests on the side. Address A. care News otlice. i-liri-p Vantod-To buy a arood fresh cow that will a-ive 4 galluna of milk a day. l'hone 2UH3-M. 25-tf-c VTanted-To buy a horse weight about 2100 ' pounds. One that can le driven by family and worked on amall place, l'hone 21K-L. 2.V2Sp- REAL E8T ATE AND RENT ALS Lr Kent-Two law, furnished, housekeeping: T rooms. Kirst lltwir. close in; vacant June 6lh. ("all after p. m. or Sunday. 2-2ap L,r Kent-Five room house for three months. partly furnished, l'hone 273K.2t-2tc HORSES, COWS, PI08, CHICKENS, ETC. I,Vr Sale-Fresh Jersey Heifer. J. H. Kobery. I'hnnetll-F. 24-LTp tne Jersey cow for sale. D. J. Trieber, phone M. 2.V2M-P FOR 8ALE t,r Sale-I wwh anain to offer for sale three notes for money loaned in 1SXX, held by me attains! It. F. Sln-maer, dated June 3, lssl, and itue in 1;2 ami .:. iseued by H. F. Shoemaker on which he has refused payment and taken advant age of the statute of limitation in the January court. J. H. Shoemaker. For Sale-lo-inch yell w pine wood, tVfti per cord; oak wl. H.25 per cord, delivered, l'hone X':Ui.. 22-L'."p. I,ir Sale-Two second hand Surreys for sale cheap. Inquire at Transfer & Livery Co. 24-27-c Tor Sale One set double harness ami one buiriry: one saddle and one Knipirw cream separator. Phone 21.. lU-;!7-c LVir Sale-Two seated spring- wagon and biiKKy in gtuwi condition.. Phone 21.1-K2n-2M-p L.r Snle-MxlK tent house, frame and floor, (no - tent i lift cash; no discount. Must be moved. 12112 I'olumhia avenue. 2.V2.c PVr Sale-Old sewing- machine, needs some re pairing, 't.7!. 12U2 Columbia avenue. 2,V2fe 1,r Sale -Piano. Strictly high grade; beautiful, massive walnut case; in erfect order, rich tone. At a sacrlllce. Phone lh4X. 2&-2p LOST AND FOUND Lost-An A irwlale Terrier belonging to owner at 7th and PineSts. Reward for its return. En- i quire News ottice. 22-2.'p. J Lost A black porkefbonk somewhereon Cascade avenue, name of owner Mrs. Janet Muslin in side. I'U-asc return to this ollire. 2.T-2H-C Inst-flasket with fancy work, etc, during re Jcent tire. Please return to Mrs. C. Ratlibun, 70ak street. 2.1-211-p Iost A roll of bedding on east aide rtsvl. Also -'some clothing and papers of value belonging to Japanese. Finder please phone l:i;l21.. 25-2-p " EMPLOYMENT 1 Vlderly man. strung and active, wants work on a-ranch nr arounil resulence. Can use tools. Has tent and cooking outfit. Address P. J. D., box 47 Hood River, Oregon. 2.1-2ti-p Wanted-Gcsslcook. Phone fc!ii2M or apply J. K. laa-rence. Pine txine Lalge, on llelmont roa.1. 2;i-2t:p LEOAL AND OTHER NOTICES Nollci to Creditors Notice ia hereby given, that Jennie It Dellussey has been appointed executrix of the estate of T. W. IHHuscv. dcrcas!, and all persfms having claims against said eslate are hereby notified to present the same duly itcmired and verified to me at the liiw ollice of S. W. Slsrk. in Fliot lluilding, in llil River, ll.sst River County. Onvon, with in six mont hs of the date of this notice. Datwl April 4th. lh). Jknnik II. Dr.Hratirv, Executrix of the EsUte of T. W. Dehussey, Deceased. Apr.l-Oct.l Nutlet lor Publication Department of the Interior. V. 8. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. May 31. lttlo. Notice ia hereby given that Mrs. Pearl Need, formerly Pearl Glascock, of Hood Kiver, Oregon, who, on February 17th. WO, made Homestead. (Serial No.U4.U7) No. l&KSS. for Nr. 1-4. Section H. Township 1 North. Kange 10 Willamette Meridian, has riled notice or in tention to make Final Commutation proof , to estab lish claim to the land above deecribed. before the Register and Receiver of the United Statea Land Oltice at The lielles, Oregon, on the 11th day ol July, 1110. Claimant names as witneeaee: Jake Lents, George Madden. Charles kappmeier. Turn Collins, all of Huod Kiver, Oregon. C. W. MnoH. Register. LODGE- DIRECTORY panby Poet. O. A. K. -Meets at the K. of f. hall the second and fourth Saturdays- of the month at 2 p. m. U. K. Caatner, commander; ti. F. lily the, adjutant. Canby W. R. C. No. 16-Meets second and fourth Saturdays of each month in K. of P. hall at t p. m. Jennie Bentley, president; Abbie J. Baker, secretary. fourt Hood River. No. 42, F. of A., meets every '-'Thursday evening in K. of P. hall. Visiting Foresters always welcome. Win. Klemming. C.K.; F. C. Brosius. F. 8. tlood River Lodge'.' No.' 105." ' K.' F.''a. M AXMeets Saturday evening on or before each full moon. Ralph Savage, W. M.; I). McDonald, secre tary. Hood River CampTNa '7702,'M.'w".'A.-MeeU in I. O. O. F. hall every Wednesday night. A. ft. Crump. V. C; E. 8. Mayes, clerk. Hood River Camp. No. 770. W. 6. WiifeaHa at K. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednesday nights of each month. W A. Eby. C. C; Floyd Spurling. clerk. Hood River Circle. No. 624. Women of Woodcraft -Meet at L O. O. F. hall first and third Sat urday nights, each month. Visitors welcome. Mrs. Wm. Genger, N. G.; Alice Shay, clerk. T.llewilde Lodge, No. 107. I. O. O. F.-Meets in Fraternal hail every Thursday evening at 7:00, at the corner of Fourth and Oak streets. Visiting brothers welcomed. J. M. Wood. N. G.; G. W. Thompson, secretary. Kemp Lodge. No. 1H1.' I. 6. O. F.-Meeta Tii the Odd Fellows hall at Otlell every Saturday night. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed. W. A. Lockman. NG.; Geo. Shepard, secretary. T aurel Rebeka Lralge No. 87. I. 6. O. F.-Meets tirst and third Mondays in each month. Ther esa M. Castner. N. G.; Nettie Moees, secretary. Mount Hood Loilge, No. 205, L O. O. F meets ilevery Saturday evening in Cribble's hall, Mt. Huod. A. M. Kelly. N. G.; G. W. Dimmick. secretary. , TounUin' Home Camp. No. S4fi9, R. N.A. Meets at K. of P. hall on the second and fourth F'ridays of each month. Mrs. A. Crump. (.; Mrs. F.lla Dakin, recorder. O'leta Asaembly. No. 105, U' A.-Meeta in their hall the first and third Wednesdays, work; second and fourth Wednesdays, social. C. D. Henrichs. M. A.; W. H. Austin, secretary. Qregon Graiie Rebekah Lodge No. 181. I. O. O. F. -' Meets every second and fourth Wetlneedays in each month in Gribble's hall, Mt. Hood. Or. Josephine Vauthiers. N. G.; Minnie L. Larwood. secretary. Riverside LodgeTNo! 8. A. O. U. W.-Meets"in K. of P. hall the first and third Wednesday nights of the month. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed. K. E. Chapman, W. M.; Cheater Shu to. recorder. w? aucoma Lodge. No. 30. K. of P. Meets in their Castle Hall every Tuesday night, when visiting brothers are fraternally welcomed. C. C. Cuddeford. CC.: Loo, 8. Isenberg, K. of R. 4 S. Wauna Temple Pythian Sisters, No. 6 Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at K. of P. hall. Georgma Isenberg, M. E. C; Kate M. Fredrick. K. of K. & C. OREGON ShoitLine ad Union Pacific TIHE TABLE Effective Sunday, June 12th, trains will arrive and depart at Hood River, Oregon, on the following schedule: W EST BOUND No. 9. No. S. No. 11. No. 13. Fast Mail (no passengers) Portland Flyer Soo-Spokane-Portland Portland Local 4:f0 A. M. i20 " 6:50 " 7:4. " No. 5, No. L No. 7. Oregon A Washington Express 7:55 Portland Local 4 JO I M. Chicago Limited 6;45 EAST BOUND Bakei City Local 10:25 A. M. Chicago Limited 11:55 The Dalles Local 6:20 P. M. Spokane Flyer 8:00 " Fast Mail 8:30 " Soo-Spokane-Portland 8:55 Oregon & Washington Expression No. 2. No. 8. No. 14. No. 4. No. 10. No. 12. No. . Trains No. 7 and No. 8 have no coaches: passen gers using this train will be required to pay pull- man fare in addition to railroad fare; these trains make no stops between Hood River and Portland. Train No. 7 stops only at The Dalles, Arlington, Pendleton. Gibbons, LaGrande. Hot Lake. Union, Baker City and Huntington. Trains No. 1 and 2 stop at all stations between Baker City and Portland. Trains No. 13 and 14 atop at all atations be tween Portland and The Dalles. J. II. FREDRICY, Agent. Hood River Light & Power Company...... If you want quick returns on your wife's life insurance policy, just forjfet all the labor Saving-, Money Saving and Time Savintr Electrical devices on the market at the present time. With an EUctric Chafing Dith. a Percolator and m Toa$tr you can pre pare a (rood breakfast or a midninrht lunch in 7 minutes to 10 minutes from the time you enter the kitchen. With an Electric Waahing Machine you can put clothes to soak at niitht, listen to them beinjr washed while you eat breakfast, and watch an electric wringer do them in a twinkling after breakfast. Women in general understand the use of and appreciate an EUctric Curling Iran. Innumerable other devices of a service able and inexpensive nature are on the market, and anyone who stops to think the matter over will appreciate the fact that a shortening of the eordwoud bill will more than eiual the lengthening of Electric Light bill. If you have a lighting service you will note that you get the Klectrieity for op erating these devices mostly on a very low rate. .Vp-ide thin look at the difference in temperature in the rooms. Just take a minute some time and fig ure the cont of the woxk, consumed for washing and ironing alone. If the supply houi don't carry a stock of what you waul, we will get it for you. i "The News Leads" You read it in the News first Subscribe for the News Big A good store is a credit to any community. With your help we can make this the best store in the valley. New goods'arrive on every train. Laundry basket leaves here every Tuesday. We handle Sverting in z FeeH, R. J. MclSAAC & CO. The Parkdale Store i - "n--'i t -rw n si i i w Nfc. - 1 fitei V ritrScS it costs Let us HOOD New JUST ARRIVED Dry Goods Shoes and. Furnishings General EDercfyanclise Cine, including Dynamite, Caps and Tnise WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING 1 1 7 'l-f f"J"s!j'? Pninf material fully as the nr fiirr.i: hinrrs. I hrxS ----- o !. LIE. 'yf greatest durability and beauty and fof to best resist rain and shine, ask your painter to use ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT (New Era) less because it takes less and lasts longer. show vou the Litest combinations tor liouse painting. jhed or fii Wu .l ia ci;y way, tin rc' cmc Quality KinJ to lit the purpose. Ar M7 unnuARC nn JJ&'itM-Mi FRANZ HARDWARE CO, fmm'rM RIVER, ORE. Stock OF e Best Paint for vniir linmp with selected as care i is lumber, hardware To insure the fashionable color C ' '-f T ' 5 3V1 f ' i- "TTT1 W7 if Tl.