The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, June 22, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Has at last accomplished the dream of years. The new cement walk
is finished and our awning will soon be in place, and our show win
dows will again be given the attention necessary to make them
attractive to our fellow citizens. ::::::::
3 Yards Waisting
For only 63c
Beautiful mercerized
English materials
worth 35c to 50c per
yard, all this week.
Every lady will want
... Suits ...
For Just HALF
$20 Suits
Ladies' Dust Coats
Ladies' Wash Suits
Ladies' Silk Suits
Ladies' Silk Gloves
New Lot of Shoes
The Up4oDate Store
Live Local Copies
Learn to say EL KAYO.
Frank Fox, of Huautu, was here
Friday rioitlng friends.
MIwh Mable Young went to The
Dalles Saturday to attend a court
ease In which Attorney S. W. Stark
Is Interested.
C. S. Mason and Mrs. Maaou, the
latter a daughter of J. K. Shelton,
came up from Portland Sunday and
are guests at the Hotel Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Koenemann
are guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Wallace, Mrs. Koene
tnann's parents.
Ivan Daklo, while cranking an
auto last week had his right arm
broken just above the wrist. The
accident was caused by the crank
handle kicking back.
Mrs. J. V. Kigby, one of the dele
gates to the American Woman's
League convention at St. Louis, re
turned home Sunday more enthusi
astic about the league that ever.
Another Cadillac was added to the
many la use here last week when
Willis Van Horn purchased one of
these popular machines from the
Gilbert-Yaughan Implement Com
pany. A lady reclining In hammock in the
window of the Paris Fair attracted
the attention of many last week.
Of course she was wax, but then any
kind of woman In a hammock is an
H. E. Harklns of Peotone, III., ar
rived here Sunday and joined A. F.
Robertson of Chicago. Mr. Robert
son and Mr. Harklns are Intending
Investors In Hood River orchard
Money to loan. Apply to Geo. I).
Culbertson & Co.
Postals, 7'n: a dozen at the new
studio on the Heights.
Hazelwood double Jersy butter
milk received every day at Ross,
Richards Ac Company's.
C. W. Kdmunils, M. I).', eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases exclusively.
Office hours '.):'',) n. m. to 4 p. m.
Phone 43. Res. Vi'M L.
Buy two good lots for a little money.
Payments on your own terms.
Phone 168K, or address E. H. Hart
wig, Hood River, Oregon.
Pine, oak and fir Pi Inch wood for
sale, delivered to any part of city.
Phone Ii9-L or leave order for wood
at Star Grocery. J. K, Hanna.
Miss Murta Huggius was the guest
of friends at Iebanon, Oregon, last
The ladies of St. Mark's Guild held
the closing meeting of the summer
Thursday at the home of Mrs. K. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fabrlck were
up from Meford last week visiting
Hood River friends. Mr. Fabrick is
very enthusiastic over the fruit pros
pects In his section.
The new Otten block which will be
occupied by Morlan & Lathrop and
the Misses Hawley Is having the
wood and brickwork placed In posi
tion this week.
Attorney Jesse Stearns is here this
week on professional business. Mr.
Stearns is attorney for N. C. Evans
In his llgitlgation against the Hood
River Light & Power Company.
Mrs. .1. L. Carter, after an extended
visit In eastern Oregon, returned
home Sunday. Mrs. Carter, who
was not In good health when she
went away returned much benefitted.
John P. London, a resident of Ste
phen, Minnesota, was here Friday
looking for an Investment In fruit
land. Mr. London Is postmaster at
Stephen, which Is situated In the
Red River Valley grain belt.
J. H. Temple was here Sunday In
specting his ranch on the east side.
Jim Is looking forward to the time
when he can retire from the road
and become one of Hood River's
autocratic fruit growers.
Geo. J. Hurley, whose home Is at
Loomls, Wash., and who Is land
commissioner for that section, was
here Thursday as the guest of Ernest
T. Oates. Mr. Hurley was accom
panied by his wife and was taken
for a ride over the valley. He ex
pressed himself as very much pleased
with Hood River.
Cabinets, $2.'A) per dozen at the
new studio ou the Heights.
Sewing of all kinds done by Miss
Elsie Pennle, 1107 Eugene street,
phone fc"X.
Some good trades in unimproved
fruit land for residence property In
Hood River, phone 142. Apply to
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co.
Geo. I). Culbertson & Co. write all
kinds of Insurance. Fire, life, uccl
dent, plate glass and bonds.
Hazelwood sweet cream and Ice
cream can be obtained In quantities
from now on at Ross & Richard's.
5JVete VorK 'Bond
Cent Ciarjrc ,ood Cigars
Campbell & 6vans
15. E. Ouncau spent several days In
Portland last week, returning home
Mrs. W. E. Sherman returned
home from a week's visit In Portland
J. H. Duulop of the Wind River
Lumber Company at Cascade Locks
was a guest at the Mount Hood
hotel Sunday.
J. H. Fredrlcy returned to Hood
River Sunday after a week with the
Pacific Coast Freight Agents Associ
Col. A. R. Greene of Portland came
up Sunday and met the Overland to
accompany his daughter, who has
just returned from the east, back to
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Scobee and Mr
and Mrs. J. H. Koberg went to I5in-
gen Suuday and spent the day with
Mrs. Allie Henderson to whom, they
are related.
Miss Foy, related to ex-Gov. Gear,
was the guest here last week of Mrs.
J. L. Henderson. Miss Foy's father
owns one of the celebrated hot
springs In eastern Oregon.
Rev. T. U. Ford went to Portland
Monday to marry his son 1$. F. Ford
of the firm of Ford Pros., of Sunny
side, Portland, to Miss Mabel Cooper
of Portland. Dr. Ford will return
to Hood River Thursday or Friday
Rev. Frank J. Spauldlng will
preach for Dr. Ford In the Asbury
M. E. church next Sunday. Mr.
Spauldlng was the pastor here a few
years ago, and his many friends will
be glad to hear him.
Rev. Adams of the Christian church
closed his work here last Sunday to
accept a call to the Kern Park church
of Portland. Mr. Adams will spend
a week at Turner in the stab- con
vention nnd will begin his work In
Portland July in. .
Devlin & Flrebaugh have hail a
numlxr of large bill board signs
placed about the valley to attract
the attention of visiting buyers.
They were painted by an Intincrant
artist who evidently knew his husl
If Interested In automobiles call up
W. S. NIchol, phone 1M2-X, as he
has the agency for the 1 ! 1 four-
cylinder Reo and will Ix- glad to
show you the car. Also have ou
hand second hand two-cyliudiT Reo
for sale cheap.
Mrs. A. A. J ay ne, who attended
the convention of the American
Woman's league at St. Louis, ac
companied by Mrs. Entrlcan of Hood
River and the Misses Powell of Port
land, will go to the Atlantic coast
before returning. On June l.'.th they
were In Niagara Falls. From there
they went on to New York City and
up the Hudson river to Albany.
The party will cross the state on the
New York Central to Buffalo and
from there go across Lake Erie to
Detroit. They expect to arrive home
the latter part of the month.
(i. W. Carrier, expert piano tuner;
resident of valley. Phone L'10-K
For Sale I'.rand new visible type
writer, ffw. Try It a week. A. Wl.
son, Mount Hood depot.
Rex Rrand Stock and Poultry
Food. Rest In the world. The kind
that brings results. Whitehead's.
There may Is: no difference between
our price and the price of others, but
there will be a difference In quality.
Have buyers for some Improved
and unimproved fruit farms. Call
and list your place with Geo. D. Cul-
In-rtson & Co.
H. Swanson and family, who have
bj-eti here for a mouth visiting, left
for their home In Omaha Wednesday.
S. L. Young formerly In the confec
tionery business here has been about
town for several days visiting friends.
Willis Bradley, lias just completed
an up to date bakery on the heights,
adding another enterprise to that
rapidly developing section of the
Rev. H. A. MacDonald will ex
change with Rev. W. (i, Eliot, Jr.,
next Sunday. -Mr. Eliot will also
speak In the evening at 7:."!0. A cor
dial invitation is extended to all.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Ernest Kiucaid, cashier at
the ). R. & N. freight depot in this
city, and Miss Mae lireedlove of
White Salmon. The ciremony will
be performed in Portland Sunday,
June L'tftb.
A workman employed on one of
the buildings being erected here has
been regaliug frequenters of Jack
Morrison's billiard room with popu
lar songs during the past week. The
billiard room has been fitted up with
new tables and seats for spectators
and is being liberally patronized.
Mrs. J. L. Henderson left Saturday
for Portland, where her husband has
purchased a fine home in the suburbs
on the east side. The furniture from
the Henderson home was shipped to
Portland anil will be Installed In the
new house. Mr. Henderson will re
main here, having fitted up bachelor
quarters over his offices, but will
spend Sundays with ills family.
After posting up on handling bees
Rob Rand last week endeavored to
corral a swarm of these Insects
which had made a home in a tree
near ids house. Securing a step
ladder lie carefully commenced to
saw off the limb on which the hive
was situated. After two or three
movements of the saw !!!), !(! bees,
according to Mr. Rand, Issued from
the hive with their business end
in action. Dropping the saw he
made the slide for lift; flown the lad
der and beat it for the house. All
records for sprinting were broken,
but the bees had him beaten to a
whisper. His arms took on the ro
tary motion of a windmill, perform
ing Il.lMH) revolutions a minute, Re
fore he landed In Ills domicile six of
the pursuing honey makers had
handed It to him In various places.
Mr. Rand remarks that the next
time lie has a hunch to capture a
swarm of U-es he'll forget It before
he thinks of it.
Yucco Tree Protectors at White
heads. For Sale Deslrabo building lots
on Cascade avenue; also money to
loati on first mortgages. A. W.
Don't let the rabbitseatyour trees.
I!uy your tree protectors at White
If your horse Is run down and out
of condition and you want to get
him In shape to do good strong
work buy a pall of Rex Stock Food
It will do the Job. Whitehead's.
The. Apple Growers' I'nlon has on
hand a carload of Rex Lime and Sul
phur Solution, and more on the way.
They will also sell itlack Uaf and
Arsenate of Icad. Your orders so
I have a client who wants to bor
row $'100 for two years. Will pay
per cent and secure note with first
mortgage on Improved real estate
valued at f 100. 1'hone !!0H M. M.W.
Stark, Eliot Rldg.
We have no
Sale on but we have some real bargains in
rchard Lands
Between $1000 and $2000 will
handle any of these snaps
"Buy jNobv!
10 ACRES near school, ntnre and railway station, on main road, a-nod noil, (root) drainajre.
All set to two year old Newtowna and Spitxenberirn. excellent condition. Bargain at T,&00.
10 ACRES heavy red nhot noil, 3 1-2 miles southwest of Hood River on main county road.
Partially cleared. New house and barn. Price $3,000.
12 1-2 ACRES commercial orchard. East Side, present owner will iruarantee I'i.OOO for appl
crop this year and take full care of name. Price $ 1. 000.
20 ACRES beat red shot soil, all net to one year old trees. S-TT5 per acre.
35 ACRE ranch, larire commercial orchard, modern building, etc.
10 ACRES red shot noil, all under the ditch, near railway, achool and tore. 12. Olio.
20 ACRES, 1 1-2 lanhed and burned, red shot soil, clone in, $176 per acre,
20 ACRES high and nightly. In beat orchard district, practically cleared. HS0 per aero.
40 ACRI'S. light clearing, good orchard land. Bargain at $'.) per acre.
Easy Terms on all the Above Properties
Invest a small amount of money, buy now, and
in a few years be numbered among the wealthy
Devlin & f irebaugb
Swetland Building Hotel Oregon Huildin