The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, June 15, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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Plumbing and Tinning
We install Heating Plants of all kinds
Mood River Height
For Lime, Cement and
House Plaster
Horses Home Stables
Conducted is a
.. General Transfer, Feed and Sale Business ..
The way to drive out to Little White Salmon camping and fishing. The
shortest anil best route to Trout Lake and all way points
Both local and long distance telephone. Call or write
When ordering your
Kinnaird & Kinsey
Have a Full and New Line '
If you can't call, Tela phono 78
Successors to CHAPMAN, on 12th St., on the Heights
To the discriminating Housewife:
We have installed some new machinery and
will now make the bvhitcst, lightest
bread of any flour on Hood River market
if handled rightly. It does not require as
stiff working as others. Next time ask
your grocer for CUPID and if he will not
furnish it, trade with someone who will.
A It is made in Hood 'Ri-Ocr .
Kood Riser ITliCfing Company
Dabncy9J Furniture Store
You Can Get Anything
You Want Either
New or Second Hand
For Your Home Very Cheap
Agent for CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges
Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitters
Phone 1053
Of Hood River Valley
MJ'l A.
TN A FEW WEEKS, almost be
fore you know it, the BERRY
SEASON will be at hand,
and from all reports the crop
will be a large one.
TA Annie Growers Union will shil)
berries this year, and with its splendid stor
age equipment and shipping facilities will
be in position to help you get the best possi
ble returns for your crop. '
We want your business, and in favoring
us you will also help yourselves by building
up an institution that is owned and controll
ed exclusively by growers of Hood River Frulf.
i lit vi uaaut
:-: For a
"Sane Fourth." ;j
II E recent order of
Mayor Gaynor of
New York forbid
ding the sale of fire
works, firecrackers,
etc., from Jane 10
to July 10 and edicts
along the same lines
by tbe authorities
have started a na
tion wide movement
to make the Fourth
of July hereafter a
noiseless one. One
of the plans to bring this about la tbe
forming of a national organization, tbe
work of wblcb will be to call to the
attention of every community tbe long
list of Independence day casualties
caused by tbe use of explosives and In
other ways Induce them to confine the
celebrations to parades, field sports,
pyrotechnic displays safely and skill
fully conducted, etc.
This matter of having what la called
a "sane Fourth of July" has been agi
tated for several years, but not since
it started have so many executives
taken it up and expressed their ap
proval of the move as at present
President Taft has Indorsed It and ex
pressed his Interest In It In a letter as
"I am heartily In sympathy with the
movement to rid the celebration of our
country's natal day of those distress
ing accidents that might be avoided
and are merely due to a recklessness
against which the public protest can
not be too emphatic.
Last year, owing to the work of
those who are agitating tbe "sane
1 iV,
A W'uHhlntfton dlxputch ttnys that
tbe t-plundld pronpects for fruit In
New Kulund and the l'uclfle coast
stati'H utmost counterbalance the
poor xhowlnjr ' the central Hiatt'H,
where early frost j?ot In tolling work,
according to a report made public
by the Department of Agriculture on
geni-rul crop growth.
The condition of the tipple crop In
reported to le more than eight
point below last year, or ."V1.0 as
compared with a normal condition.
The li)-year average for apples Is ii'J.H
In New Kngland and on the Pacific
count the crop promise to Im
meiine, but in such big apple Htateti
as Ohio and Missouri there will be
only about one-third of a crop.
Lame shoulder In almost In variably
cauwd by rheumatism of the muscles
and yields quickly to the free appll
catlou of Chamberlain's Llnlmeiit.
Thin liniment In not only prompt and
effectual, but In no way diHugreeable
to line. Sold by all dealers'1.
Good Portland residence on corner
lot, 1 block west of Laurelhurst. Will
sell for $1200 cash, balance monthly
payments; or will take $1200 in Hood
River land as first payment. Marlon
MacRae, phone 145.
Water Worlrs on the Farm
Yd, thst's Juat what wt mean ml water works; runnisf water in th kitchen, the bathroom.
th laundry, th barn in fact, all over the place. And it's all done by that tank; you see ia the
lower left hand corner of thia picture the Leader Sytera. It t easily different
from th old-fashioned elevated tank which worked by fravity. For the ,
Leader Water Supply System ia operated by tomfrmnl air reliable, nit
and cleanly. Your windmill pumpa oater into the tank (which ia already
full of air). The air, beiua; clastic, ia compressed into upper part of the
tank, and force tbe water out through the pipea.
Thia fives you pressure, so that a powerful stream of water is on
Up at every faucet, no matter where it ia located. And this means atta
int JLre-froteclion, for the preseure is alway, a and always ready.
Now, the old style gravity tanks were either put ia tbt attic or sit
ated on a high tower out of doors.
la the former caaa. their weight when full, cracked the plastering; or
they overflowed or leaked, flooding tbe rooms below.
In the caw of the outside tanks, the water Often
froie solid in winter, necoaitating expensive plumb
ing bills; or it became bot and stagnant during;
tbe summer and unfit for use The
Leader Water
Supply System
............ t- i. trt
avoids su mis, necaunc me air-ugni ibtik is
either in the basement or buried under-
6 round below the frost line. Every outfit
i complete, with full directions, snd is
easily installed. The Leader System needs
no repairs, is suited to small buildings or
large, and is moderate, in price.
Tt us snd you our fre baoklet. "How
I fculved tba Water Supply Problem." the i
story of s man who successfully equipped
his country bom with modern water
Write for It today, before you forget
rrrir 1;
I -.f. ' '
Address or Enquire
Apple Land and Orchard Company
Oltioo, No. O Oak Street, Phone 26 or 2Q02K, Hood River
Fourth" Idea, there were fewer acci
dents than on any Independence day
In some years, tbe statistics showing
thirty deaths. This was an unusually
small number, but In 1900 a number
of cities bad adopted the plan. Fig
ures gathered show tbe number of
people killed and maimed In tbe last
seven successive observances of the
national holiday was much greater
than tbe combined losses of tbe Amer
ican forces In seven Important battles
of tbe Revolution.
During the last Ave years the death
list totals 1,153 and the list of Injured
21.C20. Of the Injured, 88 were totally
blinded, 389 partially blinded. 888 lost
legs, arms or bauds and 1,007 lost fin
gers. During tbe Inst seven years
blank cartridges alone have gathered
In a death harvest of 794. mostly boys
between tbe ages of six and eighteen
"But, gee, ma, how kin ns fellers
show bow we licked tbe Brltlshr
mournfully asks the small boy of bis
mother when tbe matter is laid before
A way Is being found all. over the
land. Ilere Is how Washington cele
brated the Fourth last year: During
the day there were patriotic public en
tertainments at which the Declaration
of independence was read and patriot
ic addresses delivered. Then there
was an automobile floral parade, tbe
cars being decorated with flowers and
flags, and many other affairs that de
lighted both young and old in tbe cap
ital. At night there were many dis
plays of fireworks, tbe abolition of
Vfhlcb Is no part of the program of
those desiring a "sane Fourth." They
want fireworks, but want them ban
died by experienced men so as to avoid
accidents. Not one gunpowder acci
dent was reported in Washington dur
ing the day, while on tbe Fourth of
1908 there were 104.
In the cities that adopted the "sane
Fourth" plans last year and in those
preparing to do so In 1910 tbe pageant
idea predominates, with floats repre
senting local historical scenes as well
as those of natlonnl Interest. In Pitts
burg over $100,000 will be expended on
the coming Fourth along these lines.
The historical and artistic displays now
being arranged promise to excel any
thing of the kind ever before shown
there. Besides the hlstorlcol scenes,
other flonts will show the city's Indus
trial greatness. Many excellent field
sports have also been arranged to in
terest tbe boys.
Suits Like This
Hrc to be seen and judged
by alt men of this town It
is one of tbe new patterns;
our first cboicc of all
clotbcs It will be yours
too, wben you see bow it
wears and proves its goodness.
Cluett Shirts are especially attractive in de
sign. No more expensive than the ordi
nary ones, $1,25 and $1.50
Imported French Black Percheron Stallion
transfer & iv)ery Co. s 5ta6fes
Hood River Percheron Horse Co.