The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, June 15, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Well Drilling;
0ct. N. Oak Strttt
PhonM. 26 or 2002-X
White :: River :: Flour
Makes Whiter, Lighter Bread
If Vou
1 . carefully attended to, come to
The Turf Horseshoeing Shop
First Street, Between Oak and State
Peter Shively, Proprietor
Phone 305M - Hood River, Ore.
The Pay son Dairy Supply Co.
Pure, Wholesome, Healthful, from Cows and Stables
that are SANITARY.
& Co.
Confections and Hazelwood
Complete Line ot
Bristol Steel Rods and
Fishing Tackle Just received
Cor. State and 4th Sts.
Opposite Opera Bouse-
All the great Railroads, Steamship Lines, Hotels, Etc, of the world
honor and accept the "A. B. A." TRAVELERS' CHEQUES. Very
easy to negotiate, because self-identifying Not available to finder or
thief, in case of loss or theft. Convenient denominations.
Take them on your trip.
Butler Banking Co,
JfJR. HORACE C. DEITZ purchased of the Town
site Company and Mrs. Nina Savage Lots 8, 9,
18 and 19, Block 30, Hood River Proper, an ideal
homesite just east of the Catholic Church. Mr.
Deitz will build at once.
indication of the recent activity in
Heights property, which we believe
is in direct line for a strong advance.
Hood River City Property affords a
substantial investment with a good
We have listed the most desirable residence and bus
iness property in the city and it can be had on very
easy terms a small initial payment and the balance
on the installment plan.
John (.eland Henderson, Inc.
Scientific Experiments to Deter
mine Energy Producing Force.'
Tests Conducted by Department of
Agriculture on Human Subjects In a
Respiration Calorimeter Result
Applicable to Coat of Living.
Just as the mechanical engineer
finds It Important to determine the en
ergy producing value of the different
kinds of coal tar for engines, so the
department of agriculture at Washing
ton has concluded It will be worth
while to find out what kinds of food
are the most valuable to the human
system. '
Does a pound of roast beef produce
more energy than a pound of nuts or
an equal amount of cabbage? Is It
better to partake of lard or beef suet
than butter? Mow much are fruits
worth when It comes to producing
force enough to enable a man to swing
a pick all day or throw a sledge? If
one bad to make up a ration for a set
of men au army ration, for instance
Just how would one go about to obtain
a food allowance that would give the
persou using It enough energy to en
able him to perform the work expected
of blm?
Food Expert In Charge.
Of these and similar questions the
office of experiment stations of the de
partment of agriculture is conducting
a most interesting and probably val
uable series of experiments. Or. C. F.
Langwortby is in charge. lie Is bd
expert on the subject of food values
and Is dehing deeply into this prob
lem, one that promises to become more
and more important as the cost of liv
ing increases.
That the data being obtained will be
of much value for scientific aod prac
tical use there is little or no doubt
The instrument that Is being used to
experiment on man Is a respiration
calorimeter. It was used with success
in obtaining Information on the nutri
tive value of foods which was utilized
in preparing a publication on the use
of meats in the home. A million and
quarter copies of this work have
been distributed.
The respiration calorimeter consists
of an air tight copper chamber 6 by 6
by 7 feet, so arranged that a man may
lire in it in comfort for periods of a
few hours to a number of days or
even weeks. The copper chamber is
surrounded by a zinc wall and an
outer protecting wall and is supplied
with a current of fresh air. It is fur
nished with a bed and other articles
for the comfort and convenience of
the subject of the experiments.
Subjects For Tests Changed Often.
Dr. Langwortby does not experiment
with a single subject. He has no class,
as Dr. Wiley had with his "poison
squad," but be changes subjects fre
quently and experiments with a num
ber. The length of time for which a
subject remains In the calorimeter
varies. One or more remained in the
chamber two weeks. Sometimes a
stay of an hour or two Is sufficient to
obtain the necessary data.
By the method pursued the respira
tory products are measured and ana
lyzed as well as the food eaten and the
energy given off by the body, which
Is eventually recovered In the form of
heat. With the aid of the factors
which can be measured it is possible
to study the relative nutritive value
of different kinds of food and the re
lations of various kinds of food to mus
cular work of varying kind and in
tensity. In other words, this respira
tion and beat measurer permits the
investigator to determine the value of
food for the body just as an engineer
finds out what coal Is best for his en
gine. The nutritive value of cheese as an
economical article of diet is being
studied. It Is also proposed to find out
the relative value of butter, lard, beef
fat, olive oil and other edible and cull
nary fats as sources of energy In the
body. The food value of cereal prod
ucts and meat and meat products Is
being gone into. Other subjects of
study relate to the value of fruits and
preserves, evaporated fruits and other
fruit products, nuts and nut products
and vegetables. The respiration calo
rimeter is csentlai for the measure
ment of factors which are at present
imperfectly understood.
In Memory of Harriet Beecher Stowe.
A movement has been started at
Washington for the appropriate cele
bration throughout the United States
n June 14, 1911, of the one hundredth
anniversary of the birth of Harriet
Beecher Stowe. In honoring the mem
ory of the author of "Uncle Tom's Cab
in" the Beecher and Stowe families,
have heartily concurred. The negroes
of the United States will figure promi
nently In the celebration.
Flowers For Model Tenemente.
An Innovation at the opening of the
new Bishop Potter model tenements in
New York city the other day was that
200 window boxes filled with starlet
geriinlums and trailing vines were
placed In the many windows of the
new house. These boxes were obtained
through the New fork city branch of
the National I'lant, Flower and Fruit
Furnished ly the Hood Ulver Ab
stract Company.
Elmer L Lyons to Miner Barcus
11. J acres uears Crapjier
J II tilll to A C Ktaten, hits 1(1 & 17,
block 4 Stranahau's addition
L T lining to E C Muhaney. lot 3
block J Wuuconm addition
Kate C Dumble to Melville Foley
right of way near town
Melville Foley to Willis Maine,
right of way near towu
A W 1'hllllim to John II Sutthoff,
half interest la -." acre near Barrett
J Adrian Epplng & F II Brydle to
Minneapolis-Hood Itlver Orchard
Company 1040 acres uearGrevu I'olut
Carrie M Coleman to Frederlca
Wheeler, 10.4." acres west of towu
Frlda Heudrkk to Frank L Walt,
3 lots lu Cascade Locks
Julia F Walt to Chas B Murine, SO
acres Upper Valley $n300
E C Mahauey to L T Bragg, 40
acres southeast of Fine tirove $1000
Frank Aldrlch to Lee A Amsbury,
40 acres southeast of IMne(irove$i0tM
Warren E Daveuport to Stanley
Smith Lumber Co, ;" acres about "
miles west of Hood Ktver $1000
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they can
not reach the diseased portions of
the ear. There Is only one way to
cure deafness, and that Is by consti
tutional remedies. Deafness is caused
by au inflamed condition of the mu
cous llniug of the Eustachian tube.
When this tube Is Inflamed you have
a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, and when It Is entirely closed
deafness Is the result, and unless the
inflammation cau be taken out and
this tube restored to Its normal con
dition hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which Is nothing but an
In fla tiled condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred
Dollars for any case of deafness
(caused by catarrh) that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send
for circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co.
Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists,
7."c. Take Hall's Family Fills for
Judge Bradshaw Overrules Motion
In the case of Charles W. Wentz,
plaintiff, vs. Hood Klver county, de
fetideut, Judge Bradshaw has over
ruled the motion filed by Fred W,
Wilson to dismiss for Irregularities,
and allowed fifteen days for the dc
fendent to file an answer.
150 pairs, worth up to
$3.50 for All
good shoes and styles
but we only have a few
sizes of the different
styles left. They are
great bargains.
Big New Stock
Dry Goods
Shoes and
A good store is a credit to any community. With your
help we can make this the best store in the valley. New
goods arrive on every train. Laundry basket leaves here
every Tuesday. We handle
Sverything in ifye General ftQercliana'ise ine, including
Teecl, Dynamite, Gaps ana Tuse
R. J. MclSAAC & CO.
The Parkdale Store