THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1910 DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon Raaidanea. Oak and Park. Offlca. Oak and Second Office hour. 10 to 11a.m., t to I and 7 k 8 p.m. Room I 4 and (, Brasilia Block. Hood River. Or. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calla promptly anawarad in town'or country, day or night Talaphonaa- Raaidenra'611.? Offiea 1S. Office In the Broatua Building. DR. E. 0. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Office over Firat National Bank Home'phone, Raa.TlBOfflee phone Tl Hood River, Oregon SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phone 34 Hood River, Oregon J. F. WATT. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office. Home phone 30. Reaidence. SUB Hood River, Oregon Dr. II. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Oateopathy, Kirkuvilie. Mo. Office in Eliot Building Phone-OtBce Ktt. Reaidence 102-B. ilood River, Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Office. Hall Building, over Butler Banking Co Office phone 28. Reaidence phone 28-B Hood River, Oregon II. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Office over Firat National Bank Office - Home phene 131. Reaidence- Home 131-B ' Hood River, Oregon DR. E. L. SCOBEE Dentist Open evenings by appointment Rooma ( and T, Braeiua Building. Phone 300 Hood River, Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Oregon A. J. DERBY Lawyer Smith block Hood River, Oregon E. H. HARTWIG Attorney at Law Smith Block, over Firat National Bank Phone 168 Hood River. Oregon John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood River, Oregon A. A. JAYNE Lawyer Hall Building Hood River. Oregon ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER Rooms 14 and 16. Hall Building Hood River, Oregon SAMUEL W. STARK Attorney at Law Eliot Building, Phone S08M Hood River, Oregon HOCKENBERRY & BARTLETT ARCHITECTS Davidson Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phone SI ALBERT SUTTON Hrcbttcct Hall Building Hood River, Oregon P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor MANAGE Nbwilu Gomktt Walhh Davidson Building Hood River, Oregon "AdvcrtUlnjr brlnn" muvi'Mi" I' what you HtlvrrtW Ih'iiih out your advertlm-iiit'tit, POLK'S f GAZETTEER! A Bualnesa Directory of each City, I Ttma and illuge in Orraua ami I Washington, giving a lrxrltiv I Hketi-h of eai-h place, Im-mIIoi. I Nhluping t-'arllllira anil a iaa.1. fled llreli,ry of each liualaeaa nail 1'rufeMloa. K. L. pot K CO., be. I Seattle. Hub. M More Insurance in force in Oregon than any other company Uhe ffortlve st em Mutual Life OF MILWAUKEE. WISCONSIN JOHN GOLDSBURY Representative Phone 2X5 Odd! Hood River. Orenon Grubbing Outfits Wanted Prefer Faultless No. 2 but No. 1 will do if price is right. State condition and price. Address J. 0. Goldthwaite, R.1 D. R. No. 2. 'Phone Odell 8X2. L. E. Foust MACHINERY COMPANY Automobile and Bicycle REPAIRING m!!!? Gear Cutting and Fitting1. All kinds of Machine work done. Prices reasonable. Sixth and Columbia Streets. Pbone 199-1 "3 Spray and Garden Hose Plumbing CP. SUMNER Opposite the Post Offlct Home Phone 20 6uc as Your 6ar for few minutes. Luxuries for the bath are here in complete variety. Brushes of all kinds, silky spong es, thermometers and all the dainty soaps and toilet waters worth hav ing. We want you to see them and we know you will at once per ceive how their use will make the bath dantier and more refreshing. CARL A. PLATH PHARMACIST The Rcxall Store Simplicity and Durability is the basis which the W Mi l II SEW IMI MACHINE Is built on. We are unprejudiced in our claim thnt the W till 'Is Is the best sewing machine In the WORLD. We are only too glad to show you that the range of work is unlimited. We make the Vibrator and Rotary machines, the latter being etiulppcd with the Lock and Chain stitch, making two machines in one and possesses other desirable features too numerous to mention. See STEWART HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., local denier, Hood River, Ore., before you buy. WHITE SLUM MACHINE CO. W0 REGISTRATION BOOKS OPENJOR VOTERS The rt'KlMtratlon books for the No vember elif tlon huve iwen oined by County Clerk (.'ullertnoii and about twenty voters have registered. It will ln a good Idea for voters to keep this la mlud uud register at the earli est opportunity A new departure In connection with the registration has Ittt'ii put la force this year w hich requires the eounty clerk to send a copy of the nuiues of voters who register to the secretary of state each week. It will be necessary for all voters to register If they desire to vote at the primary and full election. The registration will be closed on September 15, nine days before the primary election which will be held on Saturday, Septmber24. The books will again be opened after the prl tnarles for tho registration of all vot ers who have not registered before and will be closed about 10 days be fore Tuesday, November 8, the date of the generul election. The coming event will be the first Oregon state election ever held In the fall. Heretofore the Oregon elee tlons, both state and county, were held on the first Tnesday In June At the last election, two years ago, a measure providing tor the holding of the state and county elections at the same time as the national event, the first Tuesday after the first Monday In November, was car rled. FARM, ORCHARD AND GARDEN Recent Investigations into the II f' habits of the mole show that bis chief diet, when he can get it, consists of the large white grub and the larvae of tbe June bug, wblcb do much dam ge to lawns, flowers and strawberry plants. On this account alone tbe mole Is entitled to man's protection. Tbe disk drill Is generally recog nized as tbe standard machine for sowing small grain. Not only does It mean economy In tbe use of seed, but It puts the grain at an even depth, covers all of It and thus Insures a uni form germination and even stand, which means uniformity of growth and ripening. Tbe end gate seeder -4s a relic of a bygone era and should be relegated to tbe scrap pile. As a result of tbe heavy freeze of last December It Is estimated that 10,- 000 cars of oranges were damaged In southern California. This Is about one-tblrd of tbe annual output and will constitute a very heavy loss to tbe growers. Where tho fruit was not entirely ruined Us quality was so In jured that It not only will not pay for tbe expense of marketing, but tends to seriously demoralize tbe prices for good stuff. As a general rule, sires of merit of either dairy or beef types are high priced. But rather than buy a low priced sire of little or no merit a bet ter plan is for two or three neighbors who are breeding tbe same type and strain of cattle to unite In the Joint purchase of a really good herd animal. When be has been used as long a time as is feasible arrangements could be made to exchange him for another sire equally good, but not related. In sections where clover and alfalfa are tbe cblef forage crops many horses are lost annually as a result of tbe feeding of a ration too rich tn protela, and tbe loss Is especially beary during tbe winter months, wben tbe animals are taking the least exercise. A par tial means of obviating tbls trouble Ues in substituting for a good share of tbe leguminous ration clean, bright straw and timothy or wild bay where available and allowing tbe horses to have dally exercise. Tbe agricultural department at Wash ington, after mnklng tests with tbem, recommends yantlas, taros and dash ecus for culture In portions of tbe south wbere the land Is too wet except for the cultivation of rice. These plants comprise salnd plants, tubers which are excellent for table use and as stock feed and roots wblcb are val uable sources of starch and from which alenbol can be mnde. They have been the staple food of nntive Hawallnns and nti Important food crop j Japan, China and a number of other countries. In view of the present scarcity of corn of siilllclctit vitality to Justify Its uxe ns seed, the farmers In the north ern part of the corn belt, which was visited by the severe freeze of last October, ure up against a very real proposition. If they cannot secure seed which will give them at least two t birds of n stand they would better ut In small grain In place of the coin. They will le tempted to use seed grown farther south because It will germinate, but this Is almost ns serl ous a mistake as using poor seed, for In all probability corn from such seed would not niatu.-e In time to escape the fall frosts. In which case they would fare no better. If good seed of the proper type can l secured at a cost of even $12 per bushel It would be better to use tbls than to use seed that will not germinate or mature a crop of souud coru. Nothing Is tbousrbt of navlnir frnm $1 to $1.50 for enough oats or other small grain to plsnt an acre, yet many a reiiow will balk at paying more than $2 a bushel for seed corn. This seems a bit Inconsistent, for at the unusual price or 10. a figure which prevails In some sections of the corn belt this season, tbe cost of seed for each acre would be but f 1.25 on the assumption that a bushel will seed eight acres. In determining bow much a fellow ran afford to pay for his seed corn this spring it Is well for one to keep these ngures in mind. As a result of extensive experiments which be has made I'rofessor Bolley of the North Dakota experiment station presents tbe view that flax does not do well after flax, not because of an exhaustion of tbe fertilizing elements of the soil, but as a result of tbe de velopment in tbe soli of root rots and other blight producing funeusea. which attack tbe plants and greatly reduce meir vitality. He holds that tbe same conditions apply to spring wheat and some other small grains. Ola remedy for this situation Is tbe planting of tue seed of bllgbt resistant varieties of flax and grain, tbe formalin treat ment of seed and a rotation cf crops, which will prevent tbe several fun guses from getting a foothold In tbe soil. It Is generally considered that 843 cubic feet of wild bay will make a ton, 400 cubic feet of timothy and 512 cubic feet of clover or alfalfa, tbe bay being settled In each case not less than a couple of months. One who has measured much bay in the stack has found a convenient method of measuring to be the following: Take one-third of tbe over distance from the ground on one side of tbe stack to the ground on tbe other for tbe square of the stack. This would give tbe number of cubic feet in each run ning foot of tbe stack. For example. If the over were thirty feet, one-third of this would be ten feet, wblcb. squared, would give 100 cubic feet as the contents per running foot If the stack were thirty feet long It would contain 3.000 cubic feet, from wblcb figure the number of tons could be easily ascertained by dividing by tbe number of cubic feet per ton for tbe different kinds of hay. Miss Molly Stlckney opens a kin dergarten Sunday school June 19 for the benefit of those In town or from the valley who are desirous of hav ing their children tn work of this kind during the church hour. Tbls offer limy be taken advantage of by anyone having children of kindergar ten age, whether they are regular attendants during the week or not. Miss Stlckney will conduct the kin dergarten Sunday school In the regu lar kindergarten room la the base ment of the Unitarian church. The hours will be from 11 till 12:0 o'clock. The one condition Is that each child bring from oui to five cents to de fray the exinse of materials used. For further particulars phone Miss Stlckney, SUM.' Hood River Orchard Lands n G7 18 acres, 13 improved, about 10 in or chard from 2 to 7 yeurs old, 10 inches free water, 2 miles out on west side, house, barn, and other ont buildings, stock and farm implements go with the place. $9,400. Terms. n. 3 6 acres 1-2 mile from city limits, all im proved, Spitzenberg and Newtown apple trees 3 and 4 years old, good cot tage, barn; horse, wagon and implements go with the place. $8,000. Terms. Ho. 33-19 1-2 acres. 12 acres under cultivation, 3 acres in fuil bearing or chard, free water, house and outbuildings. All im plements go with this place. $8,000. Terms. Ho. 70 80 acres choice apple land, 3 miles from Odell Station, unimprov ed. $80 per acre. n. 60 20 acres 1 mile from Van I lorn station, unimproved, under ditch. 5,000. Terms. W. S. NICHOL Offices: Nichol Mdg. Height, Phone "ft. Davidson bldg.. City, Room 7. xkw ri:siii:nts We are always pleased to extend courteous as sistance to new residents of Hood River and the Hood River Valley by advising them regarding any local conditions within our knowledge, and we afford every convenience for the transaction of their finan cial matters. New accounts are respectfully and cordially invited and we guarantee satisfaction. Sav ings department in connection. HOOD RIVER BANKING 4 TRUST CO., moogonc" Warm Robes More than half the pleasure of driving is in being comfortable w i when driving a person wants to keep warm. I do, and I believe you feel the same as I do. SS t Doesn't.'make much difference whether you drive for pleasure v i or business you need a good, warm robe, anyway one that you k I can wrap yourself up in and feel comfortable that is the kind I Zt t want to show you. Drop in and see the robes and get prices. tj) 5 Yours for more business, $ FRANK Harness and'Saddlery HOOD RIVER, OR LOON Don't Leave the WITHOUT Mosier Valley for imilar'land in other section!. Buy now before'speculatora addtheir profit. Commercial Club of Mosier MOSIER, OREGON 6 Miles East of Hood River, Oregon WHEN YOU WANT i Manufacturer and Repair Work OF ANY AND EVERY DESCRIPTION We are prepared to do it in our large and well equipped Manufactur ing and Repair Establishment. ' We would be pleased to have you call on us. HNE HORSESHOEINO SNOW & UPSON Shops 14 1-143-145-147 Fourth St., Op. Qilbert-Vaughan, Hood Rlver.Or. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor Fresh and Cured Meats; Fish, Oysters BUTTER AND EGGS FREE AXD PROMPT DELIVERY Phone Main 6 Hood River, Oregon jJrsTi Class Livery Transfer aijd Agents Regulator LineSteamers Freight and Baggage Transfer New Rigs New Harness Good Horses WOOD & Fancy and Staple Groceries Preferred Stock, Heinz's 57 varieties Pickles, Krout, Mince Meat, Catsup, Apple Butter, Etc. Splendid line of canned Tomatoes K CHI P AfiPMTC CfID j I UVUU i 1- m ' I W IX ...Your orders will receive onr best attention... 4 We Say POSITIVELY? lutebr pure and unadul jcpJw ' terated. Our reputation 6 convinced they can rely on us convince you. Keir 8f Cass RELIABLE DPiUGGISTS U -Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon SALFICKY Hood River District INVESTIGATING Natural adrantarea for fruit growing unexcelled. Land pricea have doubled ia last two year but are not half that aaked rzTrr. a a. a, aa a. a a a zA Phone , Livery Conjpaijy HOOD RIVER, OREGON. HUGGINS and Corn atlO cents 4 DI1DU VVHITP PI HI TD J W IX T T III awwwix , Positively that our drugs are abso- as reliable druggists has been earned by putting up only the best and purest medicines in the right manner. Our bus iness has increased so rapidly of late we are positive many are fully us to the last notch. Let R m