The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, June 15, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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ZD I i " I 1
his house or
his barn or
his store or
his stock of goods against FIRE
his funds against THEFT
his crops against HAIL and CYCLONE
but his house, or his barn, or his stock May VeOer 'Burn and he
may raise an hundred crops without the whisper of a Cyclone.
The same man knows that he must Jurely Die;
that DEATH is only a question of time, and yet ?
Insure Now with the Old Reliable
I 12 I I i 1
1 I
1 E
raiUllcll LIIU UlloUl dllUQ M IllUt! m
OF U. S. A.
(42 years of honorable service to its policy holders)
For rates or information apply to, GEO. Z. CUL'BE'RTSOJ (EL CO., Hood Hi-Ver
J. M. J'CHMELTZ.E'R, Hood Hi-Oer
Manager for Oregon
417 Marquam "Dldg., Portland, Ore.
(Over 500 policy holders in Hood River County)
lr. Wlllmr MhcKimizIc of Spokane
who a nhort time ngn bought a
ranch at Moot Klvrr, han liecn iihhIJ
uoiiHly liooHtliiK for It evT Blnce and
rtwutly Intertnteil W. K Vciulall, Jr.,
a Htove inaniifai'turer at Aurora, 111.,
In the vnlley. Mr. Vendall wan mak
ing IiIh 11 rut trip through the Oregon
country n tiny or two ago and Haw
Hood Klver for the flmt time from
the North Hank railroad. In a let
t-r to Dr. Mai-Ki'ii7.le he given lit lin
pn'HHloiiH of It an follow:
"June 1U10.
"My dear The tirnt
thing t Raw WedneHdny morning
when I rained the Mind wns Mount
Hood with a fretth coat of mow on
It and glowing In the early morning
Hiin. We were directly opponlte the
town of Hood Klver, which wan very
clearly wen from the North Bntik.
Then there were the big hill off to
the right and the Columbia rolling
In whltecapH for a foreground. I
don't U'lleve I wan ever no ImprcHHed
Hiiddenly with a landncape. I can't
blame you for wanting to get there.
If you have any doubt about getting
to the l'.lyHian flt-lil when you die,
iK-tter enjoy Hood Itlver while you
live that'H next thing to it."
Visited Cloud Cap Inn
A party connlHtlng of A. A. Jayne,
Kurt Jayne, Ivan Pitkin nnd Maxtor
A. A. Jayne. Jr., vUlted (loud Cap
Inn June '.It h. That I, they vWted
the out wide of It, n Mr, Jayne re
portH ten feet of snow at the Inn.
The party went within three inllcH
of the Inn In Mr. Jaytiec' auto and
walked the rest of the dlntauce. The
road In nab to have been In good
nliape with the exception of nuiner
otiH log nnd treeH that had been
placed acroH It to prevent vehicle
from going up until the Heanon for
vlnltors om'iih. A numlK-r of thene
were piiHhed aHlde, but In neveral
placen big trw had Im-cii felled acrowH
the highway that It wan not ponHlble
for the Hinail party to move.
"It cured me!," ir "It paved the life
of my child," are the exproHHloim you
hear every day about .('hamberlaln'H
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinetly.
Thin 1h true the world over where
thin valuable remedy han been Intro
duced. No other medicine In une for
diarrhoea or bowel complnlntd han
received hucIi general approval. The
mi-ret of the hiiccchu of Chaiulerlaln'a
Colic, Cholera nnd Dlarrh(-a Itemed?
U thnt It cure. Sohl by all dealers.
County Court Proceedings
At the witting of the county court
held Monday, June (th, the follow
ing matter of IntereHt were tratm
acted :
In the matter of the road awked
for by Morgan A. .eller and others
the road viewer reported unfavora
bly and the petition wa denied.
The report of viewer on the A. A.
Schiller road wa accepted by the
court and pawed the first reading.
The name action wa taken In regard
to the W. C. Smullen road.
Keport of viewers on proponed
change In the bae line road wa ac
cepted nnd the roa.d ordered. Appli
cation for a change In what is known
a the KruBOW road was granted.
The report of viewers on the Frank
Caddy road was accepted and pnsed
the ttecond readifig.
KiiHhong & Co, election tuppIicH.$4." 70
C W Kurtt, Bchool examination 12.00
W L Clark, road viewing 22.40
Cuddeford & Howell, Biipplie... 41. Xi
Cottage Hospital, service (52.00
C N Clarke, supplies 2.00
(I. K. Castner, salary fruit In
spector 6.50
A K Crosby, supplle 2.7.")
F H Dwlnnell, wood (5.00
KA Franr, supplli's M 20
John Fitzgerald, jailer fees 1.Y00
(illlN-rt-Vaughan Implement Co 2.25
II Ii F.lectrlc Light, 1 & WCo . lS2.72
II It Glacier, printing, supplies . 22.75
Home Telephone Co, phone ren
tal !1.50
Hood Klver News Co, printing. 112.23
Irwin-Hodrton Co, supplies 21125
Jessie K Kldg, work on record 1!) .'10
Smith Kros, supplies 10.00
l. H Morse, Incidental 27.1)0
C K McCoy, school examination II. 00
I) McDonald, supplies U0.M
l'liie drove Kox Co, supplies 11.07
Herman I'regge, scalp bounty.. l..r0
T A Keavls, road viewing 22.40
Stanley-Smith Lumber Co 71.04
Strannhau & Clark, cement 2.!H)
Security Vault & Metal Works 219.00
Stewart Hardware Co, supplies .'54.42
W I. Sherbon, scalp bounty 2.00
Shaw & llronson, medical ser
vices :tl.oo
Tom Shlyoshl, witness fees li.OO
Dalles Hospital, care Indigents.. 51.00
Transfer & Livery Co, service . 1.05
I'nlon Oil Co, oil 71.40
J Wlckhntn, deputy assessor 120.00
Cottage Hospital 40 (H)
(leo V Crowell, (I A II fund 100.00
Untler Hanking Co, pny ment on
rock crusher 5:io.oo
First National Hank, steam
roller 115:1.20
V C KriH'k, road warrants 47(55.155
W I) Copper, Janitor services ... 15.00
Washington, D. C., June 10 That
the supply of news print paper In
the American mill has leeu still fur
ther depleted since March 30, so that
on April ;!0 there was less than live
days' supply on hand 1 the purport
of a statement made public today by
Herbert Knox Smith, commlsnloner
of corporation. The last stateineut
a of April 1, showed but li).!)07 tons
on hand; since then there has been a
decrease of lsl" tons. The decrease
since April IK), l!t00, has leen more
than tons.
The normal consumption per day
1 said to le about 4000 tons: the pro
duction rapacity about 4125. Fol
lowing Is the commissioner's state
ment: Statistics of news print paper for
April, 1010, as compiled by the Amer
ican Taper and I'ulp Association nnd
filed with the commissioner of cor
poration, show a sharp decline In
production nnd n further drain upon
stocks. The total supply on h:ind
April .10, 1010, was only ls.Otio tons, n
reduction of 1s47 ton since April 12.
On April .50, l'.to!) the stock were :tt?,
I'll ton.
It I stated by the newspaper pub
lishers of the couutry thnt a raise In
the price of paper will ensue and that
to protect themselves an Increase In
subscription and advertising rates I
a probability In the near future.
New Feature in Summer School
The session of the F.llensburg Nor
mal School to le held nt Kurton,
Vashou Island, from June 20th to
July 29th, will Introduce nn Innova
tion thl year In the form of a rural
observation school and play ground
that will be maintained In connec
tion with the regular summer session
of the Normal School. Miss Kuth C.
Hoffman will have charge of the ob
servation school with several assist
ants. The school will consist of six
grades nnd It special aim will be to
show the practical working out of
the principals of rural school condi
tions, organization, and manage
ment. The play ground will be a
notlccabl feature of the observation
school, and here a crlod will be de
voted each day to directing plays
and games, whoee lcnrlng on the
education and development of the
child will constitute one of the
courses offered by thesummer school.
A full line of poultry supplle nt
Whorlow Sues for Damages
Albert Whorlow, by hi attorney,
S. W. Stark, has brought un action
In the Circuit court of this county
against the Oregon LuiuIkt Com
pany to recover damages In the
sum of $10,0u0, for Injuries sustained
while braking on a logging train.
In his complaint he alleges the com
pany was negligent In fulling to pro
vide a safe pluce for him to work.
F. S. Senn and A. A. Jayne. attor
neys for the Oregon LuniberCompuny
have mnde application to have the
case removed to the United State
Circuit Court at Portland, on the
ground of adverse residence, the Fed
eral Statute providing that where
over $2,000 Is Involved and either
plaintiff or defendant 1 a resident of
another state, the action may te re
moved from the state to the Federal
Court for trial. The Oregon LuiuIkt
Company Wing a corporation of the
state of I'tah, It claims the right to
If you are not satisfied after using
according to directions two-third of
a bottle of Chamlerlatn's Stomach
and Liver Tablets, you can have
your money back. The tablets
cleanse and Invigorate the stomach.
Improve the dlgestlou, regulate the
bowels. (Jive them a trial and get
well. Sold by nil dealers".
Don't let the rabbit eat your trees.
Kuy your tree protectors at Whitehead's.
1 V.11111U WVUlT I A
are but outward signs of the evil
done in secret by myriads of dao
Jruff terms sapping the life blood
of the hair. Micro kills the para
site, soothes the itching scalp,
gives lustre to the hair and stops
it falling out A single application
gives relief atd proves its worth.
Save your hair before too late,
Micro prevents baldness. It is a
delightful dressing for the hair,
free from grease and sticky oils.
Ask y our druggist for free book let
Underwood Ferry
Good Accommodations for Passengers ; Teams
Nearest landing and best roads to Trout
Lake, Husum and Way Points. Lands
at North Bank station J J J
Near the mouth of the Columbia River on the Washington Coast
Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Beach
:: Level, Compact and Smooth ::
Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cottage,
tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the health
ful, invigorating recreation of the seaside surf bathing,
fishing, clam digging, beach bonfires, riding, racing,
hunting, strolls and drives through picturesque
wooded headlands.
Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon & Washington
Oregon Railroad and navigation Company
Season Rate: From Fortland Round Trip, $4.00
Three Day-Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00
Purchase tickets and make reservations at City Ticket Office, 3rd
and Washington Streets, Portland, or inquire of any
0. II. &. N. agent elsewhere for information
WM.McMURRAY. Gen'l Passenger Agt., Portland. Ore.