The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, June 15, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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How the National Organization
to Convene In Denver Works
for the Welfare ot
A mother t a mother (till.
Th holiest thing alive.
FROM all sections of the InHed
States women will Bather In
Denver to attend the National
Congress of Mothers June 10
to 15. la the beautiful "mile high"
capital of Colorado the devoted moth
ers will spend a week in the discus
sion of matters pertalnlug to the wel
fare of children not their own chil
dren alone, but the offspring of others
as well. The Congress of Mothers Is
a movement for the benefit of the race,
looking toward the making of happy
and useful men and women out of the
raw material of childhood. The mem
bers realize the urgent need of an or
ganized campaign for the education of
parents in the bringing up of children
and for the protection aud fostering
of child life through local and national
governmental agencies. Many mat
ters of vital interest to family life and
the future citizenship of the nation
will be considered by the women In
the Denver convention.
From the east, the north and the
south the delegates will assemble nt
Chicago, whence they will go to Den
ver by special train. From Texas and
thn far west and northwest special
SCHOFVfe . , ; ; J&
. iv-:v
OAPPY he f V ;
With auch a mother! Faith in womankind
Beats with i his blood, and trust in all things high
Comes easy to him, and tho' he trip and fall .
He' shall not blind his soul with clay. r !
,VV'-. Tennyson.,
coaches will carry the delegates to
Denver. While It Is not to be as
sumed that the majority of these
mothers are suffragettes, It may be
taken for granted that all of them will
welcome the opportunity while In Col
orado to study conditions In one of the
four states where woman suffrage pre
vails. Denver also Is the borne of the fa
mous Juvenile court presided over by
Judge Ben It. Lindsey, whose work In
behalf of the bad boy has won Inter
national attention and approbation. It
Is expected that Judge Lindsey will
address the Congress of Mothers and
tell about his methods of reclaiming
erring boys who but for bis Influence
might go still further on the down
ward track.
Jud?e Lindsey snys be owes bis suc
cess In bis efforts for childhood to the
National Congress of Mothers, which
was the pioneer organization In de
manding and obtaining a Juvenile
court BDd a probation syKtem that la
bora to "put a little love Into law."
Organized In 1897.
The National Congress of Mothers
has been In existence since 1S97. Tbe
"mothers" of the Mothers' Congress
wer Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst and the
lata Mrs. Theodore W. Illrney. The
president of the mothers Is Mrs. Fred
eric Schoff of Philadelphia, who said
a few years ago In addressing tbe con
gress and speaking of tbe work of
Mrs. Illrnrv and Mrs. Hearst:
Tb Inspiration of that meeting will
never die. Its results hnve been felt
Constructive force That Is La
I boring tor the future by
LnJcavoring to Improve
! the Present.
throughout the world. Id thousands
of homes little children's lives baro
been made happier aud better because
of that congress and Its results. Thou
sandsyes, hundreds of thousands ot
parents have been led to a higher con
ception of their duty to their children.
Other organizations have caught tho
inspiration of work for childhood and
have been giveu uot only sympathy,
but active help, In bringing about bet
ter conditions. States have been
aroused to their duty to the children,
and even the senate of the United
States and the president have listened
and heeded the request of the mothers
In behalf of their children."
Mrs. Frederic Schoff of Philadelphia
has been president of the National
Congress of Mothers since 1002. From
1SU7 to 1902 she was vice president of
the congress. From 1S99 to 1002 she
held the office of president of the Penn
sylvania Congress of Mothers. She Is
a woman of very broad sympathies
and is actively Interested in several
lines of philanthropical endeavor.
Work of the Congress.
The work of the organized mothers
embraces effort for children In all
branches of endeavor. The congress
advocates the co-operation of borne
and school through the organization
MOTHER'S love how swtti the
:V : 'name! . . '
What is a. mother's love?;.
At noble, pure and tender flame,
. .4 Enkindled from above, - -"V''' .
To bless , & heart of earthly motdf-
fThe f warmest love that can : grow,'
Cf" cold.' ;. . :;;i:2t'g
i a.- This is a mother's love.Kv,- ,'. v-
'. .' ...... -r r:-
t, J. Montgomery..
of "parents' associations," the educa
tion of parents in the physical and
economic Injury brought about by some
forms of child labor, prevention of Ju
venile crime by the providing of play
grounds and recreation centers, tbe es
tablishment of Juvenile courts to con
sider the cases of morally defective
children, the establishment of sepa
rate schools for tbe blind aud tbe deaf
mute, tho systematic care of depend
ent, neglected, erring children; co-op-eratlon
with other sociological workers
In anything which tends toward tbe
giving of a square deal and a fair
chance to the nation's little ones.
"The National Congress of Mothers,"
tays Mrs. Charles M. Stone of Swarth
more, l'a., of the publicity committee
of the organization, "Is not a dictator
ship, nor does it assume the superior
pose. It seeks to lead through help
fulness. In thirty-two states It bus
tlert and native branches. Its Influ
ence extends beyond the borders of
our own nation, and even across the
seas It has been Instrumental In arous
ing interest In child welfare."
Government Aid Assured.
This organization has awakened tba
United States government to a realiza
tion of the fact that It Is at least as
necessary to conserve tbe Uvea and
rights of children as to preserve tbe
flsb and forests and to protect tbe
After riiiifb earnest work both gov
ernment and state co-operation la as
sured In carrying on the mother work
and the mother thought Into all tbat
-oncerus childhood Into the home and
tchool aud In preventing some of the
dunning mortality mixing children.
There Is an able advisory founcll.
composed of men headed by Theodore
Itoosevelt Governor I ltd ley of Mis
souri Is much Interested in all pertain
ing to the work lu behalf of children.
In an address before the congress of
mothers President Itoosevelt said:
"This Is tbe organization for which I
rare most. You are dealing wltb vital
things Id a sane and healthy way."
A man who was himself a waif aud
thoroughly familiar wltb tbe misfor
tunes of childhood has given some of
bis best efforts to legislation for the
betterment of conditions surrounding
children, tbe child labor problem. This
man Is Thomas E. Kinuey, state sena
tor from St. Louis.
Seuator Kinney was born and reared
lu the "tough" district or St. Louis
and when he grew up became owner
of a saloon lu that section whlcb a
number of years ago was notorious as
a "hangout" for the gang elemeut.
Kinney got into politica aud was elect
ed to the state senate, where be has
served several terms. He surprised
the element which opposed him. and
feared that his legislative work would
be detrimental to the Interests of so
ciety. Senator Kinney became an
earnest and able advocate of educa
tion, particularly for children who bad
grown up under the evil conditions
which surrounded himself In his child
hood. He is In hearty accord wltb the
work of the Congress of Mothers.
Is a Constructive Force.
The National Congress of Mothers
tries to lend through research, medita
tion, suggestion nud observation. - It Is
a constructive force reachlug all over
the United States. The mothers' work
to eliminate those errors menacing so
ciety whlcb have brought degradation
and disease to the little ones Is to the
end that less of wrong shall confront
each generation.
These women are working to get at
facts and not nt theories, fully realiz
ing the statement of nil students of so
cial conditions that the Inefficiency
and insufficiency of homes Is responsi
ble for most of the crime, disease aud
failure. The Ignorance in this line is
not so surprising when It Is remem
bered that child nurture Is almost the
only line In education that has been
neglected. Mistaken methods In rearing
children In the home or school or statu
are the result of ignorance and of a
lack of practical teaching. To supply
this deficiency the Congress of Mothers
urges provisions tbat shall embody and
make available to parents and young
people a knowledge of the science of
child nurture.
The future's solution lies wltb tbe
children. From their ranks must come
tbe malefactor and the benefactor, the
helper and tbe blnderer.
Thus the Congress of Mothers Is
working for tbe future by seeking to
improve the present
Appeal to Mothers.
Mrs. Frederic Schoff, president of
the National Congress of Mothers, has
Issued an appeal to tbe women of
America. She wants mothers to send
their names, to her addressl 3418 Bar
mmt mm um I r-i t a ncer ty i UKt.
Ladies' Palmer Suits
Ladies' Combination Suits in barred dimities and plain Nainsooks
Ladies' Gowns, lace embroidery trimmed
Ladies' Huslin Skirts for 49c and
We never conduct a sale unless we have the best goods to offer at the lowest
will permit. The above quotations are certainly giving you A GOLDEN
ing strevl. PhlladelpliU. Tbe appeal
"Mothers of America, do you realize
that upon you more than any one else
rests tbe future of this nation?
"Have you grasped tbo breadth aud
height and scope of work thut Is uow
In your hands?
"Are you giving It first place In your
thoughts and life?
"Are you fitting yourselves to be
mothers In the broadest sense, or are
you drifting, without aim or compass,
in tho greatest lifo work given to hu
manity? "God made you the medium through
which life begins. He gave to you the
nurture guidance of his little oues.
On you more than any other devolve
the possibility of life, health, mental
growth and spiritual Ideals. On you
more than any other Is the welfare of
the child dc'M'iidcnt lu home, school
and state. Mother love, mother thought,
mother wisdom, must consider his
needs, must see that each child has tbe
chance to develop the possibilities Im
planted by God In every human heart.
"Tbe science of child nurture Is the
greatest of all. To reach every home,
to enlist every mother In this study of
bow best to meet the great responsi
bility that God and humanity look to
her to bearthat Is the work of tbe
National Congress of Mothers.
"Organized, intelligent, purposeful
W 1
A Big Cut in Shirt Waists 4 QO
The greatest values ever offered for '
These Tbvo Big Offers for Saturday Only
No matter what you prefer, we believe we can land you, however particular you
may be. We're as fussy as you are, and only the BEST SHOES made by the BEST
WORKMEN find room on our shelves.
motherhood ran In large degree pre
vent Infant mortality, disease and
crime. To the borne must we look for
physical, moral aud social uplift To
tbe careless, thoughtless borne can we
trace most of life's tragedies.
"Mothers of America, It U only
through united, purposeful effort that
conditions favorable to child welfare
In borne, school and atate can be pro
vided. For love of your little ones,
whose guidance and guardianship bave
been Intrusted to your care by tbe
Heavenly Father, you should become
part of tbe organized motherhood of
tho nation. Only by making tbe op
portunities for all children what they
should be can you give to your own
their rightful heritage.
"Fathers, you, too, should become a
part of the organized parenthood of the
"Mothers of America, unite as guard
ians of the childhood of America.
Unite to give every child the mother
lug which combines an intelligent
knowledge ofchlld nurture with sym
pathetic love. This work will count
for more than all else. Tbe National
Congress of Mothers needs you. Try
to attend tbe great annual convention
at Denver from June 10 to 15. There
you will hear discussed many vitally
Important subjects bearing on the con
servation of. this nation's most pre
cious asset, the c hild."
Come Up and See the
.t rt -i - r a
rew rnoio muuio
on the Heights
Postals 75c per doz.
Cabinets $2.50 per doz. and up
Other styles up to $20 per doz.
Our prices will not seem high
when you come and see the
quality of our work...'
Mens Jirat& Hats
for the Shoe business
of this city with the
A party of visitors at the Devil's
Punch Howl, ou the east fork of
Hood rler were horrified a few
iinyn ngo to see a mini fall from the
the cliff (Ml feet above and plunge Into
tho Icy pool. The victim of the ac
tident proved to lie Hoy lilaKK, u
resident of the valley, who, on com
lug to tho nurface of the whirling
water, by heroic effortH, managed to
reach Home stones above the falls,
where he was rescued by the specta
tors. Illngg, who was almost Insensible
and nil in bed by the Intensely cold
water, was quickly dlvexted of his
clothing and wrapped In a horse
blanket. Ou recovering lie said that
he must have lost consciousness Ih-
fore falling, as he couldn't rcmemU-r
anything after losing his hold on the
rocks until he had struck the Icy
For Sale DfHlrnlH building lots
on Cascade avenue; also money to
loau on II rut mortgage. A. V.
Kmm w
prices that quality
RIGHT SORT of bait.