The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, May 18, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Live Local Topico
mm. u h. Duncan Hpfiit Hevenil
daya vImUIiik ivlntlVHt In I'ortlaud
I ant witk.
A touch of rheumatlHiu or a twinge
or neuriilKlii, whatever tlm trouble In,
Chamberlain' Liniment drives away
me pain ut once and cures the coin
plaint (julckly. First application
gives relief. Sold by all deulers.
Hev. . ('. (illiuore was In Lyle,
Wash., lust week where he organized
a church, anil says he Is Meeting
wun much encouragement.
I hamlerlatu's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will clear the sour stomach
sweeten the breath and create a
healthy appetite. They promote the
How of gastric Juke, thereby Induc
ing good digestion. Sold by all
I. N. Hyerlee of St. Johns spent
Sunday In Hood Hlver voting his
daughter's family. Ills grand-daugh-Ut.
(ieorgla Lynn, accompanied htm
to St. Johns Monday.
Never hesitate about giving Cham
berlain's Cough Heiuedy to children.
It contains uo opium or other nar
cotics and can be given with Implicit
confidence. As a quick cure for
cough and colds to w hich children
are susceptible, It Is unsurpassed.
Sold by all dealers.
A gold class pin which was found
In Wood & Muggins' store can be
had by the owner by applying at the
News olllce. It Is in the form of a
star with the letters P. K. (). on the
front and the name Kllzabeth Lane
on the back.
The land dealers located next door
to the News office have had painted
for ttiem a large scenic sign of
Mood Itlver orchard In fruit, with
Mt. Mood In the background. The
sign is attractive and will prove a
scheme of advertising well worth the
The splendid work of Cbainber-
lulu's Stomach and Liver Tablets Is
datly coming to light. No such grand
remedy for liver and bowel troubles
was ever known Injure. Thousands
bless them for curing constipation,
sick headache, biliousness, Jaundice
und Indigestion. Sold by all dealers
V. C. Michael, buyer for the (ilbson
Fruit Company of Chicago, was here
Friday. Mr. Michael has been repre
sen ting the (ilbson company for sev
eral years und knows the Northwest
fruit section like a book. Much of
his time bus been spent at Weuat
dice, where the Gibson company has
conducted big operations.
Jonn u. Kockereiier would go
broke If he should spend his entire
Income trying to prepare a better
medicine than Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemedy for
dysentery or bowel complaints. It
Is simply Impossible, and so says
every one tliat has used It. Solil by
all dealers.
The Fran Hardware of this place
Is enthusiastic at the extent of Its
new business derived through the
Intelligent use of printer's Ink and
having the goods to buck up their
advertising. As an Instance of this
kind, a short time ago they received
an order (or six dozen thinning sbeurs
from a Yakima hardware Arm. Up
on receipt of the goods the order wus
Increased to five gross, aggregating
In total the sum of $'10.
White :: River :: Flour
Makes Whiter, Lighter Bread
Manufacturing and Repair Work
We are prepared to do It in our large and well equipped Manufactur
ing and Repair Establishment.
We would be pleased to have you call on us.
Shops 141-HJ-143-H7 f ourth St., Op. (lilbert-Vaughan, Hood Rlver.Or.
When ordering your
Kinnaird & Kinsey
Have a Full and New Line11
If you can't call, Tolophono 78
Successors to CHAPMAN, on 12th St., on the Heights
During 1910, from All Points on
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company
Chicago $72.50
Council Bluffs
Kansas City.. GO. 00
St. Joseph...
St. Taul
St. Paul via Council Bluffs 63.90
Minneapolis direct G0.00
Minneapolis via Council Bluffs... G3.90
Duluth direct 66.90
Duluth via Council Bluffs 67.50
St. Louis 67.50
Tickets will be on sale May a and o; June 2, 17 and 24
July s and 22; August 3; September 8.
Ten days provided for the going trip.
Stopovers within limits in either direc
tion. Final return limit threo months
from date of sale, but not later than
October 31st. One way through Cali
fornia $15 additional.
Inquire of any O. R. & N. Agent for more complete in
formation, or Win, McMurray, 6en. Pass. Agt Portland, Ore.
Cfturcrt fletlcs
Belmont Methodist Church
II. J. Wood, jxmtor.
Services next Sunday aa follows:
Sunday ac-hool 10 A. M.; Preaching
service 11 A. M. Evening service 7:30
I. M. Kveryoue welcome at all ser
Christian Science
Christian Science Society holds ser
vices at the reading room No. 6 Dav
Maun building, Cattcade avenue and
3rd street, Sunday 11 a. in. Wednes
day evenings at 8 p.m. Open datly
from 2:30 to 5 p.m.
Riverside Congregational
Kev. W. C. Ullmore, I'astor.
Worship and preachlug at 11 a. m.
Graded Bible school 10 a. in. Music
by quartet choir, Mrs. C. H. Sletton,
director. Young People's meeting,
6:4.". evening service 7:30.
Kev. II. A. MocDonald, pastor.
Regular moaning service at the
Unitarian church at 11 a. in., Sunday
school at 10 o'clock. Vesjier service
at 7 p. in.
Everybody Is welcome to both the
Sunday school and preaching services.
Christian Church
A. J. Adams, pnstor,
Regular services each Lord's Day.
Bible school at 10 a. in., sermon at
11 a. m. and 7:45 p. in. Christian En-
duvor at 6:30 p. in.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to
all to atteud any or all of these services.
Methodist Episcopal
T. B. Ford, puntor, Residence 616
State street. At home every forenoon
and Thursday afternoon.
Sunday services: Sunday school at
10 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m., and
K:00 P. m.: Epworth League, 7:00 p.
m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing, 7:30 o'clock.
United Brethren
J. It. Parker, pastor.
Regular services each Sunday as
follows: Preaching at 11 a, ut. and
7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
m. Young People's meeting 6:45 p.
m. Midweek prayer service every
Wednesday night at 7:30. The pub
lic generally Invited to all services.
Christian Alliance
C. E. Perry, pastor.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Pub
lic services at 11 a. m. and :30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Tuesday evening at
30. Divine healing service at 2:30
Friday afternoon; Young People's
meeting at 7:30. Children's meeting
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A
welcome for all.
Later Day Saints
Reorganized church of Jesus Christ
of the Latter Day Saints.
Sunday services: Preaching at 11
a. m., Sunday sciiooi at ;j p. m. i;e
llglo Literary Society, 6 p. m. Prayer
service Thursday evening, 7:30 p. in.
All are invited to attend these ser
vices, lu the ball In the Chapman
building on the heights.
Rev. J. R. Hnrgreaves, pastor.
Sunday school 0:50 a. m. Preach
ing at 11 a. ni. and 7:.'W p. m. Young
People's meeting at 7 o'clock.
The regular weekly services are
Young People's meeting Tuesday
evening, mid-week prayer meeting
Wednesday evening, Ladles Aid so
ciety Thursday afternoon.
The Steamer TEAL
leaves Portland for The Dalles, Big
Eddy, and way points, Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. m.,
returning Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays, leaving the Dalles at 7 a. m.
Resumed service Feb. 1st, 1910.
Boioc, Idaho
European Plan
Rates $1 to $3
Chas, H. Grout
Live Buys in Live Real Estate
for LIVE People
Special f it Showing
Spring Suif5
QUALITY garments, cut and hand
tailored for dress or business wear.
- Here is one of the new models
Correct? I should say, in every
detail, and only one of the many
styles we are now showing.
GORDON HATS to go along
Walk-Over Shoes
To Complete a nighty Dressy Combination
Make the
orn, shabby floors, marred, scratched
woodwork, dingy, sculled furniture can all
be refinishcd and made to look like new. You can do it
yourself at a trifling cost.
stains and varnishes at one operation, impart
ing to all kinds of surfaces the elegant
encct and durable, lustrous surface of
beautifully finished oak, mahogany,
walnut, or other expensive woods.
If it's a surface to be painted,
enameled, stained, varnished, or
finished In any way there's
an Acme Quality Kind to
fit the purpose.
Franz Hardware Co,
Phone 14
Hood River, Oregon