The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, May 18, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Overalls or Dress
We Are Right Here with the Reliable Goods
Ladies Vests . 5c
Ladies' hose . 8c
Children's hose 8c
Calico ... 5c
Hen's good Khai Khai Pants . . . $1.00
Men's Work shoes to wear .... $2.00
Women's Percaline Petticoats . . . 75c
Regular 10c Toilet Soap 5c
Bedding for Campers
Large size, white filled Com
forters, worth $1.75, now . $1.20
Gray Cotton 10-4 Blankets . . 50c
Gray Cotton 11-4 Blankets . . 98c
Good Mixed Feather Pillows . 75c
Strawberry Hats
Sun Bonnets .
Canvas Gloves .
Rockford Sox .
Children's Vests
Children's Pants
5c Pp
i2V2C JSl 1
Men's Holeknit Underwear
Men's 75c Work Shirts, only
Ladies' Wash Suits $1.00 up
Ladies' Wash Skirts i.ooup
Ladies' Wool Skirts 2.95 up
Hen's Suits, $8 to $25.00
Youths' Suits 4 to 15.00
Boys' knee suits 2 to 8.90
Live Local Copies
Learn to say EL KAYO.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hellbronuer
Siindayed In Portland.
Jim Thomas, the Hood River tail
or, Sundayed at Paradise Flats, near
H. S. Butterfield and family of
Portland, Sundayed on their ranch
In the valley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Page, of Page
& Son, Portland, spent the week end
at Wau-Guln-Guln,
T. M. Sweni, of Kargo, X. D., was
In the city the latter part of the week
looking the valley over.
Misses Myrtle Chamberlain and
Sadie Ford sient the week end with
Dr. T. Ii. Ford and family.
Mrs. E. X. Clythe and children, of
Portland, arrived Monday for a visit
with S. F. Elythe and family of Twin
The office furniture lu the old Fruit
Growers I'nlon office was moved
Into the offices of the apple growers'
union Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Cram and children re
turned Sunday from a vlstlt with
Mrs. Cram's mother, Mrs. F. V. 11
son, at Walla Walla, Wash.
Parkdale, the new station at the
terminus of the Mount Hood rail
road, Is now having regular train
service and will doubtless blossom
Into a thriving little town as the
settlement progresses In the upper
Yucco Tree Protectors at White
heads. Half price sale on entire stock at
the Style Shop Millinery from May
23 to 29.
The News prints the correct Isrry
tally tickets and will fill orders on
short notice.
Monarch Malleable Ranges are
guaranteed. Ask your neighbor who
uses the Monarch.'
If your horse Is run down and out
of condition and you want to get
lilrn in shape to do good strong
work buy a pall of Rex Stock Food
It will do the Job. Whitehead's.
The Apple Growers' t'nlon has on
hand a carload of Rex Lime and Sul
phur Solution, and more on the way.
They will also sell lilack I,eaf and
Arsenate of Lead. Your orders so
licited. Forty dollars per acre for 120 acres
4 miles from town, on the main
county road. This is mostly brush
land and easily cleared. 5 room
house. This Is a decided snap and
must g this week. See Guy Y. Ed
wards & Co., office Oregon Hotel
building, Hood River, phone 228L.
Mrs. Z. C. Phillips Is on the sick
A. R. Combs of National Life fame
in Hood River was up from Portland
this week.
Rom Saturday, May 14 to Mr.
and Mrs. C'has. Fuller, of Willow
Flat, a boy.
The ladies of St. Mark's Guild will
meet with Mrs. R. t). Gould on Fri
day afternoon.
Mrs. Marjorle Fouts, who has
been vlltlng her parents lu this city
returned to Portland Friday.
Bishop Paddock held services In
the Episcopal church Sunday morn
ing and at Parkdale In the afternoon.
Arthur Clarke has sold his musical
Instruments to the Cascade Locks
band which has Just been organized.
Mrs. E H. Hartwlgand Mrs. An
nette Entrlcan spent several days
last week, and Sunday, visiting In
H. F. Davidson Is the latest to le
effected with the bu.z-wngon fever,
and has purchased a new Hudson--'!
from Gllbert-Vaughnn.
A 40 horse powerPope-Toledo car
longing to J. A. Eppiug, arrived here
Thursday and will be used by Mr.
Epplng about the valley.
Harry Strawbrldge arrived Mon
day from Whlttler, Calif., and will
spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Cunning.
F. W. Rlagden was lu Portland the
Hrst of the week purchasing fixtures
for the barber shop of Rlagden &
Ferguson to le placed In their new
location. In the basement of the new
First Xatlonal bank building.
Location - Moneymaker For Rent
Enquire Hood River Realty Company
Phone J42M.
Coarse ground and rock salt at
Expert Piano Tuner. G. H. Carrier
Phone 210-K.
Money to loan. Apply to Geo. D.
Culbertson & Co.
I'pper Volley I have some good
buys now In the I'pper Valley. W.
H. Marshall.
All kinds of Insuranceleading com
panies only. Guy Y. Edwards & Co.,
Agents. 19-22
For Sale Brand new visible type
writer, $V,. Try It a week. A. Wil
son, Mount Hood depot.
Hazel wood sweet cream and Ice
cream can be obtained In quantities
from now on at Ross & Richard's.
Rex Brand Stock and Poultry
Food. Best In the world. The kind
that brings results. Whitehead's.
I Monarch Malleable Ranges are rlv
leted, air tight, built like a boiler,
j cannot open air leaks, and save fuel.
I The Ross & Richards Company
'will serve Hand wood special Ice
cream Sundays at the same price as
other creams.
j Monarch Malleable Ranges have
polished malleable Iron tops, require
no blacking. Do not break, warp
or crack, are thin anil heat through
' quickly.
rpjx-r valley I have "( .'1 acre,
small house and barn, nearly all
good; adjolnes 1.7) acre-tract Just
cleared and set to trees. A buy. .
H. Marshall. Dee.
George Smith was over from White
Salmon on business Monday.
J. M. Wood went to Vancouver,
Wash., Friday, called there by the
serious illness'of his mother.
C. H. Sletten has accepted a posi
tion with the Hood River Apple
(irowers Union, as bookkeeper.
F. II. Morlan has had the lawn
surrounding his new home on State
street terraced, and Is now having It
sodded, adding much to the appear
ance of the place.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Morse and Mr.
and Mrs. Jud Ferguson went to
Eugene Monday to attend the meet
ing of the grand lodge. Mr. Morse
attended as delegate from the local
subordinate lodge, I. (). O. F.
Bishop Robt. Paddock was the
guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
L. I'elrrounet, preaching at Park
dale In the afternoon, to a well filled
house. He made the trip back to
Hood River early Monday morning
by automobile, taking the train for
Eastern Oregon. Bishop Paddock
expressed himself as delighted with
the Is-autles of the valley.
Several cards have been received
here by friends of Miss Ada Schraelt
zer, telling of her trip through the
east. Miss Schmeltzer spent last
winter here at the home of J. M.
Schmeltzer and Is at present with
her parents at Manteno, 111. On
her trip she has visited many places
In the eastern and middle states, but
writes that she has found nothing
like Hood River.
Automobile Insurance, ii. Y. Ed
wards & Co, Agents.
Don't let the rabbits eat your trees.
Buy your tree protectors at White
head's. Hazelwood double Jersy butter
milk received every day at Ross,
Richards Sc Company's.
Buy two good lots for a little money.
Payments on your own terms.
Phone 168K, or address l-D, care of
News office.
C. W. Edmunds, M. D., eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases exclusively.
Office hours !):.'! a. m. to 4 p. in.
Phone 4.'), Res. :!12-L.
Those choice residence lots on Cas
cade avenue In Rlvervlew Park will
not last long. Make your choice 1k;
fore the Isst lots are gone. .1. F
Batchelder, 213 Cascade avenue.
Parties Interested In ralslngcucuni-ts-rs
this season for the Hood River
Apple Vinegar Co. kindly phone or
call at the factory as we are desirous
of having the contracts closed at an
early date.
John Otten went to Portland Fri
day on a business visit.
Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Davidson and
sou were passengers for a short visit
In Portland Monday afternoon.
Mrs. E. O. Dutro and children went
down to Latourell Monday for a
short visit with her home folks.
Arthur Brown, on the E. L. Pllson
place, had the misfortune last week
to have his nose severely Injured
while cranking a gasoline engine.
The Hood River baseball boys Wat
the White Salmon team in tne game
Sunday with a score of 4 to 0. The
Dalles will play Hood River at Co
lumbia Park next Sunday.
Mrs. C. H. Sletten and children, ac
companied by Miss Nettie Gleasou,
left Monday for Portland, where
they will hear the Symphony orches
tra Wednesday and visit relatives In
Oak Grove, Ore. Miss (ilea son will
then go on to Seattle where she will
spend the summer.
According to the time table Hal
ley's comet will reach perihelion to
day, when It will cross the sun's
disk and outclass the sun In brllll
aucy. Tomorrow the comet becom
es an evening star, but Is hardly to
be seen lecnuse of strong twilight.
After tomorrow to about May 2"
the comet will be visible long after
sunset and will lie a gorgeous spec
tacle. It hurries on Its way, how
ever and fades from the view, except
of those using telescopes, about May
Monarch Malleable Ranges are sold
only by E. A. Franz.
Automobile lnsurance--Guy Y. Ed
wards & Co., Agts. 19-22
You can get the celebrated Banlng
ton Hall coffee at The Star Grocery.
Half price sale on entire stock nt
the Style Shop Millinery from May
23 to 2it.
Geo. D. CullsTtson & Co. write all
kinds of Insurance. Fire, life, nccl
dent, plate glass and bonds.
For exchange Portland Improved
property for Hood River. What
have you? G. Y. Edwards & Co.
Have buyers for some Improved
and unimproved fruit farms. Call
and list your place with Geo. D. Cul
bertson & Co.
Wanted Expert orchardist, capa
ble of handling and managing bear
ing orchard. Apply Immediately to
Mrs. Schmlck, Hood River.
For Sale Work horse, about !XK)
pounds, 13; 2 horse spring wagon,
$20; white leghorn eggs for setting,
$1 for 13. M. M. Morrison, Route 2.
JVebu yorK "Bond j
Cent agarje (Jjggrg
Campbell & 6vans
These Bargains
will interest
The Person Who is Looking for an Ideal Home
as well as a
2A ACRES in Willow Flats; 5 acre in 6 ynr old New ton n and Spitzenbergs. 7 acres in
2 year old New ton and Spitzenberg. 3 acre in 1 year old Newtons and Spitzenbergs;
4 acre spring setting New Urns and Spitzenbergs; 1 acre ih D'anjou p4arw; 3 acres in clover;
& 1-2 acres of the finest strawberries in the valley, set between the tree. Good ft room
house, barn, chicken house and strawberry shed. Good well. 3 inches of water go with
place. $"000 puts you in possession.
20 ACRES on main road, near Van Horn; 6 acres Now tons and Spitzenbergs 9 years old,
which will have a very heavy crop this year; 5 acres in 4-year-olds and 3 acres in 8 year old
trees of the name varieties. Close to school, store and railway station. Hotine, bam and
well on place; team and all implements go at the remakably low price of 118.200, Easy
10 ACRES all set and in A-l condition; 525 New tons and Spitzenberg with Or t ley pollen
izers and a young family orchard; all 1 year old and 100 Spitzenbergs and 60 New tons set
this spring. A pretty new modem 6 room bungalow and other good buildings on the
place. Good soil, excellent drainage. This is a beautiful home commanding a grand view
of the valley and mountains. $4.7)0 handles it,
R ACRES, 4 miles from town and 1-4 mile from store on main traveled mad. 4 1-2 acres set
to New ton and Spitzenbergs, 2, 3 and 4 years old; 1-2 acre in meadow; good soil and ideal
slope. This is a snap at t2T00. $l-ri00 cash, balance 4 years at 6 per cent.
100 ACRES, partly improved, 20 acres aet to New tons and Spitzenbergs, 1 to 12 years
old; H acres practically cleared, balance brush and small timber; red shot soil; good
slope and drainage; 4 springs on place; old house and barn; close to school and railroad.
Trice f 1,,000. j4000 canh. Easy terms.
HO ACRES 9 miles from Hood River on county Road; II acres set to Newtons and Spltzen
bergs this spring; 24 acres cleared, balance is brush and light timber; heavy red shot soil;
good nlope for raising apples. $moQ0 cash handles it.
20 ACRES 1-2 mile from railroad, near store and school; A-l soil, slope and drainage; 1-2
slashed and burned. Beautiful view of valley and mountains. A snap at to00,
20 ACRES, on main county road. 1-2 mile from station, store and school. The place is
high and sightly with a beautiful view of both mountains and the entire valley. 8 acres
cleared, balance light clearing. 9 inches of water stock go with place. S2000 cash handles
DeUn & f irebaugb
Swetland Building Hotel Oregon Building