The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, May 04, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Live Local XToplco
Leslie Hutler gent the week end In
Portland vlsltlug friend.
A touch of rheuniatlHui or a twinge
of neuralgia, whatever the trouble U,
Chamberlain's Liniment drives away
the palu at once and cures the com
plaint quickly. First application
given relief. Sold ly all dealers.
Mth. Syl venter and son were Port
land visitors for several days last
ChainlHTlaln's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will clear the sour stomach
sweeten the breath and create a
healthy appetite. They promote the
How of gastric Juice, thereby Induc
ing good digestion. Sold by all
K. L. Knight and family arrived
here Saturday to make their home
on their place on the west side. They
route here from Chicago.
Never hesitate about giving Chaui
tterlaln's Cough Itemedy to children.
It contains no opium or other nar
cotics and can be given with Implicit
confidence. As a quick cure for
cough and colds to which children
are susceptible, It Is unsurpassed.
Sold by nil dealers.
ICx-Kenator Whealdou was here
Thursday looking the country over.
Mr. Whealdon was a guest at the
Hotel Oregon where he met a num
bcr of his friends.
The splendid work of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Is
dally coming to light. No such grand
remedy for liver and bowel troubles
was ever known before. Thousauds
bless them for curing constipation,
sick headache, biliousness, Jaundice
and Indigestion. Sold by all dealers
I). E. Miller, who has been staying
at the Mount Hood during the win
ter where he was made a prisoner by
rheumatism is so far recovered as to
be able to go to his home In the L'p
per Valley Monday.
J. J. Lin-key Is noted among the
hotel arrivals at Portland Friday,
I-rank A. Jones spent a day or
two about the valley last week on
business and pleasure.
8. A. Herring was here Wednesday,
anxious to load up the lerry shippers
with refrigerator cars.
Jack Morrison has started work
rellttlug the building next to his soft
drink establishment Into a billiard
and pool room.
1. N. Campbell returned from a trip
to Hood Itlver last week, where he
went to look after business. He
says the prospect for an apple crop
at Hood Hlver Is good. Newberg
There will be a union service for
prayer aud conference at the Baptist
Church Wednesday evening 7:30, May
4th. All the churches of tlm city and
valley are requested to be present so
far as possible. Business of Impor
tance Is on hand, do not forget to
attend to It.
John I). Kockefeller would go
broke if he should spend his entire
Income trying to prepare a better
medicine than Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy for
dysentery or bowel complaints. It
Is simply Impossible, and so says
every one that has used It. Sold by
all dealers.
J. A C. Isrant and wife spent sev
eral days here last week visiting Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. (iraham. Mr. Graham
Is Mr. Itrant's brother-in-law. The
latter has been employed on the
Oregonlau for a number of years,
where he is a valued member of the
proof reading force. He was In the
newspaper business as long ago as
when H. W. Scott was editor of the
Bulletin, which was a good many
years. Mr. Iirant was a boy In the
otlke of the ISulletln when Col. S. K.
Blythe, now a highly esteemed citi
zen of Hood Hiver and formerly edi
tor and owner of the Glacier, was
one or Its employes. Me nas seen a
good deal of Oregon history during
his connection with the big Cortland
papers and tells of It Interestingly.
If you want your young fruit trees to do well and
make a good growth, use some Dried Blood
and Bone when you plant them
Analysis, from State Experiment Station, Corvallis, Ore.
Nitrogen 6.65 per cent
Phosphoric Acid 7.85 percent
Made and for sale by J, YOUNG, Hood River, Oregon
The graduating exercises of the
ninth grade of the Barrett school
were held at the Park grange ball
last Saturday evening. The atten
dance of the patrons and friends of
the school was large, exceeding the
seating capacity of the hall. The
building was tastefully decorated
with red and green, the class colors
and with a profusslon of white lilacs
the class flower, while the class
motto, "Let us ever look higher,'
was conspicuously placed back of
the platform. The musical part of
the program was pleasing and well
executed, and the orations and pa
pers by the graduates were of such a
character as to reflect decided credit
upon the faithful work of Principal
B. L. Murphy and his assistants,
The address to the class was given
by Rev. Isaac Peart who gave the
young people some valuable pointers
on how to succeed.
There were nlue members of the
graduating class, Mayme Hodges,
Maude Hasbrouck, Vernon Shoe
maker, William Walters, Conrad
Jacobson, Leslie Sherrleb, Arthur
Moses, Italph Kordenat and Glenn
istioeruaker. J he program was as
Music Robblns' Orchestra.
Invocation Kev. H. J. Wood.
Quartet "Hunters' Chorus."
Salutatory William W, Walters.
"Moral Worth" Arthur Moses.
Solo "You Can't Pull nny Plums
From my Plum Tree" Erma Boyce.
"Our Country" Glenn Shoemaker.
Class Prophesy Maude Hasbrouck
Class Will Vernon Shoemaker.
Valedictory Mayme Hodges.
Solo and Chorus "Our House Is
Address Kev. Isaac Peart.
Presentation of Diplomas C. L,
Morse, president of school board.
Music "Happy Heine" Robblns
Waucoma Abstract & Investment Co. (Inc.)
First Door South of Hood River News Office
II. L. HOWE, U. S. Commissioner. Land Office Practice
Dabney's Furniture Store
You Can Oet Anything
You Want Either
New or Second Hand
For Your Home Very Cheap
Agent for CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges
Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitters Phone 1053
The Best "Bargain
....In the. mm
Hood River PVIosier District
160 acres of which 20 acres are in apple trees
ranging from three to nine years old all standard
varieties, 20 acres partly cleared, 80 fenced. 130
acres of this is first class apple land. This whole
tract can be bought this month for $15,000. Reas
onable terms.
Investigate "This
Chas. Sproat and Chris Dethraan
are recent purchasers of autos.
Howard Shoemaker and wife spent
Sunday lu Hood Hirer visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nickelson visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Campbell Sunday.
Mr. Naper from Chicago has re
cently purchased 12 acres of land
from J as. Taylor.
Several from the vicinity attended
the Installation services at the Uni
tarian church Sunday.'
Mrs. Josle Baker, with her babe,
Is visiting at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. I'eter Mohr.
J. O. Mark sold 20 acres last week
to Mr. McLean, who will build a sub
stantial residence this summer.
Mr. Dlckerson, of the firm of Dtck
erson & Peck, w 1th his family, will
occupy his property for the present.
The W. C. T. U. will meet this week
with Mrs. Julia Hunt. Different sub
jects will be discussed. All are made
Carl and Johnson are
taking treatment at the hot springs.
Their friends hope they will receive
much benefit.
Some of the members in Mr.
Paasch's family have been quite 111 for
several days, but we are glad to re
port they are Improving.
The Ladles' Aid society will hold
an all day meeting, for work, at the
home of Mrs. Malel Lage Wednesday
of this week. The meeting will le of
special Importance.
The Ladles' Aid and the W. C. T.
U. will unite their efforts In the ob
servance of mothers' day next Sun
day. Rev. Spauldlng will give one
of his helpful sermons on this day.
"A Cheerful Liar" will be presented
by local amateurs In Tine Orove hall
Friday, May 6, at 8:20 p. m. This
play has nlready been very success
fully given nt Park grange hall and
Odoll. Admission, adults, BO cents;
children 25 cents. Pont miss It.
F. C. Uatley Is all smiles over the
arrival of a new son.
Homer Rogers made a business
trip to Pine Orove Thursday.
Miss Josle Davis of Portland has
moved up to her ranch on China
Messrs. Hannum and Hannaiuan
of Portland came up to their ranches
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rogers have
moved Into their fine new home on
China Hill.
J, F. Thompson made a business
trip to Hood Rlvsr Friday and re
turned Saturday.
Alfred Allen, in company with
Messrs LI ml and Hredhour of Colo
rado, drove through this part of the
valley Thursday.
Trio Orchestra
Muile furnlnhed for all orraxiona.
Instrumentation from three piece to any num
ber rieeired.
AdiiroM or phone
c. o. n e; wisi aim
M-X or S-L Hood River, Orec on
Live Buys in Live Real Estate
for LIVE People
I t v ?
I ' '"" Vfc.v'U.'
Spring Suit5
QUALITY garments, cut and hand
tailored for dress or business wear.
Here is one of the new models
Correct? I should say, in every
detail, and only one of the many
styles we are now showing.
GORDON HATS to go along
Walk-Over Shoes
To Complete a nighty Dressy Combination
Paint for
Your Home
Paint your home with
material selected as care
fully as the lumber, hardware
or furnishings. To insure the
greatest durability and beauty and
to best resist rain and shine, ask
your painter to use
V It costs less because it takes less and lasts longer.
J Let us show you the latest fashionable color
, combinations for house painting.
I hryWJ Best
8 p 'p
mm mm?
mc-: r- V
If it's a surface to 1 c painted, enameled, stained,
varnished or finished in any way, there's
a Acme Quality kind to fit the purpose.
Phone 14