THE HOOD RIVER NEWS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1910 Nemo Corsets for slender as well as stout figures. There is none better. Try them if jou want the best. THE PARIS PAIR The Store That Saves You Money New Millinery We have just received and now have trimmed and ready for you, some of the newest crea tions in the MILLINERY line. We can save you money in this line. , tp Boys' Suits One of the largest and best assortments ever displayed in the city; all new styles in greys, browns, olive, smoke, blues, etc. Boys' 2-piece suits for $2.50, $3.50, $4, $5 and up to $8.50 Men's Suits You will probably find yourself in many a situation where the cut, fit and quality of your clothes make ! Bring the boys in and see how reasonable you can a big difference to i hi them out. you. Hart, wanner & Man Clothes will meet every require ment at such a time. H. S. & M. Suits for C o p r r I r h 1001 br Mart Schaflner & Man Men's Kahki Pants fitted with belt, two front, two hip and a watch pocket, side takeup straps, well made in every way. The pair $1.00 Court cloth pants for men, good shape, well $16.50, $18, $20, made' belt of same material to match. The pair.. 90c and $25 Men's Corduroy Pants Other makes for f. Good soft frduroy and the best of value for S7Rfl R Sill : themonev- The pair $1.50 c,i ?' ' '. Corduroy Pants with open welt seams, cuff $12 and Up. ; bottoms, belt straps, peg top pants, pants that are made to stand the wear. The pair $2.50 Better grade of corduroy for $2.75 and $3.00 Dress Pants and Knock-abouts Men's Dress Pants and Knock-about pants for... 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and $5.00 all colors, new cuts and patterns; a very large as sortment, all sizes. Dress Goods See our Dress Goods Department for your new gown. Our stock is complete in all the newest weaves and colorings and we were never better prepared than now to attend to your wants. Lin ens, Lawns, Batiste, Voiles, Poplins, Panamas, Henriettas, Serges, Taffetas; Mohairs, Sicilians, Broadcloths, etc. up. Ginghams and Calicos Apron Ginghams, for 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c, and Calico, best grade standard prints. The yard.. 5c I A - mm tm H H ill Says the Itflerry (Moth lll flannels looK.atiKe to me I lox)e you all, but Oh, You Moth Flakes 10c per TacKage GHAS. N. CLARKE GLACIER PHARMACY Hood River :: :: Oregon Correspondence MOSIER Mrs. I). Robinson returned Friday from a buntnewt trip to The Dalle. MIhh Grace Du wall and father left Friday for ro;Uaud an 1 other points to vIhU relative. The Mary CoUne looks luucii lin- You Get Real Coffee Here... Try the celebrated Barring ton Hall Steel Cut Coffee and you'll know how good coffee can be. Rich, fragrant and refreshing a cup of it in the morning will start you out ready for the day's work. We are sole agents for this splendid coffee and want all who like good coffee to try it. The Star Grocery cool Tbiiqs it ir PLEICO & SON Phone 83 proved with three new porches and a new coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. Fhner Stroup came up from Portland Saturday to vUlt friends and attend the dance. V. A. Husband was laid up for srveral days with In grippe, but was able to go to work the first of the . week. Miss Foster, a slHter of Mrs. II. . Klblx-e, arrived Thursday from the east and will spend about six months visiting here. At a meeting of the school board, held last Tuesday afternoon, the same teachers were hired to teach for the next school year. t Air. W. I. Stiirgins went, to I'ort l.ind to attend the Sunday School convention which was held on the U7tli to 2!) in the White Temple. I'ev. Adams, of Hood Itiver, preached In the Christian Church Sunday morning and evening. Hev. Adams is a very able speaker and those that did not attend missed two good sermons. Jim Stnrglss has opened up a real estate ofJice in the back of the bulle tin office. Jim was born and raised In Mosler so It will be safe to say he cau tell tiie strangers all about Us good iialltles as well as know every inch of land within its boundaries. The Odd Fellows' !(1 annaversary was celebrated with a sermon held Tuesday evening In the Christian Church. It was largely attended and all enjoyed I!ev. (Jllmore's discourse. At the close of the meeting the ladles of the Christian Church served Ice cream and enke. Something over fl was taken In. RUTMTON Mrs. Koy Cahoon and son visited at the home of F. It. Absten Sunday. Mrs. M. K. Noble nnd daughter Kmma Sundayed with the family of F. U. Absten. Miss Hattle Young, of Victor, Ore., is helping Mrs. Dlckiusou with the work at the boarding house. Mrs. J. t,. McKittrlck, of Portland, returned Wednesday after a ten days stay with her sister Mrs. J. W. Dick inson. Miss Hessle Wheeler uud Mattie Jensen, of Hood Klver, visited with Hattle Young Sunday afternoon, re turning home on the evening local. Heport comes from A. J. Snider who is at present at Lyle, Wash, that ho Is steadily Improving and hopes to be home again In a week or two. Mr. Snider was at the hot springs at Carson, Wash, for four weeks with lutlamatory rheumatism and he received great help from the hot baths, Mrs. C. E. Copple entertained a party of little folks at her home Sat urday afternoon In honor of her niece Miss Lavelle Taylor, of Portland, It being that youug ladies eighth birth day. The best part to the little folks was when they were called In aud gathered around the l)eautlfully de corn ted table and served with Ice cream, cake, sandwiches and oranges- They all felt that Miss Lavelle should have a birthday at least once a week. Tots Entertain Parents The children of Miss Stickuey's kindergarten entertained their par ents at a May Day party last Friday morning between nine and eleven o'clock. The little people gave a May Pole Dance and illustrated sev eral periods of their dally program with songs, rhythms ami games. At eleven o'clock the parents were re quested, by the children, to leave, after which the little ones prepared their May ISnskets for the mothers' surprise. Following are the names of the children Lelonging to t he kind ergarten: Marion Butler. Evelyn Cram, Jack Cram, Virginia Dutro, Rosalie Edwards, Louise Jenkins, Maurice Klnsej'i Alice Morian, Avis Nelson, Helen Osborne, Sletton nnd Prudence Spite and Tessle Newby. V. (J. Ideaud family were Sunday guests of (i. Y. Edwards and family. "A CHEERFUL LIAR" Given by a Capable, well Balanced company of iCocal Amateurs Good Music PLAYS TWO HOURS Adults 50c Children 25c Children under 6 years Free Pine Grove Grange Hall May Gtii 8:20 l M. Blue and Gold Dramatic Club of Trankton Patriotic. That Ketituckinns have a very high regard for their native state is Illus trated by this anecdote told by one of them: Once a Keutuckian died, so a near relative went to the local tombstone artist to arrange about an Inscription on the deceased's tombstone. After due cogitation the near rela tive said: "Carve on it, Tie's gone to a better place.' "I'll enrve, 'He's gone to heaven,' If you want me to," remarked the tomb stone artist, "but, as for that other In scription, there's uo better place than Kentucky." Couldn't Ruin Their Eyet. Sir Henry Holland, the noted Eng lish physician, had his studies Inter rupted by a youth who wanted advice. The young man, with considerable swagger, said he proposed locating In some town as nn oculist. A city in which a large numlr of students were located was preferred. "There," he continued, "I would have unlimited opportunities of treating the eyes' of overstudlous scholars." Dr. IL"iluii(l was reluctant to have a cniunmult.v's eyes eml.-i tigered because of ids Indorsement of a doubtful prac titioner. He thought u few moments and then advised the ambitious oculist to locate in a small town near Liver pool, stating that a largo school was located there. The young man thanked the doctor. In a few days he reached the suggest ed field f"r his exiH'riineiits. The large buildings In the distance indicat ed a nuigulflcent school and splendid opportunities. He Investigated nnd collapsed. The school was one for the hopelessly blind. J E. L. Scober, of Portland who will open dental offices In the apart ments formerly occupied by Arnold A Kupp, arrived here Tuesday with Mrs. SeoUt and Is having the rooms refitted. OAKDALE GREENHOUSE Rom, Shrub and Vine in food aMortment for fall planting-. Paonie 1 and 4-year old. S5e to 11.00 each. Hordy Fheox. Bell Flowara, Cuapan you. Oriental Ptppie. ready now. A full line of pot plant at Franx'. Phone for cut flower. FLETCHER FLETCHER Lively Cheese. A young lady entered a grocer's shop in London and asked for some good cheese. The gnx-or showed her an assortment wlilch illj not please her. She wanted some particularly "lively" cheese. He then showed her the re mainder of his stock, amounting to some half dozen samples. No, she wanted It still more "lively." At last the grocer, losing nil patience, sac castloHlly called to his assistant: "John, unchain No. 7 and let It walk In." The nicest Snap of the Season 160 acres of fine fruit land, only $45 per acre, six miles southeast of Hood Itiver. Ilijfht in the apple belt. Six acres cleared and a cabin 14 by 16; balance 2 1-2 minion feet of timber. Running water through the place. For further information write the owner, J. E. O'Donnel, 54 N. 16th St., Portland, Or: RING THE BELLE Cl' yur near with one of our Solitaire Engagement Rings. That will hold her if anything will and when she knows you have bought the Jewelry here, she'll respect your good judgment as much as she will admire your good taste. HOOD RIVER'S JEWELER Opposite Butler Bank OPEN EVENINGS In Brosius Block TM. tj . . J.Ta : ',nK - -V. HVVf'.P. VV,r ft .. 1 1 mnn rn ,"-T:u k tar - I vTWflA.;,:, ,xAviuiMU-- i i II 1 T r - rea-m,vill.Me or auDurba.i 1 S5 f F you coulcf look In at lh windows of Ink I beautiful country homo you Iiitidm of lha kind of comfort. anioMnft nnd procporilr that an abundance of nurn watar. cold or not actually help to produco. u d Irrd. to kitchen, bath mom, k room, tabic or tren to most remote corners of the place Tor water In barn or raroen, of for watering torn in tne pasture. We make It to luit jrour needs. Ad abundant water tup ply la the one thinf Indis pensable. It makes coun try life, even pioneering. pleasure, luxury a successful business, If yon please. The Leader Water uppty System does sll s ctty system can do It will sveo supply ft town. For most modest homes, for msnsions, large farms, public Institutions or municipalities, th Lender System Is most simple, complete, satisfactory. Most SimpU And Complete ft takes wster from whatever source Is aTsllabts spring, well, stream or lake) close at hand or at ft dis tance brings thft water into s steel tank st the same forcing the water yrniwr uppiy aiorsa is tntfrtittng hook,"HoiB t Sofwd f A Watmt Supply Problem, mu wKai 'vtdid lor 4 ma. Just unit fur U,nyuay. J QLA r. jj j " 7 No Attic Tank Tht lank If utullr loc.lrd In tha baientiit, ohm mwhln.ry belonn. Or lh pump may b. In lh buem.nt and tha lank mar b burled la tht , round M further pratactto. ag.ltut f mat. Flrt protection b) alao on. of tha rtron, points of tha Leader Brtttawbto lnt.illd In public fautltutkmf or munlclpalltlea. Whjr W Can Guarant.a The complHe ipparatut U aud right la our on Immense irorkt. wi put In pirferl rem s JiilrrntmK t,"H I SolotJ tht Wat; Supply Problmm." WWaCS' o " did tor fu man. Jul nnd lur it, tiyuay. TQOA YSZ Wl an ft ea!aiaiMiiiiiw il M4 Yl v rvy ADDRESS OR ENQUIRE AT Apple Land and Orchard Company Of floe, No, 9 Oak Street, Phone 26 oi 2002K, Hood River, Oregon