THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1910 6 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS n auaHBD Wednesday mokninoa t HOOD RIVER NEWS COMPANY, Inc. Hooo Rivbb. Oecooh W. H. WALTON EDITOB C. P. SONNICHSEN Mamaoee Subscription, $1.50 a Year in Advance Enter) u aocond-claae. mtte. Feb. 10. 1908. at the post offlc at Hood River, Orecon, under the Act of March t, 1879. PORTLAND GOSSIP EI Portland, Ore., Tuesday, April 2rt, (Special (The Oregon State Auto mobile Aamxliitlou and the Portland Automobile Club are doing a (treat work for good road. II. II. Uleuu, In charge of the "Pathfinder Car," (owned Jointly by the state associa tion and the city club) In company with Engineer K. Frank. Is going to make a tour of all the principal roads In eastern Oregon. These gentlemen will 1 In The lalles on Tuesday and will map out their trip from there with the idea of compiling an accu rate road map. Sellable road Infor mation In this state Is very scarce, and with a good map available tourists' automobiles from all parts of the I'nlted States w ill be almost as plentiful on the country roads as In the towns nnd cities todajr. This new map will show distance between towns, grades, every turn In the road and odometer readings. The tiold Hill Commercial Club Is the latest child to seek adoptlou In the great family of the Oregon IV velopment league. Iast Saturday fifty-seven eastern hotel men and women were guests of the fraternity In Portland. A lunch eon at the Commercial Club was a feature of their entertainment. State Interests will be splendidly represented on the Portland Business Men's excursion now In southern and western Oregon. Dr. Andrew C. Smith, president of the Oregon Good Koads Association, Is one of the party. The Ancient Order of Hibernians who are to hold their annual conven tion In Portland July litth to 24th of this year say no meeting ever excited such advance Interest. Late advices say Philadelphia county, Pennsyl vania, will send twenty-five dele gates, while from the middle west special cars and even special trains are being planned right now. Oregon Is given first place in the leading article of May "Gardening. " As the maguzlne expresses It, "A corner of the American continent which Is Ideal for all kinds of roses, and where they excel In beauty any thing seen In the old world." The author of the beautifully illustrated story Is Frederick V. Holmau, widely known as a rosarlan. Several other eastern magazines have planned to send staff photographers to the coast this summer during the height of the rose season to get pictures of the rose festival. C. I NORTHWEST NOTES C. Seattle, April 24 Shippers and jol tiers, lu fact everyone having busi ness with the railroads In Seattle, Tacoma and Portland, Is highly ap prehensive at the danger of the pas sage of an amendment to the inter state commerce act, known as the Dixon amendment, which proposes to place all railroad rates on a strict ly mileage basis, and eliminate the lower rates now allowed to sea ports, by reason of water competi tion. Inland cities are not altogether In favor of the amendment, for it will practically mean that no one city can !ecoine a great jobbing center, but that small jobbing points will spring up at frequent Intervals along all railroad lines. Although the Spokane agitation has been In favor of getting terminal rates for that city, Spokane Is not anxious to aliol Isb terminal rates ultogether. As It stands today, Portland, Seattle and Tacoma, with terminal rates allowed by water competition have a, slight advantage on Spokane. With no terminal rates at all, all of the large cities would lose their advantages ns jobbing points. Insurance matters In the state of Washington will be brought to a head lrt-fore the next legislature, when the Insurance code committee, appointed Ly Governor Hay, reports Its proposed new code of laws to govern all insurance companies. It Is almost a certainty that the mutual companies and the old line compan ies, In the fire Insurance business, will get Into a good hot conflict Iwfore the legislature. The public Is only hoping that the outcome will I of advantage to the Insured, and that lower rates will result. The shipping men and jobbers are saying, "Iet the Interstatecoinmeree act alone." They lelleve that while conditions are not erhap erfect, the railroads have lieen good to the Northwest as a whole, and that set tled conditions are much better than continual changes lu railroad legis lation. Ko far as the Northwest la concerned, the businessmen would be pleased If congress would let up on railroad legislation. Our own state railway commissioners are capable of looking after the Interests of their states, as witnessed when the Wash ington commission lowered all grain rates last November without a pro test from the railroads. Hotta men and women In the West ern states, especially those where equal suffrage Is the rule, are Indig nant at the statement of President Taft in a recent speech wherein he declared that he was opposed to women voting, Invause where they were allowed to do so, it was the uudeslrable element which did most of the voting. To prove that this is untrue, figures have beeu circulated showiug that at the last election lu Denver, where ISO.lHH) women voted. not more than 40 of that numter could have been connected with the evil element. In fact, the president himself, at Flagler, Colorado, last fall, congratulated the women of Colorado on their right to vote, and declared that If men would vote as the women do," they would seldom be far wrong. The new attitude of the president on the suffrage ques tion has leen considered almost an Insult to the women In suffrage states, where women's right to the ballot has proven a successful system. O. A. C. Notes A joint committee of students and faculty members will Investigate the problem of the high cost of living for the students at the Oregon Agricul tural College with t lie purpose of making recommendations tending to the Improvement of conditions. The Oregon Agricultural College wrestling team won the loter-colle-' glate championship again this year. Civil Service Examination An examination for clerk and car rier will be held at the post office In this city on May 14, 1910. Age limits IS to 4o years, on the date of the ex amination. Married women will not lie admitted to the examination. Un married women will be admitted to the examination, but are eligible for appolutment as clerk ouly. Applicants must be physically sound, ami male applicants must be not less than " feet 4 Inches In height without boots or shoes, and weigh uot less than 12. pounds without overcoat or hat. For application blanks and for full Information relative to the examina tion, qualifications, duties, salaries, vacations, promotions, etc., address Immediately Homer V. Woodworth Acting secretary, board of civil ser vice examiners, post otilce. Hood Klver, Oregon. Want Ross Pardoned Petltious are leing passed In Tort land and other parts of the state, asking Governor Ilenson to pardon J. Thorburn Koss, who was con victed of appropriating state school funds while presldeut of the defunct Title Gunrantee & Trust Company nud who Is now serving a five year sentence In the state penitentiary. The friends of lions claim that he Is not guilty of the charges nnd never did a dishonest net In his life. The petitions are being freely slgued. so the Portland papers claim, aud It Is very likely the "Injured" banker will receive his pardon. Moving Picture of Rogue River After spending some $2000 for films and using them all on scenes In the Rogue River valley, H. Reamers of the Sellg Polj-Rcope company, of Chicago, left last evening for San EARLY ROSE Seed Potatoes Blue Stone by the pound or barrel. Lime by the pound, barrel or carload. Lime and Sulphur solution by the gallon or in any quantity. Land Plaster, the stuff that makes your hay crop, and now is the time to use it. A car load of Utah now in. A complete line of Poultry Supplies always on hand. AT WHITEHEAD'S FEED STORE j be equipped with wireless instru ments. The announcement comes simultaneously with screaming ad vertisements by the wireless people. SUCCESS from Your Orchard DEPENDS Largely upon Getting Good Land to Start With THAT IS THE KIND WE SELL fne Crapper Estate in the Oak Grove District will be ready for sale this week. This 85 acres of choice apple land will be cut into 15 and 20 acre tracts and sold on reasonable terms. Beautiful sites, surrounded by large oak and fir trees, have been reserved for building purposes. Nothing but selected Spit zenberg and Newtown trees were used in planting the new or chard. Such land as this does not stay on the market long. See us today tomorrow may be too late. J. H. HEILBRONNER & CO. The Reliable Dealers DAVIDSON BUILDING HOOD RIVER, OREGON We have a number of Bearing Orchard propositions that are Bargains The decisive contest was with Wash ington University. In this meet the Oregon team won five of the six bouts, only losing the one by a very narrow margin. The i?rsonel of the team Is the same as that of last year with the exception of one man. The team was coached last year by Eddie O'Conjiell and this year has been under the direction of J. (. Arbuthnot, formerly of the Portland Y. M. C. A. and now a member or the college faculty. Coos Ray has u motor boat club of nearly 100 memliers. J5I Dandruff and IR Dandruff and AIJJNCrHAIR arc but outward signs of the evil done in secret by myriads of dan Jrnff terms sapping fhe life blood of the hair. Micro kills the para site, soothes the Itching scalp, gives lustre to the hair and stops It falling out A single application gives relief aad proves Its worth. Save your hair before too late, Micro prevents baldness. It is t delightful dressing lor the hair, free from grease and sticky oils. Ask your druggist for Iree booklet r HOYT CHEMICAL CO. ' MMTUIIID, enMOK Francisco, where the films will be developed and moving picture reels made up ready to be placed on their rounds of 2"),0O0 picture houses in the I'nlted states, where over LM.OOO.OOO people will view them. Iiefore leav ing Mr. Keamers stated that the weather conditions had Iteen splen did and that he was certain lie had secured exceptionally fine pictures. Ashland Kecord. Compulsory Wireless Bill Senator ISourne has introduced ft hill to compel ocean going vessels carrying fifty or more passengers to offering stock for sale on accouut of this anticipated demand for business In their line. Of course the public would like to see all vessels equlpMd with wireless, Senator Ilotirne would no doubt like to see his bill become a law, and the wireless people would also like to sell the stock. Many Big Revivals in the State Uev. Dan Shannon Is not the only evangelist who Is doing things In Oregon. At Salem a five weeks' ser vice has just ended with liM) conver sions. Evangelist Taylor nl wife conducted the meetings. ESTABLISHED. 1900 LESLIE BUTLER. Pruidtnt F. McKERCHER, Vk Proidcnt TRUMAN BUTLER. Cihiei Butler Banking L Capital and Surplus, Deposits over - - $ 90,000 550,000 Safe Deposit Boxes Interest Paid on Time Deposits 1 " 1i JS t 5! !! i; f Is f i; f u H i! 5! S! 1 1 !! S! u ' JOHN LELaNO HENDERSON. Prtlldent; Atlornty it U ana Notary Public . 1. ALLEN. Vlca Preiltent EDITH, at. aNDREWS. Secreterj-Treeiurer John Leland Henderson (Incorporated) Law, Real Estate, Loans Conveyancing Surveying Conveyancing and Surveying a Specialty CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED The President of the Company is prepared to do Surveying and Civil Engineering W'ork of all kind. Home and Pacific Telephones HOOD REIVER ABSTRACT CO. J. M. SCHM ELTZER, Seoratary Abstracts, Insurance, Coivcyinclag and suretg Boids 'ehave''the only complete set of Abstract Rooks in Hood River County and are in position to execute all work with promptness and accuracy. D'e represent some of the best old line Fire Insurance Com jxtnies doing business in Oregon, and can give the fire insurance obtainable for the money. Our reputation as conveyancers is known to all. All of our work is guaranteed. Come to us when you want Surety Ronds of any description. Office In Hit DAVI0S0N BUILDING, N. E. Corner decide A.enue ina Third Strttt Homo Phono HOOD RIVER, OREGON Capital and Surplus 120,000.00 PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE The time will come when your earning power will be wanting. Through old age will you be able financially to enjoy the fruits of your many years' work? Open an account with us today and keep adding to it every pay day ana you will be rewarded for your frugality. 5he 2First national Bank HOOD HIVF.H. OHKGON SMITH BROS. Successors to JACKSON & JACKSON We have just put on our shelves complete new stocks of Canned and Bottled Goods, Teas and Coffees and are prepared to give prompt attention to orders. PHONE 7 FREE DELIVERY Stanley Smith Lumber Company Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Shingles Etc. Lumber delivered to any part of the Valley ft h A II. H. Baii.ct w. E. coir BAILEY & COLBY Electric Wiring and Fixtures All kinds of Electrical 3? Ci-irK 4- Ttf,1 i - Tl At kjujuca at, luuueraie rnces tvi f aimrn ;V -V'' (l? yji i Offict ind Dipl.y Room it 117 Stitc Street '"""' ' Shop Phone JJJ-K Rtildence Phone ?6-L