The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, April 27, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Live Local Zopko
John Castner was a passenger for
the Nose City Saturday afternoon.
Dr. K. (. Dutro Ih able to be out
again after a ulegH of catarrhal pueu
luonlii. Mr. ami Mr. (J. K. I'iueo moved
onto their ranch at I'nrkdnle laHt
week for the summer.
Parents' Day In the Sunday school
of the Anbury M, K. church next Sun
day. A Joint service will be held at
10:.'I0 o'clock. An old fashioned and
up to date class meeting will follow.
Kmll Iirask and Miss Ma OHllnge,
both of CaHcade Locks, were united
In marriage at the Methodist par
sonage Wednesday, Hev. T. II. Ford
Mr. ind Mrs. J. I Ford, Mr. and
Mrs. Cutter II n and Olin Ford, all of
Portland spent Sunday with Hev. T.
II. Ford and family. Minn Sadie Ford
accompanied them to Portland Mon
day for a short visit.
The subject of Dr. Ford's discourse
next Sunday evening will be "An
Kvanlve Answer to a Startling Ques
tion." The question Is one for
every man In town. Muslt! by the
Asbury quartet and J. C. Skinner
and Paul Hubbard, soloists. Service
at H o'clock.
A great deal of home garden activ
ity Is prevalent In the city mornings
and evenings. Kuslulss men divest
themselves of coat and vest and get
out la shirt sleeves and last year's
trousers, to stir the earth for their
health; the women assist them, real
izing that It means a new hat; the
boys are glad to help dad becuuse
school will soon l out and they will
need a new tishlng roil; the girls like
to see the stuff grow and enjoy the
weeding on that account.
Mrs. It. M (Stone, on the heights, Is
on the sick list.
Prompt relief In all cases of throat
and lung trouble If you use Chamber
Iain's Cough Itemedy. Pleasaut to
take, soothing aud healing lu effect.
Sold by nil dealers.
Miss Frances Lake of The Dulles Is
visiting Miss Illunche Harbison this
Chamlterlnlu's Stomach and Liver
Tablets assist nature In driving all
Impurities out of the system, Insnrlug
n free and regular condition and re
storing the organs of. the body to
health and strength. Sold by all
Mrs. (Jeorge Howe Is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. J. H. Shoemaker, lu liel
niont. Mr. Howe spent Sunday at
the Shoemaker home.
Every family, and especially those
who reside In the country, should le
provided nt all times with a bottle
of Cbamlerlalu's Llulment. There Is
no telling when It may lss wanted In
case of an accident or emergency. It
Is most excellent In nil cases of
rheumatism, sprains and bruises.
Sold by all dealers.
The Hood Klver Commercial Club
now Issues cards to Its members en
titling them to all the privileges of
the club to the date written In the
Your tongue Is coated.
Your breath Is foul.
Headaches come and go.
These symptoms show that your
stomach Is the trouble. To remove
the cause Is the first thing, and
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will do that. Easy to take
and most effective. Sold by nil
S. A. Herring, Df Portland, was in
the city last week, representing t lie
refrigerator car company. Mr. Her
ring was looking over the straw
berry situation, preparing for this
year's shlpmeuts.
Dabnejs'r Furniture Store
You Can Oet Anything
You Want Either
New or Second Hand
Tor Your Home Very Cheap
Agent for CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges
Guaranteed Cheapest Outfitters
Phone 1053
C. A. Mose ley vUltcd Mosler last
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kchmeltzer spent
the week end In Portland, visiting
Mrs. L. A. Clark aud children went
to Portland Friday, where they will
make their home, Mr. Clark having
secured a position there.
Active work was begun on the
moving of the Methodist church
Monday morning, preparatory to
erecting a Hue new structure.
Attorney S. Stark who recently
purchased a fine corner lot on Colum
bia avenue and 10th street Is contem
plating building a home there In the
near future.
Miss Ona Bradley, arrived from
Wapato. Wash., Thursday evenlug
and will make her home for the pres
ent with her aunt, Mrs. Chester
Mrs. It. H. Davis of New York, cor
responding secretary of the National
Unitarian Woman's Alliance spent
Friday and Saturday In Hood Klver,
the guest of Mrs. Win. Stewart.
Wauconia Lodge, K. of P., held a j
special meeting last night, at which i
time the first and third degrees were j
administered to several victims, j
After Inltlntlou the lodge enjoyed a J
social smoker. j
The American woman's League
will hold a mass meeting ut the
Methodist church Friday at 8 p. m. j
The advantages of the organization
will le discussed by prominent busl-
ness meu. All are urged to attend. 1
J. E. Hobertson has plans drawn :
and It Is not Improbable that in the
near futurs he will erect a commodi- j
ous home on his desirable property
on Columbia avenue. Just now that
section of the city Is building up rap
Idly. Mrs. Alma Howe, who Is enlarging
her summer resort, gave a dancing
part) In the new diulng room Thurs
day evening. About twenty-flve
couule were present nnd report a
most enjoyable evening. Mrs. Howe
has fifteen rooms In her hotel now,
and Is moving Into the new part,
fitting It up In readiness for the sum
mer guests.
Next Sunday morning nt the Uni
tarian church Hev. Howard A. Mac
Donald will Ihj Installed as Its minis
ter. Those who will participate In
the service are Kev. Earl M. Wilbur
of Berkely, California. Kev. Thomas
L. Eliot, Kev. W. O. Eliot, of Port
land, Kev. A. H. Sargent of Eugene.
Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock at a
platform meeting the ministers will
speak on some general theme of In
terest to our cause. The public Is
cordially Invited to both services.
Diarrhoea should 1h cured without
loss of time and by a medicine which
Live Buys in Live Real Estate
for LIVE People
A Car Load of
Genasco Roofing
the best Roofing on the market at a reasonable price. This roofing is
now in use on the Nickelsen building and School House on the Heights
It is Not an Experiment
Blowers Brothers
Phone 99
Cor. Oak and First
of your heart with one of our Solitaire Engagement
Rings. That will hold her if anything will
and when she knows you have bought
the Jewelry here, she'll respect
your good judgment as much as she
will admire your good taste.
Opposite Butler Bank OPEN EVENINGS
In Brosius Block
like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Itemedy not only cures
promptly but produces no unpleas- Is pleasant nnd safe to take. Sold
ant after effects. It never fails and by all dealers.
Paints and Finishes
for Your Home
If there is a shabby surface in your home to be
painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in
any way, we have just what you need for producing
the exact finish desired in the line of
Telephone 14
Let us show you colors for painting your house
or barn, samples of finishes for floors, woodwork,
Walls, ceilings or furniture. Let us help you make
shabby places look new and attractive.
COME IN and get a copy of THE ACME QUALITY
PAINTING GUIDE BOOK. It tells what Acme yuality Paint,
Enamel, Stain or Varnish to use, how much will be required and
how it should be put on. It not only enables you to tell your
painter or decorator exactly what you want, but it makes it easy
for YOU to refinish the many surfaces about the home that do
not require the skill of the expert the jobs that a painter would
not bother with. Ask for a copy. IT'S FREE.
Hood River, Oregon