The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, April 27, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Will Soon be Mere
ins. (i.. . t us ... if r-iTi - t
1 1 '-ft-f
f ':" ,!? f I
f ..V:.
It's time now, to consider the graduation
dress for the sweet girl graduate. We
are especially well prepared with suitable
fine white materials, with the proper
trimmings. We are eager to please you.
The young Men and Tloys
have not been overlooked. Our stock of
fine clothing for all ages is now complete.
We stand ready to "show you" a big sav
ing over Portland prices on fine clothing.
fheer XV ash Goods, in
cluding Organdies, "Dimi
ties, Labvns, ftuiss, etc.
lll Staple and Fancy
Tatterns tutor th from
18c to 35c
9 A, M. to 9 V. M.
ffo more than 12 yards
to any one customer
E-ive Local Copies
Jack Luckey came up from Port
land Saturday morning.
Bom Tuhursday, April 21, to Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Davenport, Jr., a
(eneral Superintendent W.J, Buck
ley and family were In the city Sat
urday. H. . Kibbee. of the Mosler Bul
letin, came down for a few hours
The San Soucl club spent a pleas
ant afternoon with Mrs. F. H. But
ton Thursday.
Nelson Emory's new house near
the Episcopal rectory Is rapidly
rearing completion.
The John Leland Henderson com
pany have added an auto to their
list of conveniences.
Henry Howe is Improving his home
on the heights by adding porches
and leveling his lawn.
Mrs. It. P. Orr went to Portland
Sunday to visit her daughters, Mrs.
Dunbar and Mrs. Bomgardner.
I. D. Hall, the enterprising real
estate dealer of Mosler, was seen on
the streets of Hood Hlver Friday.
Vucco Tree Frotectors at White
heads. If your horse is run down and out
of condition and you want to get
hlra In shape to do good strong
work buy a pail of Rex Stock Food
It will do the job. Whitehead's."
The Apple Growers' Union has on
hand a carload of Rex Lime and Sul
phur Solution, and more on the way.
They will also sell Black Ieaf and
Arsenate of Lead. Your orders solicited.'
Pine Grove Grange Hall
Friday Evening
April 29
air. ana Mrs. v.L. ciurk and son
spent the week end In the Rose city.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Castner spent
Saturday and Sunday In Portland
M. M. Hill and wife returned from
a vlxlt In Portland Friday evenlug,
Mrs. Martin Dragsetb returned Sat
urday morning from a ttsit lu the
Geo.L. Smith was over from White
Salmon Friday, attending to busl
uess aud greeting old friends.
Leslie Webb of Mosler, conducted
the morning service In the Christian
church Sunday In the place of Rev
Clark whe was 111.
The foundation of the new Baptist
parsonuge is laid and the frame work
up. The building will tie completed
as quickly as possible.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Armstrong
spent Tuesday and Wednesday of
last week In Portland, returning In
the evening of the latter day.
Col. W. F. Tucker, 1'. S. A., and
Mrs. Tucker are guests of Mrs. Alma
Howe, and will occupy oue of her
cottages during the summer.
The result of the census enumera
tor's report will be looked for with
Interest, for all are anxious to And
out how many ieople there are In
the city.
Mrs. A. Henry will spend a few
months at Hastings, Neb., having
departed for that place. She has a
home there ns well as at Hood River
and Is dividing her time between the
places. She leaves Hood River while
It Is In the heights of Its beauty; but
other places are also beautiful, and
Nebraska Is one of the delightful
The Steamer TEAL
leaves Portland for The Dalles. Big
l:ddy, and way points, Tuesdays,
Ihuraday and Saturday at 7 a. m.,
returning Monday, Wednesdays and
Fridays, leaving the Dalle at 7 a. m.
Resumed service f-cb. 1st, 1910.
Yucco Tree Protectors at White
Expert Piano Tuner. J. H. Carrier
Phone 210 K.
I Help wanted to sew hallocks at
! the box factory.
i For Sale Strawberry plants. Fine
I home grown plants. Phone 1902-1
l'pper Valley I have some good
buys now In the I'pier Valley. W.
; II. Marshall.
For Sale Brand new visible type
writer, Try It a week. A. Wll
son, Mount Hood depot.
Wire wound wooden pipe is not
held In stock, but made to order. If
you want uuy see Joe Wilson.
j Hazelwood sweet cream and Ice
cream can be obtained In iiiantltles
; from now on at Ross & Richard's.
Rex Brand Stock and Poultry
Food. Best In the world. The kind
that brings results. Whitehead's.
If you have property to list phone
the office and Mr. E. W. Howland of
our firm, will call on you. B. E.
For Rent An elegant front office
or sleeping room In the Davidson
building. Steam heat. Apply at
room H or at Light & Water office.
I have a client who wants to bor
row f:HW for two years. Will pay 8 j
er cent and secure note with first
mortgage on Improved real estate
valued at flMK). Phone .'SOH-M. H.W.
Stark, Eliot Bldg.
A. S. Blowers has purchased a
2,fl0 automobile.
E. O, Hall made a business trip to
Portland the latter part of the week.
Gilbert-Vaughan Implement Com
pnny sold a Cadlllae-.TO, 1910 model,
to L. H. Muggins Thursday.
E. E. 11 off. formerly of this city, Is
now located at Oakland, Calif., and
writes that he iseujoy Ing good health
aud California climate.
Mrs. R. W. French and Mrs. W.
Nesson, of Stevenson, Wash., were
shopping lu Hood River Thursday.
Miss Orpha Filsinger of Vancouver
has been spending the past week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bart
mess. Millard Mayhall and son of Port
land spent the week end lo the city
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H
Frank A. Cram received a carload
of shoes, hosiery and men's furnlsn
Ings the latter part of the week, and
It kept the entire force hustling to
place the goods before Saturday's
special sale.
While there Is so much activity In
the way of new buildings lu t lie
down town section of Hood River
the heights Is eoually active. Many
new homes, as well as new stores
are going up, and where Immense
pines and firs were dense two or
three years ago lieautlful homes are
In evidence. Work on 12th street Is
being rapidly pushed and when com
pleted this will 1ms one of the liest
drives lu the state. Several other
streets on the hill are lielng graded
and put Into good condition, and a
general progress! veness Is manifest
The heights or lioou Klver gives
promise of being most popular as a
section of lieautlful homes. The
views to lie obtained of Mounts
Hood aud Adams are superb. One
Is well repaid for a stroll on the
heights these fine days.
Coarse ground and rook salt at
A full line of poultry supplies at
Help wanted to sew hallock at
the box factory.
Money to loan. Apply to Geo. D.
Culbertson & Co.
Rex Stock Food sold under a guar
antee to give satisfaction or your
money refunded at Whitehead's Feed
Buy two good lots for a little money
Payments on your own terms
Phone 168K, or address 1-D, care of
New office.
Choice lots In Rlverview Park Ad
dition. Buy your lots liefore the
prices advance. J. F. Batchclder, 21."
Cascade avenue.
C. . Kdmunds, M. v., eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases exclusively.
Office hours 1):.'I0 a. m. to 4 p. in.
Phone 43, Res. 3.'!12-L.
We are now equlpis'd with a lirst
class automobile and are In a posi
tion to show your property, ('nil
and see us. B. E. Duncan & Co.
For a good hot lunch 'call In at
Ross & Richards Oyster rooms. 1 1 u s-
elwood sweet cream served with our
coffee, and also for sale In any quan-
Those choice residence lots on Cas
cade avenue In Rlverview Park will
not last long. Make your choice lie
fore the liest lots are gone. J. F
Batchelder, 21." Cuscade avenue.
Prof. J. E. McLaughlin is building
a new home on Prosiect avenue,
near third street.
Rev. H. C. Clark and Rev. McBride
of White Salmon were in town on
business Friday.
Miss Lizzie Pat Jens of Grass Val
ley, Oregon, Is In Hood River, having
ber eyes cared for.
A. P. Bateham, manager of t lie
East Hood River Fruit Company,
was lu Hood River last week on
H. Cutieo, of Cuneo Bros., big fruit
comtLiiHsiou men of Chicago, aecom
panted by his son-in-law, II. Fur-
nello, was In the city Thursday
They were much pleased with the
valley and fruit outlook.
uass No. 3 of the Methodist Sun
day school gave a social Wednesday
evening at the home of A. L. Kauf
man, on the heights. A good time
is reported by those In attendance.
After games and music Ice cream and
cake were served.
The street sprinkler was put to
service last week and from now on
any one who wants to get onto the
water wagon may do so by making
proper arrangements or by having
some friend attend to the prelimi
naries for him.
O. P. Hoff, state commissioner of
labor and fncory Inspector, visited
Hood River last week. The News
"factory" was In satisfactory condi
tion, grinding out editorials and
high class society printing, as usual.
The genial Hoff was elated over this
trip to our city, for a friend Invited
him for a spin Into the valley. He
stated that It was a pleasure and
sight seeing trip long to be remem
bered. In conversation he referred
to the thousands of iieople who come
west, to see Oregon, pass along one
edge of the state, stop at Portland,
then go back home. They miss Ore
gon miss the world of blossoms,
where the npples grow the hand
somest and bring the biggest prices
In the world. One trip through
Hood River valley would lie more
convincing to the si-eker of a great
Oregon than could all the visiting
that might be done in Portland and
other commercial cities of the state.
35 Acre. 20 aciea of which arc planted to Yellow Newtown, and Splttenbergs, on
third of which ar. in full bearing; balance la partly cleared; large eight room house, .ton.
apple house, 6 room tenant house, rood barn etc., alio new pumping- plant which coat 1700.
Located 4 1-2 milea from Hood River, on county road. Thia place will aell for 140.000 within
a year, and ia a big anap at 130.000. Terms.
20 Acres, about 7 milea out on the East Side: Ana. loos, red shot aoil: perfect drain
age: on main county road; 1-4 mile to railroad station; near school, church and store. Thia
entire tract is to be cleared and set to strictly commercial orchard thia spring- at the pric
of ,ono. 12,000 cash, balance in 6 years at 7 per cent.
30 Acres 4 1-2 milea from Hood River, highly improved, clay loam soil, good drainage
and on main county mad, 22 1-2 acrea aet to commercial orchard aa follows: 4 acrea in
year old Newtowns and Spitxenburgs, 10 acre, in 4 year old Newtowns and Spitxenburgs. 4
acres in 2 year old Newtowns and Spitxenburgs, 2 1-2 acrea in one year old Newtowna
and Spitzenberg-s; 3-4 of an acre in peaches and a complete family orchard;
1 3-4 acrea in wood lot. containing- well for stock, the balance of the place in fine
clover meadow: house, barn, apple house all in A-l condition: a complete set of farm imple
ments is included in the price, which is 3O,0OO. H.0O0 cash, balance on or before seven years
at 7 per cent. Th. above could be subdivided for two or three Ane homes.
10 Acres all set to commercial orchard, 10 and 12 years old. t miles from Hood River,
heavy loam aoil. treea all in good condition, preaent owner will guarantee 100 net to the
purchaser for the crop this year. The place ia priced absolutely right at f 12.000. Easy
6 Acrea of good orchard land and all in cultivation, 8 acrea in 2 year old Newtowna
and Spitxenberga. a family orchard containing peaches, peers, plums and atrawberriea,
three room box house on main county road 4 miles from Hood River, located in a very choice
section of the valley, has a beautiful view of both mountains and will make a Ane home.
Priced absolutely right at 13000. f 1000 cash.
Fullest information on
the best properties in the
Hood RiVer District fur
nished on request.
Don't let the rabbits eat your trees-
Buy your tree protectors at Whitehead's.
Dance at Pine (irove grange hall
Friday evening, April 21. Music by
Trio orchestra. Everbody come.
Hazelwood double Iersy butter
milk received every day at Ross,
Richards & Company's.
(!eo. D. Culliertson & Co. write all
kinds of Insurance. Fire, life, acci
dent, plate glass aud bonds.
Have buyers for some Improved
and unimproved fruit farms. Call
and list your place with Oeo. D. Cul
bertson & Co.
For Sale Work horse, about 900
pounds, f 4.1; 2-horse spring wagon,
$20; white leghorn eggs for setting,
$1 forl.'i. M. M. Morrison, Route 2.
I'piier valley I have 7l 3 acres.
mall house and barn, nearly all
good; adjolnes l.V) acre-tract Just
leared and set to trees. A buy. W .
H. Mnrshall. Dee.
Parties Interested In rnlslugcucum-
bers this season for the Hood River
Apple Vinegar Co. kindly phone or
call at the factory ns we are desirous
if having the contracts closed at an
early date.
40 Acres 8 miles south of Hood River, on the East Side, of which ftti acres Is good
orchard land and could be easily cultivated: light clearing; bargain at $).O0O.
10 Acrea, nearly level with excellent drainage; beat red shot aoil; contracted to be
cleared and plowed: beautiful view of th. valley and both mountains and on the main county
road. $400 per acre. Easy terms.
10 Acrea near Summit, good red shot aoil; covered with large Ar timber; under ditch
and just good slop, for drainage. Trice f 1.B00. Terma.
40 Acres partly improved. 7 milea from town on the east side containing 30 acrea of
good orchard land, red shot soil, excellent drainage, beautiful view of the mountains and
valley, Ane large spring. 4 acrea cleared, complete family orchard of 75 treea. 10 years old.
Triced right at 112 per acre. 1100 will handle it .
22 Acrea S I-t miles from Hood River, near th. famous Tucker orchards, volcanic
ash aoil, 8 acres nearly ready for th. plow, adjoina th. river and with a small amount of Im
provement would make on. of th. most beautiful homes in th. valley. Trie. 12200. Easy
Note our Full Page Announcement on the back page
Devlin & f ircbaugb
Swetland Building II. R. R &. T. Co. Building