THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1910 9 Che purchasing power of your Dollar SOS CLASSIFIED COLUMN Advtrtisamants lor Inisrtlon yndtr Ihli htatfinf, Mill bi charg., lor al in rait el 25c tar Mania tor (usually) Ihrt lln- duals?. Cash ihouH accompany copy. Iktram paiatol by tht lOlh ol th montk. At I Ditdium lor rtachlns Iht ptoplt Iht fctat ttandi alont anf vntictlltf. LEGAL AND OTHER NOTICES U bahat VO7 maKfi it Our prices on "Palmer Garments" are so reasonable that you really can't afford to overlook them. You will find them perfect in style, faultlessly tailored, full of distinction and dignity. Fabric and materials positively unmatched at the prices we ask. Ycur Dollars Worth Here :: :: :: :: :: Come see and form your own conclusions Two Is Often a Company and that is so with a pair of Shoes If you wear our shoes you will have stylish and agreeable company We have the shapes and the leathers that "Dame Fashion" is decreeing for this season. We have SHIRT WAISTS that are "astrounding the natives" for their beauty, style, fit and reasonableness Seeing is Believing: Come and be convinced Men's Kingsbury Hats Dry Goods Furnishings Notions MORLAN & LATHROP SINCERITY STORE: V Correspondence BARRETT Three wiykn more of wliool In Itiir rett tllMtrtct. School will clone Fri day. April I.iiHt Friday wiih Arltor day. A Kood liAHket dinner win nerved nt Itarrett whool limine. Minn Furry' Hchool In Klin t Barrett ( nine up here and helped In the literary program. W. M. Statiffer In exeeted home thin week from hln place In Morrow county. J. I FlrclmiiRh A Co. are clearing up the rent of their place eant of the church and will net the name to treett thin Mprlii. Ilro. Inaae l'eart, pantor of Valley Clirlntlan church, prt-ached two able nermonn lant. .Sunday. liro. l'eart In doln it Home kmhI work here and the contrn-Katloti In Increanlnt; every Sunday. There will lie n reception to Kev. l'eart Wednemlay evening at the church. Kveryltody In Invited to attend. The ladlcH aid society line, rvoentl.v had the parnonaKe wired and they now have electric Unlit making tiling more convenient for the pantor. . ODELL Andy Hunter of IturiiM, Harney county. In here vlnltlnK hi father, .1 allien Hunter. Mr. and Mm. Kalph Caldwell of 1'lne tirove called on Mr. and Mm. I.. A. K. Clark of Odell Sunday. C. V.. Copple lioiiKht .' acre of H. .1. milliard. Odell people regret to lone their fellow and liln family from their lutdnt. The lient wlnhen of their nel gh born ro with them to their new home near Dalian In fa moiin old Polk county. I'ntronn of U. I). No, 1 regn-t very much to lone their old reliable Ole Nelnon from the rrmte. He han ltwn a faithful and obliging carrier. We Ix-npeak the name nuccenn for hln nuc eennor. We congratulate the ntockholdern In the Apple (Jrowern' I'nlon In the wine selection of (). L. Wnlt'TH an one of the directors of the union. He will prove to lo the right man In the right plnee. Mm. Touney'ai little daughter Mn Im1 In very 111 with pneumonia. Mm. Touney wan n linen t from nchool Fri day and Mm. Klirck took her place In the schoolroom. Mm. Colllnn. who hnn inwn work ing for ('. It. McCoy, began working for Mm. K. T. Foltn Monday. Nellie Shelley wan; thrown from her home lant week on her way to school. She wan hurt quite badly, but In Improving rapidly. Those In the eighth grade who nils Helled no word last week lire Ar thur Hnnnon, (iladys Crosby, Oscar Sherreld, Margaret .Mitchell. UNDERWOOD K.C.Hoddard and family are spend ing the week nt the ranch. Mm. H. W. Hamlin returned home from the east, w here she had lx-en visiting for the past three months, Thursday morning. F. H. Forest and family returned to Portland Monday night. The new grade up the 1'nderwood I hill has leen opened to travel, lint will require a good deal of work j et before It In In first clans condition. K. '. (ioddard In establlnhlng a pri vate telephone line on hln randb, Lundy Stuart expects to have his new livery barn fully equlped for every kind nt livery business by the lost of the week. Hln teams and rlgn will be the lient that money can buy. Kev. H. V. Uomlnger, who owns 20 acres of the (ieo. Sandell place, spent a couple of days In 1'nderwood tliln week. Mr. and Mm. K. t Hamilton were In Stevenson the first of the week. The travel from the 1'nderwood station Is Increasing steadily, being fully 50 percent greater than for the corresponding months lant year. Judging from the clearing oera tlons at present underway, the amount of land In cultivation In thin dlntrlct will lie more than doubled this season. PINE OROVE The Ladles' Aid w 111 hold ft social at the home of their secretary, Mm. Sonneman. Friday afternoon of this week. Kev. Atkinson of Odell will (111 the pulpit nt the M. K. church next Sun day morning. Kev. Spauldlug preach ing at Odell. Florence Iage who wan taken to a Portland hospital lant week In still very sick. Mm. Palsy Pajie with children are visiting her' parentn, Mr. and Mm. J. L. Davis. Mm. Pape Is a renldent of California. Mm. (Jladys Prock Is entertaining a friend for a few days. Mrs. Duttoti returned from Port land Saturday. Mm. It. F. Shoemaker and son Kent visited at the home of Howard Shoemaker and wife Sunday. Word hns been received that Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerr have bought property near Ont. Ore. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keed over Sunday. Wm. Kennedy has disposed of Ills property at Kalnler and bought land about live miles from Vancouver, Wnnh. MOSIER (J. ('. F.vans returned home Friday evening from a business trip In the valley. (1. If. Korden rode over to The Dalles Saturday and filed on a home stead about 2 miles south of town. Minn Anna Phillips came down from The Dalles Saturday and stayed over night with her father and sinter Agnes, going home Sunday. Herman Prlgge of Hood Klver was In town Saturday evening and was a guest at the home of (5. II. Korden. Mr. and Mm. Jack llnwn stopped off Friday evening and paid a visit to Mm. Hagen's sister, Mrs. (leorge F.vnns. They left Saturday on their way to Crook county to take up a homestead. Mm. Haxen was for merly Miss Ilea trice Coy le. The ladles' aid had a pastry sale Saturday afternoon nt Nlcliol & Kieves' store and sold everything In a little while. The Indies will have a sale every Saturday for a while. Clarence Dlnsmore sold his team and wagons this week to Air. Conner. The new residence of Mr. and Mrs. Speara that has leen under con struction by Contractor Wright was completed Saturday. Dr. Koblunon went to Portland Suturday returning Sunday evening. Clyde Koot and Koy Duvall spent the day In Hood Klver Sunday. Mm. F. P. Taylor of The Dalles npent neveral days vlnltlng her winter M rn. Koblnnon. Mr. and Mrs. John F.vans came home Saturday from Hood Klver where they have lieen with their daughter, Mm. Mneey and family, for the past month, Mr. Denny has sold his Interest In the butcher shop to Mr. Harvey which makes Mr. Harvey full owner. Wanted Competent man to take charge of young apple orchard. Must be fa miliar with care and cultivation of young trees. This is no snap, but a first class position for a man who wants to earn a good salary. ...Apply to... W. E. G. 5mith Phone 1913K i Spray and ft Garden nose Plumbing I C. P. SUMNER Opposite the Post Office Hume Phone 20 jS OAKDALE GREENHOUSE Rnwa, Khruba and Vines In frnral assortment for full planting. Peonies I ami 4-year nM. 8V In $1.00 each, llonly l'heox. Hell Mowers. CiiM-an-you. Oriental t'i)ioii. ready now. A full line of pot planU at Krani'. Phone for rnt (lowers. KLKTVUEU A KI.KTT1IKK F.very family, and especially theme who reside In the country, should lie provided nt nil times with n bottle of Chamberlain's l.lnlment. Therein no telling when It may he wanted In case of an accident or emergency. It In most excellent In all canen of rheumatinm, sprnlnn anil brulnen. Sold by all dealers." For Sale Cheap Faultless No. 2 Grubbing JVIacbinc complete with lines, chokers, plow, etc. Used few weeks ; almost new. Apply P. A. Smith R. D. 3, telephone 1913K Notice for Publication rvpartment of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The l'allea. Ore-ron. Mrch luth. 1H10. Notice la hereby ariven that Harry L. Bartlett. whose poet-office address in Portland. Orwon. did. on the 2Nth day of August. l'W. tile in thin office Sworn Statement and Application No. 0.S211. to purchase NK1-4SW1-4. SK1-4NW1-4. and Lot 3. Section 7. Townahip 1 North. Kanire 11 Eat W il lamctte Meridian, and the timber therwn. under the pmviBiona of the act of June 8, 1S7H. and acta amrmlatory, known aa the "Timber and Stone Ijiw." at auch value a mieht be fixed by ap prainement, and that, purmiant to auch applica tion, the land and timber thereon have been ap pra'cd, the timber estimated at l.wm.nno hoard feet at Meenta per M. and the land at JSW.iXi; that raid applicant will offer final proof in aupport of hi application and aworn atatement o the 2nd day of June. 1H10. before the IWixter and Re ceiver of the United Suites Land Office at The Dalles, Oreiron. Any person ia at liherty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time lie fore patent issuea, by tilind a corroborated affida vit in thia office, allotting facta which would de feat the entry. C. W. Moork. !2;-l-c Register. Notice of Sale of Bonds. Mot ice ia hereby given that the Board of Direct A'orsof the Hood River Irrigation llistrict. in Hcx.l River County, Oregon, will sell the bonds of said district in the sum of J iO.Oni.tM). on Monday the 2nd day of May. 1110. at the hour of 10 a. m.. at the office of the board of directors, at the resi dem e of R. W. Kelly, in said district, and that scaled proposals for said bonds will be received by said hoard at said place for the purchase of said bonds until the day and hour atmve mentioned, at which time the board shall open the proposals and award the purchase of the bonds to the high est responsible bidder, the Hoard reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Hids to be ac companied by a certified check for in per cent of the amount of the bonds for which the bid ia sub mitted. Said bonds ahall be payable in I'nited States gold coin in ten series, as follows, to-wit: At the expiration of eleven years, five per cent of the whole numtier of said bonds: twelve years, six per cent; thirteen years, seven per cent: four. In years, eight per cent; fifteen years, nine per cent, aixteen yeara, ten per cent; seventeen years, eleven per cent; eighteen years, thirteen per cent; nineteen years, fifteen per cent; twenty years, sixteen per cent, and shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first day of January and July of each year. The principal and interest shall he pn able at the place designated in t he bonds, ami bidders are given the option of having said bonds pavahle at l'nrtland. Oregon, or New York t'lty. N. .. and aaid bonds will be issued in accordance with the election of the successful bidders. Said bonds shall be each of ihe denomination of not less than Huo.K). and not more than $.Mt 00. and shall be negotiable in form, and coupons for the interest ahall be attached to each and aigncd by the secretary. hated at Hood River thia ISth day of March. I l?!"- R. W. kKl.l.Y. Secretary . Notice ol final Settlement. police ia hereby given that the undersigned, ad i'miniatrator of the estate of Rudolph Schmid. deceased, has tiled, in the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Hood Kiver County, his final account as administrator, and that the 2th day of April. MIO, at the hour of ten o'clock a. ni.. or as ! soon thereafter aa the same ran le heard, in the; County Court room in the City of II. "si Kiver. Oiv g.ui. has been fixed by order of the County Court of ll.ssl River County as the time and piace for hearing nhjectiona to, and for the settlement of, said final account; and all persona interested in said estate are hereby notified to attend at said tune and place to present objections, if any there he to said final account. I listed thia Hath day of March. I.'lo. l.i-l'-e A. W. MtVKB. Administrator. I SPECIAL NOTICES anted A second hand hay rake, also a aecond ' hand orchard wait on with law wheel. quire at Newa Office, l i-15-c Ln- w? anted To buy second hand farm wagon and farm imolementa. AdttreMS p If,! Hiwar News. 12-16-d Wida Wanted Buia are called foe on the con--'struction of a g'sjd durable cement walk. feet in width and 2?u feet in length on the north aide of the block occupied by the Hood Kiver High School Bala to be opened April . IStlu. Bids are also wanted on 175 cords of alab wood to be delivered at the different school buildings in dis trict No. 3 before September lat. 1K1U. A. W. Onthank. Clerk of District No. X 15-17-c Wanted -A few more muaic pupils for piano. ra, h t;. wuiia, n Stranahan Ave. li-la-p For TV REAL E8TATE AND RENTALS r Sale lbsi acrea. four miles from Mosier ea The Dallea road. Volnev H. Mnnver. owner' Taylor O., SJiasU CoCalif. 10-17 lAir Sale Six room modern house, two lots x with house. Or will aell with one lot Phone No. 112-ii. .Li-15-c pVa- Sale 10 acrea in the Oak Grove district. about 3 acres in 1 year old trees. 50 peach trees between, about 4 acres of balance easily cleared, having only a few willow stools on it. Trees bought and on place to aet another acre. Under Uroen Point ditch. Price $250 per acre. I-) cash will handle. For particulara addreaa "P." care Newa. Hood River. 14-17-c TiW Kent Seven room bouse; beautiful grounds. A choice location, close in. Addreaa box 8J6. 13-17-c tr Rent Two rooms for housekeeping, near x comer of 12th St. and Stranahan Ave. Mrs. & CWillia.15-la-p HORSES, COWS. PIG8, CHICKENS, ETC. tporSale About 450 head of thoroughbred and grade Angora goats of ail agea. at very reason able price. Apply to W. H. Kerslake. Mosier. Ore., or the Mosier Bulletin. 14-17-e TTW Sale 200 egg Petaluma incubator and brood A er. both in good condition, cheap. Phone 372-K.12-16-C pr Sale-One horse eight yeara old. safe for lady A to drive or for buggy or farm work. Phone 21S-X. 12-15-c tr Sale Eggs for setting. Barred rock from x winter layers, pen h called by cockerel from best laying stock on coast. Rhode Island red best winter layers and extra choice birds. Pen headed by cockerel direct from Rhode Island. Trap nested Btock IL50 and 12 per setting. Paul K. Hughes, phone 15-M. 14-17-c for Sale No. 1 black Jersey cow. Price $50. J. 4 M. Taylor. R. D. No. 1. phone 205-L. 15-lS-p P"or Sale Rhode Island Red egga for setting A fertility guaranteed. Get the kind that lay those high priced winter eggs. $1.50 for 15. E. '. Batten, phone 2012-M. 15-i!3-p pr Sale Splendid driving mare, gentle, good traveler, any lady can drive; with new rubber tire buggy and har iesa for t-'oO.. also fine young Jersey cow milking, cornea in fresh in July. $50. both can be seen at E. Shelley Morgan's ranch. west of Belmont, telephone. 1- armers 'SJ. 15-16-c CW Sale Three Jeraey heifera. one will be fresh in June. W. A. Newman, phone 3222X. 15-lK-n w anted-Good laying henm, 6 or 8. Phone Odell FOR SALE tir Sale I wish ajrain to offer for sale thrv A notes for money loaned in 1HM, held by me aRainst B. F. Shoemaker, dated June 3, IWI, and due in lf&2 and 'ttf, laaued by B. F. Shoemaker on which he has refused payment and taken advant age of the statute of limitation in the January court. J. H. Shoemaker. t Sale A Brussels carpet and child's bed. En quire 6H Cascade avenue, U-15-p ITor Sale Why do you pay 30c per pound for A turkeys? Buy a trio fine Bronze turkeys, from Mary Bradford, Star Route 10, Hood Kiver, Ore pron. 13-lt-c poi pr Sale Pair horses, weight about 2200 pounds; A good travelers and true pullers; a little thin in flesh now; $40 harness and farm wagon, ail for &75 or would trade for one big horse with harness and wagon. Address X Newsjmce. 13-16-p Ipoi" Sale 60,000 strawberry plants, from last year's settings. Gordon Bros., Mount Hood. Oregon. 14-17-p For Sale-Phaeton and harness, 130. A. T. Allen. 14-17-p I7x)r Sale Have some first grade Spitxenbergs and t enow iSewtowns for sale: also a few Johnathans. Telephone 61 Odell. 14-17-p (iuartJiarTf Notice Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance to an urrlMF laVaWlH Kv thai U.m A I Iu,.r.u ...4 ..4 the county court of the sute of Oregon. February 4th, ltilO, the undersigned. John A. Wilson, has been p h) in ted guardian of the person and estate of Charolotte Mills, an incompetent, of Hood Kiv er. Hood Kiver county. Stale of Oregon. All per sons having claims against said estate are request ed to present them, accompanied by proper vouch era, at the reexienee of said guardian, at Hood Kiver, Hood Rtvr county, Oregon, or at the office of John Leland Henderson, the attorney for aaid guardian, at H-m.1 Kiver. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated Hood Kiver. Oregon. March 7th, 1910, John A. Wiijom. Guardian of the person and estate of Charoiotte Mills, an incompetent. John I.ei.ano IUnlfiuson, Attorney for Guardian. 10 lo tbi County Court al tht Stati it Ortgoi tor ttie County of Hood Biter. Tn the Matter of the Estate of Peter Kopke. de A ceased. Onier for Citation, to show cause. On the petition hied in this Court the i4th day of February. 110, of Rosie Margaret Benson, claiming to be the sole surviving child and sole heir and next of kin of Peter Kopke. deeeaaed. praying that the decision of this Court heretofore made, admitting to probate a paper writing pro pounded by William Ehrck. aa the last will of the sa.d Peter Kopke, deceased, be again examined, and that the matter thereof be am in heard by this Court. It is this the 21st day of March. A. D. VjUK ordered that the said cause be again examin er) and heard, and that notice be given to the said William Khrck. and to Mrs. Anna Grimm, a widow, swterof said Peter Kopke, deceased, sole devisee under said will, whe resides in Neu Klost er, Hanover, in the Empire of Germany, and to all persons interested in said estate, to appear in this Court on or before Monday the 4th day of July. A. D.. 1910, or day following, the aaid 4th day of July being a legal holiday, the aaid 4th day of July being the first day of the regulay July term of said Court, in person or by solicitor, then and there to show cause why the said probate of the said Will shall not be set aside, and the aaid paper writing therein propounded by the said William Ehrck as the last will of the said Peter Kopke be declared null and void; and provided that a copy of this order be published in the Hood Kiver News once a week for four M) successive weeks, and for five (5) consecutive insertions, pre vious to the said 4th dav of Julv. litlO' and that aai'i puoimned omer show the date of this order, and the date of the first publication thereof, and that a copy of this order be mailed to Mrs. Anna Grimm, according to law. Ordered this the 21st day of March. A. D.. 1910. A. J. Debby. 12-16-c County Judge, por SaIe-20 acres of the Geo. W. Allen uncleared L acreage near Parkdale. suitable for fruit, for IloO per acre. Terms. Address John Goldsbury, Mt.Hood. Ore. Io-l-c T7or Sale Eleven acres three miles out on west A side, good soil, magnificent view, unsurpassed building site, spring water, all in Newtown and Spitz live and two year old, with peach fillers in bearing, proper slope for color and drainage. Good terms. Address owner "B." care News offire. lS-tf-c CW Sale Mudern seven room house close in. and - barn. Rarirain if taken soon. Good terms. Address owner "B," care News office, 15-tf-c por Sale at a Bargain Large heating atove, - brand new, 2 iron beds with springs and mat tresses. 1 spring cottage couch, 6 oak dining room chairs, kitchen stove and furniture. Phone 2MX. lS-lS-p UVr Sale Fifty thousand strawberry plants at - $2 per 1000. Also want trimmers to trim same. Ralph Hinrichs.14-lS-c EMPLOYMENT Ranted A girl for housework. Apply to Mrs. H. L-JW. Pineo. 14-17-c Ranted A washwoman. Apply at ML Hood Hotel. 14-17-c Ctrong young man. German, not very long in this country, but speaking English perfectly, wants position on fruit farm. Address "H. P.," this paper. TJ elp W anted Capable and experienced farmer. A ASiealy work. Address Homer A. Konrers. Mt. Howl, stating age. exierience and wages wanted. 12-l.S-c Vanted Party to pull stumps off 5 acre tract. in Belmont district. Address 2'8 Maruuam building, Portland. Ore. 12-15-p Vanted Experienced man to prune orchard. " Enquire of R, L, Delano. Mt. Hood hotel. 12-l.Vp Vranted Man and team to truck log by day or M contract. ML Hood Milling Co. Phone Odell l;t-17-c VTanted By an experienced man position on ' fnnt ranch Mnrrtoal AililrMa tl P rsro J. Mortimer. 13-lt-p Vranted Girl to do housework in small family; ' modern house: laundry done outside. Address box 612. 15- lh-p Vanted At once, position on fruit ranch by ' man and wife. Experienced. Address B. Hull, White Salmon. Wash. 15-lS-p Notlr.e StocWtiutders Meeting.' To Whom It May Concern: You are hereby notified that the regular annual meeting of stx-kholders of the Hd Kiver Base Ball Club will he held at the otVice of the corpora tion, at l:) Second Stnt, on Monday, the 2.'th day of April. A t. HMO. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at which time there will be elected a b-ani of directors for said corjoration, and the question of the sale of the bail park will also come before the meeting. HOOD RIVER BASE BALL CLVB. By John Iceland Henderson. Secretary. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood Kiver County. Stephen R. Keed, Plaintiff, vs. Nettie Reed. iVfendant. To Nettie Reed, the ahove-namei defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon; You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tilted againut you in the shove entitled suit, within six week from the tih lity of April. ll'lO. said day being the date of the first p'.iMwat ion of this summons; and in case of your failure to appearor answer, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in this complaint, for. to-wit: A decree of divorce dis solving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant- This summons is published by virtue of an onler of Hn. A. J. IVrby. Judge of the County Court of Hood River County, State of Oretron. dated Apnl 4th. lVU by which it was ordered that this summons be published in the Hoivl Kiver News once each week for six successive weeks, Iate of first publication, April ith. lOlrt A. A. J AYNK. U-ll-c Attorney for i'laintitT. Notice tu Creditors Ntice is hereby given, that Jennie H IVBnssey has len appointml executrix of the estate of T. W. iVHussey, doveased, and all person havirm claims atramst said estate are hereby notified to present the sjime duly itemireil ami verit'uil to me at the law oil ice ofjS. W. Stark, in Eliot Kuikhnv. in Hotwl Kiver. Mii Kiver County. Orenron. with in six months of the date of this n.-tice. ltcil April 4th. Jknsik II IkMi ssrv. Executrix of the Estate of T. W. Ivbussvy, iW.-a-e-i. Apr.l-iKt 1 14-17-p Notice In the County Court for Hood River County. State of Oregon. In the Matter of the Application of Fred Henry Smith to Chanire Hia Name. Order Changing Name of Fred Henry Smith to Fred Henry Schaer. Now coming on for hearing th petition of Fred Henry Smith, duly verified by the petitioner on the 4th day of February. 1910, and filed in thia cause and court on the 5th day of February. 1910. setting forth grounds of the application aa fol lows to-wit: John A. Schaer, the father of petitioner, was married to petitioner's mother in the state of Iowa about thirty-four years ajro. and they lived to gether as husband and wife, about twelve yeara, when petitioner's mother died at Davenport, Ne braska, sometime in the summer of lw(, when petitioner was eight years of age; and about one year after the death of petitioner's mother, hie said father re-married in the state of iowa and a few months after said marriage, hia second wife, whose name was Rose Collamore, deserted aaid petitioner's father in said state of Iowa, and about eight months after said second marriage petitioner's said father secured a divorce from said second wife and in order to prevent said second wife obtaining alimony, said petitioner's father assumed the name of "John A. Smith" in stead of his own name, John A. Schaer, and re tained said name thereafter, aa his real name; that said petitioner believes that said father is dead, and that his father resided, until about nine years ago. with said petitioner, in the city of St. Paul, in the state of Minnesota; that on or about the first day of April. liol. the father of peti tioner left hia home for the far Weat, and peti tioner has not heard from, or of his said father for more than seven years last past, and petitioner believes that his said father is dead; that peti tioner is now residing in a house belonging to Charles Schaer, who Is the brother of aaid petitioner's said father, and that there are other members of the said Schaer family living; that the premises considered, petitioner's name of "Smith" has no pleasant associations connected with it, and said name never was his real name, but petitioner alleges that he has acquired and sold real estate under the name "Fred Henry Smith." but that petitioner really finds himself in the position of a man without a name that is pleasing or asreeable to hint, although petitioner has gone by the name of t red Henry Smith for about twenty years; that petitioner believes, by thus changing his name, it would be of great ad vantage to him, as the name "Smith" ia so common, that he feels he is just one of a herd, while hia father's real name, "Schaer," is an un usual name, and has clustered around it all the associations of his early childhood, and his early home, snd that it would be of pecuniary benefit in regard to matters of business, may haps of inheri tance, and he is anxioua to effect such change, that petitioner has no other reason for desiring such change in name, and ia not aware of any objections to said petition, nor does he know of any reason that can be raised against it. And it appearing that in pursuance of the law in such canes made and provided in section 5237. Bellinger & Cotton's Annotated Codes of Oregon, that public notice has been given by proof of publication thereof, in the Hood Kiver News, a newspaper of general circulation, published weekly in Hood Ri ver, in Hood River county, state of Oregon, for four weeks and for five inser tions thereof, consecutively, the first publication of which notice was the 9th day of February, 1110. and which notice directed that all persons should offer and should cause, if any they have, why the petition to change the name of the appli cant, should not be granted, and it appearing to the court by said petition, and affidavit of publi cation, that said Fred Henry Smith resides in the city of Hood Kiver, county of Hood River and state of Oregon, the county in which this court is situste, and that said applicant is more than twenty-one years of ae, and the court being sat isfied by such petition that there is no reasonable objection that taid petitioner should assume an other name, and that said publication ia in all things regular and that all the proceedings had herein are regular and according to law; It Is Therefore Ordered, on this the 12th day of March, 1H10. that Fred Henry Smith be and he hereby is authorized to assume the name of Fred Henry Schaer. from and after the Ulh day of March. 1110. and that within ten days from this date the said petitioner do cause a copy of this onler to be published in the Hood River News, a public newspaper, printed in said county of Hood Kiver, according to the provisions of the statute in such case made and provided: that said notice be published for four weeks and for five insertions thereof, and that upon return of the proof there of, a certificate, under the seal of the court, sinned by the clerk thereof, shall issue, showing that the applicant's name is now and shall here after be Fred Henry Schaer. and that said name shall hereafter be his legal name. Ordered this 12th day of March. 1310. A. J. Derby 11-15-c County Judge. Summons In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Hood Kiver County. Nevada Hastings. Plaintiff, vs. Fred L. Hast ings, IVfomlant. To t red L. Hastings, the above-named defend ant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby re-iuired to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the tUh day of April, 110, said day being the date of the first publication of this summons: and tn case of your failure to appear or answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint, for. t-wit: A decree of divorce dis solving the bond of matrimony existing between r the plaintiff ami defendant. I This summons is published by virtue of an ! onler of Hon. A. J. Derby. Judge of the County Court of Ho,! River County, State of Oreiron, 1 dated April 4th, U10. by which it was ordered t hat this summons be published in the Hoi ml Kiver News once each week for six successive week. Date of first publication. April 6th. 11 j A. A. JAYNE. ll-W-c Attorney for Plaintiff. la the Circuit Court ol the State ot Oregon for the County ot Huod River J W. Stark, plaintiff, vs. J. A. Simonsonand Et ta Simon son. defendants,-To J. A. Simon son and Etta Simon son. the above named defendants. In the name of the state of Orett-on you are here by riiiired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action, on or before six weeks fnm the date of the first pub lication of this summons, hereinafter state, and if you fail to appear and answer this complaint, the plaintiff will take judgmiTt airainst you, and each of y.u. for the sum of . and for the plaintiff s costs and disbursements made and ex pended in this actum. You are notified that this sumnxms is served upon you by publication fr six wn-ki in the Has! Kiver Ntw by onler of the County Jtidtre of H"l Kiver County, made March 4th. P. 10. direct mg the said summons he so published for a erkl of six we-ks reiiiring you to apear ami answer said com i la i n t on or twfore six weeks from the da'eof the first publication thereof. The datv of the first publication of this sum mons is March ith. 110. S. W Stan, i'lamtiff.