THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1910 7 DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon Rastdanca. Oak and Park. Office Oak and Secand Offlca hour. 10 to 11 a. n., t tot kndTtot p. m. Room t, 4 and I. Braaiua Block. Hood Klvw. Or. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calla promptly anawarad in towolur country, day or nisht. Takpbonaa-IUaidmeej61L Offlca (IS. Offiea In tha Braaiua Building. DR. E. 0. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Offlca over Firat National Bank Huma'pnona. Raa.7tBOffle phona Tl Hood Rivar, Oracoa SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phona M Hood River, Oregon J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Offlca. Honw phona 30. Reaidanca. SOB Hood Rivar, Oregon Dr. It. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduataa of the American School of Oateopathy, Kirksville, Ho. Office in Eliot BuiMina" Phona-OHlce IPi. Reeulcnrc 108-B. Hood River. Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Offlca. Hall Building-, over Butler Banking Co Office phone 28. Reaidence phona Z8-B Hood River. Oregon H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Offlca over Firat National Bank Offlca Home phone 131. Residence Home 131B Hood River, Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Oregon A. J. DERBY Lawyer Bmith block Hood River, Oregon E. H. HARTWIG Attorney at Law Smith Block.luver Firat National Bank Phona 168 Hood River, Oregon John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood River, Oregon A. A. JAYNE Lawyer Hall Building Hood River. Oregon SAMUEL W. STARK Attorney at Law Eliot Building. Phone SWM Hood River, Oregon A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent - Room 12, Broalua Block Hood River, Oregon HOCKENBERRY & BARTLETT ARCHITECTS Davidson Building HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phona 61 P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor MANAdlta NiwbXL, CoaaKTT A Walbh Davidson Building Hood River, Oregon Trio Orchestra funic furnished for all occaslona. Instrumentation from three pieces to any num ber dtwirad. Addraaa or phona O. O. M EWMAN 64-X or 2M-L Hood River, Oregon ALBERT SUTTON Hrcbitcct Hall Building Hood River, Oregon "Arlvertlelnu; lining iiccrutt" If what you iMlverttMC lionin out your lid vert Influent. 15 he Open Season for land is on, and the gunning good; get a bead on these In the City No. 27. A fine laving lot and a half on Cascade Ave $875 At Odell No. 104. Twenty acres near store, school, church and station. 16 acres in orchard, 5 bearing, balance 3 to 4 year trees, easy terms.. $18,000 In Oak Grove No. 16. 20 acres; 6 cultivated, 4l2 in three to seven year trees, small build ings; has an uninterrupted view. Very easy terms $5000 On the Brink No. 57. 20 acres 1, miles from P. 0. on State road; 12 acres cultivated, 6 acres in orchard. Splendidly lo cated for cottage plan hotel. Price $8000 Top o' the Earth No. 66. SWJ of NWJ of Sec. 20, Tp. 1 S, R. 10 E. W. M., containing 40 acres, more or less, according to government survey; J mile from Valley Crest academy; soil, loca tion and lay of land Al. Good log house, small ciearing; under new Glacier ditch. $100 per acre, half cash. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, Inc. LOCAL NEWSPAPER BIBLE STUDY CLUB April 10, 1910 The MIkhIom of the Twelve. Matt. 9::t5-10:15, 40-1:1. Golden Text Freely ye have re ceived, freely lve. Matt. 10:8 VerwH 35-:JtJ Whut U the gospel of the kingdom? Jt'tiun spent IiIh whole time In car ing for the bodies and souls of the people, to what extent are nil men under obligation to do the same thing? What proportion of the people In thin community are like "sheep hav ing no shepherd?" Verses 37-iH lg the harvest today as plentlous or more plentlous than In the day of Jesus and what Is the evidence? Where are the chief harvest fields of Christian opportunity today? What proportion of the crop Is be ing lost, for want of harvesters to gather It In? How can we lest Increase the num ber of the harvesters? (This ques tion must le answered In writing by memlH'rs of the club) Verse 1 What Is the difference be tween the power given to the origi nal twelve apostles and that given to ministers or other godly men today? The original twelve apostles had power (1) To preach the gospel of the kingdom, (2) To remit slus, (3) To cast out devils, (4) To cure all manner of diseases, and (5) To raise the dead. (Verse 8) Mow much of this power Is still In the church, and what power ought the church to have more than she possesses? Verses 2-4 What significance Is there, If any, In the fact that Jesus selected apostles to the number of twelve? What was the occupation, or busi ness Individually, of the twelve npos- ties at the time of their calling? Did Jesus know the future of each of the apostles at the time he called them? Verses 5-8 From this story would you Judge that Jesus loved the Uen- tlles less than he (lid the Jews, and If not, why did he forbid tho apostles going to them? Verses 0-10 Is there any reason to believe that Jesus did not mean the Instructions about taking no money when going on missionary tour, to be permanent? See Luke 22:."V Jtti) Why should not missionaries to day adopt the Instructions of Jesus as given here, to not provide In ad vance for their maintenance? Verses 11-14 To what extent are the Instructions for the apostles to billet themselves upon those that were worthy, and not to hire their bpard applicable to ministers and missionaries today? What sin. or crlme.are those guilty of who refuse to bear God's messen gers? Verse 13 What punishment does God render to the Individual, the city or the country which rejects the mes sage of God, and how does be Inflict It? Verses 40-41 Why may we be sure that If we teach the gospel of the kingdom that some will surely receive our message? If we receive a follower of Jesus we receive Jesus himself, and that Is counted to us as receiving God, so Jesus states here; now what follows from this or what does It Imply? What Is the reward of a prophet, and that of a righteous man, both of which we may expect to receive If we entertain the servants of God and receive their message? Verse 42 What is the reward of a smile, a kind word, or a generous act to a child, prompted by a loving heart In which Jesus dwells? lessou for Sunday, April 17, 11)10 The question of John the liaptlst. Matt. 11:1-1'.). Resolutions of Respect Can by Corps No. IS, Dept. of Ore gon, W. It. C. Hood Hlver, March 2H, l'.HO At the regular meeting of Cnnby Corps today the following resolution was unanimously adopted and a copy ordered upon the minutes of this meeting and published In the Your tongue Is coated. Your breath Is foul. Headaches come and go. These symptoms show that your stomach Is the trouble. To remove the cause Is the first thing, and ('ImnilH'rliilii's Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that. Kas.v to take and most effective. Sold by all dealers. NURSERY STOCK For biff, well matured kddIs tia. atandina- from 6 to 7 feet In row. Newton and Spits, call or writ S. V. HEPPNER ZT Two Mile Weat of Town NEW BOOK OET A CORY Of "Roosevelt's African Trip" Contains oyer 100 Tine Lithographic Picture. Subscriptions taken by GEO. S. KARITA, Box 333, Hood River. Oregon Hood Illver newspapers ami a copy presented to Mrs. J. II. Shoemaker. Whereas, the mysterious presence of death has touched the home of our worthy sister Mrs. Jennie Shoe maker and removed from It a much loved father, Therefore lie It resolved, that Can by Corps express to our sister arid her loved ones the sympa thy we frel In her bereavement. Knowing this kind futher and friend we feel that we too are bereaved by the loss of his genlul presence and tbat our hearts are saddened by this affliction Ills memory will ever be a comfort to us as recollections of this good true man will make us all better tor having know u him. Mm KIIji Mmv Hjildwtn Committee: Mrs. M. Fernald, Mrs, Agnes M. Cunning Hood River Orchard Bargains It does not hurt a fact to hammer it. Let us show you the best 10-acre bargain in Hood River, 3 1-2 miles from town, near good school, church and store. A lot of fine 4-year-old Spitz and Newtowns on place. House and barn; all level land. $1,500. l.OOO will handle it. Look Here! A fine ten acre tract 3 miles out, nearly all set to trees; some four years old. A lot of strawber ries, 25 inches free water with place. Land all lev el. Creek runs through place. House, barn and chicken house; right near good school and church. This reads good and looks better- $7,500. $3,000 cash will give you posses sion. Say! Here is a 15-acre tract near the famous Struck orchard. This place can be bought this week for $400 per acre. $1,000 worth of nursery stock goes with place. About 700 standard varieties of fruit trees on planted. Some berries and a lot of hay. House and barn on place. $2,500 will give " you possession. Snap! Only $7,000 for one of the best 5-acre tracts near the city limits. Fine bungalo and good barn. A lot of berries and fruit trees; in fact the place is in a very high state of cultivation and a dandy buy. Free! Well, it sounds like it. A fine 5-acre tract right near town all set to Spitz and Newtowns and a lot in berries. Small house and barn; stock imple ments and furniture go with place. Everything goes this week for $5, 000. $3,000 cash, balance on time. The Electric Line is surveyed past this 191 acre tract almost in the city limits. 2G5 13-year-old bearing trees. Should have 1200 boxes easy this year; house, barn, etc. Creek runs through place. All well watered. Move right into the house and begin to make monev from the start. $8,000 takes the place this week. $3,000 cash down. We have a lot of other fine Orchard and City bargains. See us before spending your money. List your property with us for quick sales. W. S. NICHOL Offices: Nichol bids. Heights, Phone 98. Davidson bldg., City, Room 7. Spray and aCniiinn Haca Plumbing CP. SUMNER Opposite th Post Olflct Hm fhonc 20 Whether it is Just a Little Powder or some more important part of Milady's toilet it is here at its best and daintiest. Our Toilet Aids and Preparations are standard in every way. When you pay for THE BEST you should receive it. We aim to sell the articles that we know are pure and the finest quality we can obtain. Yours to serve, Keir Cass IB RELIABLE DRUGGISTS & -Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon Warm Robes More than half the pleasure of driving is in being comfortable when driving a person wants to keep warm. I do, and I believe you feel the same as I do. Doesn't'make much difference whether you drive for pleasure or business you need a good, warm robe, anyway one that you can wrap yourself up in and feel comfortable that is the kind 1 want to show you. Drop in and see the robes and get prices. Yours for more business, FRANK SALFICKY Harness and Saddlerv HOOD RIVER, ORbUON fit' Don't. Leave the Hood River District WITHOUT INVESTIGATING Mosier Valley Natural advantages for fruit trowing unexcelled. Land price have doubled in last two years but are not half that asked for similarriand in other sections Buy now before 'speculators addltheir profits. Commercial Club of Mosier MOSIER, OREGON 6 Miles East of Mood River, Oregon Phone 305 -M Hood River, Oregon FREE AXD PROMPT DELIVER! Phone Main 6 First Class Livery Phone 5 Transfer aijd Livery Conjpaijy Agents Regulator Line Steamers Freight and Baggage Transfer New Rigs New Harness Uood Horses HOOD RIVER, OREGON. We are always pleased to extend courteous as sistance to new residents of Hood River and the Hood River Valley by advising them regarding any local conditions within our knowledge, and we afford every convenience for the transaction of their finan cial matters. New accounts are respectfully and cordially invited and we guarantee satisfaction. Sav ings department in connection. HOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO., hoo0Ago'n 8 ft m HOOD RIVER Manufacturing, Engineering Company (Successors to!J. J. LUCKEY) General Machine Work and Blacksmithing i CENTRAL MEAT MARKET S H P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor C j Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters j! BUTTER AND EGGS 3 Hood River, Oregon j .1 r & Fancy and Staple Groceries 6 WOOD & HUGGINS Preferred Stock, Heinz's 57 varieties Pickles, Krout, Mince Meat, Catsup, Apple Butter, Etc. Splendid line of canned Tomatoes and Corn atlO cents 1 SOLE AGENTS FOR PURE WHITE ELOUR 3 5 ...Your orders will receive onr best attention... 4