The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, April 06, 1910, Image 1

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    0f you want tfta news, sufcscrifce for tfic flews. 0f you want printing, fiaDc us do it. 3fie Hews (cads
Apple Growers Hold
Interesting Meeting
Elects New Board of Directors and Votes
To Make Marketing Fee Ten Cents a Box
Grading, Packing and Labor Discussed
The annual meeting of the. stock
holders of the Hood Klver Apple
Urowers' Cnlon held Saturday
brought nut u large attendance aud
iVHuIted In many valuable discussions
In rt-Kard to conducting thu organli
atlon tu addition to a review of It
affaire aud the election of a board ol
With the exception of three mem-
lxrs the old board wait re-elected
The niemlters of the new board are
C. II. Sproat. L. E. Clark. C. Deth-
inan, E. Ii. Shepard, i. A. MeCurdy,
J. L. Carter, Oco. W. Simons, V. Win
ched and O L. Walter. The retiring
members are O. L. Vauderbllt, ii. it.
Altee and J. H. shoemaker. In ad
dltton to th one elected the name of
(). L. Vanderbllt, J. W. Palmer, it.
W. StebbliiH, Thou. Avery and J. 11.
McCully were placed In nomination.
Mr. Albeeand Mr. Shoemaker were
Dot candidate. Mr. MeCurdy re
ceived the highest number of vote
aud the vote between Mr. Palmer
and Mr. Walter wan clone.
A feature of the meeting wo the
reading of a letter received by Job. A.
Wilson from Congressman W. C
Hawley stating that the Lafean bill
bad Dot been reported aud that he
coUHldered It dead. The announce
ment waa received with noisy satis
factlon. A. I. Mason then addressed the
meeting stating that he had severul
Important question to put belore It.
The first matter he asked action on
wa that of placing an additional
marketing fee imi each box of apple
In order that the Indebtedness of the
union could lie cancelled and to give
the board if director a larger reve
nue to properly handle the tilg crop
thi year which lie estimated itt 3K),
000 to :fc0,00 boxe. lie placed the
amount necessary to provide tut
extra revenue at ten cent a box and
jnoved that the meeting adopt It a
the fee for marketing apple this
ear, with the result that tt wa car
ried unanimously with the exceptlou
of three vote.
In connection with thl Mr. Mason
advocated the marketing of apples
on a percentage basis, believing that
the inferior grade of apples should
pay a proportionately higher price.
A motion wa then offered by Mr.
Mason providing for remuneration
for the service of the board of direc
tors for the time they were employed
In the union' business. Me said they
ought to have It and placed the
amount at !! cents nu hour. This
was amended by I'. S. liavidson to
f0 cent an hour, but before the mo
tion could Is? put C. H. Sproat, one
of the directors and secretary of the
union, made such a strong talk
ngaluBt It that the motion was with
drawn Mr. Sproat maintained that
the director were willing to serve
t he union for t lie good of the cause,
for nothing, and felt honored In do
ing so. At the suggestlou of I'eter
Mohr the board was given a hearty
vote of thanks, which President Mc
Curdy stated wa highly appreciated
The next matter brought up by
Mr. Mason wan that of placing the
responsibility for grading apple, lie
thought, he said, that the responsi
bility should largely lie put upon the
packer a he wan satisfied that It
meant coming nearer to getting a
strictly uniform grade. It wa Im
possible, he believed, for a grower
Who had many thousand of boxes
of apple to look after the grading
of them ieronBlly. He also advo
cated paying pucker by the box and
If necessary making the amount a
rent or two cent more a box than
had liecu paid, to Insure a better
pack, or to give them seven cent In
Htead of five. I'eter Mohr said the
ls-st way to grade apples, In his
opinion, wa to leave the cull and
Inferior fruit oil the tree and feed
them to the pig. He made a wager
In support of his statement and had
the best of It ns there were no takers.
J. L. Carter thought the responsi
bility for grudlng fruit should be
shared equally by grower and pack
er. That It wa highly essential that
the grower should feel a strong sense
of respouslblity In putting up a high
grade pack.
E. II. Shepard wa of the opinion
that It was almost entirely up to the
grower. That to him alone the union
must look for kef ping up the stan
dard of pack.
John Mohr, one of the valley'
most expert packer and also a
grower, thought that the responsi
bility should be equally hnrcd by
grower and packer and that half the
wage of the packer vhould be with
held until the apple wen accepted.
He gave a practical tnlk In support
of hi argument. Dr. It. E. Wright
thought the grower was the man
lichlnd t he gun anil ought to be com
pelled to make good. Secretary
Sproat wound up the discussion by
giving It as hi opinion that the
union ought to look to the grower
for a standard grade. The packer,
he said, wa a man who could not
be held responsible. In many In
stance he was a temporary resident
ami In most Instance a man who
had nothing that the union could
fall back on. He also spoke against
paying packer by the box, saying It
hail lecn tried and found that pack
er would not put up a good a pack
nu when paid by the day. He urged
that grower thl year, la view of
the big crop expected, put forth an
extra effort to put out the finest
pack In the history of the valley.
Mason then stated that the reputa-
tlon of Hood Klver apple had Itecn
damaged by offering for sale In Port
land Inferior fruit wrapped In wrap
per I waring the uulou lats-1, and
asked that steps lie taken to make
the practice Impossible. He advo
cated compelling all grower to re
turn 11 mined wrapRTs. U. L. Van
derbllt stated that the matter had
been takeu care of by the director In
the manner Mr. Mason suggested
The latter then said he believed that
a tax of one cent a box should be
made for lain!, the union allowing
the grower credit for those returned
This Idea was favored by some of
the grower, but Mr. Sproat said he
was opposed to this move a It
would make a tax of eleven cent a
box a the marketing fee and t
lleved that the amount provided
would cover the cost. He advised
that It Is waived until later In the
seuson and It necessary the director
could call a seclal meeting to con
slder the proposition.
The last Mubject for dlscuslon wa
that of labor. Thl wa also sug
gested by Mr. Mason, who said that
some uniform rate of wages and
other detail In connection with hir
ing help should be agreed upon as It
was a serious .problem. On motion
of It. W. Stebblus a committee was
appointed to Investigate and collect
statistic. The chair appointed Mr.
Mason chairman with the power to
appoint the rest of the committee.
The others selected are It. W. Steh.
bins. F. W. Cutler, J. L. Carter, H.
W. Purely. The meeting wa theu
The record attendauce for the trip
of the (. It. & X. demonstration
train was nwurded to- Hood Klver
by Prof. Wlthyconilte aud the news
papermen when It visited here last
Wednesday. It seemed like every
body and their grandmother turned
out to welcome the train as It was
thronged with a happy crowd of
sightseer that Jammed the car and
made It almost Impossible to get n
peep at their wonders. Fred Pasley
of the Journal stated that the patent
milking machine had to be used four
times to please the crowd of admir
ing ladles here and that one of them
was so overcome with Joy that she
I he center of attraction wa two
or three dozen little chick of an
orange hue that many of the visitors
thought wa their natural color.
Prof. Pryden who Is something of a
wit gravely told the crowd that they
were hatched In the orange Itelt of
California. He had the poultry car
placarded with catchy sign ml vising
poultry raisers to look closely Into
the ancestry of their hens In direct
opposition to Mark Twain who ad
vise not to do so as you are liable
to come to a wax end qr a hang
ma n's noose.
The train was the most complete
ever sent out and although the hor
ticultural exhibit was limited it
greatly Interested the local fruit
grower. It wa In charge of Young
Allen who spent a summer here
where he ha many friend.
Prof. Kent In charge of the dairy-!
Ing car had all sort of poser to the
ordinary dairyman at hi tongue's
end and an exhibit that wa of great
value. Prof. Nciiddcr knew some
thing about dry farming aud mois
ture conservation If anybody should
ask you and gave some valuable
tip to soil tiller.
A. A. Morse the veteran transpor
tation mnn and father of our city
engineer wa In charge of the train
and made things pleasant for visi
tor. Traveling Freight Agent Dunn
wa also along to see that things
went right and Agent Fredrlcy wore
the smile that would not come off.
Even Operator O'Neill droptted his
ready-for-anythitig look. In fact It
was a great day for the demonstra
tion train, Hood Klver aud the (). K.
After leaving Hood lllver the dem
onstrator at once began dismant
ling the cars, but It wa neeessnry to
take some of them to Corvalll to
complete the work.
The exact instance covered by the
train was 124S miles, and thl mileage
Included practically the entire
length of all Oregon branches of the
(). K. & N. ninl the entire main line as
far east a Maker Cltv. Theestlmnte
made by lr. Wlthyronibe of the
total number of persons who passed
through the train Is l.'l7.".
Miss Mollv Stlcknev gave an Infor
mal tea last Thursday afternoon be
tween the hour of 4 and fi to the
members of her kindergarten. Miss
lslanche Phillip presided at the
Mrs. I. ulu Shepherd of Salt Lake,
national lecturer for W. C. T. V., will
speak at Kupt 1st church Wednesday
evening. (April tt), at N o'clock. All
cordially Invited. Mr. Shepnrd I a
speaker of prominence and has spoken
here twice before.
Knew Horses
But Draws
Two old timer were dlscusslug
horseflesh at the Mount HimsI hotel
a night or two ago. The particular
thing about horse under discussion
wa their Intelligence. One of them
malutatued that horses could think
The other old resident believed that
man' best friend was pretty smart,
but was skeptical when It came to
admitting that horse could reason.
"Wall," said the first old timer
squinting one eye and ejecting a
stream of tobacco juice that lauded
lu a cuspidor six feet away, "I'll tell
yer. When I wa llvln' out on the
west side Home year ago I hed a
mure that knowed more than any
one on the place. That l, barrln'
my wife. Why, say, that mare
knowed the time o' day better than
any $1.2.1 alarm clock 1 ever see. A
a matter of fact, we hed a clock In
every room lu the house but stopped
windln' 'em up. Didn't hev to.
Every morula' as regular a six
o'clock came that mare started to
rare and kick and holler so you could
hear her all over the place. She used
to keep It up fer ubout five mlnlts
and theu quit fer fifteen. And say.
ef I didn't git out and feed that mare
Inside of them fifteen minus she u
start In agin and never let up till 1
did git there. Theu she'd quiet down
as ulce as yer please. I used to feed
her with an old lard pall filled up
twice. One morula' 1 wa thiukln'
about somthln' else and only give
her one pailful. So help me gosh, I
hedu't more anil closed the stable
door isdore she let a squeal outen her
that you could a heard at Astoria.
Knowln' somethln' was the matter I
went back sudden. When I got there
she wa lookln' u mad a a hornet.
1 couldn't see that anything was the
matter and started away agin, hen
she let go agin and kicked four plank
offeu the stable that landed more u a
rod away. So I stopped und looked
her over anil noticed she hed her eye
fixed mighty ban on somthln'. I
fullered the line er vlslou and she hed
her guxe ou that lard pail. Then all
of a sudden It struck me that I'd
only give her one pall of feed. Sol
give her another aud went on back
to the house fer breakfast, and she
never made another sound that
mornln . 1 lived near the planer
where we could hear the whistle. Ifl
I happened to have that mare out
workin', at the first toot at 12 i
o'clock she'd stop lu her tracks fer a I
second aud then squeal and snort
aud inilt work right there. No use I
to try to git that mare to do any-i
thing more. I had to unhitch. Ifl!
wa plowln' I hed to stop In the
middle of a furrow. If I hed a wagon !
I hed to leave It and walk to the!
house and feed that mare, and there
was no use trylu to git her out of ,
that stable until the 1 o'clock wills-!
tie blew. Same thing at G in the i
evenln', had to quit. There was one j
tmng, However, sue oiiin t mum go-,
In' out night. She was always good i
about that. Although, if we went
anywhere to a party I always took i
Breaks Record For
Oregon Orchard Land
East Side Orchard at $2,200 an Acre Hits
High Mark Purchaser Also Makes Rec
ord Price for Unimproved Fruit Lands
Although believed that Hood Klver
orchard lands would reach a price
better than f2(HHl an acre t his year,
the announcement came sooner than
was expected when 15. E Duncan &
o. sold acres of Dr. Stanton Al
len' place for $2,200 nn acre yester
The purchaser I Kede S. Delano,
an eastern mnn who has itecn here
sometime looking the valley over,
and Includes 7 acres of brush laud
adjoining for which was paldf.lS an
acre. Hot It these are record prices. the
former for bearing orchard and the
latter for unimproved land. The
total purchase price Is f lS.OOO.
The orchard Is eight years old and
Is considered one of the finest In the
ynlley. Originally bought bv Dr
SELLSJOR $36,000
A big orchard sale during the week
took place Friday when C. L. lingers
sold the Chas. i'log place to C. P.
Jordan and A. .1. (ioodmnn, two
well known Portland business men.
The price paid for the place, which
consists of :iil acres, was jlii.OtM). Or.
Iglnnlly Mr. Plug had Ml acres which
he bought from Frank Chandler fur
fi 1.000. At that time this was t':e
highest price that had ever been paid
for fruit In in J at Hood Klver. Mr.
I'log Is stated to have realized $."iI.Uimi
from the sale of the entire property
In nddlt Ion to t he money he ha re
ceived from the crop of apples.
The bids for the erection of the
llnptlst parsonage were opened in
S. W, Stcrk's olllce on Saturday af
ternoon mil the contract nwarded
to E W. Dark. The work of exca
vating commenced Monday morning
A house which will be an ornament
to the Height will be built.
Could Think
Line at Mules
a bag of oats, fer when they served
refreshments I had to go out anil
feed that mare or there was trouble.
Ye sir, yer can say what yer please
out mat old mare could think."
"Now looky here." said old timer
No. 2. "that looks like purty strong
evytietice, but I wouldn t exactly
call it thlnkln', its more like associa
tion er Mi es. That old mure simply
knowed when she wa hungrv and
made er fuss till she was fed. That
yarn about her knowln' whether she
hed one er two pall er feed I think
was cumin' It a leetle too strong. Of
course 1 know of a somewhat similar
cane, where a friend a mine bought a
pair of mules that hed been worked
around a saw mill fer a long time
Every day when the whistle bio wed
fer 11' o'clock, the mules, er course,
stopped work and was onhltched.
Thl friend u mine that bought them
mule hed a farm along the railroad
track. There wa a passenger train
passed the place everyday at half
past eleven and the engineer always
whistled there. The first day he was
workin' the mules as soon as the en
gineer whistled the critters stopped
dead still and wouldn't budge an
other Inch. So he onhltched ami fed
'em and tlie.v went alright till the
next day when the same jierforniunce
incurred. He finally got foxy,
though One day when the engine
whistled he onhltched aud left them
mules a stamlln' a few mlnlts and
then hitched 'em up up agin and they
went all riL'ht. Now you see. If them
mule could think they'd a knowed
they was belli fooled.
"The most curious thing, howstim-
ever, continued old timer No. 2. cut
ting off a llls-rul slice of plug, "that I
ever seen was a pair a mules In Pitts
burg, l'cnnsy Ivuny , that I called
Christian Science mules. Them mules
could pull most anything from a
hairpin to a locomotive If yer could
er loaded It on a wagon, but once lu
a while when they tried to pull a
heavy load outen the street car
track they got stuck. So the big
steel company that owned 'em would
send down another team, back the
end of the wagon up In front of the
testn .ihat waa stuck, hitch on a
chain and the two tenms'd pu!ltlit
load clear er the tracks One day
when the team was sent down If
didn't git started to pull as soon as
the hind team and they pulled the
load out without any help. Well sir.
after that when them Christian
Science mules got stuck nil t hey did
was to bock a wagon up in front of
'em without hltchin' on, make a big
holler and that team a mules would
haul the load without anybody pull
In' a pound except "etliselve. Yer
see they thought they was gettln'
helped and that was all thev was to
Wall," said old timer No. 1, "I
knowed horses could think, but I
never went quite so fur as to say
mules could. Y'ou got me beat. I
guess I'll go to bed."
Allen from Wilson Flke It Is but part
of hi holdings, of which he has fifteen
acre left.
The balance of the place will lie
Improved as soon as possible by Mr.
Delano, who will also erect a home
on It In keeping with the surround
Ing couutry places.
Neighborhood Trust Lntertains
The (Jet Acquainted With Your
Neighbor Trust enjoyed another of
their very liest meetings on the even
ing of March UOth at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Newman
which was a carnival of nui-le and
song, with Intervals of reading, reci
tations and a general good time.
The Trio Orchestra ami Hood Klver
Mandolin Club with professionals at
the piano made things thrill Mr.
tillliert. Miss Kryiint, Pearl Kradley
and Jennie Edglngton added their
talents to the delight of the trust.
Even Mr. Cunning, the father of the
neighborhood, had his usual paper
In tanglefoot metre. K. E. Harbison
read a sclentllie treatise on evolution
that was cream of wit Mrs. Camp
bell recited "Seeln" things In the
dark" so well that she wa recalled
and then spoke for the iwncllt of the
young men "May be on could but 1
doubt It." That set the house In a
roar. Miss Ynnnett sang sweetly a
Scotch song of t he (( Mr l.angille
completed Ills story of domestic felic
ity but It leaves 'the matter still lu :
the dark, as to whet her it was a rat
' or a mouse. The merriment delayed
the lunch till near the midnight hour
! atul all Joined tle Mandolin club In
singing ".My Old Kentucky llnnie".
'and "Old Folks it Home." closing'
ilth "Home, Sweet llnnie." Mr.
and Mrs. N, wtnan made t heniselves 1
I solid With the trust with this splen
' did entertainment. Tue next meet-i
lug Will Ih' held on April Mil at the
residence of S. E. Hart mess.
Scad the New for the new.
Favorable Toward Plan
To Buy Water System
Council Takes Action to Bring Matter to
Settlement Wants Direct Proposal From
Company Other Business Transacted
From action taken on the petition
of citizen to the city council to call
an election to vote on the proposi
tion of buying the city water system
It I believed that It I now ready to
entertain the proposal provided It 1
placed before It through the proper
channel. At the council meeting
Monday night the petltloL signed by
about M propertyholdcrs which was
recently submitted to the council
with an option on the plant by A. C.
Kuck wus reported back to the city's
lawmakers with the findings of city
Attorney Derby. The lutter vtateii
that lu his opinion the option offered
Mr. Buck ou the water system would
not lu any way bind the company
and for that reason thought that the
council should take up the matter
direct with the company.
Councilman Hroxius said that he
believed the council collectively aud
Individually was lu favor of adjust
ing the matter, and of giving tin
people au opportunity to settle tlie
question definitely and legally. In
view ol this aud also lu view of the
conclusion jf the city attorney he
moved that the petition with the
city attorney' opinion be referred
back to Mr. Kuck for procedure
through the proper channel, which
It was Inferred wa a direct proposi
tion from the water company to the
Councilman Hall stated that he
was also favorable to having the
matter put up to the people. That
the petition contained the names of
the pror numla-r of taxpayers to
call an election and he Isdleved the
council should act toward that end.
Mayor McDonald stated that he
had Informed Mr. Davidson, the
president of the water company, that
the council was ready to do business
when the company came direct to
the council and submitted their pro
position. The motion to refer the
matter back to Mr. Buck for adjust
ment being put- befi-f the council It
was unanimously carried.
A petition signed by property bold
er In the vicinity of the vinegar
plant asking that the lower end of
Seventh street lie vacated wa re
ferred to the street committee.
Signed by sixty names a petition
declaring the armory building to lie
"The American Woman's league,"
says one of the memlM-rs, "Is grow
ing In Interest and numbers. We
now have secured two rooms on the
second floor of the Hart mess building
where we will lie very cozy and com
fortable. Our meetings for the pres
ent will le every Tuesday afternoon
from 2:;W until 4::) as after the busi
ness sesslou there will be a social
"Many of our member have com
pleted their memlershlp and are now
ready to take up the courses of study
afforded by the People's I'nlvetslty
of The American Woman's league.
'We want to form tt 'Choral Class'
very soon to take up the course of
study offered to members, free of
charge by the Uulun-Cumphcll Con
servatory of Music which Is affiliated
with the American Woman's League
at I'nlverslty City. A complete course
Is offered, from the most elementary
through to harmony, composition,
counterpoint, fugue and orchestra
tion. "April 2nd class A publishers of
some one hundred of the leading mag
azines of the country met In conven
tion at I'nlverslty City to formulate
plans of cooperation which will
mean much to every member of t he
Woman's league. While they were
assembled In convention Hood Klver
Chapter sen t the following telegram
to our founder, E. (i. Iewis:
"Kindest greeting from the sixty
members of Hood Klver Chapter, Ap
ple City.'
"The first national convention of
The American Woman's league will
be held In I'nlverslty City In May,
and in addition to the delegate from
each organized chapter every mem
ber of the Founder's Chapter will lie
given an opportunity to go to the
convention with all expense paid.
Every woman should get Into line,
for It will le a rare treat to be per
mitted to take part In theconvetitlon
festivities and celebration of the
completion of the Founder' Chap
ter." Woman's Club Meeting
The regular meeting of the Wo
man's Club was held Wednesday
ifterrooii at Odd Fellows hall. Mr.
It-i tchelder presiding. Mrs. ,. K
Castner and Mrs. Thompson vere
appointed as a com in It tee on s:i illa
tion. The ma t ter of ts'tiutlfy li'g t he
ser;e-it Ine road was enthusiastically
ipsenssed. A line program was ren
dered during the afternoon In wh'ch
Miss Kadto.-il. Miss I '.rock. Mrs. M.
bur, Mrs It'i ler, Mrs Nelson. Mrs
Ha tchelder. Mrs. (has. Mill. Mrs.
Huxley, Mls-i I'avOrrand Mrs II C.
Meilulre participated. Mrs l.ara
way had cha-ge of the refresh! n tils
The next meeting of the club will lie
held Wednesday, April 1:1th, when
the men will Ik- asked to take part.
unsafe and a menace to the part of
the city It !- situated In and askb. 4
the council to do something about i:
was submitted. After conslderablo
discussion the matter was referred to
the Health committee. It wa stated
by Mayor McDonald that the ar
mory building wa not on the lot It
wa legally entitled to and If It wss
deemed of sufficient Interest by tl -pro(ertyhold-rs
It could las gotte i
Id of.
A proposl:loi for the Improvement
of tne city's fire equipment receive I
favorable action. Application fur
the erection of a brick garage at the
corner of First and State street In
I j. D. Hoyed was granted. It whs
moved to dispense with ringing tie
curfew bell (and the New man sec
onded the motion) as It made It ow
essaryforthe night marshal to de
sert his post of duty at times when
It was important for him not to d
so, and because It Jarred citizens who
lived In the Immediate vicinity, and
were In the habit of retiring early ,
out of tied. The motion was unani
mously carried as wa also one to
plaee a police signal light on the
Hroslus building that could be oper
ated from the telephone office. The
assessment for the improvement of
Twelfth street, which approximate! v
amounts to something over $'J,(K)0,
was approved and several ordinances
amending former ordinances passed
their first reading. It wa state 1
unofficially that C. L. Kogers. who Is
getting rights of way for the pipe
line for the new water system, was
meeting with success and a commit
tee was appointed to Investigate In
regard to getting suitable book lu
which to keep the city' account.
From a financial standpoint and
also as an entertainment the Spelllu'
Hee glveu by the Woman's and Com
mercial clubs Friday evening wa a
huge success, although disastrous
for the male element when It came to
spelling. It Is whispered that the
ladles had cornered all the spelling
books In town making It Impossible
for their opponent to pot up, but
of course this can only be hinted at
We wouldn't for the world say that
It was so. All we know Is that om
of the men spellers told u that h
had Ixt'ii hunting for a spelling boon
all over town and couldn't find one.
lAt this go as It may, It will have to
be admitted that It Is a feather In the
cap of the ladles and a severe blow
to the much vaunted superiority of
the male Intellect. There Is a possi
bility that some of the men were
over gallant and missed words
purposely In order not to triumph
over the revered fair sex. We want
to sny again however that we deny
all Intent to have this appear as a
fact. In fact we dare not. Inasmuch
as our back Is toward the door and
our office Is lu such easy access from
the street.
Hut seriously the victory was a
signal one. As a spelling master
Mr. .luyne was most successful while
the brave men and fair ladies took
their gruel with becotnlug grace.
Prof, (ilbson was the last of the men
sH'lllsts to succumb. The winners
at the eud of the contest were Mrs.
(.Jeorge Strahahan, Mrs. C. A. Urlgg
and Mrs. (J. A. Thompson.
Following the spelllug contest n
numlicr of the ladles gave what was
designated as a Hrownles drill nnd
was one of the most amusing things
seen In many a day. Music for the
drill was provided by Mrs. H. C.
Mctiulre. Later came the sale of the
baskets with Triiuian Kulleras auc
tioneer. Mr. Kutler went at his task
In typical auctioneer stvle. Oue of
the baskets sold for fJ-.' 50 nnd an
other for something over $13 while
none brought less t hau $1 50. J udg-Ih-rby
went the limit on what looked
like an orange box full of delicacies
with the Intention of uot having any
more cooking done for the rest of tie
week, considered himself fortunate lu
getting It, only to find It contained
two peanut but tered sand wlches and
a pickle. Hut there was plenty and
enough for all, who enjoyed a merry
The nffalr netted the organizations
something over J.'UHi.
fli I'lylng t a letter from Ira Po
well of Moimi'vi, a, Attorney (ienerui
I rawford render- 1 tin opinion to tie
effect that s.t-1 ion :ul of t he Corrupt
Practices Act makes tt Illegal for any
newspaper t o pnb'ish any i lilng olt ht-r
for or against any candidate for
olli e or Me.isii-e before the people,
unless It Is marked paid matter and
contains the n-mie and address of
the i it rsoti res pons! I ilc t hen f. ir.
This hits various country paper
that lone been publishing matter
favorable to t he norma I school pet1
lions which are now U lng circulate 1
A heavy tine or Imprisonment Is pro
vided for violation of the act.