The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 30, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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CfturcA fTctlcaa
St. Mark' Episcopal
Service every Sunday t 11 a. iu.
Sunday school' at 10 a. iu.
Riverside Congregational
Kev. W. ('. iillruore. Pastor.
Worship and prcachlujr at 11 a. ni.
liraded Hitile school 10 a. in. Music
ly iuartet choir, Mr, t H. Slot ton,
director. Young People's meeting,
'.:.". evening service 7-'M.
Christian Science
Chrlstlau Science Society hold ser
vlces at the reading room No. 6 Dav
idson building. Cascade avenue and
:inl street, Sunday 11 a. in. Wednes
day evening at 7 :.'t0.
Iter. H. A. MncPonald, pastor.
Kegular ino'iilng service at the
Unitarian church at 11 a. in., Sunday
school at 10 o'clock. Vesper service
at 5 p. in.
F.ver body Is welcome to both the
Sunday ehoolaml preaching services.
Belmont Methodist Church
II. J. Wood, pastor.
Services next Sunday a follows:
Sunday school 10 A. M.; Preaching
service 11 A. M. Evening service 7 :1k)
1. M. Everyone welcome at all ser
vlces. Sunday school will meet at the us
ual hour next Sunday, hut there will
he no preaching service In the morn
lug. lMstrict Supt. Sktpworth will
preach Bnd administer the commun
ion at Oak tirove at 11 a. in.
Christian Alliance
C. E. Perry, pastor.
Sunday school at 9:43 a. in. Pub
lic services at 11a. in. and 7:.'t0 p. in.
Prayer meeting Tuesday evening at
7 :.'.. Divine healing service at 2:.T0
Friday afternoon; Young People's
meeting at :M. Children's meeting
Saturday afternoon at II o'clock. A
welcome for all.
Kev. J. H. Margreaves, pastor.
Sunday school t-M a. m. Preach
ing at 11 a. m. and 7::k) p. m. Voung
People's meeting at 7 o'clock.
The regular weekly services are
Young People's meeting Tuesday
evening, mid-week prayer meeting
Wednesday evening. Ladles Aid so
ciety Thursday afternoon.
Later Day Saints
K. 'organized church of Jesus Christ
of the letter Day Saints.
Sunday services: 1'reachlng at 11
a. in., Sunday school at 3 p. in. Ke
light Literary Society, tt p. in. Prayer
service 1 hursday evening. 7:10 p. m
All are Invited to attend these, ser
vices, Iu the hall iu the Chapman
building ou the heights.
Methodist Episcopal
T. H. Ford, pastor, Kesld.'lice 010
State street. At home every forenoon
and Thursday afternoon.
Sunday services: Sunday school at
10 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. in . and
7:.I0 t. in.; Epwortli league, 6:.'t0 p.
in Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing. 7:.'to" o'clock.
Junior church at .'I o'clock each
Sunday. All children welcome.
JWotice to 'Public
You can save all the Middlemen's large profits by purchasing your
Mission Furniture direct from our factory at factory prices. We are manu
facturing Solid Oak Mission Furniture and selling it direct to the people
in "sections," saving you from 50 to 100. You can buy our furniture in
"sections," set up and finish it yourself and it will actually cost you
less than the dealer could buy it for.
You do not have to pay the faotory profit, then the jobber's profit
and then the retailer's profit. You only have to pay one profit (ours).
We absolutely guarantee every piece of furniture we sell to please you, or
the money will be refunded. Our furniture is not the cheap kind, but ev
ery piece is solid, genuine mission and honestly built.
Anyone can set up and finish our "sectional" furniture. We have made
it easy for you. It requires not over thirty minutes to assemble and com
plete any of our designs. No tools required.
We furnish choice of five colors of stain, Glue, Wax and everything
to make the piece complete. Think this idea over; it's a good one. You'll
like it.
We know that after you have received your first order from us, that
you will be a permanent customer of ours and you will reorder and tell
your friends about it.
Send card for our catalogue. It explains the whole story.
Peters Manufacturing Co.
Factory--Salesroon--0f f ice--441 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Ore.
Send in Your Answer At Once and Win a Valuable Prize
Largest Western Dealers in Pianos in Conjunction with Greatest
Eastern Piano Makers.
Will Distribute $4,280 Free
Solve This Puzzle and You will be well Rewarded. A Musical Herald Free to Every Person Who Sends a Reply
Winners will be notified by mail as soon as decis
ions are made. In case of a tie between contestants,
prizes identical in character will be awarded to each.
List of Prizes
First Prize A magnificent new Eilers Bunga
low Piano in rich Mahogany case.
Second Prize Elegant Home Orchestreile, that
anyone can play.
Then in order of merit, sixty bona fide cash credits
ranging in value from $80 to $110.
Every person who sends in an answer to this con
test will receive absolutely free a copy of the Musi
cal Herald.
Why We Do It
Our purpose in holding this contest is to acquaint
the people of this section with the value of the
Pianos we handle. We have convinced the manu
facturers of these pianos that this form of advertis
ing is far more effective than spending large amounts
in magazine advertising.
We believe the best advertisement for a good
Piano is a satisfied customer, and we believe further,
that the advertising allowance should go to the per
son who buys a piano, not to expensive magazines.
We want everyone to know that ours are the only
stores in the West that sell New York's Great Art
Product The Weber; the famous Chickering, the
oldest and most expensive of American Pianos; the
beautiful toned Hobart M. Cable; the now celebrated
Lester of Philadelphia; the world renowned Kimball,
given the highest grand award at the Chicago expo
sition, and again at Seattle exposition last year, the
celebrated Hallet & Davis; ana our own Lilers Or
chestral piano, which is so rapidly becoming a favor
ite among musicians, as well as trie Clarendon, Smith
& Barnes and other equally well known makes.
We have arranged with America's foremost manufactur
ers to join in this great, far-reachintf advertising campaign.
Send in your answer at once -it costs you nothing to try.
Address All Communications to Contest Manager
Wholesale Dept., 15th and Pettygrove Sts., Portland, Ore.
Adhere Strictly to Rules
Take any number from 1 to 14 inclusive, and place
in the nine squares as above, so that when these are
added, either horizontally or perpendicularly, they
will total 27. None of these numbers must be used
more than twice, but remember in each case, when
added upward or across, the sum of the numbers
must be 27.
Send your answer on this or on a separate sheet of
paper, but under no circumstances use more than one
hhht of paper, nor written on more than one side.
The neatest, correct and artistic answer will re
ceive, aJyhtely free, a handsome Eiler Upright Pi
c.rj, in rahogany case. This is the piano that was
awarded the gola medal at the Seattle fair last sum
mer. Other prizes enumerated elsewhere.
Only one answer from a family will be allowed.
The decision of the Board of Judges will be final.
Award of prize will be made strictly according to
merit. The contest closes at 6 o'clock on the even
ing of April 2d. 1910, and all replies must either be
in our store or oear a postmark not later than 6 p.m.
on that date.
How ths Pstala and Jules of ths Peppy
Plant Ara Procured.
Opium growing Is a aort of garden
culllvmi u, the poppy plaota belDg
grown In little atpiarea or beda Inter
sec ted by tlnj water cbannela (or Irri
gation wherever this la possible. Tbe
growth of tbe plants la carefully tend
ed. und at length tbe time comes when
the j burst out Into flower, and tbe
fields look like a sheet of sllTer aa the
white petals of tbe flowers glisten In
the morning dew.
These beautiful petals are tbe first
produce of tbe crop, for tbe women
and children of tbe cultivators' fami
lies come forth aud pick them off one
by one and carefully dry them, so that
they may serve afterward aa the cov
ering of tbe manufactured cakea of
opium. Then tbe popples, with their
bare capsule beads, remain standing
In the open field uutll It la considered
that tbey are ripe for lancing. Tbe
cultivators then come forth In tbe
evening, aud with an implement not
unlike the knlvea of a cupping lnstru
ment they scarify the capsule on Its
sides with deep Incisions, so that tbe
Juice may eiude.
In tbe early tnorulng tbe cultivators
reappear with a scraping knife and
their earthenware pots, and tbey
acrape off the exuded Juice aud collect
It Iu their pots. And this la crude
opium. Blackwood's Magazine.
Rtmediss Wtrs Applied, and Hs Moved
Just a Little Bit.
"Yessub," said the negro through tbe
borrowed telephone. He stood on one
foot In tbe drug atore and talked In
bis natural voice, which made tbe bot
ties Jingle on tbe shelves. Tbe ou
merous people In tbe store beard all
he aaid as a natural consequence, but
could not bear tbe conversation at tbe
other end. They deduced, however.
from tbe negro's remarks that be was
talking with his bona and that be waa
a teamster by profession.
"Yessub." he said, "I tried daf
"Yessub. De ma-an wlf tbe plug
hat he tried dat"
"No. nub. De ma-an ain't much
huhL Ills nose hit's busted."
"Yessub. I done dat"
"No, sub. De I'll' boy be aln' bubt
none a-tall; Jea' Jolted."
"Yessub. De achoolteacheh. Hit to'
his close up some."
"Fire? Yessub. Not much; no, sun.
He moved a little bit, yessub."
"Yessub. One o' de wheels waa
burnt a little."
"Two o' de wheels yessub. Well,
suh. de wagln bit buhned up. No,
sub. Dey aln' ouffln' lef."
"De muel? Yessub."
"He's dab yltyessuh." Galveston
Olden Time "Raiment."
In early Bible daya richly embroid
ered raiment was enumerated with
tbe gold, silver and other valuable
property of a rich man. In that primi
tive age Dame Fnsbion was not tbe
fickle goddess she Is at present, and
tbe "raiment" ao frequently mention
ed in tbe Holy Scriptures descended
from father to son aa a valuable part
of tbe Inheritance. Italment waa of
ten sent, with gold aud gems, as a
present to dignitaries. It took not
mouths, but years, to ornament some
of these garments, and the gold thread
ao lavishly used In embroidering them
was real gold. Moses describes tbe
process of making tbe gold thread that
waa used in ornamenting tbe taber
nacle. Tbe habit of making preaents
of rare needlework Is still common
among eastern nations that changed
their customs so slowly.
Weeping Troos.
The phenomenon of "weeping trees"
that Is, of trees shedding drops of liq
uid Is ascribed by Dr. Sharp in tbe
Cambridge Natural History to tbe in
fluence of plant bugs. Tbe familiar
frog bopier wblcb produces tbe ao
called cuckoo spit on ao many of our
planta belongs to this family of In
sects. A note In tbe London Field
calls attention to some interesting ob
servations on this subject made by Dr.
Annandale and contributed by blm to
the records of tbe Indian museum.
Dr. Annandale while collecting in
sects in western Bengal felt what he
thought was rain from a clear sky
through the foliage of the trees. On
investigation be found that It fell from
the leaves and waa due to a species
of plant bug present in enormous num
bers. An Impostor.
"Mebbe you'd like to put a piece
about me in ycr pnir," quavered the
old man, hobbling up to tbe city edi
tor's desk.
"What have you done?" demanded
tbe arbiter of publicity's destiny.
"Nothln" much, but I was a hundred
years old yesterday."
"A hundred, eh? But can you walk
without a stick and read fine print
without glasses?"
"You are an Impostor!"
Tbe old man broke down and con
fessed be waa only ninety-seven.
Cleveland Leader.
His Luck.
Tom I wish that I had Alfred's
good tuck. Dick So be'a generally
lucky? Tom Luckyl If be walked
out of tbe window In bis sleep at dead
of night there would be another man
going by below carrying a feather bed.
The Harder Task.
"My ambition Is to write a history
of the world There Is no task mors
Christian Church
A. J. Adams, pastor,
Itegular services each Lord's Day.
Bible school at 10 a. in., sermon at
It a. in. and 7:.'K) p. in. Christian Eu
davor at 0:30 p. in.
A cordial imitation Is extended to
all to attend any or all of the mr-vices.
United Brethren
J. It. l'arker, pastor.
Itegular services each Sunday as
follows: Preaching at 11 a. in. and
7:110 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
a. iu. Young People's meeting 6:43 p.
in. Midweek prayer service . every
Wednesday night at "i'W. The pub
lic generally uvltel to all services.
Canby Post. O. A. R.-Meets at tha K. of P.
hall tha aacond and fourth Saturdays of tha
month at 1 p. m. G. R. Caatnar, commander; 8,
F. Blythe, adjutant.
Canby W. R. C. No. 1-Meeta aacond and fourth
Saturdays of each month In K. of P. hall at t
p. m. Jennie Ben tier, praaidant; Abbia J. Baker.
Court Huod River. N a 42. P. of A., meets every
Thursday even in in K. of P. hall. Visiting
Forest-. always welcome. Wm. Flamming. C.R.;
F. C 4rosius, K 8.
T.Tjori River Commercial Club Meets every aee
' ond Monday in each month at S p. m. in tha
,ub rooms over Jackson's store. Chaa. T. Earlr.
preaident; W. H. Walton, secretary.
T food River Valley Hjmane Society -Phone IM.
lxE. H. Hirtwif, praaidant; F. O. Cos, secretary;
Leslie Butler, treasurer.
tlood River Lodge. No.' 106. A? F. 4 A. M -Mwti
Saturday evening on or before each full
moon. Ralph Savage. W. M.; D. McDonald, secretary.
Hood River Camp. No. 7702. M. W. A. -Meets in
1. O. O. F. hall every Wednesday nutht. A. K
Crump. V. C; E. 8. Mayes, clerk.
Hood River Camp. No. 770. W. O. W-Meets at
K. of P. hall tha aacond and fourth Saturday
niirhta of each month. A. C. btaten. C. C; F. W.
McReynolda. clerk. , w
Hood River Circle. No. 624. Women of Woodcraft.
-Meet at L O. O. F. hall It rat and third Sat
urday nurhta. each month. Visitors welcome.
Mrs. Wm. Genger. N. G.; Alice Shay, clerk.
T d lew ilde Lodge. No. 107. I. O. O. F - Meets in
r'rmtemaj hall every Thursday evenina st TOO.
at the corner of Fourth and Oak si recta. Vieitine;
brothers welcomed. J. M. Wood. N. G.; G. W.
Thompson, secretary.
T.'emp Ualite. No. 1X1. I. O. O. F.-Meets In
lvtbe Oild Fellows hall at Odell every Saturday
nieTht. Vlalting brothers cordially welcomed. W.
A. Lockman. NG.j Geo. Shepard, secretary.
T aurel Rebeka lxle No. 87. I. O. O. F.-Meats
-tinit and third Mondays in each month. Ther-
M. laatner. N. G.; Nettie Mosea, secretary...
ount Hood Lodge. No. 206. L O. O. F.. meets
every Saturday evening in Cribble's halL
Mt. Hood. A. M. Kelly. N. G.i G. W. Dimmick.
ountain Home Camp. No. S4f. R. N. A.
Meets at K. of P. hall on tha aacond and
fourth Fridaya of each month. Mrs. A. Crump.
O.; Mrs. F.lla Dakin. recorder.
leta Assembly. No. 106. U. A. -Meets in Uieir
hall tha brat and third Wednesdays, work:
second and fourth Wedneadaya. social. C. D.
Hennchs. M. A.; W. H. Austin, secretary.
regon Grape Rebekah Lodge No. 181. L O. O. F.
Meets every second and fourth Wedneadaya
in each month in Gnbble'a hall. Mt. Hood. Or.
Jneephine Vauthiera, N. G.; Minnie L. Larwood,
Riverside Lodge. No. 6. A. O. U. W -Meets in
K. of P. hall tha first and third Wednesday
nights of the month. V laiting brothers cordially
weioaned. R. . Chapman. W. M.: Chaster
Shute, recorder.
aucoma Lodge. No. SO. K. of P. -Meets in
their Castle Hall every Tueaday night, when
viatttng brothers ara fraternally welcomed. C C
Cuddcord, CjL Lou. S. Isrnberf , K. of R. A 8.
auna Temple Pythian Sisters, No. f - Meets tha
first and third Tuesday of each month at K. of
P. halL Georgina lernberg. M. E. C; Kata M.
Fredrick. K. of R. A 0
and union Pacific
Effective Sunday ,"Jan. 16, trains
will arrive and depart at Hood River,
Oregon, on the following; schedule:
No. . Faat Mail (no passengers) 4:fO A. M.
No. 8. Soo-Spokane-Portland :45 "
No. 11. Portland Local .. T:48 "
No. 6. Oregon A Washington Express 7:66
No. 1. Portland Local 3:40 P.M.
No. 7. Portland Limited. "
No. 2. Pendleton Local 1028 A. M.
No. . Chicago Limited 11:66 "
No. 12. Tha Dallea Local :10 P. M.
No. 4. Soo-Spokana-Portland . 1:00
No. 10. Faat Mail. :10 "
No. C Oregon A Washington ExpreaelO:2S "
No. 8. No. t and No T make no stops between
Hood River and Portland.
No. 1 and No. 11 atop at all stationa.
No. 4. No. 8 and No. 10 atop at Tha Dallea. Arl
ington, Umatilla.
No. 6 atops at M osier. Tha Dallea. Celilo, Dee-
chutes, Biggs. Rufua, Arlington, Coyote, Irrigon,
Umatilla. Hermiaton. 8 tan ne Id. Echo.
No. 2 stops at all stationa between Portland and
No. 12 atopa at all stations between Portland
and Tha Dallea.
For further information Inquire at tha ticket
J. ft. FREDR1CY, Agent.
Cash For Last Year's Ice Books
If you have any more tickets in
your Inst season's Ice book turn them
n at our olllce and we will unv von
for them on the same hnsis as we
chared for them. No loose tickets
The Ice btiHlness has reached such
proportions that It Is necessary for
us to retire from delivering and we
have made arrangements with the
Taft Transfer Co. for maktnir deliv
eries and in the future all orders
hoiild lie placed with them.
We will continue dellverlnir Ice at
our factory platform to any who
may wish to call for It, at the fol
lowing prices subject to change at
any time. 1'rlces apply to quantities
Klven aud cakes will Im cut Into 100
pound pieces without extra chance
on orders of 200 pounds or more.
1 ton or more 17; ton $4: i!(K
pounds $1; 100 pounds M cents; GO
pounds lit cents; smaller pieces 1 cent
mt pound.
We lielleve the new arrangements
for delivering will lie satisfactory to
our many customers and we wish to
tafe that we fully appreciate the
liberal patronage we have had for
several years.
Cony for advertisements should b
In tha office by Monday morning.
dlftVult. Imagine."
am1.' t
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