THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY,' MARCH SO, 1910 7 DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon Residence, Oak and Park. Office. Oak and Smd Office hour, 10 to 11 a. m., I to S and T to 8 p. m. Booms t, 4 and t, Broalua Block. Hood Rlvor. Or. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calla promptly answered In townlor country, day or n!ht. Telephonea-Rasldenee (11. Office 811 Offlc In the Brasiua Buildinc. DR. E. 0. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Offlco over rirat National Bank Homo phono. Ra.TlB;:Offloa phono 71 Hood Rivor. Orea-oa SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phono M Hood River, Oreiron J. F. WATT. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Offlco. Homo phono 30. Reaidenen, KB Hood Rivor. Oregon Dr. M. H. 8 harp Dr. Edna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduataa of the American School of Oiteopathy, Kirk.yille. Mo. Office in Kliot Huildin Phono-Oflice 10L Keeidence 102-B. Hood River. Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Office. Hall Building, over Butler Banking Co Office phone 28. Residence phone tS-B Hood River. Oregon H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Office over Pint National Bank Office- Home phone 1S1. Residence-Home 131-B Huod River, Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Oregon A. J. DERBY Lawyer Smith block Hnod River. Oregon E. H. HARTWIG , Attorney at Law Smith Block Jurer Ft ret National Bank Phone M ' Hood River. Oregon John Leland Henderson Attorney at Law Hood River, Oregon A. A. JAYNE Lawyer Hall Building Hood River, Oregon SAMUEL W. STARK Attorney at Law Eliot Building. Phone 80PM Hood River. Oregon A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Broalua Block Hood River, Oregon HOCKENBERRY A BARTLETT ARCHITECTS Davidson Building HOOD RIVER. OREGON Phone 61 P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor MANAOin Niwcll, Gombtt Walsh Davidson Building Hood River, Oregon Trio Orchestra Moale furnished for all orcaaiona. Instrumentation from three pieces to any num. ber desired. Address or phone C. O. M EWMAN M-X or K9-L. Hood River, Oregon ALBERT SUTTON Hrcbitcct Hall Building Hood River, Oregon "AilvvTtlNlnK tiring sueorss" If what you advertise U'lint out your A(lrtrt1miit-nt. 15 he Open Season for land is on, and the a guide and get in the game. City NO. 0. Fine residence and lot ml Joining Dr. Shaw', two blocks from depot. $2,600. NO. 10. Three fractional lota nil Joining "The Firs," ' near school house, unimproved. $1,000. NO. 11. Quarter block IiuhIiicmh property, adjoining Jackson's, oppo site court house, f lO.iiOO. May le sold separately at $(5,0)0 for the cor ner lot and $V)O0 for the Hide lot. NO. 12. Itesldence lots, Sherman avenue and on top of hill. $175 and upwards. NO. 23. On Sherman avenue, three blocks from depot. Lots 9 & 12, ISloek 24. Hood Hlver proer $00. Lots 3 & IS, Iilotk 24, Hood Hlver proper. f.fcK). Lots 2 & 10, Block 24, Hood Hlver proM-r. $..0. NO. 27. A lot and a half on Cnt- cade. fs2.". NO. 30. Lots 14 and !.", Block 13. Barrett Slpma Addition. $800. NO. 40. 7 Itooin house, 3 lots and lance barn, on the Height), f 3,(W0. NO. 4."). (i Itnuro bouMe on Cuxcade, $2,200. (iood terms. NO. 40. Two lots and two bonnes thereon. East part of town. $1,0."0. The lower one 5 room houne and full lot, $050. NO. !2. A lot and a fraction and a bouse of Ave rooms and a fraction, on Sherman avenue. $2."00. NO. 55. Small house and IMIxI.jO foot lot, on the Heights. $'.150. NO. CO. Two nicely located renl- dence lot close to buslnens center. ftJOO. NO. CI. Four teautlfully located lots on the Heights overlooking the Columbia. $1,200. NO. 62. Four good laying lots on the HetKhts, $850. NO. 7!). Two of the lest lot on the Heights. $050. NO. 85. Three room house and two lots on Montello Avenue. A beautiful view. $750. NO. 92. Two nicely located lots In Wlnans addition. $500. . East Side NO. 4. 11 acres at Leuz elation; 10 set to standard trees; small house and barn. 5o0 per acre. NO.21. SO acres, 8 miles out on east side; CO ncres Al apple land; 10 acres 1 to 6 year trees; 5 acres In potatoes; 7 acres partially cleared. $8,500. NO. 41. 40 Acres, 7 miles out on eHst side. Some improvements. $4. (MM. NO. 80. A good forty In 2 N 11. $50 per acre. NO. 91. Fifteen ncres splendidly located, close In. 13 ncres In orchard four ncres mixed, bearing; balance In 3-year standard varieties. Good house, barn and apple house. $1(1, 000. Ootid terms. NO. 95. Forty acres, one year; half pears, half apples. Trice $lfi,000 cheaper than you can buy raw land, clear and plant. NO. 99. Sixty acres, fifty In or chard; thirty acres In six year stan dard apples, two-thirds Newtowns, balance mostly Splti. $50,000. NO. 100. 20 acre orchard; 7 acres 9 year, balance 3 and 4 year. Good bulldlugs; near store and school. $21,000. NO. 104. Twenty ncres near store, school, church and station. 16 acres In orchard, f bearing, balance 3 and 4 year trees. $18,000. Easy terms. NO. 105. Forty acres, half In or chard, $750 per acre. Easy terms. West Side NO. 7. 10 acres adjoining "Better Fruit" ranch, 9 acres In trees, 4 and 5 year, good Improvements. $8,000. NO. 10. 20 acres In Oak Orove dlst. 6 ncres cultivated, 4 acres In 3 to 7 year trees, small house and barn. $5,000. Very easy terms. NO. 29. 5 acres, 3 miles from town, all cultivated, 150 trees, house, barn, chicken houses and yards, $4,500. NO. 33. 2X acres close to town, all In trees, buildings new nnd good. A neat, clean place. $3,000. NO. 42. 140 Acres, flr nnd oak, 8 miles out on west side. Very ensy terms. $15,400. NO. 43. Two SO's In 2 North 9, one at $40, the other nt $50. Half cash, NO. 48. 20 Acres. (Iood piece of land. 10 miles out on West side. 2.000. NO. 49. Ten ncres, three miles west of ball park. Seven ncres In 5, 3 nnd 1 year trees. A lot of small fruit. Good house and barn. $8,000. NO 57. 20 acres 1 miles from l O.on state road. 12 acres cultivated, 8 acres In orchard. Admirable site for a sanitarium or summer hotel. $8,000. ret.'v- ,e i i rtrwii Jc-i gunning good; get NO.C8. Half Interest In 40 acres 2 miles from town, 20 ucres cultivat ed, 5 acres of old orchard, 8 acres tf 5 year and 5 acres of 2 aud 3 year trees. 8 room house. $12,500. Own er Is an expert orehardlst. NO. 59. 9 acres. One of the most attractive places on the main west side road, I 3-4 miles from town. Orchard In full bearing; buildings worth $3,0(0. Trice $1G,000. No. 65. 40 acres near town on state road, 12 acres cnltlvated, 6 acres In orchard. Beautiful location for summer home. $16,000. NO. 87. Ten acres lu Oak Grove, three acres In one year trees; Bal ance very easily cleared; small house and barn. Graud view. $250 per acre. $soo cash will handle. NO. ss. Improved ten ncres near Bnrrett school. 150 bearing trees, 100 one year and 300 five year trees. A fine orchard und home. $4000 worth of buildings. Team and tools included. fl-'.OUO. NO. 93. Equity of $8,015 In East ern Oregon wheat ranch to exchange for Hood Hlver ranc h. 402 acres, 400 acres In cultivation, 200 In crop, 15 more tillable. Well watered. Fair building and good fencing. NO. 90. Eighty acre orchard. 12 acres In full bearing, eight acres of two year pears; balance four and three year standard apples. Of course you expect a price that would put a crimp In Creosus' wad, but you can't buy this for $1,500 an acre because the price Is $soO the owner Is willing to leave a good margin of profit to the man who pays him bis. NO. 9S. 300 acres unimproved. $00 per acre. NO. 102. Ten acres, two In trees, $4000. NO. 103. 20 acres of four year olds, $20,0(H). (Gilt edge) Upper Valley If you want gilt-edge prop erty in this section, at right prices, consult a specialist we know the land and we know the values. Note the activity in this coming coun trywaiting means more money. NO 1 SO acres, 20 acres cleared. small young orchard, 7 room houe, new; good barn, stock nnd Imple ments 13,000 40 acres of the above, with Im provements worth over $5,000, 17 acres cleared; small young orchard; 7 room house, new; wood house, large barn, stock aud Implements. $9,000. The southeast 50 acres, unimprov ed; fronts on county road; eiegnnt slope. $!H) Hr acre. Back tiO acres, 3 acres In alfalfa; lo cation for orchard and building un-! excelled. $M) per acre. I NO. 2 50 acres Upper Valley, 14 ; acres under cultivation. '2 ncres in ; lerrles, 250 trees, 3 and 4 year; small house nud good barn, 100 Inches free water, some stwk and Implements. $6,000. NO. 18. 26 acres, across the road from new terminus of Mt. Hood rail, road, and from new school house; 12 acres In cultivation; 350 two year trees, 300 ready to Itcar, 150 bearing; acre of alfalfa. Good new six room house; bam 14x24, woodshed and chicken house. $13,000. NO. 47. 40 Acres unimproved, near Mt. Hood 1". O., $2,500. Very easy emu. NO. 53. 25 Acres near the Mount Hood postofllce. $100 per acre. NO. 06. 40 acres, mile from Val ley Crest school; soil, location nnd lay of land Al. Small clearing and good log cabin. Will be covered by new Glacier ditch. $100 er acre. NO. 72. SO acres of rolling brush land 2 miles from Parkdnlc; under the Middle Fork ditch. Trice Is now $150 per acre. NO. 73. SO acres under the new Glacier ditch: miles from Valley Crest school. 20 acres cleared, 2 ncres In strawU'rrles; good log house. $75 per acre. NO. 74. 20 acres, unimproved, easy clearing; covered by new Glacier lltch. 2V tulles from Valley Crest school. Ideal location for summer home. $40 jht acre. NO. 75. 40 acres 1 miles from the Valley Crest school; 5 acres cultivat ed, 2s0 three nud four year trees, house, barn, woodshed and chicken house. $8,500. NO. 76. 40 ncres 14' miles from 1'nrkdnlc; unimproved; all goml land. 125 per acre. NO. M. A short quarter section. 2 miles from Valley Crest school, on stage road to the Inn;8Hcrescleared, small buildings Ideal for subdivis ion. $i)5 s-r acre. NO. S3. 71 acres, ',' miles south of Valley Crest school; heavy timltt-r. $3750. NO. V.t. Shelter Ix'dge. An Ideal location fur country home a view beautiful be.voml your happiest dreams; la the "bauana 1m It" a thermal belt, with admirable air, drainage, aud enjoying several weeks more freedom from frost than land west of the river, si) acres brush and tlmlKT, small clearing; roomy, com fortable log house; good barn. $100 per acre. NO. 94. Eighty ncres, unimproved 1 miles south of Valley Crest school, on main road. $6,500. NO. li)7. 40 acres brush and tim ber, 2 miles south of I'arkdale. A bargain at $100 per acre. NO. Ins. l.i acres adjoining the Millard orchard, light brush, very easy clearing, oneclumpof tir about 10,000 feet, enough for fencing, fire wood and a log bungalow. $2,500. Good terms. NO. 109. 20 acres, miles frin Tarkdale, cleared. 000 1 year trees, 3 acres berries, $6,000. Outside NO. 21 Idlewlld. Columbia Beach. Lot Block 22, $100. Lot 9, " f 500. NO. 31. 40 acres of brush back of Lyle. $50 per acre. NO. 32. 150 acres, three miles from Husuin, unimproved. $3,200. NO. 50. 5,600 ucres on the Colum bia;, opposite The Dalles. A level beuch of 2,000 acres can be Irrigated by a 150 foot lift from river; 100 acres can In; Irrigated by springs; 300 acres of bench-like land, 700 acres of foot hill land; balance grazing land. The soil is combination of volcanic ash and disintegrated basalt and allu vium a warm, sandy loam Ideal cherry, peach and berry land. Stock and Implements go with It. Two bouses, five barns; all fenced and cross fenced. The location Is one of the most beautiful on the Columbia, with a magnlacent view of Mount Hood. NO. 67. 80 acres in Mosler district; small clearing. $1500. NO. 69. so ncres near Lyle; little waste, lays well; timber; small clear ing; $5,000. NO. 93 402 acre wheat ranch "the best In Gilliam county." 400 acres lu cultivation. 200 acres In crop. 15 acres more tillable. Well watered, fair buildings and good fencing. 5 miles from Condon. $32.50 per acre. Will trade equity of $8,015 for Hood Klver valley property. John Leland Henderson (.INCORPORATED) Old Butler Bank Building Hood River, Oregon BERT VAN HORN SELLS 54,000 BOXES APPLES A dispatch from Wellington, N. Y., to the Fruit Trade Journal says: "H. S. Duncan of this place and Mr. Gibson of the Gibson Fruit Co., Chicago, have purchased the entire apple holdings of Bert Van Horn of Suspension Bridge, N. Y., comprising about 54,000 boxes. The fruit Is of the finest quality of box apples that can be seen lu this or any other country. Van Horn bought the fruit last fall and Mr. Duncan and his as sociate are congratulated upon com ing Into possession of such a splendid collection of fancy fruit. Thunder Storm Caused Avalanche A thunder storm was the cause of the Wellington avalanche on the Great Northern railroad In the opin ion of E. F. Saunders, assistant pro fessor of geology In the University of Washington. "The avalanche was leyond a reasonable doubt caused by a thun der storm which happened that night," said Trof. Saunders. "It Is a well known fact that atmospheric shocks often start small land slides. A personnl acquaintance of mine, who spends much of his time during the winter months nt Scenic, told me of how people In that vlclnty were In the habit of starting small slides lu the neighborhood by merely firing a gun. At 1:45 on the day In-fore the slide a considerable earthquake was recorded on our seismograph, which would have been Just about 12 hours lefore the catastrophe, but It Is not likely that this caused the slide." State of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lu ens county, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., do ing business In the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each nnd every case of Catarrh that cannot Ih cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and suhscrllied In my presence, this 6th day of iM-ecmlicr. A. D. lv6. (Seal) A. M. Gleason, Notary pul lle. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally nnd acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem. Send for testimonials free. F. .1. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. Sold by nil druggist's. 7.V. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. Whether it is Just a Little Powder 9m that we know are pure and the finest aualitv we can obtain. Yours to serve, Keir & Cass RELIABLE DRUGGISTS -Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon- XKW RESIDRXTS We are always pleased to extend courteous as sistance to new residents of Hood River and the Hood River Valley by advising them regarding any local conditions within our knowledge, and we afford every convenience for the transaction of their finan cial matters. New accounts are respectfully and cordially invited and we guarantee satisfaction. Sav ings department in connection. HOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO., ho0gon Warm Robes More than half the pleasure of driving is in being comfortable when driving a person wants to keep warm. I do, and I believe you feel the same as I do. Doesn't.'make much difference whether you drive for pleasure or business you need a good, warm robe, anyway one that you can wrap yourself up in and feel comfortable that is the kind I want to show you. Drop in and see the robes and get prices. Yours for more business, FRANK SALFICKY Harness and Saddlery nuuu KOCK, UKCUUi Don't - Leave the WITHOUT INVESTIGATING Mosier Valley for imilar, land fin other section. Buy now before'speculatora addltheir profita. Commercial Club of Mosier MOSIER, OREGON HOOD RIVER Manufacturing, Engineering Company (Succeaaort U?J. J. LUCKEY) General Machine Work and Blacksmithing Phone 305 -M 3 CENTRAL MEAT MARKET fj j P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor Fresh and Cured BUTTER FREE AXD rilOMPT DELIVERY Phone Main 6 First Class Livery Transfer aid Ajjents Regulator Line Steamers Freight and Baggage Transfer New Rifts New Harness Hood Horses r WOOD & Fancy and Staple Groceries Preferred Stock, Heinz's 57 varieties Pickles, Krout, Mince Meat, Catsup, Apple Butter, Etc. Splendid line of canned Tomatoes S SOLti AGENTS FOR PURU WHITE FLOUR . I ...V'our orders will receive onr best attention... 4 Y or some more important part of Milady's toilet it is here at its best and daintiest. Our Toilet Aids and Preparations are standard in every way. When you pay for THE BEST you should receive it. We aim to sell the articles Hood River District Natural advantagta for fruit growing unexcelled. Land price hare doubled in last two years but are not half that asked 6 Miles East of Hood River, Oregon Hood River, Oregon m Meats, Fish, Oysters 3 AND EGGS Hood River, Oregon 4 Phone 5 Livery Conjpaijy HOOD RIVER, OREGON. HUGGINS and Corn atlO cents i