THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1910 3 K The LOW PRICE on This H i3 not an indication of its high value. 20 acres zVi miles out, all set to trees 3 and 4 years old, splendid condition. If taken at once $21,000 Come in and see us about many other genuine bargains, both Ranch and City. Are you Interested In Alberta Wheat Lands We can make some very good proposi tions to you on such land. Splendid op portunities in that country for the wheat raiser. Prices advancing steadily the L-P Land Co. 12 Smith Block Hood River, Ore. Tel. 2S9 LAND PLASTER Have Utah Land Plaster. This plaster has been an alyzed by C. E. Bradley, chemist of the Corvallis Ex periment Station, and the analysis gave Over 98 Gypsum. STRANAHAN & CLARK if II o n ft TO IMPROVE YOUR SERVICE CALL BY NUMBER HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY J. F. REYNOLDS Plumbing and Tinning We install Heating Plants of all kinds Hood River Heights S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS MOOD RIVER. OREOOM unset Fsand JKgencv REAL ESTATE. BROKERS CASIIMEKK WASHINGTON Send for Pricelist of Lands in the Wenatchee Valley, Wn. Well Drilling: Quick ; Successful Satisfactory DONE WITH A STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON Oftct, Nt. 9 Oak Strett All liyes linvy the 1 ailor Dressed Man Phon.t. 28 or 2002-X WE FIT OR NO PAY NUF SKI) GRAY'S TAILOR SIT OP tj Elicit Block Phone 342-L GET YOUR MILK FROM - The Payson Dairy Supply Co. MOUNTAIN GLEN FARM Pure, Wholesome, Healthful, from Cows and Stables " that are SANITARY. H. N. PAYSON, Cky Salesman THOS. CALKINS, Dairyman Phone 28 1 -X To Those Who believe in Patronizing Home Industry When you lay in your winter Biijily of Flour and Feed, nsk for CUPID FLOUR :and: HOMEMILLED FEED If your dealer doen not want ... to supply it, como to Us . . . CUPID IS STILL MAPI- FROM OLD WHEAT Hood RiDcr IHiCfing Company LOCAL NEWSPAPER BIBLEJTUDY CLUB April :i. l'.HO The Power of Faith. Mutt. :1S 'M loldeu Text All things Hre possi ble to him that believeth. Mark :1!3 Verne IS How do you Hceount for tlitn iuiiu'h extraordinary faith? Would It le possible, ur not, for u nifin who In not n follower of Jesus to Imve mall faith lin this? What Is faith caused by or based upon? In It a matter of evidence or a result of deep reasoning, or In It a divine linpartatioii possible only to thotHi who are spiritual, or what? (This tpieHtloii muHt lie aiiHwered lu writing li.v members of the elult. ) Verne 1U Jesus, while lu t he flesh, ever refuse any request for help and how Is he today lu that particular? jive your reasons us to whether It Ih possible for a person to t a true Christian w ho is not w illing Jo help those who are In need an Jesus wait. Verne L'll-i'l How do you hnruioir ize with the goodness of (Jod the fact that there are ho many with incur nble diseases, In great pain all the time, dying a living death, much like flllkl IVJ kill II tl' ............ i If all hucIi sufferers would come to) Jesus now. In faith. n this poor woman did, would It lie his will to always cure them ax he did then? It "was a noble faith that thin woman hud In liellevlng she would be cured by touching his garment, but In there reason to U'lieve that she could have leeu cured without touching him at all? Wan It the touch that cured her, or the conscious consent and power of Jesus? Verne 2-' Jenus knows and sees nil who wouli come to him for help and alwayn welcomes and helpH each one who comes, why then do bo many henltate or neglect to come to him? Vernen 'J'i 1M It appears It was a cuntom to play mournful mimic when death etitered a home, and for the frietids to make a great lamentation, please mh.v whether this with the teachings of Jenun, and whether In this cane his words were meant for a rebuke? Why Is not mournful munlc, the wearing of mourning, the giving away to violent grief and other nlmi lar heatheulnh customs, when friends (lie, dlnplenning to iod? Can you give any examples of JeniM unlng words with two or more meanings, and In such a way that ooly l hone who were honest hearted could uuderntand what he meant? Verne 25 Why did Jesus put the people out before he raised this young woman to life? Was It possible for Jentis. and Is It ponnible for any follower of Jesus, to work effectually lu the presence of ncornern? Verse l!J Why did the world reject Jenun, notwithstanding tils great fame as a loving teacher w Ith inur velous wonder working power? Verses 27 2!) How did these two blind men know t hat Jenus was the son of Iavid? Do all men need to cry for mercy, and why? Would Jenus have healed these blind men 11 they did not have faltb that he could do so? What part des faith play lu the temporal and spiritual progress of men today? Verses JfO-.H Why did Jesus forbid them telling of thin miracle? Hid they do right to tell It, seeing Jenus had requested them not to di i so? Which Is the right thing to do. fol low our good Impulses or obey Uod. when these are contrary the one to tde other as in this cane? Verses :I2 'M Jenus spent his life in one continuous work of healing all manner of diseases and doing gocd; in what measure are we to follow his example? Why Is It that the m re good he did and the more clearly he demon strated his claim as t he sent of (Jod the more the Pharisees hated him? Iennou for Sunday, April 111. 11(10 -The Mission of the Twelve. :B-ltl:i:, 40 42. Kxpert Piano Tuner, (i. II. Carrier Phone 21(1 K. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Invariably bring relief to women suffering from chronic consti pation, he'idache, billiounnens, dizzl nens. sallownenn of the skin and dys pepsia. Sold by nil dealers. Honored S,. Patrick The I Jet Aciiuuinted With Your Neighbor Trust held a median In honor of the patron saint of the Km erald Isle at the Henry I Howe home last Friday night. Shamrock was the decoration and each guet wns adorned with the triune insignia of Saint Patrick. Of course the snakes were all banished. A number of Ingenious contents taxed the men tal liber of the trust. Heading the cabalistic letters, (J. A. Y. X., word building on the letters of the solu tion, portrait drawing of the one on your left and the old fashioned 'spell ln" ' school kept the merriment up to the Hood stage until a late refresh ment hour. Mrs. Howe engineered the party very successfully and the guests thought this the best meeting of all. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through their gentle aid and curative properties. Sold by all dealers. UM UtMUiOtUI Kj Taft Transfer Go. Draying. . . Wood Yard HAY, FLOUR and FEED Hr Sa)c Oflirr 'hn Kl KmMonr H.12-M GRAYS A large asssrtment of the Newest Patterns in this popular shade for Tpring 1910 The models are prevailing styles throughout the east, linings, brac ings and all the little cares that go with the high class productions $18.00 ...For All the Style There Is... J. G. VOGT BLOWERS BROS. AGENTS FOR MITCHELL WAGONS, BUGGIES AND HACKS CUL TIVA TORS, ETC. WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR GENASCO ROOFING, made of Trinidad Asphalt Don't use Roofing composed largely of Coal Tar. Use GENASCO and Be Safe. BLOWERS BROS. List of Hood River Orchard Lands 11 Acres east side, all in 3-year old orchard, Spits and Newtowns, good 4 room house, large barn, price $6000; terms. 10 Acres in Crapper, 6 acres in cultivation, 2 acres 4 and 5 year Spits and New towns, 4 acres ready to set to trees, balance uncleared but good for trees, 3 room house, barn, apple house and good well. Price $4500, half cash; 4 years at 7 per cent on balance. 15 Acres 1-2 mile out, 10 acres in cultivation, 300 2 and 3-year Spits and Newtowns, 4 1-2 acres alfalfa. Price $G000; terms. 20 Acres east side, all to trees from 1 to 4 years old, Spits and Newtowns, $1000 worth of stock and tools go with the place. Price for a few days $11000. Terms. 1 have all kinds of tracts from i acres to 180 acres, all set to trees, at bargain prices. Terms to suit. Phone 98 W. J". JWICHOL At the Drug Store on the Heights ft 03 AY, MR. LAND-BUYER, Did you know that "Underwood" and "Hood River" are in 'the same Township and Range, and that the two depots are only one and one-fourth miles apart? Stop and think what this means--Soil, Climate and natural conditions absolutely identical. Our side of the river is "new" so far as development is concerned. We need more people. We need you, especially if you are willing to take the raw land and improve it, so if you find that you haven't the price for an or chard in Hood River, come over and give us a chance to show you what we have. You will find that a dollar will go very much further toward buying an acre of land here, than it will in any of our neighboring districts. Write or phone me and I will see that you are met at the depot or dock. W. F. CASH UNDERWOOD WASHINGTON W.O. ALDRED JOHN CI. ZOLLS & SONS STRANAHAN & SLAVENS Contractor for Grading, Exca- contractors in stone Urirk- ami Contractors and Builders vating and Teaming Com-ntf Work nnm renmm Hoth I'honni Hood River, Oregon l'h..n 2x.M Hl Riv.r. Onun 1 I