The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 30, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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LADIES' NECK V EAR--New, bright, clean,
dainty styles; Cascades, Jabots, Left Hand
Pleatlngs, Stocks, Bows, Hand Embroidered
Collars, etc., - - 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c and up.
Nemo Corsets
All the style for slender forms as well as stout
ones. We carry a full line of all
styles and sizes.
Where You Get the Best Values
that individualises
us wearer
as being
Misses' and Children's ankle strap,
patent leather Slippers, very neat and
dressy, worth regularly $2.00 a pair;
your choice, the pair $1.60
Ladies' ankle strap American Lady
Slippers, a very neat, dressy slipper,
worth $3.00. We are selling these,
while they last at the special price of. .$2.25
American Lady Shoes with hand
turned soles, the very finest kid uppers
with Cuban heels, $3.50 values; special
the pair $2.50
Ladies' High Top Shoes in tan, black
and oxblood, made of the very finest
of calfskin, Blucher cut, medium heels.
These are regular $5.00 shoes, but we
bought them at a bargain and can sell
them to you for, the pair $3.50
Hen's Work Shoes, sizes 7 to 11,
made of good, strong leather and made
to stand hard wear. They have the
best of oak soles and are values up to
$3.00 a pair, your choice, the pr...$1.9S
Men's Shoes, odds and ends, in kid,
box caif and satin Calf ; values up to
$2.50, your choice.- $1.48
Men's Patent Leather
Oxfords drummers' samples These
are the snappiest kinds of styles for
spring wear, values $3.50 to $4.00;
Your choice $2. 50
These are narrow widths.
Boys' Suits...
We want to call your attention to our
excellent line of New Spring Suits for
Boys from 7 to 17 years of age, with
an extra pair of trousers, double breast
ed coats and two pairs of knickerbocker
trousers to match, all colore and pat
terns, well tailored and well made of
good, sturdy wearing materials; light
and dark greys, tans, browns, etc.
Prices in boys' suits, $1.75, $2,00, $2.50,
$3.50, $5. and up to... .$8.00
Call and let us show them to you.
Manhattan Shirts...
For this Spring's Wear are prettier
than ever. These are guaranteed not
to fade either by light or washing.
If you want the best Hats made buy
John B. Stetson
or Star Hat Brand
made by Rothchild Bros. Hat Company.
When you want to see the best Suits
j- made for men Suits that give perfect
j satisfaction in fit, fabric, workmanship
and fiuish try a.
Hart, Schaffner
! & Marx
Olive Oil
Ot Guaranteed Purify
Forseeing the immense demand for a genuine
Olive Oil in Medicinal, Toilet and Culinary
uses, wre have looked for an absolutely
pure grade of Olive Oil and
....have selected....
Creme de Luxe Brand
Italian Olive Oil
as being the grade we could recommend to our
trade as the best. We are now receiving
this oil in original sealed cans and know
it to be of the high grade and
fine flavor claimed
Hood River :: :: Oregon
I have a client who wantH to bor
row :WO for two years. Will pay 8
per cent and secure note with firm
mortgage on Improved real estate
valued at fFsOv. Phone Wjn-M. S.W.
Stark, Eliot Bldg.
What Int.rmittency M.ani.
Intermitteucy is that form of Irregu
larity in which the pulse appears to
drop a beat occasionally. lu some in
stances It occurs regularly and two or
three times per minute for several
hours. Sometimes also it Is very ir
regular and is noted a number of
times within a few seconds and not
again for a minute or more. This pe
culiarity generally causes much un
easiness. Vet, while It may be a very
serious symptom and associated with
grave and incurable of the
heart. It often signifies merely a func
tional disturbance which is In nowise
Why He Got Up.
It was only about noonday, but the
commuter yawned. lie yawned heavi
ly two or three times.
"Got up at 6 o'clock," he explained.
"Had to catch my train. When my
wife waked me I snld to her: 'Six
o'clock! The chickens haven't begun
to crow yet, have they? Why must I
get up before the chickens do, I'd like
to know.'
" 'I don't know,' she said, 'unless It's
because you're no chicken.'" New
York Press.
C correspondence
Fatal Curiosity.
"How did they manage to get such
fine thumb print of the burglar?"
"The house hiid been painted that
day. and be Just couldn't resist the
trmptatinn to feel of the paint to see
If It was dry." Houston Post.
H.r Worry.
Mrs Iloyle Tou seem unhappy.
Mrs. Doyle I am I don't believe
flint If I were to die my husband
ou Id wenr as deep mourning as be
1id for his first wife. New Tork Press.
tVruple too rigid are nothing else
but concealed frlde. Goetbe.
The Ladles' Aid will hold their
business meeting with Mrs. I'.en Lnge
Thursday afternoon ot this week.
Clifford Wells, who has been very
sick for several days. Is on the road
' to recovery.
Dr. and Mrs. Sweetland and baby
are visiting at the borne of Mr. and
Mrs. Mark.
I'.liss Clark Is sM-nding his Easter
vacation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Clark.
Several of our citizens took advan
tage of the fine weather Sunday and
attended church services In Hood
Miss Minnie I'aasch returned from
Portland the latter part of the week.
Arlcne Wlnchell Is visiting the
home folks for a few clays.
Mrs. Amanda Sears and grandson,
who have lieeii visiting in Portland,
returned last week.
Miss Ada Mark, who Is attending
schoid In .Salem, Is visiting her
parents for a few days.
Joe Jarvls and King Ilenton went
to Wasliougal last week to purchase
The Interesting Easter exercises
Sunday morning at the church were
listened to by a large congregation.
Mr. and Mrs Sutton of Hood Elver
called on Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kogers
E. C. Iialdwin was In this part of
the valley on business last week.
Mrs. Helme returned from Port
land Sunday.
C. C. Huff spent several pays of last
week on his ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kogers nre In
Portland this week.
Alfred Allen sold .7) acres of the .1.
E. Croff ranch to Mrs. Schmeck and
sister, Mrs. I'.lshop, of Cleveland, Ohio.
Cps-r valley I have 7" '! acres,
small house and barn, nearly all
good; ndjolnes l.'iO acre-tract Just
cleared and set to trees. A buy, W.
H. Marshall. Itee.'
Dr. A. E. Colder of The Dalles and
H. M. Chapman of Portland spent a
day here recently In looking over Un
derwood country.
Mr. Erunson, the representative of
the Dement Liros. Milling Co. of Walla
Walla, was here last week. We un
derstand that the company Is about
ready to liegln work on the mill here
Road Supervisor Darting Is at
work on the new grade up the I'n
derwood hill. There Is some rather
heavy work to 1 done there to re
pair the damage done by the water
coming down from above.
County Commissioner Wlllard was
over looking after road and bridge
Mrs. E. C. Hamilton has returned
from a visit in Portland.
Theo. Paine of the Wenatchee
country spent a couple of days look
ing over our district last week.
H. W. Hamlin was In Portland
last week to arrange for his wife's
return from the east where she has
Iwen visiting since the first of the
P. C. S. Wills was up from Cooks
recently looking over a piece of land
he recently purchased from E. C.
C. M. Fowler, traveling passenger
and freight agent of the North Hank
was here a couple of days recently.
Bob CHne has about recovered
from his recent siege of typhoid fever
with which he was laid up at Stev
enson most of the winter.
Chris Crelseu, of Better Fruit, was
over last week.
J. A. Haak, who has quite a tract
In the Hamlin district was here this
week in eonnection with the sawmill
The recent attempt to take the
mall route away from I'nderwood
proved a failure and new proposals
for bids are now posted.
Dr. C. W. Whiteside and family are
at the ranch for a week end visit.
The music at the Easter service
was exceptionally fine and wns
greatly enjoyed by a large and ap
preciative congregation, as w as also
the sermon by Itev. Mr. Eowden.
Harry Stlckney and C. C. Corlle
were In White Salmon Friday and
Saturday. We wonder what for.
Mr. Boss, a friend of the Cummins,
spent Sunday at the Sioux City
II. W, Hamlin and Mr. Hurd made
a trip to Trout Lake this week to
see the country.
The annual meeting of the I'nder
wood I mproveinent Club was held
Saturday and the following officers
were elected for the year: Pres., P.
I. Packard. Vice Pres., Frank Fox;
Secretary and Treasurer, H. W. Ham
lin. Arrangements were made to
meet alternately at Underwood and
H iisutii as t he membership is uliout
equally divided between the two
ierald lleebe was up at the ranch
over Sunday.
P. I. Packard, our Fruit Inspector,
was at ape Horn this week to In-1
spect one of the largest shipments of
trees ever made to Southern Wash
ington. ,f. A. Holmes of Salt Lake City, ac
companied by his mother and a Dr.
Webster spent a few days In I'nder
wood this week looking over some
property In which they are Interested
in the Hamlin neighborhood.
W. W. Cod well of the Phlllipplnes,
and a friend were Underwood visit
ors on Tuesday.
Porter Bros, have sold their big
donkey engine that they brought In
here last year to clear land with and
It Is Is-lug taken to the railroad at
Underwood for shipment.
We understand that a ileal Is on
hand for the Stlp saw mill at Cheno
wlth. Should tills plan fall to go
through, the parties plan to put In a
mill on top of the hill near the Set-ley
place and clean up all the tlmls-r In
the vicinity of the "Sioux City"
colony, which at present Is being
burned in order to get rid of It.
F. S. Forest and family came up
from Portland Friday night 'o spend
a few days at the ranch.
A. A. Jayne has money to lend at
6 per cent on good security.
We Can't Dote Impossible
It is not advisable to make the
effort, I will tell you so
Every time piece which leaves
this establishment is in A-l or
der and is GUARANTEED.
Opposite Butler Bank OPEN EVENINGS
In Brosius Block
J. P. Snyder and wife who have
spent the winter at Portland nnd
Hood Elver returned Monday and
went up to their ranch to spend the
Mrs. Annie Yamell returned home
the first of the week after spending a
few days with her mother, Mrs. .1. P.
Mrs. E. Vlckers of The Dalles re
turned home Thursday after a few
days visit with her sister, Mrs. Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Cathcart lift Monday
for McMlnvllle where they expect to
reside In the future.
Ed Kruger came down from The
Dalles Saturday and spent a short
time attending to business and visit
ing old friends.
Mrs liraham and Miss (irace Hodge
left Friday for l-banon. Ore., to
spend a month with the Co vie family
The Deestrlct Sktile given by local
talent last Saturday evening was
largely attended andeiithuslastlcally
applauded. The proceeds will be
used bj the Ladles' Aid to pay for
the carpet In the Baptist church.
I Two of Mrs. Frederick's sisters iir
I rived from Iowa Sunday. After a
: short, visit here they will go to The
Dalles to take up a Course of training
at The Dalles hospital.
Are you frequently hoarse? Do
you have that annoying tickling in
your throat? Does your cough an
noy you at night, and do you raise
mucus In the morning? Do you want
relief? If so, take Chamberlain's
Cough Hemedy and you will be
pleased. Sold by all dealers.
Builders Attention!
Building: Paper
We sell PAR10D ROOPINO and
We buy in car load lots direct from
If you are going to build an apple
house, chicken house or building of
any kind it will pay you to investi
gate PARIOD.
When you see it on your building
and are not satisfied we will send
you a chock covering cost of roofing
and laying it.
Hearth and Fire
We buy them in car lots and have
a variety to select from. We are
coofident we can please you.
of building material of all kinds and
if you are contemplating erecting a
building of any kind it will pay you
to see us.
Finishing lumber of all descriptions
our specialty.
Phone 96-M
Yard west of Treight Depot