12 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1910 Among: Our Teas and Coffees You are bound to find those that just suit your taste. Our varieties are so many that you cannot fail to ob tain just the flavoring you most enjoy. Try a pound of our special blends of both tea and coffee. If they don't induce you to buy all the rest of your groceries here, you'll be the first case in which they have failed. Gtoi Tbiigs (a far The star Grocery utm 4 son Phone 53 Real Estate Bulletin JOAAA Three scras close to town, house. barn. POUW w.ll and all in 1 and 3 year old tree. Euj term. Z ;AAA Forty acre, i mile out. SO acres strict pJWU. ,r first dua clarcd. on county road. Easy terms. $ 1 3000 Tn crB" m th Pin GroT " trict, nearly all in trees, Estimat ed crop this year 2000 boxes. Buildings, tools, etc Reasonable terms. 9 A QAf) Twenty acres. 8 miles out, 10 acres in ' year old trees, S acres nearly cleared, balence pasture; t acres berries between trees. Small bouse. This price for a few days only. Terms $2000 down. G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office New Waucoma Addition pbonb 228-L ROSS & RICHARDS CIGAR STORE Tkt Lssiinf Canftctisnisti tni Tobaccslltt (Billiard Room and Bowline Alley in Connection) Agency Portland Journal Oak Street Hood River, Oregon ill THE TAIL IS TOO LONO to tell here of the bijr opjKortunities to buy at a big saving here and now. So we ask you just to come and examine our line of Sundries and general line. If you are a stick ler for quality ours cannot fail to satisfy. If real economy is your watchword we can surely suit you in that direction too. CARL A. PLATH Especially Prescriptions PHILIP FRANCIS general learning and i d e r ij Wood and Hay For Sale. Horses Bought and Sold on Commission I1CI WVsen St., Hoc Hirer Keigrtf PAcna 113-K Grubbing Outfits Wanted Prefer Faultless No. 2 but No. 1 will do if price is right. State condition and price. Address J. O. Goldthwaite, R. D. R. No. 2. 'Phone Odell 8X2. Lane k Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods Ail Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak St, opposite Smith Block. Hood River. Ore. REPORT ON CITY WATER SUPPLY In order to allay any utit'iiwlneim that limy exlwt aud to counteract the continued iiilmvpreat-ntatlutiH re Kardlujf the water supply, Hiitiiil' were taken) from hoth nyateiiiM, at our request, by Dr. ilrotiaoti. the couuty health otHcer, on March 14 In bottle furnished by 1'rof. Albert K. Sweet xer of the I nlverstty utOn1- rod at Eugene, and were eut to till eminent bacteriologist forexiimina tlou. During the two weeks prior to tnk nig tnt'ie ampie the ground was thoroughly soaked by heavy ruins and uieltlujf snow, and If any Influx l surface drainage were liable to affect thin water It Hliould have de veloped in this examination, because t lie reservoirs had not lieeu emptied for several mouths as is the custom in the winter season. Notwithstanding the exposures above mentioned the report Is very satisfactory and tu accord with sev. eral reports made by this same com petent bacteriologist during the past two years. ANALYSIS OK HOOD ItlVKK WAT Kit Water collected In sterilized, glass stoppered bottles sent from the l ul verwity laboratory. Samples received on Ice still uu melted, March K!, 11)10. Cultures made at once. The absence of gas shows the sam ples to be free from bacillus coll. The absence of colonies on the agar plates which are cultivated at a tempera ture favorable to pathogenic bacteria but destructive to the common water, uon-pathogeulc forms con firms the findings of the fermentation tuU's. The larger number of colonies on gelatine plated No. IS Indicates ap parently that the waters of this sample are gathered from a drainage area containing more vegetable mat ter. The Kesldues and Chlorine are practically the same as former an alyses. Hood River Electric Light, I'ower & Water Co., by il. K. Davidson, Pres. The Walkover moving picture film created a lot of Interest at the Oak last week. The shoes which wen given away Wednesday and Satur day evenings were won by little .Miss Luclnda Luckey and Mrs. Fred Vo gel. It is related that Mr. Luckey instructed hi, daughter to win the shoes for him when she left home for the show aud she confidently replied 'Alright." C orresponclence ODELL Mrs. Alice Poole, who has returned home. Is doing ulcelv since having undergone an operation a few days ago lu Portland. Odell will have a meat market lu the near future. We need a barber shop next. While everyone Is having a word or two on the subject of consolida tion of high schools 1 too shall ex press a thought on the subject. 1 wish only to euumerate some of the points 1 think worth considering. Ten grades can be taught successfully in at least five of the districts. The upper two grades of these ten will hold some pupils In school In each place who would drop out If they had to go to town for these grades The grades above the tenth requir ing so much labratory apparatus cau best le taught In one or two complete high schools. The time re quired to travel to and from Hood Klver by those living lu the country Is sutllcleut to learn from one to three lessons dally; and until we get an electric line, the moral and Im moral must ride together in a closed conveyance. The cost of transporta tion will hire an extra teacher lu the country. Consolidation Increases the etticieucy of a system very material ly but consolidation can be consoli dation without taking all the high school pupils from all the counties to Portland or without taking all grades above the eighth to Hood Klver. 1 believe I am right In saying that the tendency along educational Hues today lu the eastern states is to place the schools, of whatever kind, as near the homes as It Is possible, that all may have an equal oppor tunity for a complete education. C. K. McCoy. Mrs. Clyde Lyman ami baby are visiting at the home of T. W. Atkin son. May, (Jeorge and Hay Holes from Pine (Jrove and (ieorgla Chamliers from Hood Hlver have started to school in this district. NEWS in brief; Hev. Walton Skipworth. presiding elder of the Methodist church for this district, was an Interested listener at the open forum meeting Sunday night. P. S. Davidson, H. D. W, Plneo. N. C. Kvans, J. T. Holiertson and Fred New by were Portland visitors Tues day. The O.R. & N. demonstration train will be here tomorrow afternoon from 2:4." to 4:4.". It will be worth your time to be present and Inspect the train and hear the talks of the experts. Hev. T. H. Ford is In Portland this week attending the laymen's mis sionary convention. Mrs. II. C. McOuire returned home from California Saturday where she has been making an extended visit. Dr. M Thraue, who bought the Hobluson place arrived here from Madison, Minn , to spend the summer. JWeto Spring Goods A goodly portion of our new spring goods that we bought early have arrived and the styles, patterns ana general appearance seem much more striking than any previous season. In fear of the fact that everything in tne Wool, Cotton, Linon, Silk and Leather lines have been climbing skyward we have been fortunate in getting together a nice lot of goods at prices that are exceedingly low and it will be wise to make your purchases early. New Shoes Styles run very much to pumps; then we have a nice lot just received in Oxfords and regular light shoes, as well as pumps in patent, tan, black suede, ooze calf and kid. These shoes are from shoe makers who have a reputation for making good goods and up-to-date styles. Galitees, Cheviots Galitees are going to be pop ularit makes good, substan tial garments for all the fami ly and their standard quality is especially emphasized. Cheviots for Men's Shirts, Ladies' Shirt Waists and Ap rons; waists and aprons for the children there are no bet ter goods. Linons We are offering Table Lin ons, 72 inches wide in pure lin on, patterns polka dot and roses, poppy and clover leaf, at $1.25 and $1.65. These are exceptional values. Napkins to match at $3.25 and $3.50 per doz. Don't neglect this sale until they are all gone. Hosiery Guaranteed. Our line of Black Cat Hosiery is the best values on the market and ev ery pair is guaranteed to give satisfaction or replaced with a new pair and no questions asked. This i3 pretty strong argument, but the style, beau ty and values are in them and you take no risk in buying this line. 4 5 Black Cat ' Hosiery New Embroideries An exceptionally pretty lot of embroidery edges, inser tions, corset covers, flounces, beedings and allovers in Swiss, Nainsook and Muslin, and we are making special prices on these lines for a short time. The variety is too large to give range of prices from 5c up. Gloves We are offering special val ues in men's work gloves; hog skin gloves for ruff, hard ser vice at 65c. Saranack buck, soft work'glove, for $1. Sev eral styles gauntlet gloves for $1.25 to $2. Corsets American Beauty. Style, ease and comfort are the first requirements of a corset. The American Beauty corset is built to meet these require ments'and are guaranteed to meet all demands. Get one and if not satisfactory return it. Prices from $1.25 to $3.50 ft lake Special Efforts ft .mi Our PitroDi Will lit (! tbt Best Values aod Jerries Possible New Ginghams and Percales We have a nice lot of ginghams for dresses, pattern colorings are clear and pretty. While this line lasts at 10c to 12c. Apron Ginghams 8c to 10c. Imported French and silks 20c to 25c. Percales In blue and white, white ground with polka dot and figures. Prices from 8c to 1 6c BRAGG MERCANTILE COMPANY A MONSTER WHALE. On Way In Which It Rsssmblad a Tiny Spsciss of Fish. One winter some years ago a large bale was killed near oua of the At lantic seaports. Its carcass was taken ashore, loaded on two flat cars aud transported far Inland to cities where a whale was a curiosttj that people would pay to see. It was necessary, of course, that the exhibitions should be given lu uuheated halls, and as It was a cold winter the whale kept In a fair ly good state of preservation for a con siderable u umber of weeks before It became Imperative to close the amuse ment season so far as that particular cetuceau waa concerned. While It was on exhibition lu Chicago a mer chant from a little town In southern Illinois, who happened to be in the city on business, went to see it. When be returned home he could talk of noth tng else. "You may think you've seen big Ash," he said, "but unless you've come across a whule somewhere you haven't." "Uow long was it, Jeff?" somebody asked him. "It was mighty close to ninety feet ami about fifteen feet thick. It waa the biggest thing I ever saw out of the water that swims In the water." "Well." said the vlllnge doctor, "you didu t expect to And It a smelt, did your' "No." he answered hesitatingly, "but It did. just a little."-Excbange. W. C. ADAMS ? , FACE PATCHES. Thty Became a Society Craze at One Tim In England. Plaster patches were Introduced In England in the reign of Edward VL by a foreign lady who In this manner Ingeniously concealed a wen on her neck. They became sucb a craze and were curried to sucb exaggerated lengths that they were dually lam pooned out of sight The men, as well as the women, stuck themselves over with these beauty spots. No lady of fashion considered her toilet complete until she was equipped with ber little box of patches cut In her favorite de sign. If one happened to come off In company she hurriedly replaced it with a fresh one from the box. At length patching In England went so far that party spirit was symbo lized by the position of the patches. A letter In the paper on June 2, 1711. tells of a visit to the Haymarket and the discovery by the writer of three classes of women In the boxes all dif ferently patched. Upon inquiry he discovered that those who patched on the right side of the forehead were Whigs and those who favored the left were Tories, while those who patched Indifferently on either side were a neutral party, whose faces had not yet declared themselves. London 8at- turday Heview. A Lazy Rae. A lazier man than the average Bur man It would be extremly bard to flud. When It is absolutely necessary for bhu to work be generally bits upon some method which will save him a lot of exertion. If he wishes to cultivate a ple e of ground be seta light to the brushwood as a cheap, easy and effica cious method of preparing the soil. For two or three years be cultivates that piece of land, aud then be seta light to another sot allowing the Jun gle to grow In the old place, which will be ready for reburnlng when the other ground wants a rest. Rice growers dlsense with plows, turning loose Instead a number of buffaloes, which cut up the saturated soil with their hoofs. When a Burma n has earned a little money he Immediately proceeds to Rx-ncl It all. for the Bur mese bare no ambition to be rlcb and never board; consequently there are no large landowners, and. there being no aristocracy, the people are as near being on an equality as possible. A Poser. A vegetarian writer narrated In a recent address a "poser" that his little son had put to blm. "My little boy." said the speaker, "often turns away from bis lentils and expresses a longing for chops and roast beef. "The other day at table 1 explained to him that we become what we eat that by eating vegetables We become mild and placid, but by eating meat we become savage and gross. '"Well, papa.' said the lad. 'If It's true that we become what we eat. why don't cannibals become mission aries? " Fishing For Plundsr. A visitor to one of the hotels at Pe kin was awakened during tbe night by tbe noise caused by tbe fall of a roll of paper. (Jetting out of bed, he saw with astonishment a pole, to which were attached a Ashing line and book, moving about tbe room, collect ing various objects and removing them through the window. Upon going downstairs be was beard by tbe bur glarious Chinaman outside to whom tbe rod belonged and who escaped, leaving his Ashing line behind blm. An Effectual Cur. "She wants to be a sister to me." "Ton can easily get her out of that notion." "Howr "Treat her as yon would a sister." Kansas City Journal. Contractor and Builder PsrsunsJ Attention Givsn All Work. Phone 307-K. Residence. 720 J una 8 tract. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Newtown and Spitz We still have a fine block of first class, one year New towns and Spitz. Stock is 4 to 6 ft., and 3 to 4 ft. high. This stock is grown by irri gation, has a splendid root system and is the highest quality obtainable. If you wish any of the above stock, together with any other Nursery Stock.... write at once as our supply is being rapidly exhausted. We supply Yakima Valley grown stock only. Yakima Valley Nursery Go. Toppenish, Wash. Send in your order today; write for catalogue The Steamer TE A leaves Portland for The Dalles, Big Hddy, and way points, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. m., returning Mondays, N edncsday a and Fridays, leaving the Dalles at 7 a. m. Resumed service f-eb. 1st, 1910. A. W. ONTHANK NOTARY PUBLIC Dealer in CITY PROPERTY Legal Papers carefully drawn. Money loaned on f irst Mortgages Fire Insurance in best Companies. Surety Bonds of all kinds. Stenography and Typewriting. Business promptly attended to. 306 Oak Street Hood Rirar W. J. BAKER Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited L. E. Foust MACHINERY COMPANY Automobile and Bicycle REPAIRING Gear Cutting and Fitting1. All kinds of Machine work done. Prices reasonable. 8lxth and Columbia Street, fhons 109-x Htr Ousts. Hubby There's another cbap com mitted suicide bemuse hla home was jnliappy. Wide 1 dare any It will be happier now. Illustrated Hits. A cruel story runs on wheels, and every hand oils tbe wbeela as they run -Oulda. National Life Insurance Co. of U. S. A. Established 1868 Over One Million Dollars of Insurance in Force in Hood River County. flBATR CLAIMS PAID PROMPTLY For rates or Information apply to J. M. Schmeltzer Local Representative, or A. B. Combs State Manager, Portland