The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 30, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Morlan & Lathrop
Ladies' and
The Lady who made a mistake this season and
didn't buy a "PALMER" Garment is pretty certain
not to make any rfiore mistakes. But if she buys
a "Palmer Garment" she is SURE not to make any
more mistakes. "Talmer" Label means SATISFACTION.
Forget Your Troubles
and Buy one of our "Palmer Garments"
. Shirt Waists?
Yes, we can tell you all about them. They're sell
ing so fast that you'll have to HURRY if you want
one. Our line is THE BEST that can be had for the
money anywhere. Portland isn't in it. Come in.
Dry Goods, Furnishings and Notions
ft Home Phone 8
. . -m 1
Hood River, Oregon
Live Local Tropics
lr. K. I.. IIouhp wan down from
Spokane Mundny for a poep at hlx
A n utimI concert will Ik- ulven next
Sunday eveiilnir at the t 'omjrt-jf a
tlonal I'liurcli liy the rhoir iihhInU'iI
liy a ii u in tx-r of Holointx.
Andrew Kern, foreman of Youtiu'h
meat packing estalillxlnni'iit, and
MImh IiIh Itrace were iiiarrh'il Satur
day nt The lalle. Mr. Kern lias
I hi-ii a renldent liere for two year
and lian tnadt) many friend. The
yoimic lady nlxo well known at
Hood KIvit and twin relative here.
The liall Kanie Sunday lietwen
White Salmon and Hood Kiver wan
won by the latter by a xrore of to 4
In the lant limine Hood Ulver hail to
Hiipply the vlnltliiK team with a
At the HaptlHt rliureh next Sunday
nltfht Mr. Ilarureuve will commeiK'e
a Merlen of hitiikiiih on the "Chrlntlan
(ientleman." A cordial Invitation In
extended to the men of Hood Itlver
and vicinity to the practical connld
eratlon of the above theme. I.adl"
may iiIhii llnd Home point of Intercut
The Thursday Mimical Club will
meet with Mr (ieo. Wilbur Thurn
day afternoon of thin week, l'ro
irrnni that wan to have been given
liiMt week will le followed out. All
are ured to be present.
The Spelllii' I lee Friday nlht In ex
pec ted to lie one of the most amiiMliin
entertainments provhled nt Hood
Hlver. The ladleH having chance of
the ticket Hale have nolil a la rue
numlHT and a rec jrd breaking atten
dance In promlHed.
Discharged I ireartns. Arrested
Night Officer II. I.. Hlckox took
Daniel O't'onner Into custody Mon
day for dirtchurKiiK firearnm In the
city limits. O't'onner was ihootlii
at a mark on the flat near the east
side brldtfe. Two of the bullets
glanced aud came near hitting a
woman In a nearby house.
Real Estate Transfers.
Mnttle A Oiler to Silas H Soule lot
1 fc 2 block 2 Wlnans addition
David M .lackson to Kllen (' Turk
40 acre Houtheast of I'lne (irove
M Sue Armstrontr to .1 M CulU'rt
sou lots 2 & It Adams addition
(. W. Kdmunds, M. D., eye. ear,
nose and throat diseases exclusively,
otllce hours !:: a. m. to 4 p. in.
Phone 4:1. Ken. :U12 !-
Notice to the Stockholders of the
Hood River Apple Growers' Union
The stockholders of the Hood Kiver
Apple (irowers' Union are hereby
notified that the annual ineetlnir of
the stockholders of the Hood Kiver
Apple (irowers' I'nlon will occur on
Saturday, April 2nd, at 10 o'clock a.
m., nt the K. of I. hall In the opera
house In Hood Kiver, Oreiron, for the
purpose of electing a Hoard of nine
directors to serve for the ensuing
year and also for the purpose of vot
ing 011 the proposition of making the
original stock Issue of $2ihm) on the
same dividend pNying basis as the
later Issue of stock.
('. H. Sl'HoAT, Sec'y.
Roups, Shrubs and Vines in frood assortment for
fall planting. Peonies 1 and 4-year old. 35c to
$1.00 each. Hordy Pheox. Bell Flowers, Cuanan
you, Oriental Poppies, ready now. A full line of
pot plants at Franz. Phone for cut flowers.
A Snap in HockJ River Apple Lands.
100 acres fine apple land 6 miles south
east of hood kiver, right in the famous
Hood Kiver Apple Belt. Running wa
ter through the place. A snap for
someone to plat out in small tracts.
Only $50 per acre. Write the owner,
J. L. O'DONNULL, 54 IN. 16th Street,
Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 6541.
Have buvtTH for hoi.. Improved
and unimproved fruit (firm. Oil I
mid lint your pi nee with (ieo. I. Cul
bertHon & Co.
Notice of Final Settlement.
otice is hereby (riven that the undersigned, ad
ministrator of the estate of Rudolph Schmid.
deceased, has tiled, in the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Hood River County, his final
account as administrator, and that the 2th day of
April, 19 10, at the hour of ten o'clock a, m., or as
soon thereafter as the same can he heard, in the
County Court room in the City of Hwd River, Ore
gon, has been fixed by order of the County Court
of Hood River County as the time and place for
hearing objections to, and for the settlement of.
said final account; and all persons interested in
said estate are hereby notified to attend at said
time and place to present objections, if any there
be, to said final account,
Dted this 28th day of March, 1910.
13-17-c AW. Mkver, Admimstrator.
ftottce lor Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at
The Dalles, Oregon. March Hth. 1910.
Notice is hereby jriven that Harry L, Bartlett,
whone pst-omce address is Portland. Oreyon. did,
on the lHth day of August. 1909. file in this oflice
Sworn Statement and Application No. U."i211, to
purchase NE1-4SW1-4. SK1-4NW1-4. and Lot 3.
Section 7. Township 1 North. Range 11 East Wil
lamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under
the provisions of the act of June 3. lTS. and act
amendatory, known aa the "Timlter and Stone
Law," at such value as might be fixed by ap
praisement, and that, pursuant to such applica
tion, the land and timber thereon have been ap
pra sd. the timber estimated at l.:tno.0o) board
feet at .SO cents per M. and the land at f-W.iXI; that
said applicant will offer final proof tn support of
his application and sworn statement on the 2nd
day of June, 1910, before the Register and Re
ceiver of the. United States Land Office at The
Dalles. Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase
before entry, or initiate a contest at any time be
fore patent issue, by filing a corroborated affida
vit ;n this otfice, alleging facts which would de
feat the entry.
C. W. Moore.
13-21-C Register.
Copy for advertisements should be
in the office by Monday morning.
We make a special effort
to secure flowers that are
durable, easy running and
simple in construction.
Spray Hose--Garden Hose
Our stock of Nose is all new, being
entirely sold out last fall. Our 5pray
Hose is guaranteed to you.
We have them all widths
from 14 to 22 inches, all
prices from $3.75 to $15.
Sizes and prices to suit
AtfttrtlMmtnti for Inttrtloa under this ktadlnf
III bt charg,4 (or al lh rata ol 26c r month lor
luiuall)) Ihraa llnta-no aiaplay. CaaN ihnuia
onlk. Aa a naOiuni lor raachlnf tha MOP1
Iha Mtoa alanda alona tmt Mnaicallad
' n . A I L I I l. 1
mn wtj n vwunu naiiu uj ran, bimi accixiu
hund urchaini lavaiion with Ltur iavhaMtl Kn
quire at newi unice. lli-c
VTantJ To buy second hand farm wagon and
farm implementa, Addroas p. Huul River
News. 12-15-p
TTor Sal-Kiv room house and 3 lota for fUUD.
A See (ieo. D. Culbertan A Co. lu-13c
r Sale 160 acres, four miles f rm M osier on
The Dalles road. Volnev S. Munirer. owner.
Taylor K O.. Shasta Co., Calif. lu-17
por Sale-10 or 20 acre beat fruit land for aal
A cheap if ld soon. Partly improved. Inquir
of Geo. Darting Son, JJnderwood, Wanh. lU-l't-c
Ior Sale My residence property, 1017 May
A atreet. aecond houae wwt of th high achool.
price tun JO. Alo 10 acre 1 1-2 niilea south of
town on the weat aide, containing 6J0 two-year
old Yellow Newtown tree and 30 Winter banana
trees; price tlUM. U B. Cibaon. 11-14-c
Lir Sale Four large lota on th Heigh ta, partly
in fruit; pric low. Auto tome gooil buy in th
wet part of town. Inquir of A. W. Onthank.
XSor Sale One hundred lota in Irwin & Wataon'i
First Add it Win to Hood Kiver. A liio a second
hand force pump. Inquire J. W. Higby, H-14-c
tr Sale Good partly improved fruit lands for
sale from t-'Ai to IJO0 per acre, according to lo
cation; many with bearing orchards. Inquir,
Mr. C. C. Cuddeford, Hood Kiver, Or.ll-14-p
TJr Sale Six room modern house, two lots
A with house. Or will sell with on lot. Phone
No. m-u. 2-h-c
por lent Seven room houae; beautiful grounds,
A choice location, close in. Addreas box iu..
Pir Sale-S.C. Khode Inland Red eggs for hatch
A uig Hest laying strains, bred from winter lay
ers. $1.50 per 15. fc. P. Batten, phone 2012-M.
Por Sale Fancy Buff Orpington roosters, alo
capons for table utte or for "steDmothers" to
brood chickens. A. J. Grow, phone 201-M. 10-l:tc
tW Sale One horse eight or nine years old. first
claas for bugg-y or farm work. See W. H.
Stone, on Hershner. Eaat Side, Phone 31-M. 10-13
por Sale Two grade Jersey cows, also one
A driving horse, weiurht lluO bounds. J. L Miller.
phone 31i-F. 11-14-p
Por Sale Freah cow and calf, good Jersey stock,
A good milker, lota of butter, once SoO. B.
Jensen'. Star route 10, Mount Hood road 10 mile
out. 11-14-p
Por Sale Single comb brown Leghorns and
L Indian Runner duck evirs. SI. 50 oer aettinir. F.
C. House, phone 213" L. 12-15-c
Por Sale 20 egg Petal u ma incubator and bmod
er, both in good condition, cheap. Phone 3272
K. 12-15-c
pr Sale One horse eight years old. aafe for lady
to drive or for buggy or farm work. Phone
213-x. 12-15-c
Por Sale Chicago Cottage organ. 6 octave.
quire at Apple Growers Lnion. 11-14-c
Por Sale I wish again to offer for sale three
A notes for money loaned in 188, held by me
against B. F. Shoemaker, dated June 3, 11, and
due in 1!2 and 'H3. issued by B. F. Shoemaker on
which he has refused payment and taken advant
age of the statute of limitation in the January
court. J. H. Shoemaker.
pW Sale A B runnels carpet and child's bed. En
quire 601 Cascade avenue. 12-15-p
por Sale Why do you pay 30c per pound for
A turkeys? Buy a trio fine Bronze turkeva. from
Mary Bradford. Star Route 10, Hood River, Ore
gon 13-l-c
pW Sale Pair horses, weight about 2200 pounds;
good travelers and true pullers; a little thin in
flesh now; (40 harness and farm wagon, all for
$275 or would trade for one big horse with harness
and wagon. Address X News orfice.13-lt-p
T oat-6n Oak street between 9th and Odd FeT
"lows' Hall, string of jet beads. Please return
t Annette Brosius. 10-3c
VVTanted A man and family to take charge of
'"an improved fruit farm, 10 acres, good house
and barn, and who will also buy an interest there
in. German or Skandinavian preferred. Enquire
of John Leland Henderson, Incorporated. 46-tf-c
Vanted A man to work on fruit ranch. One
who will find himself. Man with experience
preferred Phone lsS2-K. 10-13c
Vranted Man experienced in planting treea to
' " work by the month; about two months work.
Address box 5t4, Hood River, Ore. 10-14p
VVanted Practical nurse want patient at her
' home or will care for children. Phone 119-K.
Vranted A position to take charge of business
" and practical conduct of ranch by one who is
experienced in all branches of fruit growing,
competent also to handle any kind of clerical
work. Address A. News ortice. 10-13-c i
Vanted Wideawake young man want position i
" on a ranch or fruit farm. Address Box 93, 1
Hond River. 11-14-c
TJelp Wanted Capable and experienced farmer.
ASt-ady work. Address Homer A. Rogers. Mt.
Htod, stating age, experience and wages wanted.
VV'anted Party to pull stumps off 6 acre tract,
"in Belmont district, Addresa 20 Marquam
building, Portland, Ore. 12-15-p . .
VTanted Experienced man to prune orchard.
Enquire of R. L, Delano, Mt. Hood hotel.
Tanted-Man and team to truck log by day or
contract. Mt. Hood Milling Co. Phone Odell
39. lM-17-c
Tantel By an experienced man position on
" fruit ranch. Married. Address G. P.. care
J.J. Mortimer. 13-lfi-p
Wanted-Expert Orchardist
Capable of handling thirty acres of
full bearing orchard. Address $"
Hood Kiver News. Telephone 223-M
In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for
the County of Hood River
C W. Stark, plaintiff, vs. J. A. Simonttonand Et
ta Simontum. defendants. To J. A. Simonton
and Ktla Simonson, the above named defendants.
In the name of the state of Oregon you are here
by H-wniri-d to appear and answer the complaint
hUnl swainst you in theattove entitled action, on
or before six weeks from the date of the first pul
lication of this summons, hereinafter titated, and
if you fail to appear and answer this compiaint,
the plaintiff will take judgment atrainut you. and
each of yju, for the sum of .Vi.;V and for the
plaintiff's costs and disbursements made and ex
pended in this action.
You are notified that this summons i served
upon you by publication for six weeks in the Hood
Kiver News by onier of the County J mitre of
Hood River County, made March 4th. llMO. direct
ing the said summons be so published for a period
of six weeks requiring you to appear and answer
said complaint on or before six woeks from the
date of the first publication thereof.
The date of the tint publication of this sum
mon: is March yth, 1:10.
S. W. Stark. riaintitT1
Mice ol Sale ol Bunds.
VTotice i" hereby given that the Board of Direct
orsofthe Hood River Irrigation District, in
Hmxl River County. Oregon, will sell the Nnds of
said district in the sum of ."o.iM.ui. on Monday
the 2nd day of May. 1H10. at the hour of 10 a. m..
at the olTu-e of the brd of director, at the reai-dom-e
of R. W. Kelly, in sajd district, and that
sealed proosals for said b-'fids will be received by
said boanl at sani place for the purpose of saul
bonds until the day and hour above mentioned, at
which time the board shall open the propwals
and award the purchase of the bonds to the high
est responsible bidder, the Hoard reserving the
nght to reject any and all bids. Bids to be ac
cMiitanied by a certified checx for 10 per cent of
the amount of die bonds for which the bid is sub
mitted. Said bonds shall be payable in t'nited States
gold coin in ten serii-s. as follows, to-wit:
At the expiration of eleven ve:irs, five per rent
of the whole niimter of said bunds; twelve yeais,
six per cent; thirtet-n ymn, M'ven per c-nt; four,
teen years, eight per cent: fifteen years, nine per
cent, six'een years, ten per cent; seventeen jeas.
eleven per cent; eighteen ara, ihirte'n vt ctit.
nineteen year, fifteen per cetit; twenty yrs.
sixteen per cent, and shall hear interest at the
rate ef six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
on the first dav of Jsnuaiy and Julv of
each vear. The principal and inten-st shall N
pnable at the place designatitl m the lt ils. and
bidders art given t he option of having saui bunds
p:iy;ible at I'ortland. treg-un. or New York Citv.
N. .. anil srttd bonds wdl be issuin! in aoeur lnvi-e
with the election of the successful biddem. Said
Imiul- sh.-ill I e each of ihe derii.mmati.'n of not
lew than $huV and not more than i.n i0. and
shall te neuutiable in furm. and coupuii for the
interest shall te attached to each and signed ty
the secretary.
lated at Ibsxl River this 2Sth day of March.
I'.UO. R. W. Kkli.y, Secretary.
(juardian'f Notice
XTotice la hereby given that In purvuance to an
11 order issued by the Hon. A. J. Derby, judge ol
the county court of the state of Oregon. February
4th, ltflu, the undersignaal. John A. Wilson, haa
ben apoointed ruardian of the Deraoa and Mtits
of Charolotte Mills, an incompetent, of Hood Kiv
er, Hood River county. State of Oreyon. All per
sons having claims against said estate are request
ed to prment them, accompanied by proper Touch
era, at the reaMience of aaid guardian, at Hood
River, Hood River county. Oregon, or at the office
of John Leland Hemleraon, the attorney for sawl
guardian, at Hood Kiver. Oregon, within si
months from the date of this notice.
Dauad Huod Kiver, Oregon. March 7th, 1910.
John A. Wiijom.
Guardian of the person and estate of Charolotte
Mdls, en incompetent.
John Lclano Hundehaon,
Attorney for Guardian. 10
In the Circuit Court ol tbi State of Oregoi for
the County otHood River.
A rthur Putnam, plaintiff. Ta, Ins L. Putnam.
defendant. Suit for divorce-Summons-To
Ina L. Putman, the above named defendant:
In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are here
by required to appear and anawer the complaint
tiled against you in the above entitled suit, and
within six weeks from tne 16th day of February.
1110. aaid day being the first publication of this
umntona, and if you fail so to answer for want
thereof the plaintiff will aouiv to the Court for
the relief demanded in hia complaint aforesaid,
tiled in aaid cause, for towit: A deem of divnre
dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant in said cause.
This summons is Dubliahed bv virtu of an nr.
derof Hon. A. J. Derby. J udge of the County
Court of Hood River county, state of Oregon,
dated February 11th. A. D. 1910. which order
specifies and provides six weeks and seven inser
tions publication in the Hood River Newa," ft
weekly newspaper published weekly in said coun
ty and state, as the time and caper in which aaid
summons shall be published.
Dated. Hood Kiver. Oregon. February lh 1910.
John Leland Himdruun.
Feb. 16-Mar. 30 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Id tbe County Court ol tbe State ot Oregoi for
nooa Kiver count
Tn the matter of the eatate of Katie M. Smith,
x deceased. Administrator's Notice of Final Ac
Notice is hereby given, that I. the underaiamed
administrator of the estate of Katie M. Smith, de
ceased, have filed with the Countv Court of the
State of Oregon for Hood River County, a final
account, ana nave aaked ror nna! settlement of
said estate, and the Countv Court, bv an order
dated the 3d day of March, 1910, haa appointed
Thursday, the 7th day of April. 1910, at 10 o'clock
a. m.. at the Court House in the City of Hood Riv
er. County of Hood River, State of Oregon, as the
time and place lor hearing ox objections to auch
final account and aettlement of aaid eatate. and
all persons having objectiona to said account or to
the settlement of aaid estate are hereby notified
to file same on or before 10 o'clock a. m. of aaid
7th day of April, 1910, in accordance with aaid or
der of the court. This notice is published for four
successive weeks, beginning with issue of date
the 9th day of March, A. D. 1910.
Administrator of the eatate of Katie M. Smith.
deceased. lo-U
In tbe County Court ol tbe State ol Oregon for
tbe County ol Hood River.
Tn the Matter of the Estate of Peter Kopke, de
ceased. Order for Citation, to show cause.
On the petition filed in this Court the 24th day
of February, 1910, of Rosie Margaret Benson,
claiming to be the sole surviving child and sole
heir and next of kin of Peter Kopke, deceased,
praying that the decision of this Court heretofore
made, admitting to probate a paper writing pro
pounded by William Ehrck, aa the last will of the
said Peter Kopke, deceased, be again examined,
and that the matter thereof be axain heard by
this Court. It is this the 21st day of March, A. D.
110. ordered that the said cause be ajrain examin
ed and heard, and that notice be given to the said
William Ehrck, and to Mrs. Anna Grimm, a
widow, sister of said Peter Kopke, deceased, sole
devisee under said will, whe resides in Neu Kloat
er. Hanover, in the Empire of Germany, and tn
all persons interested in said estate, to appear in
this Court on or before Monday the 4th day of
July. A. D.. 1910. or day following, the aaid 4th
day of July being a legal holiday, the aaid 4th day
of July being the first day of the reirulay July
term of aaid Court, in person or by solicitor, then
and there to show cause why the said probate of
the said Will shall not be set aside, and the said
paper writing therein propounded by the said
William Ehrck aa the last will of the said Peter
Kopke be declared null and void; and provided
that a copy of this order be published in the Hood
River News once a week for four (4) successive
weeks, and for five (5) consecutive insertions, pre
vious to the said 4th day of July. 1910; and that
said published order show tbe date of this order,
and the date of the first publication thereof, and
that a copy of this order be mailed to Mrs. Anna
Grimm, according to law.
Ordered this the 21st day of March. A. D 1910.
A. J. Derby.
12-lft-c County Judge.
In the County Court for Hood River County.
State of Oregon.
In the Matter of the Application of Fred Henry
Smith to Change His Name. Order Changin
Name of Fred Henry Smith to Fred Henry Schaer.
Now coming on for hearing th petition of Fred
Henry Smith, duly verified by the petitioner on
the 4th day of February. 1910. and filed in this
cause and court on the 5th day of February, 1910.
setting forth grounds of the application as fol
lows to-wit:
John A. Schaer, the father of petitioner, was
married to petitioner's mother in the state of Iowa
about thirty-four years ago, and they lived to
gether as husband and wife, about twelve years,
when petitioner's mother died at Daverport. Ne
braska, sometime in the summer of ltrt, when
petitioner was eight years of age; and about one
year after the death of petitioner's mother, hi
snid father re-married in the state of Iowa and a
few months after said marriage, hia second wife,
whose name waa Rose Collamore, deserted aaid
petitioner's father in said state of Iowa, and
about eight months after aaid second marriage
petitioner's said father secured a divorce from
said second wife and in order to prevent aatdj
second wife obtaining alimony, said petitioner a
father assumed the name of "John A. Smith" in
stead of hia own name. John A. Schaer, and re
tained said name thereafter, aa hia real name;
that said petitioner believes that said father it
dead, and that his father resided, until about nine
years ago, with said petitioner, in the city of St,
Paul, in the state of Minnesota; that on or about
the first day of April, lwl. the fnther of peti
tioner left his home for the far West, and peti
tioner has not heard from, or of his said father
for more than seven years last past, and petitioner
believes that his said father is dead; that peti
tioner ta now residing; in a house belonging to
Charlea Schaer, who is the brother of said
petitioner's said father, and that there are other
members of the said Schaer family living: that
the premises considered, petitioner's name of
"Smith" haa no pleasant associations connected
with it. and said name never was hia real name,
but petitioner alleges that he has acquired and
sold real estate under the name "Fred Henry
Smith,' but that petitioner really finds himself in
the position of a man without a name that is
pleasing or agreeable to hmi, although petitioner
has gone by the name of "t red Henry Smith'' fr
about twenty yearn; that petitioner believes, by
thus changing his name, it would be of great ad
vantage to him, as the name ' Smith" is so
common, that he feels he is just One of a herd,
while his father's real name, "Schaer," is an un
usual name, and has clustered around it all the
aA.ociat ions of his early childhood, and his early
home, and that it would be of pecuniary benefit in
regard to matters of business, mayhaps of inheri
tance, and he is anxious to effect such change,
that petitioner has no other reason for desiring
such change in name, and is not aware of any
objections to said petition, nor d.e he know of
any reason that can be raised against it.
And it appearing that in pursuance of the law
in such cases made and provided in section JOT.
Bellinger fe Cotton's Annotated Codes of Oregon,
that public notice haa been given by proof of
publication thereof, in the Hood River News, a
newspaper of general circulation. published
weekly in Hood River, in Hood River county,
state of Oregon, for four week and f-r five inser
tions thereof, consecutively, the first publication
of which notice was the 9th day of February.
V. 10, and which notice directed that all persons
should otfer and should caue. if any they have,
why the petition to change the name of the appli
cant, should not be granted, and it aptearmg to
the court by said petition, and a.iidav:t of publi
cation, that a-d Fred Henry Sm-th resids in the
city of Hood River, county f H -mi Kiver and
Mate of Oregon, the county in which this court is
situate, and that said applnant is more than
twenty-one years of re, and the court being sat
tstuil by sui'h petition that there ix no rvamnabie
objection that taid petitioner should aasume an
other name, and that said p'lblicai ion is in all
things regular and that all the proceedings hud
hervin ar? regular and afcordmif to law:
It 1 I ru-rvfore Onh-rfd. on this the l.'th day of
March. hI. that Fred Ib-nry Smith te and he
h-r'by i authorized to assume the na-ne of Frl
Hnry Schaer. frm and after the lUhdaynf
March. liMd. and that within t-i days from this
date the said petitioner d- iau-- a vpv of this
ordT to be published in the Hwi Kivt Sew,
public mw-pper. printed in Had county of H od
River, according to t he pnviwirt of the tat'i
in such ca.te mateand provide, that aid notice
be published for four weeks and for five insertions
thereof, and that upon return of the pn.f there
of, a certificate, under the seal of the court,
signed by the clerk thereof. shil i ,!, showing
that the applicant's nan. e in now and -hall here
after he Fn-d Hmrv Schaer. and that aaid name
shall hereafter he his lefl name.
OrdenM this Ux h day of March. 1:1
A J. Obrbt.
11 IS-c County Judge.