The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 30, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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i ..." I I i :
vdwlh mmMUYi pfM .
Thousands of Snowy Garments
at prices much less than the
natural costs. The entire line
offered at ls off regular prices.
All goods marked In plain figures. Don't wait, pitch in and supply
your summer needs. We know its the 'Best Line on Earth.
Our Ladies9 and Men's 4 Wmnl ft A (Hlfim We ere Pud,f
Spring Shoes Heady jT rMi jCTLm Ls7 U,7fl our Easter Outfits
Live Local opxc6
A full line o( poultry supplies at
Don't let the rabbits eat your tree,
liny your tree protectors at White
head's. C. K. Luthrop. formerly In the
teaming business here, has located
at Hillsdale, Oregon.
Miss Mellii Oltnger was Id Portlaud
and St. Johns last week visiting
friends and relatives.
Mrs. Seneca Fouts was a guest at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Baker, last week, return
ing to Portland Saturdny.
Early Rose seed potatoes at White
heads. W. M. Ellis left Monday for an ex
tended visit with his daughter at
Frank ton, North Dakota.
.1. M. Parry came down from Moro
Sunday and will start work develop
ing ten acres which he owns In the
Oak Grove district.
Col. and Mrs. X. F. Tucker were
guests at the Hotel Oregon over Sun
day. Col. Tucker Is an ottlcer In the
L'ulted States navy.
I'pper Valley I have some good
buvs now In the Upper Valley. W.
II. Marshall.
Descriptions of Some
Sound Good When You Read Them
We Guarantee These to Show Up
See Them And Be Convinced
5 ACRES, all good orchard land and all under cultivation, 4
miles from Hood River on main traveled road; 3 acres in
2-year-old Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, complete family
orchard; strawberries, etc, 3-room house. First class bar
gain at $3,000; terms to suit.
10 ACRES, 5 miles out on West side, in choice district on
main county road; 5 1-2 acres in young orchard of Yellow
Newtowns and Spitzenbergs one and three years old, 45
trees assorted family orchard 2 and 3 years old, 2 acres in
clover ar.d the balance of the place in light timber. Im
proved with large 7-room house with all modern conven
iences. Good barn and other outbuildings. A bargain at
$8,500. Terms.
25 ACRES, 20 acres very best orchard land 5 acres in New
towns and Spitzenbergs, 1 and 3 years old; 9 acres partly
cleared; new 4-room house; spring and creek gives free
water for irrigating. Nicely located on ma;n county road,
only 4 miles from town. We can sell this for a short time
only at $5,500; $3,500 cash. You will have to act quick to
get this.
35 ACRES, 20 acres of which are under cultivation and
planted to standard varieties of apples, mostly Yellow New
towns and Spitzenbergs, one-third of which is in full bear
ing; balance of the place, 13 acres, is partly cleared. Im
provements consist of an 8-room house, large stone apple
house, 5-room tenant house and good barn; also a new pump
ing plant which cost $700. Located 4 1-2 miles from Hood
River on county road. This place will sell for $40,000 with
in a year and is a big snap at $30,000. Terms.
10 ACRES, 1 mile west of Odell, good red shot soil, covered
with large fir timber; under ditch and just good slope for
draining. Price $1,500. Terms.
20 ACRES, in the heart of the valley; high and sightly with
beautiful view of Mt. Adams, Mt Hood and overlooking the
entire Hood River valley; land nearly level, best red shot
soil, easily cleared; scattering pine and oak with little brush.
9 inches of water; stock go with the place; county road on
two sides, within 1-2 mile of store, school and railroad sta
tion. $1,500 cash will handle it. This is one of the best op
portunities for investment in the valley.
Swetland Building H. R. B. &. T. Co. Building
Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Andrews after
a long stay lu Dakota and other
middle western states returned home
Thursday morning.
A numlier of the members of the
local lodge of Kebekahs went to The
Dalles last week to attend a conven
tion of the order held there.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McReyuolds,
now living in Portland, came up
Thursday, called here by the death
of Mrs. ' Mc Key Hold 's father, A in us
Jlmmie Lacey, on Ids way from
The Dalles to Portland where he is
making his home, was here for a
short stay Thursday.
A. L. Davles has moved to Trout
dale, wherp he owns a farm and will
reside during the summer. Mr. Dav
les has been employed by the David
son Fruit Company for several years
Notwithstanding the many auto
mobiles seen constantly on the
streets, a look into Foust's (iiiului
wairon hospital Indicates that sever
al are there for first aid tothe Injured
and a few for a course of drastic
A visit to Suow & I'pson's big ma
chine shop shows that grubbing out
fits are lu active use, as they are busy
maklnir and repairing them. This
establishment Is now equipped with
machinery capable of handling the
heaviest kind of work.
Koss & Richards have purchased
the cigar store and Ice cream estab
lishment lately conducted by L. li.
Stevens on the heights and have re
modeled and refitted it. It will be
conducted In a first class way under
the management of Mr. Richards.
Hugo Victor, traveling passenger
agent for the Atchison. Topeka &
Santa Fe railroad, visited lloml Riv
er Thursday, looking up business for
the company. Mr. Victor Is located
at Portland and stated that Mood
River Is certainly a wonder fur mak
ing a stir In the world.
Mrs. (Jeorge Katun left fur lirants
Pass Thursday to juln her liunband,
who, with Wyman Eaton, has pur
chased I'M acres of unimproved lands
there. She was accompanied to the
train by a niimlM-r of friends, who re
gretted to see her leave Hood River.
Wyman Katun left Saturday for
Grants Pass to Join his son.
The new lounging chairs which the
Hotel Oregon has Installed In Its
lobby were made by theNtewart Fur-
nltnre company. Their luxury and
romiori is past truing ami 11 win oe
well for the hotel to see that guests
secure rooms Iwfore taking a seat In
them. Otherwise there will lie no
necessity as they are rest compelling
to n degree that docs away with the
need of a lied.
Harry L. Bartlett was here Thurs
day to see about proving up on his
timber niul stone claim In the valley.
Mr. liartlett Is the man who discov
ered a lt'dl acre tract of desirable land
In the valley about a year ago that
had not been taken up and was not
platted In the government survey.
He Is now In the real estate business
In Portland, but at one time was In
business here.
K. C. Brock came up from Portland
for a few day s visit h rlday.
Miss Pearl Bradley came up from
Salem Friday to sjientl Faster holi
days with the home folks.
Will Baker siient the week end here
visiting at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. . J. Uaker.
Mrs. J. K. Rand, after a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. I..
Smith, returned to Portlaud Tburs
Humphrey Barton, the St. Paul
man who has made extensive Invest
ments here, arrived Thursday for an
other look at Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. R.xkhold. who
rwpntlv lioiiirht. In the I'lioer Villev.
arrived here last week and are mnk
Ing their home on their new possess
Mrs. Ij. F. Henderson and Miss
Henderson, ho have been In south
ern California, returned to Hood
Itlver Friday and Joined Mr. Hender
son who had been back some time.
H. K. Perry left Wednesday for
North Yamhill, Oregon, to start a
nursery for Rawson & Stanton of
Hood River, who will open a branch
of their Hood River establishment
I sold a piece of the Adams acreage
to Frederick & Arnold Friday. The
chances are growing less. Remember
you can't beat these chances for
prices and terms for land In the val
ley. M. P. Isenberg.
Mrs. W. F. Radford and daughter,
Miss Ruth, and Mrs. Harry Dano
came home from Sierra Madra, Cal.,
Thursday, where they have bi-en
spending the winter. Miss Radford's
health was much lienefitted by the
A. C. Buck, justice of the peace, did
a lively business last week In the
matrimonial line. On the same day
he married B. M. McKlnnon and Mrs.
K. Ditlin, who gave their residence as
Hood River, and Ij. H. Davis ami
Maud Redden. I he latter gave
asco county as her residence. .
A glance Into the athletic club
gymnasium most any night shows a
room full of enthusiastic youngsters
and a nnmls-r who are not very
young. Indulging In active exercise
The outfit has recently Is'cn added
to by a pair of parellel bars. L. A.
Urant anil Lou (senlierg are the Instructors.
List your proH'rty with Iievlln 8c
If you have a small second hand
safe to sell phone IHi-M.
Coarse ground and risk salt at
For Sale i" acres of peerless apple
land 7 miles out on the ea-l side. iUH)
trees A years old, 100 trees :i years old
l.-)0 trees 2 years old and Us trees 1
year old; Ii7 trees, commercial vari
eties, all In prime condition. Will
sell entire tract or will subdivide.
For Information see I,. A. K.Clark,
Odell. Phone Odell l-'i, or Shelley &
Son, ('arson. Wash.
You know what a good teacher
means to a child. Vou know what
he means to a community. We
must have schools and we must have
schools and we must have teachers,
The Normal school Is now submitted
free from politics. That's the way
you want It kept. If you pay taxes
on fliMMI, It will cost you four cents a
year to maintain the Slate Normal
at Monmouth. Vote "Yes" on this
Oucco Tree protectors at White
head V
Have buyers for some improved
and unimproved fruit farms. Call
and list your place with (ieo. D. Cul
liertson & Co.
C. W'. Kdmunds, M. I)., eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases exclusively.
Ofllce hours l:.'I0 a. m. to 4 p.m.
Phone 4.1. Res. !,.
We are now equipped with a first
class automobile and are In a posi
tion to show your prowrty. ( all
and see us. B. K. Duncan & Co.
I have a client who wants to bor
row f:M) for two years. Will pay H
per cent and secure note with first
mortgage on Improved real estate
valued at tlsoii. Phone 'MX M. S.W.
Stark, Kllot Bldg.
Early Rose seed potatoes at White
heads. A. W. Meyers of Cascade Locks
was here Monday on a business trip.
Attorney A. A. Jayne was a busi
ness visitor at Goldeudale Monday.
For Sale Strawlterry plants. Fine
home grown plants. Phone l',M)2'L.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ma
crum near lee, Saturday, March 'M,
a boy.
Ed London was here Sunday from
Portland to take a look at his ranch
In t he I'pper Valley.
L. J. Cox of Pendleton was here
looking over the valley Sunday as a
prospective Investor.
Dr. Shaw has purchased a new
automobile from t he ill Is-rt Vaughn n
Company. It Is a Hudson Twenty.
Comity Judge Derby aud Chris
Dethman were at Lyle last week In
specting the country with a view to
Dr. M. F. Shaw, who has Is-en
away for some time returned home
Thursday. He was accompanied by
Harry Wood who went east with
A concert and song service will be
the program next Sunday evening at
lhe; o clock vesper service at the
I'liltarian church. All are cordially
Invited. 11. A. MacDonald.
Judge Iyflaud Henderson thinks he
has discovered the ruins of a burled
city on his fruit farm near I ...vie, due
to unearthing some very peculiar
looking rocks that appear to have
been hewu ages ago.
Excavation for the Otten block
was commenced Saturday and Ross
St Richards have moved their cigar
store to the corner of Fourth & State
streets, next to Duffy & Zimmerman
Our specialty Is orchard lands. Dev
lin He Flrebailgh.
(ieo. D. Cullicrtson & Co. write all
kinds of insurance. Fire, life, accl
dent, plate glass and bonds.
If you have property to list phone
the olticennil Mr. E. W. Howland of
our firm, will call on you. B. E.
Choice lots lu Rlvcrvlew Park Ad
dition. Buy your lots iM-fore the
prices nil vance. J. F. ISatchelder, 21."
Cascade avenue.
For Sale Brnnd new visible type
writer, m. Try It a week. A. Wil
son, Mount Hood depot.
Wire wound wooden pipe is not
hel.l in stock, but made to order. If
you want any see Joe Wilson.
Rex Brand Stock and Poultry
Food. Best In the world. The kind
that brings results. Whitehead's.
(Jucro Tree Protectors at White
Money to loan. Apply to (Jeo. D.
Culbertson & Co.
Buy two irood lots for little money.
Payments on your own terms.
Phone I68K, or address l-D, care of
News office.
Mrs. MacRae will return this week
and wants property for eastern buy
ers. Write or telephone to office or
Mount Hood Hotel.
John D. Rockefeller of Portland,
namesake of the Standard oil klug,
was registered at the Mount Hood
hotel Sunday.
Madame Carrol), (ieo. W. Simons,
J. O. Rouudtree ami R. Livingstone
were among the Portland people
who spent Sunday here.
M. Bare us arrived from Columbus,
Ohio, last week. Mr. Barcus last fall
bought a ten acre place In the Oak
(irove district whkdi he will develop.
(i. D. Woodworth brought his new
White Steamer up from Portlaud
last week. It Is certainly a beauty
and Is the subject of much admira
tion. Hood River's siK'lety folks will lie
glad to learu that an opportunity
will Ihj offered them to have mani
curing done In the most up to date
manner. Grace Elliott Hussey will
be located at Plath's drug store.
Saturdays only, at present, beginning
April Kth, 9 o'clock till 5.
Ieslle Butler, Hood River's pioneer
banker, and Attorney A. A, Jayne
will speak In the ojH-n forum next
Sunday evening at the Asbury
church. A sst lal musical program
will lie arranged, Mrs. ( has. Hall
will render a violin solo, Mrs. P. S.
Davidson, accompanist. A special
quartet will sing. Sieclal provision
will lie made to accomodate the
A. A. Jayne has money to lend at
6 per cent on good security.
For results, list your orchard laud
with Devlin & Flrebaugh.
Style Shop announces Easter show
days on and after March 17. Your
lus(iectiuii Is Invited.
Hazel wood sweet cream and Ice
cream can be obtained In quantities
from now on at Ross & Richard's.
Rex Stock Food sold under a guar
antee to give satisfaction or your
money refunded at Whitehead's Feed
For Rent An elegnnt front ofllce
or sleeping room In the Davidson
building. Steam heat. Apply at
room 8 or at Light & Water ofllce.
Mrs. MacRae will return this week
and wants property for eastern buy
ers. Write or telephone to office or
Mount Hood Hotel.
The Apple ( rowers' t'nlon has on
hand a carload of Rex Lime and Sul
phur Solution, and more on the way.
They will also sell Black leaf and
Arsenate of lcnd. Y'f orders so
licited. I'PIst valley J have (11 3 acres,
small house and barn, nearly all
good: adiolnes l.V) acre-tract lust
cleared and set to trees. A buy. W,
II. Marshall. Dee.
Parties Interested lu ratslngcucnm
hers this season for the Hood Itlver
Apple Vinegar Co. kindly phone or
call at the factory as we are desirous
of having the contracts closed at an
early date.
Now Is the time to get your Pana
ma hats ami tiring them to the
French I'erlslan Cleaning works and
have them made over Into a hat.
Have Just received the negligee block.
the latest for Panamas, phone .'t4"M
Our Experience is
worth money to you