The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 30, 1910, Image 1

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    Ififtorifal So i. t
f you want tfie news, su6scri6e for tfic Hevos. tff you want printing, have us do it. 5ftc Hews (eafls
Hall Block To Change
Hands At Big Figure
Captain C. B. McCan Takes Option On
Hood River's Highest Priced Property
D. McDonald Pays $15,000 for Corner Lot
The biggest turn In city property
yet announced took place Thursday
when negotiations were opened for
the transfer of the Hall Mock to
('apt. C. It. McCan for nu amount be
tween I.V..IHX) and $t0,000. The an
nounceuieut caused considerable of a
tlr In city realty circle, the report
getting abroad that the property
had sold for amounts running from
f0,00 to $75,000. This was denied
by Mr. Hall, who admitted that ne
gotiations bad been made by Capt.
McCan to clone a deal for the build
ing, but stated that he was not pre
pared to at present give out any of
the details. As the trausactlon stands
Capt. McCan has an option on the
property on which he has made a
payment and it Is expected that the
sale will be consummated. The prop
erty Is understood to lie paying eight
percent on a larger amount than
the purchase price aud the Invest
ment Is considered one of the best at
Hood River In city property.
Mrs. Marie S. Adams, widow of
the late Dr. W. L. Adams, was mar
ried in Portland Wednesday, March
23, to IWtoy Armstrong, a well
known newspaperman. A notice of
the wedding taken from the Oregon
Ian says:
"LeRoy Armstrong, editor of the
Halt Lake Herald-Republican, was
quietly wedded to Mrs. M H. Adams
at the Hotel Portland last night,
William G. Kllot, .Jr. pastor of the
First I'nltarlau church olllclated.
"Mr. Armstrong Is one of the force
ful newspaper men of the middle
west, being a graduate of theChicago
Herald and an associate of Ople
Head. John McCutcheon, George Hor
ton, now minister from the I'ulted
States to Greece, and MeGovern. Mr.
Armstrong went to the Republican,
Halt Lake City, four years ago ns
edltor-tn-chlef. The company ab
sorlied the older paper, the Herald,
In July of Inst year.
"Mrs. Armstrong Is a native of The
Dalles and for many years has made
her home at Portland and Hood
Itlver alternately, at both of which
places she Is the owner of large prop
erty Interests.
"The wedding was attended by a
number of Intimate friends."
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong came to
Hood Ktver Thursday, where Mrs.
Armstrong received the best wishes
of her many friends. Mr. Armstrong
expects to sever his business relations
at Salt Lake and reside here.
Joel F Howe to Davenport Bros
Lumber Co,lH) ares three miles west
of Barrett school.
WT Kerr to Ora W ( lark about
20 acres south of Willow Flat $:JWH)
Omar M DeWItt to Walter A K
Bradley small lot near Odell $200
Jesse W Klgby to Walter M Isen
lsrg lots 2.'i to .'Id Mock 10 Irwin
Watson addition
Henry C Coe to Stella K Richard
son lot block O Coe's :ld add S'.'.V)
Heneca F Fouts to .1 L Morrison
north half of lots 7 & 8 and south IS
feet of lots 1 & 2 block D first addi
tion west $14,000
Horace C Delta to F G Church :
acres west of town
Mary C Galhrnlth to Ellxatieth E
Chapman 50 07 acres north of town
Goo C Jones to Geo C Jones Land
Co 410 acres In southwest corner of
Hood River county
E W Howland to Bertha II Mason
20 acres northwest of Odell f 12,000
Nell Anient to William Sylvester
13..1 acres south of Pine drove
Christian Dethman to Carl Plajh
10 ncres south of Pine Grove
Jessie II Watt to Fred E Weiss 5
acres west of town
A W Boormnn to Mrs Kate Coad 5
ncres west of town
Philip I) Atwnter to Frederick W
Rockhold 10 acres In t'pMT Valley
Era Hlllstrom to Chafles Calkins
right of wny deed south of Willow
J P lllllstrotn to E A Maker 40
acres south of Willow Flat
Another sale of much Interest was
the purchase Saturday by Mayor
McDonald of the Artisan property at
the corner of Third street and Cas
cade avenue. The price Is under
stood to have lcen $15,000. The
property Is 100x100 feet, oo part of
which Is the building occupied by Mr.
McDonald. It Is stated that there
were two purchasers for It at the
figure named, the preference being
given to Mr. McDonald owing to his
long tenancy. The largest Interest
In the property, which was owned
by a number of shareholders, was
owned by C. A. Cass who made the
Husum, Wash., March 27 An un
fortunate, partially demented Indian
maiden held a levy of bystanders
spell bound yesterday by her hazar
dous antics.
The girl bad wandered away from
her home from up one ot the side
streams and reaching town occupied
a large projecting rock over the
White Salmon river, below the
bridge, where she proceeded to at
tract attention by her peculiar ma
neuvers. Here sne executed a war
dance with a few stunts ou the side
that caused cold chills to run up and
down the spines of the spectators.
She whirled about like a top In
giddy revolutions, and would then
bound to the rock's edge with her
arms extended In true diving fashion,
but for some reason did not make
the plunge Into the swiftly moving
current, which would have carried
her to her destruction. The least
Interference on the part of a by
stander would have caused her to
make the fatal plunge.
The girl whs finally coaxed away
from her perilous position by an In
dian, but U'fore anyone could lay
hands on her she made a swift run
several rods down the stream and
plunged Into the water. She wnshed
and combed her hair and was pro
ceeding to d!srole when a citizen
wadeil In and carried her to a place
of safety, after which she was sent
By detaining a customer until he
could telephone the bank Joseph
Vogt, the Hood River clothing mer
chant, Friday saved himself from lie-
lug swindled out of $75.
The customer, who said his name
was B. Witt, bought a suit of clothes
and offered a check for $75 In pay
ment, asking for the change. On the
pretext that he had to have the coat
altered Vogt telephoned the White
Salmon Valley bank, on which the
check was drawn, and learned that
the man had no account with the
bank and was unknown to It.
When Vogt started to inform his
customer of the fact the latter ran
out the door and otllcers who were
called failed to locate him. Vogt still
has the check as a reminder of the
slippery gentleman's visit.
M. Furuya, a wealthy Japanese
merchant of Seattle, was here Mon
day visiting the Yasut Bros. Mr.
Furuya Is of the firm ot Furuya &
Co , the most extensive dealers In
Japanese art goods on the roast and
who have stores at Seattle, Taconia,
Portland and Vancouver, B.C. While
here he Invested In city property,
buying the residence of C. A, Dano.
He owns (100 acres of frultland at
Yakima and Is looking up the Hood
River country with the Intention of
buying a large tract.
High Water Tn Columbia
The Columbia River showed the
highest rise last week at this point
at this season ever known. The
water was almost high enough to
allow boats to land at the hlgh-wn-ter
landing, an event that old timers
state ha not occnrred this early In
the memory of the oldest pioneers.
Death Lays Sudden Hand
On Hood
Amos A. Boynton
Amos A. Boynton, aged 7S years,
was found dead Wednesday In a Held
adjoining the home of J. H. Shoe
maker who was his son In law. Mr.
Boyuton, although advanced tn years
was unusually vigorous and bad
been ploughing during the morning
and his body was discovered through
the fact that the team which he was
using was observed to stand In the
same spot for a long time. Investi
gation showed the aged man to have
died from a stroke of apoplexy. It
bad been his custom to spend the
summers with bis daughter, Mrs. J.
II. Shoemaker, and be recently came
here from Pendleton. Being active,
at his request be took up the work
of plowing which be seemed to find
an agreeable occupation.
Mr. Boynton was highly esteemed
by those who knew him and a man
of strong character. In addition to
Mrs. Shoemaker he is survived by
five other children, Mrs. F. W. Mc
Reynolds, of Portland, Mrs. N. L.
Sturdevant, of Pendleton, H. A.
Boynton, of Waltsburg, Wash., W.
S. Boynton, Hermlston, Wash,, and
S. W. Boynton, Pendleton.
The funeral was held Friday after
noon at Bartmess chapel. Services
were conducted by Rev. W. C. GU
more and representatives of the
Christian Science church. Interment
was In Idlewlld cemetery.
Harold W. Dlckerson
Harold W. Dlckerson, who haa
been a resident of Hood River for
about two years, died at the North
Pacific sanitarium early Sunday
BO fl IaU PfTfpl
I ZS V x at--! 5v-4'; rl
The Hall Block, Reported Sold for $57,000.
morning from the effects of appcndl-
cltls. Mr. Dlckerson was first tnkeu
with this trouble about ten days ago
and was at once taken to the sani
tarium, where he was operated on
by Dr. Coffey. Later Drs. Hockey
and Bnrr were called In as consult
ing physicians. The trouble, how
ever, was so deep seated that he
failed to rally.
Mr. Dlckerson was less than thirty
years old. In robust health ami Just
A. A. Sllsbee, an expert clgarmnker
who has been located nt St. Anthony
Idaho, was here Thursday and an
nounces that he will start a cigar
manufacturing establishment at
Hood River. Mr. Sllslee Is contem
plating taking rooms for this pur
pose tn the Jackson building and
Indleves that the manufacture of ci
gars will prove a successful business
here. The factory will at tlrst Ih
started with one or two employes
beside Mr. Sllsbee and If well patron
ized more help will Im employed. By
manufacturing a good grade of ci
gars Mr, Sllsliee believes that Hood
River smokers will patronize the
home industry. . He received a good
deal of encouragement and expects
to ship his outfit here at once.
J. P. Lucas represented Hood River
county at the bnnquet to Judge
Williams at the Hotel Portland Sat
urday night. The affair was at
tended by a lot of the representative
men of the state In all walks of life.
The menu cards were very elaborate
and contained a fine portrait of
Judge Williams.
River Citizens
in the prime of his young manhood
He bad made many friends here who
were verj much shocked to learn of
his death. For some time he had
charge of the ranch of Dlckerson &
Peck on the east side, aud recently
with his brother, W. B. Dlckerson,
bought some valuable property. He
came here from Minnesota,
The body of the deceased, accom
panied by W. B. Dlckerson, left Mon
day for New York where it will be
interred iti the family burying ground
on Long Island.
T. W. DeBussey
T. W. Debussey died Sunday after
noon at the Cottage hospital, where
he underwent an operation In the
morning lor the removal of a car
buncle from bis neck. Mr. DeBussey
had been suffering for some time with
this trouble and although his condi
tion was considered serious It was
not thought to be critical. He rallied
from the operation apparently in a
strong condition and bis death later
was entirely unexpected.
The deceased who was well known
and highly esteemed here, had suc
cessfully conducted a restaurant bus
iness for several years. He was born
at Ravenswood, West Virginia, No
vember 1:1, 1S!7. When 17 years old
he moved to Illinois. Later be went
to Pasadena Cal., where he bought
property and lived for fifteen years.
Five years ago he traded his Califor
nia property for orchard land at
Mosler, and four years ago came to
Hood River where he engaged In the
restaurant business. Mr. DeBussey
Is survived by his wife and one child
who reside here. His other relatives
are In the east.
The funeral will be held this after
noon at 2 o'clock at Bartmess chapel
with services conducted by Rev. W.
C. Gllmore. Thursday the body will
le shipped to the Portland crema
torium for Incineration.
Land sales during the week were
active. Among them was the sale
by B. E. Duncan & Company of
twenty acres between Tuckers and
Odell to Clyde S. Mason. Mr. Mason
Is a Chicago man and a nephew of J.
R. Sheltou who bought on the east
side last fall. The orchard Is In
young trees.
The Duncan company also sold
during the week some big holdings
In the Mosler district. One hundred
and forty acres of this In-longed to
Mr. Duncan personally and was sold
to the Willamette Valley Trust and
Investment Company of Portland.
Twenty-five ncres of It Is In young
trees. The company has Incorporat
ed under the name of the Columbia
Orchard Tract and will sub divide it.
Other sales were 40 acres belonging
to E. H. Hartwlg to A. J. Derby and
40 acres belonging to Mr. Duncan to
Fred N, Patterson of Weuatchee,
Through (1. D. Culbertson & Com
pany Michael IVndergast a resident
of Fort Worth. Tex , bought the .las.
Churchward place of ten acres In the
I 'I tie (irove district for which he paid
11,500. Mr. IVndergast left here
Friday for Fort Worth and will re
turn April 15th with his family.
Helped To Corral
Interstate Victory
Burleigh Cash, Hood River U. of O. Stu
dent On Debating Team That Won Championship-Other
Local Boys Making Good
University of Oregon, Eugene,
March 20, 1910 Before a crowd which
filled Vlllard hall the University of
Oregon last night defeated the Uni
versity of Idaho In debate by a unan
imous decision. Simultaneously
with the winning of this debate came
the announcement that Oregon's
negative team on the same question
had Just defeated the University of
Washington at Seattle. The crowd
went wild with Joy. The staid old
walls of Vlllard rang with cheer after
cheer. Previously to this Oregon
had won a unanimous decision over
the University of Utah and the vic
tories last night gave her the cham
pionship of four states.
The debates were on the federal
control of corporations doing an In
terstate business. Oregon had two
teams, one, the afflrmattve, debating
the University of Idaho at Eugene
and the other, the negative, debating
the University of Washington at
Seattle. Both teams won. Oregon's
negative teams was composed of L.
L. Ray, '10, of Eugene, Burns Powell
'12, of Monmouth, and Howard Zim
merman, '1'!, of Salem; the affirma
tive team, of Percy Collier, '10, Eu
gene, Carlton Spencer, '13, Cottage
Urove, and Burleigh, Cash '12, of
Hood River.
Burleigh Cash, former champion
debater and orator for the high
school, is making the same kind of a
record at the university. The debat
ing team of which he was a member
leat a team from the University of
Idaho last Friday night by a unani
mous decision. Cash has been train
ing hard and faithfully tlnc be won
the place on the team last fall, over
upper classmen and members of the
teams of previous yenrs, and the
sieech he made opening the debate,
outlining the argument of the affirm
ative and crushing the opposing ar
gument even before It had been given
was a masterpiece and undoubtedly
had much to do with the unqualified
certainty of the judges as to the win
ners of the debate.
The team sent to meet the Univer
sity of Washington, the third mem
ber of the trl-state debating league
on the negative of the same question
won by a two to one decision. These
two victories, with that over the
University of Utah two months ago,
makes the University of Oregon un-
lisputed debate champion of the
tiorth west. The complaints that the
debate and oratory are not sup
ported at the university as they
should le are not lelng heard so fre
quently after a record like this year's.
Cash is not the only Hood River
student making good In his own
particular line of effort. Este Broslus
In spite of unusually keen competi
tion for places this year, has made
catcher on the varsity baseball
squad. There were eight trying for
this place this year, but Broslus,
though only a freshman, was one of
the three catchers chosen for the reg
ular squad. Lena Newton, whose
card showed the liext record for the
Inst semester's work of any of the
Hood River students, Is writing arti
cles of a high II ti'rary character for
The announcement that Profs. E.
V.. Coad and L. B. Gibson would
speak In the open forum In the As
bury M. E. church Sunday evenlug
attracted an unusually large and ap
preciative audience. Dr. Ford In In
troducing the speakers declared It of
the greatest Importance that the
teachers In our public schools should
have correct nnd up-to-date views of
Christianity; that the public schools
should le maintained at the highest
efficiency and supported liberally by
every patriotic citizen; that they
should have the hearty sympathy of
all ministers anil churches, and lie
kept free from undue denotplnational
influence and ecclesiastical meddling;
that the children and young people
In our schools should Ik' under the
influence of men and women who an
moral and christian after the best
type. The addresses elicited aud de
served espvlal cotumciidatlou.
the Oregon monthly. Albert Oarra
brant Is taking first places in the
distance runs and Murphy is show
ing up well in the jumps and Struck
In the weights. Jack Lucker was
elected assistant baseball manager
a few weeka ago. This puts him In
line for varsity manager next year.
Three of the Hood River students
went into fraternities at the begin
ning of the secoDd semester, Ray
Early into the Khoda Khan, and
Este Broslus and Karl Onthank into
the Alpha Tau Omega, a national
fraternity just Installed at Eugene.
Ray Murphy Is pledged to the Alpha
Tau Omegas also. GRAd.
Accompanied by a letter the Ore
gon Normal School Alumni Associa
tion forwards a paid announcement
of its effort to retain a school at Mon
mouth which appears in another
column. The News Is asked to state
the position of the advocates of the
Monmouth school who ask for the
support of Hood River people in ob
taining it. Briefly, quoting from the
communication, It Is as follows:
"Since the establishment of the
first normal school in the state of
New York In there haa been &
steady, persistent growth and de
velopment In the number of schools
established in that state, as well aa
throughout the United States, until
there is no state in the Union that
does not have normal training save
and except Oregon alone. This la an
unenviable distinction. California,
Idaho, Washington, ber nearest
neighbors, all geuerously maintain
their normal schools. Many of the
states, and most of the cities, require
their teachers to have had training
in a normal school. The rural schools
tu all the states are entitled to this
superior service; it Is only denied
them because of the scarcity of
trained teachers and the remedy la
our state now lies with the people.
"Oregon has a well equipped plant
established nt Monmouth, a fair esti
mate of Its valuation would be more
than one hundred thousand dollars.
Being near the center of population,
easy of access. It is located in the
most beautiful and healthful part of
the state. The buildings are well de
signed aud equipped for the work,
having all modern conveniences. It
would be worse than folly to discon
tinue Its use, for the school must be
located some place and this Is a well
selected site."
INVESTS $40,000
One of the largest land sales that
has ever taken place at Mosler was
consummated Friday when C. A.
MeCarger purchased the George Sel
linger phioe for which he paid In the
neighborhood of $40,000.
The purchase consists of 21W rcres
of what Is considered some of the
fiuest frultlaud in the Mosler district,
100 acres of which is cleared. The
place has a house aud other Improve
ments on it and Is located near the
big fruit farm of the East Hood River
Fruit Company about a mile east of
It Is probable that Mr. MeCarger
will cut It up Into smaller acreages
and sell some of It to the many In
vestors who are buying in this fast
developing district.
Pushing Oregon Trunk
John F. Stevens, president of the
Oregon Trunk railway, now under
construction up the iVschutes to
central Oregon, says Mion men are at
work on the W tulles now under
construction, or nearly as many men
as were employed ou the construc
tion of the "70 miles of the North
Bank road. He says the new line Is
of the most modern construction and
the whole thing Is lielng pushed with
the utmost possible energy. The
present plan Is to build south only as
far as Bend, although maps have
ln-en filed from Bend south to lbs
Klamath Indian reservation.