THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1910 9 it- 11 EASTER GREETINGS THE SINCERITY STORE" "AN HONEST TALE SPEEDS WELL, BEING PLAINLY TOLD" -SHAKESPEARE People are turning more and more to our store because they have confidence in the durability of our Mer chandise. Therefore, make it a point TO SEE what we have to offer and what we can do for you. 8 X its mm Mi s m if-J S iff! 1 WSJ GET THE HABIT of wanting the ocr to be had for the price. You pay prices that are right for the PALMER GARMENT in Ladies', Misses' and. Girls' sizes. SHIRT WAISTS Attractive, Sensible, and Good Values .SOME&HIfG J1EW! WOMETHIJG VIFFEHEJVT I SEE THEM lorlan afhrop 1 I Home Phone S Hood River, Oregon Live Local Topics Tom IMfliiinlMiiii. wlui Kt n little inlxt'il In lilt ilatcM, ilroiMl ciff lure liint Friday to nttciid tli liamim't of tlm Coinmt'n-lal Clnli todl-covi-r that It lunl Ihhmi Iii-M wvtiI iIii.vm irevl iiiih. Mr. Itlchanlnon wan iin-t liy Swiftnr.v Skinner of tin' Commercial Club niil xpent the time visiting frienilH. Look out for the St. Mark'H (iulltl KaHler Hale. Announcement later. W. S. Mchol haH lioiiht a Siinle liaker K. M. K. ntitoinoliile (or um In hlH real entate IiuhIii"hh ami now ban Mm down town office located In the Iavldxon hiilldiiiK. Frank M. Oultin rel nrned TlmrKilay from a lotitf vlttlt at Canton, Illlnoln, where lie Iihh ltn Mtaylii with rela tives ami frlendu at lit former home. Mm. ('. L More returneil from Collin's Hrln(rt Saturday where Hhe had Imtii forn wiN'k In the he of lH-nef)ttln her condition ly mineral lintlm. Mr. and Mm. ieo. I. Crowell re turned Thurxday from their stay In California. Mr. anil Mrs.tieorite Lynn returned Sunday from St. Johns, where they went to nitend the weddlnn of Mrs. Lynn's sister. Miss I'lorcnce Hjerliv. The Con:reifatlonitl ladles will hold mi Kaster sale at the Odd Fel lows hall Wednesday afternoon. Mar. 2!l. Lunch will lie served from five to seven o'clock 2.V. All cordially In ODELL Mrs. Wicks daughter are visit ing at the home of W. L. Carnes. Mr. and Mrs. F. 1'. Friday have re turned from Portland where they have Iteen for the past week Wally Vounir, who has ls-en visit In rel'attves In eastern Oregon, has returned home liriiiK"K with him several ranjce horses. l'liplls of the seventh and eighth Krade spellln class who miss no words of the regular .Ml word lesson review each day will have their names mentioned In the pner each week. liladys Crosby Is the only pupil no' missing this week. A. 11. Combs, state manager of the National Life Insurance Co., made this vicinity n call last week. Koll of honor for the primary room month endlnir March 1 1!10: Minnie Kniipp. F.nlii Mahnney, Laura Folts, Merlon Folts, licland Knulish, Vlrull Cameron, Kalph ltenvle, Kminald Tousev, Hoy Hale, Louis Kjritert, Mildred Odell. Hernharil Krohn, Fred Smith, Louis 1'loK, Karl Atkinson. For Sale .'." acres of peerless apple land 7 miles out on the east side. .100 trees ." years old, WO trees :t years old Kit) trees 2 years old find 12 tnrs 1 year old; 7s trees, commercial vari eties, all In prime condition. Will sell entire tract or will subdivide. For Information see L. A. 10. Clark, Odell, Fhoiie Odell 124, or Shelley & Son, Carson, Wash. PINE GROVE There will lie a rood Easter pro gram at the church next Sunday mornlnir- Miss Horton has charge of the exercises. 1 he V. C. T. F. w 111 meet at the church Friday aftermon of this week The subject, "Christian Citizenship" will be discussed. I The wife and daughter of Dr. ! Itrown, of the firm of Iewls and I Urown, are spending a few weeks on ' their farm. i Mrs. Svvnuston, who has Is-en vis-; Itlng her sister, Mrs. Mark, left Tues day evening for her home In North Dakota. i The entertainment by the grangers which was held last Thursday even- j lug was a decided success. One of the special features of the occasion was the excellent character dancing br Miss Wllnia Thompson of Hood ; Kiver. The writer Is glad to see the consol- Ida t ion plan for the high school again coming to the front. There Is not h- lug that would serve to strengthen the good roads proposition more than to have this co-operation. And although there will be much opposl- j tiou for some time to come It will no 1 doubt eventually be a successful un-1 dertaklng. Consolidation has proved an advantage In other regions and : under no liettcr road conditions than we enjoy In this valley. Ix't the agi tation continue, j Notice to the Stockholders of the Hood River Apple Growers' Union The stockholders of the Hood Hlver Apple tirowers' Union are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders if the Hood liiver Apple Growers' I'nlou will occur on Saturday. April 2nd, at 10 o'clock n. m., at the K. of l. hall In the opera bouse lu Hood Hlver, Oregon, for the purpose of electing a Hoard of uine directors to serve for the ensuing year and also for the purpose of vot ing on the proposition of making the original stin k Issue of $2000 on the same dividend paying basis as the later Issue of stock. C. II. Sl'HOAT, Sec'y. 0AKDALE GREENHOUSE Rom-, Shrubs and Vines in iroorl assortment for fnll planting. Peonies 1 and 4-year old. 35c to tl .00 each. Hordy Pheox. Bell Flowers. Cuapan you. I iriental Poppies, ready now. A full line of pot plants at Frans'. Phone for rut flowers. FLETCHER St FLETCHER If you are looking for a home in Hood River valley for yourself or friends, I have IS acres I 1-4 mile from Hood River, 1 1-2 mile from high school; 10 acres in cultivation, 500 fruit trees, 4 acres in alfalfa, some strawberries and blackberries; fine view of Hood River valley. I am offering this property next ten days for $400 per acre. If you want anything like this, see the owner, J. T. Nealeigh. 10-1 l-p 1'pper Valley 1 have some good buvs now In the I'pper Valley. W. 11. Marshall.' We make a special effort to secure flowers that are durable, easy running and simple in construction. GARDEN TOOLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. COMPLETE STOCK NOW IN. M orgs Spray HoseGarden Hose Our stock of Mose is all new, being entirely sold out last fall. Our Spray Hose is guaranteed to you. We have them all widths from 14 to 22 inches, all prices from $3.75 to $15. Sizes and prices to suit everybody. FRANZ hardware 1 i' c J tv I I V I T - .T V asfY X V "I I I wm,m CLASSIFIED COLUMN AditrtlMmsntl lor Inisrtloa untfsr this hsaals III st chsrqts lor si tht rats si 25c atr atsath lor iusmsiiji truss imti-as aitsis,. Lit tnouis ccosisany espy, athsrwiss Mlbl ths 101k si Ihs wont As ntSiui tsr ricNln ths ssosis ins ma, sisnos atons ans snsicsnss. W; SPECIAL NOTICES 'snted A second hand hay rales, also a second hand orchard waicon with law wheels. En quire at News Office. 12-15- anted To buy second hand farm wairon and farm imoUunenta. Address V. Houl River News. 12-15-p REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS firSale Five room house and Tl lots for IHIjO. Ke lv, Ik iillM.ptB.di A rv iiliv r Sale 100 acres, four miles from af osier on The Palles nmi. Volnev S. slunrer. owner. Tsylor P. O.. ShasU Co.. Calif. 10-17 For Th L"W Sale -10 or 20 acres beat fruit land for sale x cheap if sold soon. Tartly improved. Inquire of (Joo. Darting A Son, Underwood, Wash. 10-13-e pVr Kale My reaidenee property. 1017 May 1 atreet. second house west of the high school, price tum. Also 10 acres 1 1-2 miles south of town on the west side, containing 6UU two-veer old Yellow Newtown trees and 30 Winter Banana trees: price HMO. Lu B. Gibson. 11-14-e X?'ir Sale Four larije loU on the Heights, partly L in fruit: price low. Also some good buys in ths went part of town. Inquire of A. W. Onthank. 11-14-e pVr Sale-One hundred lota in Irwin Wstson's x First Addition to Hood River. Also a second hand force pump. Inquire J. W. Kigby. 11-14-c ITor Sale Good partly improved fruit lands for 1 sale from u0 to i'JOO per acre, according to lo cation: many with bearing orcharda. Inquire, Mrs. C. CCuddeford. Hood River. Or. 11-14-p r Sale Eight room modern house, two lots with house. Or will sell with one lot. Phone No. J12-SI. 12-15-e TAr ei HOR8E8, COW8, PIQ8, CHICKEN8, ETC. Pur Sale-S.C. Rhode Island Red eggs for hatch ing lMt hivinv m . kl f.m ,in,AV 1. w I. 11.50 per 15. E. F. Batten, ohona 2012-M. 6-13-p Sale Horse, buggy and single ham ens. Horse weighs shout 1100 pounds, safe for lady to drive. I'hone 32.'-L. -12-p r Sale Team and wagon. w. Burtr, !-12-p Phone 20o-L. C. TAr Sale Eight yesr old bay horse, weight 1100 pounds, can he worked in team or u sinirle driver. Cutler Bros., phone 21uX. 9-12-e anted Six thoroughbred brown leghorns and one rooster. Phone -L. SM2-C Tor Sale Fancy ButT Orpington roosters, also capons for table use or for "stepmothers" to brood chickens. A. J. Grow, phone ftJl-M. 10-13c Lr Sale One horse eight or nine years old, first class fr buggy or farm work. See W. H. Stone, on Heron ner. East Side. Fhone 321-M. 10-13 Por Sale Two grade Jersey cows, also one driving horse, weight 1100 pounds. J. L Miller. phone 319-K. 11-14-p por Sale Fresh cow and calf, good Jersey stock, A good milker, lots of butter, price toO. B. Jensen. Star route 10, Mount Hood road 10 miles out. 11-14-p Tor Sale Single comb brown Leghorns and Indian Runner duck eggs. SI. 60 per setting. F. C. House, phone 213-L. 12-15-c tr Sale 200 egg Petal u ma incubator and brood- er. both in good condition, cheap. Phone ii272- K. 12-15-c Er Sale One horse eight years old. safe for lady A to drive or for buggy or farm work. Phone 21 3-x. 12-15-c FOR SALE For mi r Sale- Carriage, good as new: also one bay mare weighing about WO. Address E. 717 Eugene street. 9-12-p r Sale Chicago Cottage organ. 6 octave. In quire at Apple Growers Union, 11-14-c T7Vr Sale I wish again to offer for sale three notes for money loaned in 188H. held by me against B. F. Shoemaker, dated June 3. 1891. and due in lt&2 and '13, issued by B. F. Shoemaker on which he has refused payment and taken advant age of the statute of limitation in the January court. J. H. Shoemaker. Cr Sale A Brussels carpet and child's bed. En- quire 601 Cascade avenue. 12-15-p L08T AND FOUND T ost-On Oak street between 9th and Odd Fel-J-'lows Hall, string of jet beads. Please return t Annette Brosius. 10-3c EMPLOYMENT W: anted Stenographer in real estate office. Enquire Devlin 4i Firebaugh. 9-12-e anted A man and family to take charge of an improved fruit farm. 160 acres, good house and barn, and who will also buy an interest there in. German or Skandinavian preferred. Enquire of John Leland Henderson, Incorporated. 46-tf-c PruningIf in want of intelligent pruning ad dress A. J. Brunquist. phone 31-F.9-12-c Vanted A man to work on fruit ranch. One " who will find himself. Man with experience preferred. Phone 1H52-K. 10-13c Vf anted Man experienced in planting trees to work by the month; about two months work. Address box 5M, Hood River, Ore. 1 0-Hp Vanted Man with small family to work on fruit ranch. Must be accustomed to team and ordinary ranch work. Address J. H. Heilbron- ner's office. 10-13p Vnted Practical nurse wants patient at her home or will care for children. Phone 119-K. 10-13-e W: anted A position to take charge of business and practical conduct of ranch by one who is experienced in all branches of fruit growing, competent also to handle any kind of clerical work. Address A. News othce10-13-c Vranted Wideawake young man wants position on a ranch or fruit farm. Address Box 93. Hood River. 11-14-c IJelp Wanted Capable and experienced farmer. Steady work. Address Homer A. Rogers. Mt. Hood, stating age, experience and wages wanted. 12-l.Vc anted Party to pull stumps off 5 acre tract. in Belmont district. Address 2Mb Marquam building, Portland. Ore. 12-lo-p 'anted Experienced man to prune orchard. Enquire of K. !. Delano. Mt. Hood hotel. 12-15-p Id tbe Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for tbe County ot Hood River C W. Stark, plaintiff, vs. J. A. Simonsonand Et ta Simon son. defendants To J. A. Simonson and Etta Simonson, the above named defendants. In the name of the state of Oregon you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action, on or before six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, hereinafter stated, and if you fail to appear and answer this complaint, the plaintiff will take judgment against you, and each of y u. for the sum of fAH.riO and for the plaintiff s costs and disbursements made and ex pfmUti in this action. You are notified that this summons is served upon you by publication for six weeks in the Hcjh) River News by order of the County Judge of Hood River County, made March 4th. 1910. direct ing the said summons be so published for a period of six weeks requiring you to appear and answer said complaint on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication thereof. The date of the tint publication of this sum mons is March Vth, h10. S. W. Stark. PlaintifT Real I siale Bulletin i?OA")(l Three acres close to town, house, barn. Kasy terms. 3000 orty 'or-' nl''n out. 30 acres strict ly flint class and easily cleared, on county nd. Easy terms. $18000. Ten acres in the Pins Grove dis trict, nearly all in trees. Estimat ed cmp this year 2000 boxes. Buildings, tools, etc Reasonable terms. $ ICOf) Twenty acres, t miles out. 10 acres in " year old trees. 6 acres nearly cleared, balence pasture; 3 acres berries between trees. Small house. This price for a few days only. Terms UV0 down. G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office New aucoma Addition FMONl 2&-L A Snap in MimhI RKer Apple Land.. 100 acres fine apple land 6 miles soutn east of Mood klver, riuht in the famous Mood Kiver Apple Kelt. Kunninjc wa ter through the place. A snap for someone to plat out in small tracts. Only $50 per acre. N rite the owner, J. li. O'DOMNLl.L, 54 N. loth Street. lortland, Oregon. I'hone Main 6541. N; LEGAL AND OTHER NOTICES Ciuarsllan'ft Notker oties is hereby given that In pursuance to an order issued bv ths Hon. A. J. Dsnrbv. tudaiw of the county court of ths stats of Oregon. February 4th, lyiu. ths undersigned. John A. Wilsmi. has been appointed guardian of the person and stats of CharoUttts Mills, an incompetent, of Huod Riv er. Houd Kiver county. Stats of Oregon. All per sons having claims against said estate are request ed to present them, accompanied by proper vouch ers, at ths residence of said guardian, at Hood River, Hood River county, Oregon, or at ths onVa of John Leland Henderson, ths attorney for said guardian, at Hood River, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. LUttJ Huod River, Oregon. March 7th. 1910. John A. Wilson, Guardian of the person and as tats of Charoiotts Mills, an incompetent. John Lbland Henderson, Attorney for Guardian. 10 li tbe Circuit Coart tt tbe State of Oregoe fur the County ot Mood liver. Arthur Putnam, plaintiff, vs. Ina L. lutnam, defendant. Suit for divorce Summons To Ina L. Putman, the above named defendanti In ths name of ths Stats of Oregon, you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit, and within six weeks from the Ihth day of February, 1110. said day being ths first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to ths Court for the relief demanded in his complaint aforesaid, filed in said cause, for tow it: A decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony eii sting be tween ths plaintiff and defendant in said cause. This summons is published bv virtue of an or der of Hon. A. J. Derby, Judge of ths County Court of Hood River county, stats of Oregon, dated February 11th. A. t 1910. which order specifies and provides six weeks and seven inser tions publication in the "Hood River News," a weekly newspaper published weekly in said coun ty and state, as ths time and paper in which said summons shall be published. UaUxl. Hood River. Oregon, February 11. 1910. John Leland Hhndes-hon. Feb. 1ft-Mar. 30 Attorney for Plaintiff. to tbe County Court ot tbe State of Oregoe for Hood River touDtr Tn the matter of the estate of Katie M. Smith, '-deceased. Administrator's Notice of Final Ac count. Notice is hereby given, that I. the undersigned administrator of the estate of Katie M. Smith, de ceased, have filed with the County Court of ths State of Oregon for Hood River County, a final account, and have asked for final settlement of said estate, and the County Court, by an order dated the 3d day of March, 1J10. has appointed Thursday, the 7th day of April. 1910. at 10 oVlnek a. m . at the Court House in the City of Hood Riv er. County of Hood River. State of Oregon, as ths time and place for hearing of objections to such final account and settlement of said estate, and all persons having objections to said account or to the settlement of said estaU are hereby notified to file same on or before 10 o'clock a. m. of said 7th day of April, 1910, in accordance with said or der of the court. This notice is published for four successive weeks, beginning with issue of date the 9th day of March, A. U. 1910. K. H. DRAG, Administrator of ths estate of Katie M. Smith. sTdeceased. 10-14 lo the County Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Hood liver. In the Matter of the Estate of Peter Kopke, de ceased. Order for Citation, to show cause. On the petition filed in this Court ths 24th day of February. 1910. of Rosie Margaret Benson, claiming to be the sols surviving child and sole heir and next of kin of Peter Kopke, deceased, praying that ths decision of this Court heretofore made, admitting to probate a paper writing pro pounded by William Ehrck. as the last will of ths said Peter Kopke, deceased, be again examined, and that the matter thereof be again heard by this Court. It is this the 21st day of March. A. D. 1910, ordered that the said cause be again examin ed and heard, and that notice be given to the said William Khrck, and to Mrs. Anna Grimm, a widow, sister of said Peter Kopke, deceased, sole devisee under said will, whe resides in Neu Klost er, Hanover, in the Empire of Germany, and to all persons interested in said estate, to appear in this Court on or before Monday ths 4th day of July, A. D., 1910, or day following, ths said 4th day of July being a legal holiday, ths said 4th day of July being the first day of ths regular July term of said Court, in person or by solicitor, then and there to show cause why the said probata of the said Will shall not be set aside, and ths said paper writing therein propounded by ths said William Ehrck as the last will of ths said Peter Kopke be declared null and void; and provided that a copy of this order be published in ths Hood River News once a week for four U) successive weeks, and for five (5) consecutive insertions, pre vious to the said 4th day of July. 1910; and that said published order show the date of this order, and the date of the first publication thereof, and that a copy of this order be mailed to Mrs. Anna Grimm, according to law. Ordered this the 21st day of March. A. D.. 1910. A. J. Derby, 12-lft-c County Judge. Notice In the County Court for Hood River County. State of Oregon. In the Matter of the Application of Fred Henry Smith to Changs His Name. Order Changing Name of Fred Henry Smith to Fred Henry Schaer. Now coming on for hearing tht petition of Fred Henrv Smith, duly verified by ths petitioner on the 4th day of February. 1910. and filed in this csuse and court on the 5th day of February. 1910, setting forth grounds of ths application as fol lows to-wit: John A. Schaer, ths father of petitioner, was married to petitioner a mother in the state of Iowa about thirty-four years ago. and they lived to gether as husband and wife, about twelve years. when petitioner s mother died at Uavenport, Ne braska, sometime in ths summer of 18K8, when petitioner was eight years of age; and about one year after ths death of petitioner's mother, his said father re-married in the state of Iowa and a few months after said mamage, his second wife, whose name was Ross Collamore. deserted said petitioner's father in said stats of Iowa, and about eight months after said second mamage petitioner's said fsther secured a divorce from said second wife and in order to prevent said second wife obtaining alimony, said petitioner's father assumed the name of "John A. Smith" in stead of his own name. John A. Schaer. and re tained said name thereafter, as his real name; that said petitioner believes that said father is dead, and that his father resnled. until about nine years ago, with said petitioner, in the city of St. Paul, in the state of Minnesota; that on or about the first day of April, 1901. the father of peti tioner left his home for the far West, and peti tioner has not heard from, or of his said father for more than seven years last past, and petitioner believes that his said father is dead; that peti tioner is now residing in a house belonging to Charles Schser, who is the brother of said petitioner s said father, and that there are other members of ths said Schaer family living: that the premises considered, petitioner's name of "Smith" has no pleasant aaeocisttons connected with it. and said name never was his real name, but petitioner alleges that he has acquired and sold rval estate under the name "Fred Henry Smith." but that petitioner really finds himself in the position of a man without a name that is pleasing or agreeable to hint, although petitioner has gone by the name of "Fred Henry Smith" for about twenty y"ara; that petitioner believes, by 'hus changing his name, it would be of great ad vantage to him, as the name "Smith" is so common, that he feels he is just one of a herd, while his father's real name. "Schaer." is an un usual name, and has clustered around it all the associations of his early childhood, and his early home, and that it would be of pecuniary benefit in regard to matters of business, may haps of inheri tance, and t:e is anxious to effect such change, that petitioner has no other reason fur desiring such change in name, and is not aware of any objections to said petition, nor does he know of any reason that can be raised against it. And it appearing that in pursuance of the law in such cajs made and provided in section rwiT, Bellinger A Cotton s Annotated Codes of Oregon, that public notice has been given by proof of publication thereof, in the Hood River News, a newspaper f general circulation. published weekly in Hood River, in Hood River county, state of Oregon, for four weeks and for five inser tions thereof, consecutively, the first publication of which notice was the 9th day of February. 1910. and which notice directed that all persona should offer and should cause, if any they have, why the petition to change the name of the appli cant, should no. be granted, and it appearing to the court by said petition, and affidavit of publi cation, that satd Fred Henry Smith resides in the city of Hood River, county of Hixl River and state of Oregon, the county in which this court is situate, and that said applicant is more than twenty-one years of age, and the court being sat isfied by such petition that there is no reasonable objection that aid petitioner should assume an other name, and that said publication is in all things regular and that all the proceedings had herein are regular and according to law; It Is Therefore Ordered, on this the Uth day of March, 1910, that Fred Henry Smith be and he hereby is authorised to aaume the name of Fred Henry Schaer, fnm and after the l.lth day of March. 19 hi, and that within ten days from this date the said petitioner do caune a copy of this order to be published in the Houd River News, a public newspaper, printed in said county uf Hood River, according to the provisions of ths statute in such case made and provided: that said notice be published for fotir weeks and for five insertions , thereof, ami that upm return uf the proof tbere - of, a certificate, under the seal of the court, j sumed by the clerk thereof, shall issue, showing i that the applicant's nan.s is now and shall hete- after be Fred Henry Schaer. and that said name shall hereafter te his letotl name. Ordered this 12th day of March. 1910. A. J. Pi a by. 11-15- County Judge,