The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 23, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Physician and Surgeon
Residence. Oak and Park. OrBee. Oak and 3mnl
Office hours, 10 to 11 a. m.. I to Sand 7 to 8 p. m.
Rooms t, 4 and S. Broalua Block. Hood Rim. Or.
Physician and Surgeon
Calla promptly anawarad In towa'or country, day
or nltrht.
Telephones-Residence 811. Office US.
Office In tba Broaiua Buildinc.
Physician and Surgeon
Offlca orer Firat National Bank
Home'phone. Res.TlBjOfflee phona Tl
Hood River, Oregon
Physicians and Surgeons
Eliot Block Phona U
Hood River, Oregon
J. F. WATT. M. D,
Physician and Surgeon
Offlca. Homa phona 30. Residence, SOB
Hood Rirar, Orecon
Dr. M. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Sharp
Osteopathic Physicians
tiraduatee of tha American School of Osteopathy.
Kirksville. Mo.
Offlca in Kliot Buildinc
Phone-Office 102. Residence 102-B.
Hood RiTar. Orecon
Offlca. Hall Buildinc. over Butler Bankinc Co
Offlca phone 28. Reaidenca phone 28-B
Hood River, Orecon
II. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S.
Office over Firat National Bank
Offlca- Home phone 131. Residence- Home 131-B
Hood River. Orecon
Licensed Veterinarian
Hood River. Orecon
Smith block
Rood Rivsr, Orcffon
Attorney at Law
Smith Block. lover Firat National Bank
Phone 168 Hood River, Orecon
John Leland Henderson
Attorney at Law
Hood River, Orecon
Hall Buildinc
Hood River, Orecon
Attorney at Law
Eliot Buildinc. Phone SOtOi
Hood River. Orecon
Notary Public and Insurance
Room 12, Broaiua Block
Hood River, Orecon
Davidson Buildinc
Phono 1
City Engineer and Surveyor
Nawauu Goaarrr Walsh
Davidson Buildinc Hood River, Orecon
Trio Orchestra
Muaie furnished for all occasions.
Instrumentation from three pieeea to any nunv
bar desired.
Address or phona
M-X or tet-L. Hood Rivar, Orecon
Hall Buildinc
Hnod River, Orecon
"Advr-rtta-InK lirlnn miooemi" If
what ymi iNlvertlne la-urn out your
We've Hatched Out a Good Thing:--
The Troblem To bring together the landless man
and the manless land.
The Solution The installment payment plan
solved the problem of thousands of city home buyers, and
now the same plan is open to those who want a country
home and ranch.
We have the sale of 160 acres at Lyle, 2 1-2 miles
from the North Bank railroad. The ten acres with the
buildings and 3 acres of 6 year standard apples, with peach
fillers, $200 per acre. The balance, uncleared, mostly
brush and oak grubs, $75 per acre. $50 down and $15 per
month will buy ten acres.
NO. tt. Fine residence and lot ad-
Jolulng Dr. Shaw's, two blocks from
depot. $2,600.
NO. 10. Three fractional lot ad-
Joining "The FIrn," near bl-IiooI
houHe, unimproved. $1,000.
NO. 11. Quarter block buMm-aa
property, adjoining Jackson's, oppo
site court house, f 10,500. May be
sold separately at $0,000 for the cor
ner lot and $5,ii00 for the side lot.
NO. 12. Residence lots, Shermnn
avenue and on top of bill. $175 and
NO. 2:5. On Sherman avenue, three
blocks from depot.
Lots 9 & 12, lllock 24, Hood IUver
proper $J00.
Lots 3 & IS, Block 24, Hood Klver
proper. f..0.
Lots 2 & lit, Block 24, Hood IUver
proper. $..i0.
NO. 27. A lot and a half on Cas
cade. $S2.".
NO. 30. Lots 14 and 15, Block 13,
Barrett-Slpma Addition. $800.
NO. 40. 7 Boom house, 3 lots and
large barn, on the Heights. f:l,!00.
NO. 4T. tt Boom house on Cascade,
1,200. (iood terms.
NO. 40. Two lots and two houses
thereon. East part of town. $1,0.10.
The lower one 5 room house and
full lot, $050.
NO. 52. A lot and a fraction aud a
bouse of Ave rooms and a fraction,
on Sherman avenue. $2,500.
NO. 55. Small house and 90x150
foot lot, on the Heights. $'X0.
NO. CO. Two nicely located resi
dence lots close to business center.
NO. 01. Four leautifully located
lota on the Heights overlooking the
Columbia. $1,200.
NO. 02. Four good Ifiylng lots on
the Heights, $S50.
NO. 79. Two of the lest lots on
the Heights. $050.
NO. 85. Three room house and
two lots on Montello Avenue. A
!eautlful view, $750.
NO. 92. Two nicely located lots In
Wlnans addition. $500.
East Side
NO. 4. 11 acres at Ia'ut. station;
10 set to etaudard trees; small house
and barn. 5O0 per acre.
NO.21. NO acres, miles out on east
side; 00 acres Al npple land; 10 acres
1 to 6 year trees; 5 acres In potatoes;
7 acres partially cleared. $8,500.
NO. 41. 40 Acres, 7 miles out on
enst side. Some Improvements.
NO. SO. A good forty In 2 N 11. $50
per acre.
NO. 91. Fifteen acres splendidly
located, close In. 13 acres In orchard
four acres mixed, bearing; balance In
3-year standard varieties. Oood
house, barn and apple house. $10,-
000. flood terms.
NO. 95. Forty acres, one yenr; half
iears, hair apples, rnce $it,iro
cheaiHT than you enn buy raw land,
clear aud plant.
NO. 99. Sixty acres, fifty In or
chard; thirty acres In six year stan
dard apples, two-thirds Newtowns,
balance mostly Spltx. $50,000.
NO. 100. 20 acre orchard; 7 acres 9
year, balauee .1 anil 4 year, noon
buildings; near store and school.
NO. 101. 10 acre orchard with
2,000 box crop In night; good build
ings; stock and Implements Included.
nenr church, school, store and sta
tion. $11,500.
NO. 104. Twenty acres near store,
school, church and station. 10 acres
In orchard, ft Itearlng, balance 3 and
4 vear trees. $1S,000. Kasy terms.
NO. 105. Forty acres, half In or
chard, $750 per acre. F.asy terms.
West Side
NO. 7. 10 aeres adjoining "Better
Fruit" ranch, 9 acres In trees, 4 and 5
yenr, good Improvements. $8,000.
NO. 10. 20 acres In Oak Orove dlst.
8 acres cultivated, 4 acres In 3 to
year trees, small house and barn.
$5,000. Very easy terms.
NO. 29. 5 ncres. 3 miles from town,
all cultivated, 150 trees, house, barn,
chicken houses and ynrds. $4,500.
NO. 33. 2l ncres close to town,
all In trees, buildings new and good
A neat, clean place. $3,000.
NO. 42. 140 Acres, fir and oak, N
miles out on west side. Very easy
terms. $15,400.
NO. 43. Two 80's In 2 North 9, one
at $40, the other at $50. Half cab
NO. 4S. 20 Acres. (Jood piece of
land. 10 miles out on West side.
NO. 49, Ten acres, three miles west
of ball park. Seven acres In 5, 3 and
1 year trees. A lot of small fruit.
Oood bouse aud barn. $8,000.
NO 57. 20 acres miles from V.
O.on state road. 12 acres cultivated,
6 acres In orchard. Admirable' site
for a sanitarium or summer hotel.
NO. un. Huir interest In 40 acres,
2 miles from town, 20 acres cultivat
ed, 5 acres of old orchard, 8 acres of
5 year and 5 acres of 2 and 3 year
trees. 8 room house. $12,500. Own
er Is an expert orchardlst.
NO. 59. 9 acres. One of the most
attractive places on the main west
side road, I 34 miles from town.
Orchard In full bearing; buildings
worth $3,000. Price $10,000.
No. 05. 40 acres near town on
state road, 12 at-res cultivated, 6
acres In orchard. Beautiful location
for summer home. $10,000.
NO. 87. Ten acres In Oak Grove,
three acres In one year trees; small
house. Grand view. Will trade for
Hood IUver city property. $3,000.
NO. W. Improved ten acres near
Barrett school. 150 tearing trees,
100 one year and 300 five year trees.
A fine orchard and home. $4000
worth of buildings. Team and tools
included. 112,000.
NO. 90. Oak Grove, ten ncres;elght
acres In two and three year Spltzen-
burgs and Newtowns; splendidly lo
cated and well drained; trees and
soil In fine condition. $10,000
NO. 93. Equity of $S,015 In East
ern Oregon wheat much to exchange
for Hood Itlver ranch. 402 acres, 400
acres In cultivation, 200 In crop, 15
more tillable. Well watered. Fair
buildings and good fencing.
NO. 90. Eighty acre orchard. 12
acres In full bearing, eight acres of
two year pears; balance four and
three year standard apples. Of
course you expect & price that would
put a crimp In Creosus' wad, but
you can't buy this for $1,500 an acre
because the price Is $H) the owner
Is willing to leave a good margin of
profit to the man w ho pays him his.
NO. OS. 300 acres unimproved. $00
per acre.
NO. 102. Ten acres, two In trees,
NO. 103. 20 acres of four year olds,
$20,000. (Gilt edge)
Upper Valley
If you want gilt-edge prop
erty m this section, at right
prices, consult a specialist
we know the land and we
know the values. Note the
activity in this coming coun
trywaiting means more
NO. 1. 150 acres of Ideal orchnrd
land, the ler t location for a large
orchard In the I'pper Valley; mile
from Valley Crest school; under new
Glacier ditch; SO ncres brush, balance
light timber. $17,500.
40 acres of the nbove, with Im
provements worth over $5,000, 17
acres cleared; stnnll young orchard;
7 room house, new; wood house,
large barn, stock and Implements.
The southeast 50 acres, unimprov
ed; fronts on county road; elegant
slope. $!0 H-r acre.
Back 00 ncres, 3 acres In alfnlfa; lo
cation for orchnrd and building un
excelled. $s0 per acre.
NO. 2 50 acres rpper Valley, 14
acres under cultivation. 2 acres In
lierrles, 250 trees, 3 and 4 year; small
house and good burn, 100 Inches free
water, some stock and Implements.
NO. IS, 20 ncres, across the road
from new terminus of Mt. Hood rail
road, and from new school house; 12
acres In cultlvathrn; 350 two year
trees, 300 ready to liear, 150 bearing;
acre of alfalfa. Good new six room
house; barn 14x21, woodshed and
chicken house. $13,000.
NO. 47. 40 Acres unimproved, near
Mt. Hood P. O , $2,500. Very easy
NO. 53. 25 Acres near the Mount
Hood postofHce. $100 per acre.
NO. 00. 40 acres, mile from Val
ley Crest school; soli, location and
lay of land Al. Small clearing and
good log cabin. Will be covered by
new Glacier ditch. $100 per acre.
NO. 72. SO acres of rolling brush
land 2 miles from Par kd ale; under
the Middle Fork ditch. Price Is now
$150 wr acre.
NO. 73. SO acres under the new
Glacier ditch: 1 miles from Valley
Crest school. 20 acres cleared, 2 acres
In strawberries; good log house. $75
per acre.
NO. 74. 20 acres, unimproved, easy
clearing; covered by new Glacier
ditch. 2 miles from Valley Crest
school. Ideal location for summer
home. $40 per acre,
NO. 75. 40 acres 1 miles from the
Valley Crest school; 5 acres cultivat
ed, IN) three aud four year trees,
house, barn, woodshed and chicken
home. $S,500.
NO. 70. 40 acres 1 miles from
Parkdale; unimproved; all good
land, $125 per acre.
NO. si. A short quarter section,
2 miles from Valley Crest school, on
stage road to the Inn; 8 acres cleared,
small buildings. Ideal for subdivis
ion. $m per acre.
NO. S3. 71 acres, 3 miles south of
Valley Crest school; heavy timber.
NO. sa. Shelter Iedge. An Ideal
location for country home a view
beautiful iK-yond your happiest
dreams; In the "banana belt" a
thermal belt, with admirable air,
drainage, and enjoying several weeks
more freedom from frost than land
west of the river. 80 acres brush and
timber, small clearing; roomy, com
fortable log bouse; good barn.' $100
per acre.
NO. 94. Eighty acres, unimproved
1 miles south of Valley Crest school,
on main road. $0,500.
NO. 107. 40 acres brush and tim
ber, 2 miles south of Parkdale. A
bargain at $100 per acre.
NO. 10S. 15 acres adjoining the
Millard orchard, light brush, very
easy clearing, oneclumpof fir about
10,000 feet, enough for fencing, fire
wood and a log bungalow. $2,500.
Good terms.
NO. 109. 20 acres, 1 miles from
Parkdale, cleared, 000 1 year trees, 3
acres berries, $0,000.
NO. 24. Idlewild, Columbia Beach.
Lot S, Block 22, $400.
Lot 9, " $500.
NO. 31. 40 acres of brush back of
Lyle. $50 per acre.
NO. 32. 150 acres, three miles from
Husura, unimproved. $3,200.
NO. 56. 5,000 acres on the Colum
bia; opposite The Dalles. A level
bench of 2,000 acres can le Irrigated
by a 150 foot lift from river; 100 acres
can be Irrigated by springs; 300 acres
of bench-like land, 700 acres of foot
hill land; balance grazing land. The
soil Is combination of volcanic ash
and disintegrated basalt and allu
vium a warm, sandy loam Ideal
cherry, peach and berry land. Stock
and Implements go with It. Two
houses, five barns; all fenced and
cross fenced. The location Is one of
the most beautiful on the Columbia,
with a magntacent view of Mount
NO. 67. SO acres in Mosler district;
small clearing. $1500.
NO. 69. SO acres near Lyle; little
waste, lays well; timber; small clear-
ng; $5,000.
NO. 93 402 acre wheat ranch "the
best In Gilliam county." 400 acres In
cultivation. 200 acres In crop. 15
acres more tillable. Well watered,
fair buildings and good fencing. 5
miles from Condon. $32.50 per acre.
Will trade equity of $S,015 for Hood
Klver valley property.
John Leland Henderson
Old Butler Bank Building
Hood River, Oregon
New Dry Goods Firm
Mr. F. H. Morlan states that be
takes pleasure In announcing the for
mation of a new firm which will 1h
known as Morlan & l.athrop. The
unlor member of the firm Is A. E.
Lathrop, who has purchased the In
terest In the business formerly owned
by A. W. Goodman, and who Is well
known here In business and social
circles. The latter came here three
years ago with his parents, Rev. and
Mrs. A. II. Iathrop. Before coming
west he was employed as salesman
for several years In one of the largest
clothing houses In Newark, Ohio,
where he was successful. Mr. Mor-
lan, who was In business at Sterling,
Colo., before coming to Hood Klver,
hnstteenln the dry goods business
for 18 years with marked success and
since establishing his store here a
year ago has enjoyed a lllieral pat
ronage. The new firm will handle a full line
of men's clothing, hats, shoes and
furnishings In addition to dry goods
and state that their motto will Is?
"a square deal for all." The new
firm has the Ust wishes of the trade
and the public at large for a success
ful career.
Coarse ground and rink salt at
Whether it is Just a Little Powder
or some more important
part of Milady's toilet it
is here at its best and
daintiest. Our Toilet
Aids and Preparations
are standard in every
way. When you pay
for THE BEST you
should receive it. We
aim to sell the articles
that we know are pure and the finest quality we can
obtain. Yours to serve,
Keir Cass
Smith Block, Hood River, Oregon
We are always pleased to extend courteous as
sistance to new residents of Hood River and the
Hood River Valley by advising them regarding any
local conditions within our knowledge, and we afford
every convenience for the transaction of their finan
cial matters. New accounts are respectfully and
cordially invited and we guarantee satisfaction. Sav
ings department in connection.
Warm Robes
More than half the pleasure of driving is In being comfortable
when driving a person wants to keep warm. I do, and I believe
you feel the same as I do.
Doesn'tmake much difference whether you drive for pleasure
or business you need a good, warm robe, anyway one that you
can wrap yourself up in and feel comfortable that is the kind I
want to show you. Drop in and see the robes and get prices.
Yours for more business,
Harness and Saddlery
nuuu KivfcK, UKfcuum
Don't Leave the Hood River District
Mosier Valley
Natural advantacee for fruit arowinc
unexcelled. Land prices tiara doubled in
lut two years bat are not half that asked
for simUaxZland In other sections- Buy
now before'speculators addltheir profits.
Commercial Club of Mosier
MOSIER, OREGON 6 Miles East of Hood River, Oregon
Manufacturing, Engineering Company
(Successors toV. J. LUCKEY)
General Machine Work and
Phone 305-M
Hood River, Oregon
P. C. YOUNG, Proprietor
t Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Oysters i
H Phone Main 6
Hood River, Oregon
Phone S
First Class Livery
Transfer arjd Livery Coiqpaijy
Agents Regulator Line Steamers
Freight and Baggage Transfer
New Rigs New Harness
Oood Horses
Fancy and Staple Groceries 3
2 Preferred Stock, Heinz's 57 varieties Pickles, Krout,
h Mince Meat, Catsup, Apple Butter, Etc. Splendid
h line of canned Tomatoes and Corn atlO cents 4
...Your order will receive onr best attention... jj
rS.A-t--f -f 1 i..Li.LHIAJ